14 research outputs found
Evolution of plant breeding
- Author
- Abreu GB
- Bauman LF
- Bernardo R
- Briggs FN
- Coons GH
- Coors JG
- Crosbie TM
- Darwin CR
- Dunn LC
- Duvick DN
- Duvick DN
- Eyerhabide GH
- Falconer D
- Fisher RA
- Fisher RA
- Frankel OH
- Frey KJ
- Frey KJ
- Gardner CO
- Gepts P
- Hallauer AR
- Hallauer AR
- Hallauer AR
- Hallauer AR
- Hopkins G
- JD Watson
- Johnson GR
- Lee M
- Lonnquist JH
- Marquez-Sanchez F
- Pixley KV
- Poehlman JM
- Provine WB
- Shull GH
- Stoskopf NC
- Sturtevant EL
- Tollenaar M
- Tracy WF
- Vassel SK
- Vavilov NI
- Wang T
- Williams W
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Embryo-callus-regenerated hybrids and their colchicine-induced amphiploids between Elymus canadensis and Secale cereale
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Norin-10-Based Semidwarfism
- Author
- AC Baier
- AC Zeven
- AJ Chaudhry
- BO Phinney
- BO Phinney
- CN Law
- DR Knott
- DR Sampson
- ER Sears
- GN Fick
- GN Fick
- H Suge
- J Harada
- J Piech
- J Stoddart
- JG Bhowal
- LP Reitz
- LR Joppa
- M Radley
- MD Gale
- MD Gale
- MD Gale
- MD Gale
- MD Gale
- MD Gale
- ML Hu
- MP Jha
- NC Singhal
- NC Stoskopf
- OA Vogel
- R Morris
- RE Allan
- RE Allan
- RE Allan
- RE Allan
- TJ Riggs
- VA Proano
- Y Ogawa
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1977
- Field of study
Environment, seed rate, and N rate influence on yield of winter barley
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1993
- Field of study
Effect of different zinc levels on activity of superoxide dismutases & acid phosphatases and organic acid exudation on wheat genotypes
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Variation of DNA methylation and phenotypic traits following unilateral sexual polyploidization in Medicago
- Author
- AC OchogĂ via
- AM Banaei Mughaddam
- B Liu
- CF Marfil
- D Rosellini
- Daniele Rosellini
- Domenico Carputo
- EL Peredo
- F Bretagnolle
- F Johannes
- F Veronesi
- Fabio Veronesi
- FJ Rohlf
- G Barcaccia
- G Barcaccia
- G Barcaccia
- G Reyna-Lòpez
- H Shaked
- I Ashikawa
- J Reinders
- K Sakthivel
- L Stokes
- LH Rieseberg
- LZ Xiong
- M McClelland
- MK Sledge
- MM Rhoades
- MT Cervera
- NC Riddle
- NC Stoskopf
- O Paun
- P Vos
- PM Lyrene
- PS Soltis
- R Ortiz
- Riccardo Aversano
- RT Grant-Downton
- S Tavoletti
- SJ Peloquin
- Stefano Capomaccio
- X Liu
- Y Cai
- ZY Dong
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Comparative Pathogenesis of Animal and Human Retrovirus Infections
- Author
- Barnes DM
- Bishop MJ
- Burny A
- Carpenter S
- Cheevers WP
- Chen ISY
- Clements JE
- Coffin JM
- Cutlip RC
- Denman AM
- Ellis TM
- Ellis TM
- Fauci AS
- Feinberg MB
- Fisher AG
- Ford RB
- Gallo R
- Gartner S
