1,022 research outputs found

    Effective one-component description of two-component Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics

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    We investigate dynamics in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in the context of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations and derive results for the evolution of the total density fluctuations. Using these results, we show how, in many cases of interest, the dynamics can be accurately described with an effective one-component Gross-Pitaevskii equation for one of the components, with the trap and interaction coefficients determined by the relative differences in the scattering lengths. We discuss the model in various regimes, where it predicts breathing excitations, and the formation of vector solitons. An effective nonlinear evolution is predicted for some cases of current experimental interest. We then apply the model to construct quasi-stationary states of two-component condensates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Gap solitons in superfluid boson-fermion mixtures

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    Using coupled equations for the bosonic and fermionic order parameters, we construct families of gap solitons (GSs) in a nearly one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixture trapped in a periodic optical-lattice (OL) potential, the boson and fermion components being in the states of the BEC and BCS superfluid, respectively. Fundamental GSs are compact states trapped, essentially, in a single cell of the lattice. Full families of such solutions are constructed in the first two bandgaps of the OL-induced spectrum, by means of variational and numerical methods, which are found to be in good agreement. The families include both intra-gap and inter-gap solitons, with the chemical potentials of the boson and fermion components falling in the same or different bandgaps, respectively.Nonfundamental states, extended over several lattice cells, are constructed too. The GSs are stable against strong perturbations.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Moderate Resolution Spectroscopy For The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)

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    A conceptual design for an infrared spectrometer capable of both low resolution (λ/Δ-λ = 50; 2.5-200 microns) and moderate resolution (1000; 4-200 microns) and moderate resolution (1000; 4-200 microns) has been developed. This facility instrument will permit the spectroscopic study in the infrared of objects ranging from within the solar system to distant galaxies. The spectroscopic capability provided by this instrument for SIRTF will give astronomers orders of magnitude greater sensitivity for the study of faint objects than had been previously available. The low resolution mode will enable detailed studies of the continuum radiation. The moderate resolution mode of the instrument will permit studies of a wide range of problems, from the infrared spectral signatures of small outer solar system bodies such as Pluto and the satellites of the giant planets, to investigations of more luminous active galaxies and QS0s at substantially greater distances. A simple design concept has been developed for the spectrometer which supports the science investigation with practical cryogenic engineering. Operational flexibility is preserved with a minimum number of mechanisms. The five modules share a common aperture, and all gratings share a single scan mechanism. High reliability is achieved through use of flight-proven hardware concepts and redundancy. The design controls the heat load into the SIRTF cryogen, with all heat sources other than the detectors operating at 7K and isolated from the 4K cold station. Two-dimensional area detector arrays are used in the 2.5-120μm bands to simultaneously monitor adjacent regions in extended objects and to measure the background near point sources

    A model for conservative chaos constructed from multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates with a trap in 2 dimensions

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    To show a mechanism leading to the breakdown of a particle picture for the multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates(BECs) with a harmonic trap in high dimensions, we investigate the corresponding 2-dd nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation (Gross-Pitaevskii equation) with use of a modified variational principle. A molecule of two identical Gaussian wavepackets has two degrees of freedom(DFs), the separation of center-of-masses and the wavepacket width. Without the inter-component interaction(ICI) these DFs show independent regular oscillations with the degenerate eigen-frequencies. The inclusion of ICI strongly mixes these DFs, generating a fat mode that breaks a particle picture, which however can be recovered by introducing a time-periodic ICI with zero average. In case of the molecule of three wavepackets for a three-component BEC, the increase of amplitude of ICI yields a transition from regular to chaotic oscillations in the wavepacket breathing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Neutron-induced background in the CONUS experiment

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    CONUS is a novel experiment aiming at detecting elastic neutrino nucleus scattering in the fully coherent regime using high-purity Germanium (Ge) detectors and a reactor as antineutrino (νˉ\bar\nu) source. The detector setup is installed at the commercial nuclear power plant in Brokdorf, Germany, at a very small distance to the reactor core in order to guarantee a high flux of more than 1013νˉ^{13}\bar\nu/(s⋅\cdotcm2^2). For the experiment, a good understanding of neutron-induced background events is required, as the neutron recoil signals can mimic the predicted neutrino interactions. Especially neutron-induced events correlated with the thermal power generation are troublesome for CONUS. On-site measurements revealed the presence of a thermal power correlated, highly thermalized neutron field with a fluence rate of (745±\pm30)cm−2^{-2}d−1^{-1}. These neutrons that are produced by nuclear fission inside the reactor core, are reduced by a factor of ∼\sim1020^{20} on their way to the CONUS shield. With a high-purity Ge detector without shield the γ\gamma-ray background was examined including highly thermal power correlated 16^{16}N decay products as well as γ\gamma-lines from neutron capture. Using the measured neutron spectrum as input, it was shown, with the help of Monte Carlo simulations, that the thermal power correlated field is successfully mitigated by the installed CONUS shield. The reactor-induced background contribution in the region of interest is exceeded by the expected signal by at least one order of magnitude assuming a realistic ionization quenching factor of 0.2.Comment: 28 pages, 28 figure

