769 research outputs found

    On the black hole content and initial mass function of 47 Tuc

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    The globular cluster (GC) 47 Tuc has recently been proposed to host an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) or a population of stellar-mass black holes (BHs). To shed light on its dark content, we present an application of self-consistent multimass models with a varying mass function and content of stellar remnants, which we fit to various observational constraints. Our best-fitting model successfully matches the observables and correctly predicts the radial distribution of millisecond pulsars and their gravitational accelerations inferred from long-term timing observations. The data favours a population of BHs with a total mass of 430βˆ’301+386430^{+386}_{-301} MβŠ™M_{\odot}, but the most likely model has very few BHs. Since our models do not include a central IMBH and accurately reproduce the observations, we conclude that there is currently no need to invoke the presence of an IMBH in 47 Tuc. The global present-day mass function inferred is significantly depleted in low-mass stars (power-law slope Ξ±=βˆ’0.52βˆ’0.16+0.17\alpha=-0.52^{+0.17}_{-0.16}). Given the orbit and predicted mass-loss history of this massive GC, the dearth of low-mass stars is difficult to explain with a standard initial mass function (IMF) followed by long-term preferential escape of low-mass stars driven by two-body relaxation, and instead suggests that 47 Tuc may have formed with a bottom-light IMF. We discuss alternative evolutionary origins for the flat mass function and ways to reconcile this with the low BH retention fraction. Finally, by capturing the effect of dark remnants, our method offers a new way to probe the IMF in a GC above the current main-sequence turn-off mass, for which we find a slope of βˆ’2.49Β±0.08-2.49\pm0.08.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted to MNRAS after minor revisio

    An Exploratory Study Of Student Satisfaction With University Web Page Design

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    This exploratory study evaluates the satisfaction of students with a web-based information system at a medium-sized regional university. The analysis provides a process for simplifying data interpretation in captured student user feedback. Findings indicate that student classifications, as measured by demographic and other factors, determine satisfaction levels towards various web sources of information. Differences in satisfaction levels across student groups based on gender, age, minority status, employment, and current course load were found. Implications for university web designers and university administrators are considered and discussed

    Identifying Very Metal-Rich Stars with Low-Resolution Spectra: Finding Planet-Search Targets

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    We present empirical calibrations that estimate stellar metallicity, effective temperature and surface gravity as a function of Lick/IDS indices. These calibrations have been derived from a training set of 261 stars for which (1) high-precision measurements of [Fe/H], T_eff and log g have been made using spectral-synthesis analysis of HIRES spectra, and (2) Lick indices have also been measured. Our [Fe/H] calibration, which has precision 0.07 dex, has identified a number of bright (V < 9) metal-rich stars which are now being screened for hot Jupiter-type planets. Using the Yonsei-Yale stellar models, we show that the calibrations provide distance estimates accurate to 20% for nearby stars. This paper outlines the second tier of the screening of planet-search targets by the N2K Consortium, a project designed to identify the stars most likely to harbor extrasolar planets. Discoveries by the N2K Consortium include the transiting hot Saturn HD 149026 b (Sato et al. 2005, astro-ph/0507009) and HD 88133 b (Fischer et al. 2005). See Ammons et al. (2005, In Press) for a description of the first tier of N2K metallicity screening, calibrations using broadband photometry.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    An Exploratory Study Of Student Satisfaction With University Web Page Design

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    This exploratory study evaluates the satisfaction of students with a web-based information system at a medium-sized regional university. The analysis provides a process for simplifying data interpretation in captured student user feedback. Findings indicate that student classifications, as measured by demographic and other factors, determine satisfaction levels towards various web sources of information. Differences in satisfaction levels across student groups based on gender, age, minority status, employment, and current course load were found. Implications for university web designers and university administrators are considered and discussed

    An HST/WFPC Survey of Bright Young Clusters in M31. II. Photometry of Less Luminous Clusters in the Fields

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    We report on the properties of 89 low mass star clusters located in the vicinity of luminous young clusters (blue globulars) in the disk of M31. 82 of the clusters are newly detected. We have determined their integrated magnitudes and colors, based on a series of Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2 exposures in blue and red (HST filters F450W and F814W). The integrated apparent magnitudes range from F450W = 17.5 to 22.5, and the colors indicate a wide range of ages. Stellar color-magnitude diagrams for all clusters were obtained and those with bright enough stars were fit to theoretical isochrones to provide age estimates. The ages range from 12 Myr to >500 Myr. Reddenings, which average E(F450 - F814) = 0.59 with a dispersion of 0.21 magnitudes, were derived from the main sequence fitting for those clusters. Comparison of these ages and integrated colors with single population theoretical models with solar abundances suggests a color offset of 0.085 magnitudes at the ages tested. Estimated ages for the remaining clusters are based on their measured colors. The age-frequency diagram shows a steep decline of number with age, with a large decrease in number per age interval between the youngest and the oldest clusters detected.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Partly burnt runaway stellar remnants from peculiar thermonuclear supernovae

