26 research outputs found

    Intensified biochip system using chemiluminescence for the detection of Bacillus globigii spores

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    This paper reports the first intensified biochip system for chemiluminescence detection and the feasibility of using this system for the analysis of biological warfare agents is demonstrated. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay targeting Bacillus globigii spores, a surrogate species for Bacillus anthracis, using a chemiluminescent alkaline phosphatase substrate is combined with a compact intensified biochip detection system. The enzymatic amplification was found to be an attractive method for detection of low spore concentrations when combined with the intensified biochip device. This system was capable of detecting approximately 1 × 105Bacillus globigii spores. Moreover, the chemiluminescence method, combined with the self-contained biochip design, allows for a simple, compact system that does not require laser excitation and is readily adaptable to field use

    Screening of Peptide Libraries against Protective Antigen of Bacillus anthracis in a Disposable Microfluidic Cartridge

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    Bacterial surface peptide display has gained popularity as a method of affinity reagent generation for a wide variety of applications ranging from drug discovery to pathogen detection. In order to isolate the bacterial clones that express peptides with high affinities to the target molecule, multiple rounds of manual magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) followed by multiple rounds of fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) are conventionally used. Although such manual methods are effective, alternative means of library screening which improve the reproducibility, reduce the cost, reduce cross contamination, and minimize exposure to hazardous target materials are highly desired for practical application. Toward this end, we report the first semi-automated system demonstrating the potential for screening bacterially displayed peptides using disposable microfluidic cartridges. The Micro-Magnetic Separation platform (MMS) is capable of screening a bacterial library containing 3×1010 members in 15 minutes and requires minimal operator training. Using this system, we report the isolation of twenty-four distinct peptide ligands that bind to the protective antigen (PA) of Bacilus anthracis in three rounds of selection. A consensus motif WXCFTC was found using the MMS and was also found in one of the PA binders isolated by the conventional MACS/FACS approach. We compared MMS and MACS rare cell recovery over cell populations ranging from 0.1% to 0.0000001% and found that both magnetic sorting methods could recover cells down to 0.0000001% initial cell population, with the MMS having overall lower standard deviation of cell recovery. We believe the MMS system offers a compelling approach towards highly efficient, semi-automated screening of molecular libraries that is at least equal to manual magnetic sorting methods and produced, for the first time, 15-mer peptide binders to PA protein that exhibit better affinity and specificity than peptides isolated using conventional MACS/FACS

    A Nanosensor for TNT Detection Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    We report on a new sensor strategy that integrates molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) with surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The sensor was developed to detect the explosive, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). Micron thick films of sol gel-derived xerogels were deposited on a SERS-active surface as the sensing layer. Xerogels were molecularly imprinted for TNT using non-covalent interactions with the polymer matrix. Binding of the TNT within the polymer matrix results in unique SERS bands, which allow for detection and identification of the molecule in the MIP. This MIP-SERS sensor exhibits an apparent dissociation constant of (2.3 ± 0.3) × 10−5 M for TNT and a 3 μM detection limit. The response to TNT is reversible and the sensor is stable for at least 6 months. Key challenges, including developing a MIP formulation that is stable and integrated with the SERS substrate, and ensuring the MIP does not mask the spectral features of the target analyte through SERS polymer background, were successfully met. The results also suggest the MIP-SERS protocol can be extended to other target analytes of interest

    Protein Catalyzed Capture Agents with Tailored Performance for In Vitro and In Vivo Applications

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    We report on peptide-based ligands matured through the protein catalyzed capture (PCC) agent method to tailor molecular binders for in vitro sensing/diagnostics and in vivo pharmacokinetics parameters. A vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) binding peptide and a peptide against the protective antigen (PA) protein of Bacillus anthracis discovered through phage and bacterial display panning technologies, respectively, were modified with click handles and subjected to iterative in situ click chemistry screens using synthetic peptide libraries. Each azide-alkyne cycloaddition iteration, promoted by the respective target proteins, yielded improvements in metrics for the application of interest. The anti-VEGF PCC was explored as a stable in vivo imaging probe. It exhibited excellent stability against proteases and a mean elimination in vivo half-life (T_(1/2)) of 36 min. Intraperitoneal injection of the reagent results in slow clearance from the peritoneal cavity and kidney retention at extended times, while intravenous injection translates to rapid renal clearance. The ligand competed with the commercial antibody for binding to VEGF in vivo. The anti-PA ligand was developed for detection assays that perform in demanding physical environments. The matured anti-PA PCC exhibited no solution aggregation, no fragmentation when heated to 100°C, and  > 81% binding activity for PA after heating at 90°C for 1 h. We discuss the potential of the PCC agent screening process for the discovery and enrichment of next generation antibody alternatives

