316 research outputs found

    Das S.E.T.I.-Konzept zur stadiengerechten modernen Wundbehandlung

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    Meeting Abstract : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. 125. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Berlin, 22.-25.04.2008 Einleitung: Über 4 Millionen Menschen leben in Deutschland schätzungsweise mit chronischen Wunden. Aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft ist mit einem weiteren Anstieg der zu nicht, oder nur zögerlich heilenden Wunden führenden Erkrankungen diabetisches Fußsyndrom, chronisch venöse Insuffizienz und pAVK auszugehen. Dennoch ist die moderne hydroaktive Wundbehandlung in Deutschland nicht flächendeckend etabliert. Gründe hierfür liegen unter anderem in dem unüberschaubaren Produktsortiment, der unzureichenden Vergütung vor allem im ambulanten Versorgungssektor und in der mangelhaften ärztlichen Ausbildung in Bezug auf Wundtherapie. Ein standardisiertes Wundbehandlungsschema erleichtert die stadiengerechte Anwendung moderner Wundauflagen und dient als nachvollziehbare Entscheidungsgrundlage in der Auswahl der erforderlichen Wundprodukte. Material und Methoden: Anhand eines Bogens werden vier Kriterien (Wundstadium, Wundexsudation, Wundtiefe und Wundinfektion) zur Beurteilung einer Wunde erfasst. Die fotographische Abbildung der verschiedenen Wundstadien erlaubt eine sichere visuelle Zuordnung durch den Therapeuten. Nach Analyse dieser S.E.T.I. Kriterien ergibt sich eine eindeutige stadiengerechte Produktzuordnung, die auch dem weniger geübten eine sichere Anwendung der verschiedenen Produktgruppen ermöglicht. Ergebnisse: Dieser Behandlungsstandard wurde zwischenzeitlich an 3 Kliniken der Maximalversorgung und in einem integrierten Versorgungsmodell zum diabetischen Fußsyndrom etabliert und stellt einen Bestandteil für ein weiteres IV Modell zur pAVK dar. Neben ökonomischen Vorteilen (reduzierte Lagerhaltungskosten, Straffung des Produktsortiments, günstigere Bezugskonditionen) lässt sich eine Verbesserung in der Behandlungsqualität, eine verkürzte stationäre Behandlungsdauer sowie eine vereinfachte Umsetzung einer sektorenübergreifenden Wundversorgung erzielen. Schlussfolgerung: Die Anwendung eines Therapiestandards für die stadiengerechte Behandlung chronischer Wunden ermöglicht eine Anwenderunabhängige gleich bleibend hohe Qualität sowie eine wesentlich vereinfachte Orientierung in dem Produktsortiment. Hierdurch wird weiterhin ein Beitrag zur Schnittstellenoptimierung zwischen dem stationären und ambulanten Versorgungssektor bei chronischen Wunden geleistet. Ein verbindlicher interdisziplinärer und interprofessioneller Wundbehandlungsstandard stellt eine unverzichtbare Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahme in der Wundbehandlung dar

    Simulação estocástica da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e da temperatura do ar por diferentes métodos

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    The purpose of this work was to compare three methods for simulating data of photosynthetically active radiation and air temperature, using daily parameters of 17 stations of São Paulo State, Brazil. The simulation of those elements was carried out for de 1st and the 16th day of each month, through three cases: nonsymmetric triangular distribution; normal distribution truncated at 1.96 standard deviation; and bivaried normal distribution. The simulated data were evaluated through the tests of homogeneity of variance F and Bartlett, t test, agreement index of Willmott, angular coefficient of the straight line, the index of performance of Camargo and tack the normal distribution (uni-varied). The simulation using the bi-varied normal distribution is most appropriate for representing the climate variables.O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar três métodos para simulação de dados de radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e temperatura do ar, com o uso de parâmetros diários de 17 estações do Estado de São Paulo. A simulação foi realizada para o primeiro e o 16o dia de cada mês, conforme: a distribuição normal truncada a mais ou menos 1,96 de desvio-padrão; distribuição triangular assimétrica; e distribuição normal bivariada. As estimativas com os dados simulados foram comparadas com os respectivos parâmetros (obtidos com os dados observados), pelos testes de homogeneidade de variância F e Bartlett, teste t de comparação de médias, coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, índice de concordância de Willmott, índice de desempenho de Camargo, coeficiente angular e o teste de normalidade dos dados. A simulação pela distribuição normal bivariada é a mais adequada para representar as variáveis climáticas

    Treatment of blunt thoracic aortic injury in Germany—Assessment of the TraumaRegister DGU®

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    Purpose Using the data delivered by the German Trauma Register DGU® from 2002 till 2013, the value of different therapies of blunt thoracic aortic injury (BTAI) in Germany was analyzed. Methods Prospectively collected data of patients suffering from BTAI were retrospectively analyzed with focus on the different treatment modalities for grade I–IV injuries. Results 821 patients suffering from BTAI were identified: 51.6% (424) grade I injury, 35.4% (291) grade II or III injury and 12.9% (106) grade IV injury (77.5% men [44.94 ± 20.6 years]). The main patterns of injury were high- speed accidents and falls (78.0% [n = 640], 21.8% [n = 171] respectively). Significant differences between grade I and grade II/III as well as IV injuries could be assessed for the incidence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a Glasgow Coma Scale score below 8 and a systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg (p-value: <0.001). In the primary admission subgroup, 44.1% (197/447) of the patients received best medical treatment, 55.9% received surgical intervention (250/447): Thereof 37.2% (93/250) received open surgery and 62.8% (147/250) had been treated by endovascular means. Significantly lower 24-h- and in-hospital-mortality rates were encountered after endovascular treatment for all gradings of BTAI (p-value: <0.001). Yet this subgroup of patients showed the lowest incidence of further severe injuries and cardiac arrest. Conclusion Endovascular therapy became the treatment of choice for BTAI in Germany. Patients who have been treated by surgical means showed the highest survival rate, especially endovascular therapy showed a favorable low mortality rate