- Gazzolo L
- Gendelman HE
- Gendelman HE
- Gonda MA
- Gonda MA
- Haase AT
- Harbour DA
- Harris DT
- Huso DL
- Hussain KA
- Jacobson S
- Jutila MA
- Kennedy-Stoskopf S
- Kennedy-Stoskopf S
- Klatzman D
- Levy JA
- Lifson JD
- Ludwig Haas
- Lutley R
- Marx JL
- Matsiota P
- McGuire TC
- Milar A
- Modrow S
- Mullins JI
- Narayan O
- Narayan O
- Neil JC
- Nerenberg M
- Nishimura S
- O'R ourke K
- Olsen RG
- Oskar-Rueger Kaaden
- Overbaugh J
- Pauza CD
- Pedersen NC
- Peluso R
- Popovich M
- Roberts DH
- Robinson WF
- Salinovich O
- Sattentau QJ
- Schneider J
- Smith TF
- Stowring L
- Strieker RB
- Takamatsu H
- Ungar-Waron H
- Vigne R
- Wellman ML
- Wong-Staal S
- Ziegler JL
- Zink MC
- Publication venue
- 'King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Improved versions of rice maintainer line, APMS 6B, possessing two resistance genes, Xa21 and Xa38, exhibit high level of resistance to bacterial blight disease
- Author
- A Yugander
- A Yugander
- AK Singh
- Arra Yugander
- Arremsetty S. Hariprasad
- AS Hariprasad
- BC Viraktamath
- BV Priyadarisini
- C Balachiranjeevi
- D Mishra
- D Ni
- DJ Spielman
- DS Lee
- Duraisamy Ladhalakshmi
- F Hospital
- Gouri Sankar Laha
- GS Laha
- H Bhasin
- HE Kauffman
- J Zhang
- JS Lore
- KA Gomez
- Kaliyur B. Kemparaju
- KK Cheema
- KK Mondal
- KM Win
- Kuldeep Singh
- LP Yuan
- M Joseph
- Madamsetty Srinivas Prasad
- Maganti Sheshu Madhav
- MD Hussain
- ML Shanti
- NC Stoskopf
- P Balaji Suresh
- PC Ronald
- Ponnuvel Senguttuvel
- Q Zhang
- R Berloo Van
- Raman Meenakshi Sundaram
- RK Ellur
- RK Salgotra
- RM Sundaram
- RM Sundaram
- S Devadath
- S Gopalakrishnan
- S Pandey
- SH Basavaraj
- SK Hajira
- SM Kim
- SX Chen
- TB Adhikari
- TW Mew
- TW Mew
- V Abhilash Kumar
- V Verdier
- Y Hari
- Y Hari
- Y Luo
- YL Zhou
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Haematological response of snow barbell, Schizothorax plagiostomus Heckel, naturally infected with a new Trypanosoma species
- Author
- A Larsson
- A Laveran
- A Lingard
- AE Crowden
- AG Heath
- AJ Davies
- AK Kumaraguru
- AKN Islam
- AL Scott
- BD Joshi
- BD Joshi
- BD Joshi
- C Kavitha
- CA Hoare
- CA Hoare
- CD Becker
- CR Kennedy
- DK Gupta
- DK Gupta
- DK Gupta
- DL Drabkin
- DW Bruno
- E Karlsbakk
- ES Celik
- F Ahmad
- G Bennett
- H Tvedten
- HH Williams
- I Dykova
- J Lom
- J Qiang
- J Saha
- K Supamattaya
- KK Misra
- LS Diamond
- M Atamanalp
- M Tavares-Dias
- MJT Rainza-Paiva
- MK Stoskopf
- MO Olufayo
- MP Natt
- MR Hayatbakhsh
- N Gupta
- N Gupta
- N Gupta
- N Gupta
- N Shahi
- NC Nandi
- NJ Smit
- O Kori-Siakpere
- ODR Zaragoza
- P Brassard
- PTK Woo
- PTK Woo
- R Harikrishnan
- RA Khan
- RA Khan
- RA Khan
- RA Khan
- RJ Roberts
- RS Tandon
- S Dacie
- S Raychaudhuri