    Protein Catalyzed Capture Agents with Tailored Performance for In Vitro and In Vivo Applications

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    We report on peptide-based ligands matured through the protein catalyzed capture (PCC) agent method to tailor molecular binders for in vitro sensing/diagnostics and in vivo pharmacokinetics parameters. A vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) binding peptide and a peptide against the protective antigen (PA) protein of Bacillus anthracis discovered through phage and bacterial display panning technologies, respectively, were modified with click handles and subjected to iterative in situ click chemistry screens using synthetic peptide libraries. Each azide-alkyne cycloaddition iteration, promoted by the respective target proteins, yielded improvements in metrics for the application of interest. The anti-VEGF PCC was explored as a stable in vivo imaging probe. It exhibited excellent stability against proteases and a mean elimination in vivo half-life (T_(1/2)) of 36 min. Intraperitoneal injection of the reagent results in slow clearance from the peritoneal cavity and kidney retention at extended times, while intravenous injection translates to rapid renal clearance. The ligand competed with the commercial antibody for binding to VEGF in vivo. The anti-PA ligand was developed for detection assays that perform in demanding physical environments. The matured anti-PA PCC exhibited no solution aggregation, no fragmentation when heated to 100°C, and  > 81% binding activity for PA after heating at 90°C for 1 h. We discuss the potential of the PCC agent screening process for the discovery and enrichment of next generation antibody alternatives

    A General Synthetic Approach for Designing Epitope Targeted Macrocyclic Peptide Ligands

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    We describe a general synthetic strategy for developing high-affinity peptide binders against specific epitopes of challenging protein biomarkers. The epitope of interest is synthesized as a polypeptide, with a detection biotin tag and a strategically placed azide (or alkyne) presenting amino acid. This synthetic epitope (SynEp) is incubated with a library of complementary alkyne or azide presenting peptides. Library elements that bind the SynEp in the correct orientation undergo the Huisgen cycloaddition, and are covalently linked to the SynEp. Hit peptides are tested against the full-length protein to identify the best binder. We describe development of epitope-targeted linear or macrocycle peptide ligands against 12 different diagnostic or therapeutic analytes. The general epitope targeting capability for these low molecular weight synthetic ligands enables a range of therapeutic and diagnostic applications, similar to those of monoclonal antibodies

    Unraveling the Roots of Selectivity of Peptide Affinity Reagents for Structurally Similar Ribosomal Inactivating Protein Derivatives

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    Peptide capture agents have become increasingly useful tools for a variety of sensing applications due to their ease of discovery, stability, and robustness. Despite the ability to rapidly discover candidates through biopanning bacterial display libraries and easily mature them to Protein Catalyzed Capture (PCC) agents with even higher affinity and selectivity, an ongoing challenge and critical selection criteria is that the peptide candidates and final reagent be selective enough to replace antibodies, the gold-standard across immunoassay platforms. Here, we have discovered peptide affinity reagents against abrax, a derivative of abrin with reduced toxicity. Using on-cell Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) assays, we show that the peptides are highly selective for abrax over RiVax, a similar derivative of ricin originally designed as a vaccine, with significant structural homology to abrax. We rank the newly discovered peptides for strongest affinity and analyze three observed consensus sequences with varying affinity and specificity. The strongest (Tier 1) consensus was FWDTWF, which is highly aromatic and hydrophobic. To better understand the observed selectivity, we use the XPairIt peptide–protein docking protocol to analyze binding location predictions of the individual Tier 1 peptides and consensus on abrax and RiVax. The binding location profiles on the two proteins are quite distinct, which we determine is due to differences in pocket size, pocket environment (including hydrophobicity and electronegativity), and steric hindrance. This study provides a model system to show that peptide capture candidates can be quite selective for a structurally similar protein system, even without further maturation, and offers an in silico method of analysis for understanding binding and down-selecting candidates