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    We report the discovery of three stars that, along with the prototype LP40-365, form a distinct class of chemically peculiar runaway stars that are the survivors of thermonuclear explosions. Spectroscopy of the four confirmed LP 40-365 stars finds ONe-dominated atmospheres enriched with remarkably similar amounts of nuclear ashes of partial O- and Si-burning. Kinematic evidence is consistent with ejection from a binary supernova progenitor; at least two stars have rest-frame velocities indicating they are unbound to the Galaxy. With masses and radii ranging between 0.20-0.28 Msun and 0.16-0.60 Rsun, respectively, we speculate these inflated white dwarfs are the partly burnt remnants of either peculiar Type Iax or electron-capture supernovae. Adopting supernova rates from the literature, we estimate that ~20 LP40-365 stars brighter than 19 mag should be detectable within 2 kpc from the Sun at the end of the Gaia mission. We suggest that as they cool, these stars will evolve in their spectroscopic appearance, and eventually become peculiar O-rich white dwarfs. Finally, we stress that the discovery of new LP40-365 stars will be useful to further constrain their evolution, supplying key boundary conditions to the modelling of explosion mechanisms, supernova rates, and nucleosynthetic yields of peculiar thermonuclear explosions.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Identifying Ligand Binding Conformations of the Ξ²2-Adrenergic Receptor by Using Its Agonists as Computational Probes

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    Recently available G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) structures and biophysical studies suggest that the difference between the effects of various agonists and antagonists cannot be explained by single structures alone, but rather that the conformational ensembles of the proteins need to be considered. Here we use an elastic network model-guided molecular dynamics simulation protocol to generate an ensemble of conformers of a prototypical GPCR, Ξ²2-adrenergic receptor (Ξ²2AR). The resulting conformers are clustered into groups based on the conformations of the ligand binding site, and distinct conformers from each group are assessed for their binding to known agonists of Ξ²2AR. We show that the select ligands bind preferentially to different predicted conformers of Ξ²2AR, and identify a role of Ξ²2AR extracellular region as an allosteric binding site for larger drugs such as salmeterol. Thus, drugs and ligands can be used as "computational probes" to systematically identify protein conformers with likely biological significance. Β© 2012 Isin et al

    Discovery and Early Evolution of ASASSN-19bt, the First TDE Detected by TESS

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    We present the discovery and early evolution of ASASSN-19bt, a tidal disruption event (TDE) discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) at a distance of d≃115d\simeq115 Mpc and the first TDE to be detected by TESS. As the TDE is located in the TESS Continuous Viewing Zone, our dataset includes 30-minute cadence observations starting on 2018 July 25, and we precisely measure that the TDE begins to brighten ∼8.3\sim8.3 days before its discovery. Our dataset also includes 18 epochs of Swift UVOT and XRT observations, 2 epochs of XMM-Newton observations, 13 spectroscopic observations, and ground data from the Las Cumbres Observatory telescope network, spanning from 32 days before peak through 37 days after peak. ASASSN-19bt thus has the most detailed pre-peak dataset for any TDE. The TESS light curve indicates that the transient began to brighten on 2019 January 21.6 and that for the first 15 days its rise was consistent with a flux ∝t2\propto t^2 power-law model. The optical/UV emission is well-fit by a blackbody SED, and ASASSN-19bt exhibits an early spike in its luminosity and temperature roughly 32 rest-frame days before peak and spanning up to 14 days that has not been seen in other TDEs, possibly because UV observations were not triggered early enough to detect it. It peaked on 2019 March 04.9 at a luminosity of L≃1.3Γ—1044L\simeq1.3\times10^{44} ergs sβˆ’1^{-1} and radiated E≃3.2Γ—1050E\simeq3.2\times10^{50} ergs during the 41-day rise to peak. X-ray observations after peak indicate a softening of the hard X-ray emission prior to peak, reminiscent of the hard/soft states in X-ray binaries.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables. A machine-readable table containing the host-subtracted photometry presented in this manuscript is included as an ancillary fil
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