- SBD Padua
- T Brand von
- TC Hrubec
- TM Clauss
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vaccines against Retroviruses
- Author
- A Buchbinder
- A Burny
- A Orrego
- A Osterhaus
- A Shafferman
- AJ Langlois
- AM Prince
- AM Prince
- AM Schultz
- B Autran
- B Morein
- B Wang
- BA Brody
- BD Walker
- BF Haynes
- BH Hahn
- BJ Poiesz
- BS Graham
- C Friend
- C Wild
- C Wild
- CA Johnson
- CJ Issel
- CJ Miller
- CM Carr
- CR Kensil
- CS Dezzutti
- CT Wild
- CV Hanson
- CY Wang
- D Einfeld
- D Imagawa
- D Knowles
- D Portetelle
- DC Montefiori
- DC Montefiori
- DC Montefiori
- DD Ho
- DE Griffin
- DE Mosier
- DE Mosier
- DJ Marciani
- DL Hines
- DL Huso
- DL Sodora
- DM Willerford
- DP Bolognesi
- DP Bolognesi
- DP Bolognesi
- DT Imagawa
- DT Karzon
- E Baba
- EA Emini
- EA Gould
- EA Hoover
- EA Hoover
- EF Fynan
- EJ Stott
- EL Cooney
- ES Daar
- F Gao
- F Noronha De
- G DeThe
- G Hunsmann
- G Hunsmann
- G Hunsmann
- G Pantaleo
- GH Thielen
- H Frank
- H Gelderblom
- H Nakamura
- H Schwarz
- H Schwarz
- H Shida
- H-S Kwang
- HJ Thiel
- HR Gelderblom
- HW Kestler
- HW Snyder Jr.
- HW Snyder Jr.
- J Hoshino
- J Leis
- J Li
- J Tartaglia
- JA Levy
- JB Ulmer
- JD Fontenot
- JE Bubbers
- JH Elder
- JH Gilbert
- JH Nurnberg
- JK Yamamoto
- JK Yamamoto
- JK Yamamoto
- JM Coffin
- JM McCune
- JM Scarlett
- JP Schaller
- JR Mascola
- JR Rusche
- JR Stephenson
- K Sugamura
- K Takahashi
- K Weijer
- KA Kent
- KB Cease
- L Akerblom
- L Sachs
- LO Arthur
- LO Arthur
- M Essex
- M Essex
- M Essex
- M Essex
- M Girard
- M Murphey-Corb
- M Thali
- MA Fink
- MB Agy
- MB Gardner
- MC Walker
- MD Daniel
- MD Daniel
- MG Lewis
- MG Lewis
- MK Hart
- MP Girard
- MP Souza
- N Clark
- NC Pedersen
- NC Pedersen
- NC Pedersen
- NK Banda
- O Jarrett
- O Narayan
- O Narayan
- O Narayan
- P Clapham
- P Joling
- P Putkonen
- P Putkonen
- PA Marx
- PA Marx
- PC Loh
- PE Jolly
- PL Earl
- PL Earl
- PM Rwambo
- PN Fultz
- PW Berman
- QJ Sattentan
- R Kataoka
- R Shen
- R Shibata
- RC Desrosiers
- RC Desrosiers
- RC Desrosiers
- RC Montelaro
- RC Montelaro
- RC Wardley
- RF Khabbaz
- RF Siliciano
- RJ Huebner
- RJ Huebner
- RJ Orentas
- RL Peters
- RM Ruprecht
- RP Morrison
- RW Sebring
- S Ahmad
- S Jacobson
- S Jacobson
- S Kennedy-Stoskopf
- S Nick
- S Norley
- S Wiktor
- S-L Hu
- S-L Hu
- SA Mayyasi
- SA Tilley
- SC Kliks
- SL Payne
- SL Rowland-Jones
- SM Wolinksy
- SS Vedbrat
- SV Joog
- SW Barnett
- SZ-S Wang
- T Hohdatsu
- T Sawada
- TC McGuire
- TJ Matthews
- TJ Palker
- TJ Palker
- TK Hart
- V Hirsch
- VS Kalyanaraman
- W Schafer
- W Schäfer
- W Schäfer
- WA Blattner
- WD Hardy Jr.
- Y Cao
- Y Kono
- Y Tanaka
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1995
- Field of study