74 research outputs found

    The analysis of structural features of humic acids fractions after mechanochemical modifications

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    Впервые изучено влияние модифицирующего агента тиомочевины в процессе механоактивации на структурный состав и кислотно-основные свойства основных фракций гуминовых кислот -гиматомелановые и протогуминовые кислоты

    Origen de la casiterita detrítica en los aluviones recientes de Tirados de la Vega-Golpejas (Salamanca)

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    9 páginas, 6 figuras, 5 tablas.[ES] En el sector Tirados de la Vega-Golpejas han sido detectadas dos anomalías de casiterita en los aluviones del Regato de los Lentiscos y en otros existentes al sur de Tirados de la Vega. El estudio granométrico y morfométrico de éstas casiteritas. contrastado con el de la casiterita procedente del granito de Golpejas. permite asegurar que la anomalía del Regato de los Lentiscos se debe a la dispersión de la casiterita de aquel granito. mientras que la de Tirados de la Vega procede de filones estanníferos. La aplicación del análisis factoral corrobora este hecho y permite diferenciar las casiteritas que proceden de rocas graníticas de aquellas que vienen de filones estanníferos. Según esto se puede indicar que la capacidad de migración de la casiterita desde el yacimiento estannífero de Golpejas es de unos 3 Kms.[EN] Two cassiterite anomalies have been detected in the Regato de los Lentisco and Tirados de la Vega alluviums, in the Golpejas area (Salamanca). The granometric and morphometric parameters of these cassiterites have been compared with those shown by the cassiterite crystal ocurrying in the Golpejas granite. The comparison between the two groups of data allow us to conclude that the anomaly observed in the Regato de los Lentistos has been originated by the disperssion of the cassiterite from the primary deposit of Golpejas. On the contrary, the anomaly ocurring in the alloviums to the south of Tirados de la Vega shows a different origin, and is coming from stanniferous veins. The factor anylisis corroborates the differentiation mentionated above, and indicates a migration capacite of about 3 kms. from the stannifeous deposits of Golpejas for the alluvial cassiterite.Peer reviewe

    Cosmology as a search for overall equilibrium

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    9 pages, 1 figure.-- The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.In this letter we will revise the steps followed by A. Einstein when he first wrote on cosmology from the point of view of the general theory of relativity. We will argue that his insightful line of thought leading to the introduction of the cosmological constant in the equations of motion has only one weakness: The constancy of the cosmological term, or what is the same, its independence of the matter content of the universe. Eliminating this feature, I will propose what I see as a simple and reasonable modification of the cosmological equations of motion. The solutions of the new cosmological equations give place to a cosmological model that tries to approach the Einstein static solution. This model shows very appealing features in terms of fitting current observations.Peer reviewe

    Разработка мероприятий по улучшению условий труда на примере предприятия ООО "Юргинский машиностроительный завод"

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    Abstract IL-6 is known to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of chronic intestinal inflammation by modulating T cell functions. In this study, we investigated the role of gp130, the common signal transducer for all IL-6 cytokines, in a murine model of acute T cell independent colitis to better characterize the impact of gp130 on innate immune cells and the early stages of inflammation. Experimental colitis was induced by dextran sulfate sodium treatment of mice with inducible systemic deletion of gp130 (MxCre/gp130−/−), macrophage/neutrophil-specific gp130-deficiency (LysCre/gp130−/−), or bone marrow chimeric mice and compared with wild-type controls (gp130f/f). Systemic deletion of gp130 (MxCre/gp130−/−) protected mice from severe colitis and wasting and attenuated the mucosal inflammatory infiltrate as well as local cytokine, chemokine, and adhesion molecule expression. Experiments in newly generated macrophage/neutrophil-specific gp130-deleted animals (LysCre/gp130−/−) and gp130 bone marrow chimeric mice, revealed a dual mechanism of proinflammatory effects mediated by gp130. Leukocyte recruitment was impaired in gp130-deleted animals and gp130-deleted recipients of wild-type bone marrow, demonstrating a central role of gp130-dependent signals in nonmyeloid cells for directing leukocytes to sites of inflammation, which was further confirmed in a model of sterile peritonitis. In contrast, macrophage/neutrophil-specific gp130 deficiency delayed and attenuated the disease but only marginally affected the inflammatory infiltrate, indicating a defective activation of mucosal leukocytes. We provide evidence that IL-6 cytokines acting via gp130 are required in the acute stages of intestinal inflammation by modulating the dynamics of innate immune cell recruitment and activation.</jats:p

    Development of virtual polygon in Unity3D

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    The paper is devoted to research and designing of autonomous car - a self-governing car in which artificial intelligence will take the role of driver. In today's world, the present invention is necessary because today humanity cannot imagine being without any types of transport