479 research outputs found

    Microemulsions: A qualitative thermodynamic approach.

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    Interfaces and Grain Boundaries of Lamellar Phases

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    Interfaces between lamellar and disordered phases, and grain boundaries within lamellar phases, are investigated employing a simple Landau free energy functional. The former are examined using analytic, approximate methods in the weak segregation limit, leading to density profiles which can extend over many wavelengths of the lamellar phase. The latter are studied numerically and exactly. We find a change from smooth chevron configurations typical of small tilt angles to distorted omega configurations at large tilt angles in agreement with experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures 9 pages, 6 figure

    The air pressure effect on the homogeneous nucleation of carbon dioxide by molecular simulation

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    Vapour-liquid equilibria (VLE) and the influence of an inert carrier gas on homogeneous vapour to liquid nucleation are investigated by molecular simulation for quaternary mixtures of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. Canonical ensemble molecular dynamics simulation using the Yasuoka-Matsumoto method is applied to nucleation in supersaturated vapours that contain more carbon dioxide than in the saturated state at the dew line. Established molecular models are employed that are known to accurately reproduce the VLE of the pure fluids as well as their binary and ternary mixtures. On the basis of these models, also the quaternary VLE properties of the bulk fluid are determined with the Grand Equilibrium method. Simulation results for the carrier gas influence on the nucleation rate are compared with the classical nucleation theory (CNT) considering the "pressure effect" [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101: 125703 (2008)]. It is found that the presence of air as a carrier gas decreases the nucleation rate only slightly and, in particular, to a significantly lower extent than predicted by CNT. The nucleation rate of carbon dioxide is generally underestimated by CNT, leading to a deviation between one and two orders of magnitude for pure carbon dioxide in the vicinity of the spinodal line and up to three orders of magnitude in presence of air as a carrier gas. Furthermore, CNT predicts a temperature dependence of the nucleation rate in the spinodal limit, which cannot be confirmed by molecular simulation

    A synoptic-scale overview of the TOGA COARE intensive observing period November 1992 to February 1993 based on analyses from US operational global data assimilation systems

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    The operational global analyses from the two major U.S. numerical weather prediction centers, the Navy's Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center and the National Meteorological Center, are used to describe the synoptic-scale features of the 1 Nov. 1992 to 28 Feb. 1993 TOGA COARE intensive observing period (IOP). TOGA COARE is an international field experiment in which a large number of research scientists from the Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres (Code 910) and the Laboratory for Hydrospheres (Code 970) participated. Two high-amplitude intraseasonal (30-60 day) oscillations passed through the TOGA COARE observational network located in the equatorial western Pacific. Associated with the oscillations were two 6-10 day periods of persistent westerly surface winds at the equator or 'westerly wind bursts.' These events are depicted through time series and time-longitude cross sections of divergence/velocity potential, surface winds, precipitation, ocean mixed-layer depth, and sea surface temperature. The high and low frequency components of the flow in which the intraseasonal oscillations were embedded are shown using seasonal, monthly, and 5-day averages of the surface, 850 and 200 mb winds, precipitation, and sea-level pressure, and a time-longitude cross section of tropical cyclone activity. Independent verification of precipitation comes from near real-time satellite estimates, and a reference climatology is given based on 9 years of ECMWF analyses. Daily 00 UTC analyses of surface winds and sea-level pressure for the entire western Pacific and Indian Ocean are provided to trace the evolution of individual synoptic events

    Coupling between Smectic and Twist Modes in Polymer Intercalated Smectics

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    We analyse the elastic energy of an intercalated smectic where orientationally ordered polymers with an average orientation varying from layer to layer are intercalated between smectic planes. The lowest order terms in the coupling between polymer director and smectic layer curvature are added to the smectic elastic energy. Integration over the smectic degrees of freedom leaves an effective polymer twist energy that has to be included into the total polymer elastic energy leading to a fluctuational renormalization of the intercalated polymer twist modulus. If the polymers are chiral this in its turn leads to a renormalization of the cholesteric pitch.Comment: 8 pages, 1 fig in ps available from [email protected] Replaced version also contains title and abstract in the main tex

    Interfaces of Modulated Phases

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    Numerically minimizing a continuous free-energy functional which yields several modulated phases, we obtain the order-parameter profiles and interfacial free energies of symmetric and non-symmetric tilt boundaries within the lamellar phase, and of interfaces between coexisting lamellar, hexagonal, and disordered phases. Our findings agree well with chevron, omega, and T-junction tilt-boundary morphologies observed in diblock copolymers and magnetic garnet films.Comment: 4 page

    Marcas do gênero nas migraçoes internacionais das mulheres

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    O presente texto discute as questões de gênero e aculturação, considerando suas implicações nas migrações internacionais. Pretende-se compreender as transformações ocorridas nas relações de gênero decorrentes do processo migratório e, como consequência, a renegociação que membros de famílias imigrantes fazem no que concerne aos papéis de gênero. Considera-se que a aculturação promove o questionamento das relações de gênero, desestabilizando formas de ser homem e mulher cristalizadas na sociedade de origem. Nesse sentido, sublinha-se o fato de que a interface entre o conceito de aculturação e o de gênero é essencial para discutir as relações de gênero nas migrações internacionais contemporâneas, tornando visíveis as experiências de mulheres anteriormente negligenciadasThe present text discusses gender issues and acculturation, considering their implications in international migrations. We intend to learn the transformations occurred in gender relations after migration and consequently the renegotiating process that family members do regarding gender roles. We consider that acculturation fosters questions toward gender relations, disordering the traditional roles women and men play in their societies of origin. Therefore, we highlight the fact that the interface between acculturation concept and gender is essential to discuss gender relations in international migrations, making women's experience visible where they were previously neglecte

    Fluctuation spectrum of fluid membranes coupled to an elastic meshwork: jump of the effective surface tension at the mesh size

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    We identify a class of composite membranes: fluid bilayers coupled to an elastic meshwork, that are such that the meshwork's energy is a function Fel[Aξ]F_\mathrm{el}[A_\xi] \textit{not} of the real microscopic membrane area AA, but of a \textit{smoothed} membrane's area AξA_\xi, which corresponds to the area of the membrane coarse-grained at the mesh size ξ\xi. We show that the meshwork modifies the membrane tension σ\sigma both below and above the scale ξ\xi, inducing a tension-jump Δσ=dFel/dAξ\Delta\sigma=dF_\mathrm{el}/dA_\xi. The predictions of our model account for the fluctuation spectrum of red blood cells membranes coupled to their cytoskeleton. Our results indicate that the cytoskeleton might be under extensional stress, which would provide a means to regulate available membrane area. We also predict an observable tension jump for membranes decorated with polymer "brushes"

    Boundary Effects in Chiral Polymer Hexatics

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    Boundary effects in liquid-crystalline phases can be large due to long-ranged orientational correlations. We show that the chiral hexatic phase can be locked into an apparent three-dimensional N+6 phase via such effects. Simple numerical estimates suggest that the recently discovered "polymer hexatic" may actually be this locked phase.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 included eps figure