62 research outputs found

    The Geographical Characteristic of the Papuk Nature Park

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    Optimization of the development of mining works on the ”San“ dimension stone exploitation field : master's thesis

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    U radu je obrađen prijedlog optimizacije razvoja površinskog kopa „San“. Opisano je postojeće stanje terena šireg područja te prikazano i opisano postojeće stanje površinskog kopa. Navedeni su geološki strukturni odnosi u široj i bližoj okolici ležišta. Digitalne vektorizirane karte korištene su za izradu 3D modela terena pomoću programa Bentley Microstation. Modeliran je novi izgled površinskog kopa „San“ s prijedlogom razvoja fronta i napretka rudarskih radova. Obrada prostornih veličina metodom triangulacije i generiranje podataka izvedeno je u programu Bentley inroads. Proračun rezervi arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena obavljen je uz pomoć metoda računalnog modeliranja te metodom srednje aritmetičke vrijednosti.This thesis describes the optimization of surface development of the ”San“ dimension stone exploitation field. The present state of the wider area and the existing surface conditions are described, as well as geological structural relationships in the wider and near surroundings. are . Digital vectored maps were used to create a 3D model of the terrain, using a Bentley MicroStation. A new appearance of the "San" dimension stone exploitation field’s surface has been modeled and a proposal of frontal and directional progress has been made. The processing of spatial size, triangulation method and the production of data were performed using Bentley Inroads. The calculation of dimension stone reserves was done using the method of computer modelling and the method of mean arithmetic value

    The Geographical Characteristic of the Papuk Nature Park

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    Begriff und Erscheinung der religiösen Indifferenz

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    Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert ist die religiöse Indifferenz eine immer häufigere Erscheinung, die, wahrscheinlich wegen ihres fast unbemerkbaren Auftretens, noch ungenügend erforscht wurde. Im 1. Teil werden die Begriffe Indifferent, Indifferenz und Indifferentismus analysiert, bestimmt und nach ihren verschiedenen Arten und Gattungen erforscht. Im 2. Teil wird die religiöse Indifferenz, die Gleichgültigkeit gegen Gott und der Religion, ausführlicher betrachtet. Einer Idee von A. Charron folgend werden die verschiedenen Stufen der Indifferenz und des NichtGlaubens als Stufen des Sich-Entfernens vom wahren Glauben gesehen. Am Ende werden radikale Indifferenz und Atheismus miteinander verglichen. Die radikale Indifferenz ist auch der tiefste Atheismus, weil sie das Problem Gottes und der Religion überhaupt nicht aufwirft

    Polarity, cell division, and out-of-equilibrium dynamics control the growth of epithelial structures

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    The growth of a well-formed epithelial structure is governed by mechanical constraints, cellular apico-basal polarity, and spatially controlled cell division. Here we compared the predictions of a mathematical model of epithelial growth with the morphological analysis of 3D epithelial structures. In both in vitro cyst models and in developing epithelial structures in vivo, epithelial growth could take place close to or far from mechanical equilibrium, and was determined by the hierarchy of time-scales of cell division, cell-cell rearrangements, and lumen dynamics. Equilibrium properties could be inferred by the analysis of cell-cell contact topologies, and the nonequilibrium phenotype was altered by inhibiting ROCK activity. The occurrence of an aberrant multilumen phenotype was linked to fast nonequilibrium growth, even when geometric control of cell division was correctly enforced. We predicted and verified experimentally that slowing down cell division partially rescued a multilumen phenotype induced by altered polarity. These results improve our understanding of the development of epithelial organs and, ultimately, of carcinogenesi

    Ancestral Vascular Lumen Formation via Basal Cell Surfaces

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    The cardiovascular system of bilaterians developed from a common ancestor. However, no endothelial cells exist in invertebrates demonstrating that primitive cardiovascular tubes do not require this vertebrate-specific cell type in order to form. This raises the question of how cardiovascular tubes form in invertebrates? Here we discovered that in the invertebrate cephalochordate amphioxus, the basement membranes of endoderm and mesoderm line the lumen of the major vessels, namely aorta and heart. During amphioxus development a laminin-containing extracellular matrix (ECM) was found to fill the space between the basal cell surfaces of endoderm and mesoderm along their anterior-posterior (A-P) axes. Blood cells appear in this ECM-filled tubular space, coincident with the development of a vascular lumen. To get insight into the underlying cellular mechanism, we induced vessels in vitro with a cell polarity similar to the vessels of amphioxus. We show that basal cell surfaces can form a vascular lumen filled with ECM, and that phagocytotic blood cells can clear this luminal ECM to generate a patent vascular lumen. Therefore, our experiments suggest a mechanism of blood vessel formation via basal cell surfaces in amphioxus and possibly in other invertebrates that do not have any endothelial cells. In addition, a comparison between amphioxus and mouse shows that endothelial cells physically separate the basement membranes from the vascular lumen, suggesting that endothelial cells create cardiovascular tubes with a cell polarity of epithelial tubes in vertebrates and mammals

    Cdc42 and formin activity control non-muscle myosin dynamics during Drosophila heart morphogenesis

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    During heart formation, a network of transcription factors and signaling pathways guide cardiac cell fate and differentiation, but the genetic mechanisms orchestrating heart assembly and lumen formation remain unclear. Here, we show that the small GTPase Cdc42 is essential for Drosophila melanogaster heart morphogenesis and lumen formation. Cdc42 genetically interacts with the cardiogenic transcription factor tinman; with dDAAM which belongs to the family of actin organizing formins; and with zipper, which encodes nonmuscle myosin II. Zipper is required for heart lumen formation, and its spatiotemporal activity at the prospective luminal surface is controlled by Cdc42. Heart-specific expression of activated Cdc42, or the regulatory formins dDAAM and Diaphanous caused mislocalization of Zipper and induced ectopic heart lumina, as characterized by luminal markers such as the extracellular matrix protein Slit. Placement of Slit at the lumen surface depends on Cdc42 and formin function. Thus, Cdc42 and formins play pivotal roles in heart lumen formation through the spatiotemporal regulation of the actomyosin network

    Non-muscle myosin II in disease: mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities

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