    Symbiotic modeling: Linguistic Anthropology and the promise of chiasmus

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    Reflexive observations and observations of reflexivity: such agendas are by now standard practice in anthropology. Dynamic feedback loops between self and other, cause and effect, represented and representamen may no longer seem surprising; but, in spite of our enhanced awareness, little deliberate attention is devoted to modeling or grounding such phenomena. Attending to both linguistic and extra-linguistic modalities of chiasmus (the X figure), a group of anthropologists has recently embraced this challenge. Applied to contemporary problems in linguistic anthropology, chiasmus functions to highlight and enhance relationships of interdependence or symbiosis between contraries, including anthropology’s four fields, the nature of human being and facets of being human

    Soliton response to transient trap variations

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    The response of bright and dark solitons to rapid variations in an expulsive longitudinal trap is investigated. We concentrate on the effect of transient changes in the trap frequency in the form of temporal delta kicks and the hyperbolic cotangent functions. Exact expressions are obtained for the soliton profiles. This is accomplished using the fact that a suitable linear Schrodinger stationary state solution in time can be effectively combined with the solutions of non-linear Schrodinger equation, for obtaining solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with time dependent scattering length in a harmonic trap. Interestingly, there is rapid pulse amplification in certain scenarios

    Split Instability of a Vortex in an Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    An attractive Bose-Einstein condensate with a vortex splits into two pieces via the quadrupole dynamical instability, which arises at a weaker strength of interaction than the monopole and the dipole instabilities. The split pieces subsequently unite to restore the original vortex or collapse.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, added figures and references, revised tex

    Two-dimensional loosely and tightly bound solitons in optical lattices and inverted traps

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    We study the dynamics of nonlinear localized excitations (solitons) in two-dimensional (2D) Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) with repulsive interactions, loaded into an optical lattice (OL), which is combined with an external parabolic potential. First, we demonstrate analytically that a broad (loosely bound, LB) soliton state, based on a 2D Bloch function near the edge of the Brillouin zone (BZ), has a negative effective mass (while the mass of a localized state is positive near the BZ center). The negative-mass soliton cannot be held by the usual trap, but it is safely confined by an inverted parabolic potential (anti-trap). Direct simulations demonstrate that the LB solitons (including the ones with intrinsic vorticity) are stable and can freely move on top of the OL. The frequency of elliptic motion of the LB-soliton's center in the anti-trapping potential is very close to the analytical prediction which treats the solition as a quasi-particle. In addition, the LB soliton of the vortex type features real rotation around its center. We also find an abrupt transition, which occurs with the increase of the number of atoms, from the negative-mass LB states to tightly bound (TB) solitons. An estimate demonstrates that, for the zero-vorticity states, the transition occurs when the number of atoms attains a critical number N=10^3, while for the vortex the transition takes place at N=5x10^3 atoms. The positive-mass LB states constructed near the BZ center (including vortices) can move freely too. The effects predicted for BECs also apply to optical spatial solitons in bulk photonic crystals.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Dynamical formation and interaction of bright solitary waves and solitons in the collapse of Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions

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    We model the dynamics of formation of multiple, long-lived, bright solitary waves in the collapse of Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions as studied in the experiment of Cornish et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 170401]. Using both mean-field and quantum field simulation techniques, we find that while a number of separated wave packets form as observed in the experiment, they do not have a repulsive \pi phase difference that has been previously inferred. We observe that the inclusion of quantum fluctuations causes soliton dynamics to be predominantly repulsive in one dimensional simulations independent of their initial relative phase. However, indicative three-dimensional simulations do not support this conclusion and in fact show that quantum noise has a negative impact on bright solitary wave lifetimes. Finally, we show that condensate oscillations, after the collapse, may serve to deduce three-body recombination rates, and that the remnant atom number may still exceed the critical number for collapse for as long as three seconds independent of the relative phases of the bright solitary waves.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
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