    Stabilization and Incipient Carbonization of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Fixated on Aluminum Substrates

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    Storck JL, Grothe T, Tuvshinbayar K, et al. Stabilization and Incipient Carbonization of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Fixated on Aluminum Substrates. Fibers. 2020;8(9): 55.Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers, prepared by electrospinning, are often used as a precursor for carbon nanofibers. The thermal carbonization process necessitates a preceding oxidative stabilization, which is usually performed thermally, i.e., by carefully heating the electrospun nanofibers in an oven. One of the typical problems occurring during this process is a strong deformation of the fiber morphologies—the fibers become thicker and shorter, and show partly undesired conglutinations. This problem can be solved by stretching the nanofiber mat during thermal treatment, which, on the other hand, can lead to breakage of the nanofiber mat. In a previous study, we have shown that the electrospinning of PAN on aluminum foils and the subsequent stabilization of this substrate is a simple method for retaining the fiber morphology without breaking the nanofiber mat. Here, we report on the impact of different aluminum foils on the physical and chemical properties of stabilized PAN nanofibers mats, and on the following incipient carbonization process at a temperature of max. 600 °C, i.e., below the melting temperature of aluminum

    Experimental quality in the experiments of competition of hybrid in function of the variability in morphologic variables

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a relação entre a diferença mínima significativa em percentagem da média (DMS%) da variável rendimento de grãos, com a média e erro experimental das características morfológicas observadas no decorrer do experimento, ciclo dos cultivares estudadas e número de tratamentos adotados. Com os dados dos ensaios estaduais de competição de cultivares de milho no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizou-se a análise de trilha, tendo como variável principal a DMS% e como variáveis explicativas as demais variáveis observadas nos experimentos, mostrando que variáveis como rendimento de grãos, altura da planta, altura de inserção da primeira espigas e número final de plantas, com valores mais homogêneos dentro de cada experimento, proporcionam um menor quadrado médio do erro, fazendo com que a precisão do experimento seja melhorada.A study was performed to verify the relationship between the least significative difference in mean percentage (LSD%) of the variable grain yield and the mean and experimental error of the morphological characteristics observed throughout the experiment cultivar cicle, and the number of treatments in corn. Using data from a net of corn cultivars trials in the Rio Grande do Sul State, a pathy analysis was carried out, with LSD% as the main variable and as explaining variables some other variables measured in the trials. The results showed that variables such as grain yield, plant height, heigth of the ear and the final number of plants in corn, with more homogeneous values inside each trial, lead to a smaller mean square error, which reproved the experimental precision.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Identification and characterization of tebuconazole transformation products in soil by combining suspect screening and molecular typology

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    International audienceOnce released into the environment, pesticides generate transformation products (TPs) which may be of (eco-)toxicological importance. Past studies have demonstrated the difficulty to predict pesticide TP occurrence and their environmental risk by monitoring-driven approaches mostly used in current regulatory frameworks targeting only known toxicologically relevant TPs. We present a novel combined approach which identifies and categorizes known and unknown pesticide TPs in soil by combining suspect screening time-of-flight mass spectrometry with in silico molecular typology. This approach applies an empirical and theoretical pesticide TP library for compound identification by both non-target and target time-of-flight (tandem) mass spectrometry and structural elucidation through a molecular structure correlation program. In silico molecular typology was then used to group the detected TPs according to common molecular descriptors and to indirectly elucidate their environmental properties by analogy to known pesticide compounds having similar molecular descriptors. This approach was evaluated via the identification of TPs of the triazole fungicide tebuconazole occurring in a field dissipation study. Overall, 22 empirical and 12 yet unknown TPs were detected and categorized into three groups with defined environmental properties. This approach combining suspect screening time-of-flight mass spectrometry with molecular typology could be extended to other organic pollutants and used to rationalize the choice of TPs to be intensively studied towards a more comprehensive environmental risk assessment scheme

    Experimental quality in the experiments of competition of hybrid in function of the variability in morphologic variables

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a relação entre a diferença mínima significativa em percentagem da média (DMS%) da variável rendimento de grãos, com a média e erro experimental das características morfológicas observadas no decorrer do experimento, ciclo dos cultivares estudadas e número de tratamentos adotados. Com os dados dos ensaios estaduais de competição de cultivares de milho no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizou-se a análise de trilha, tendo como variável principal a DMS% e como variáveis explicativas as demais variáveis observadas nos experimentos, mostrando que variáveis como rendimento de grãos, altura da planta, altura de inserção da primeira espigas e número final de plantas, com valores mais homogêneos dentro de cada experimento, proporcionam um menor quadrado médio do erro, fazendo com que a precisão do experimento seja melhorada.A study was performed to verify the relationship between the least significative difference in mean percentage (LSD%) of the variable grain yield and the mean and experimental error of the morphological characteristics observed throughout the experiment cultivar cicle, and the number of treatments in corn. Using data from a net of corn cultivars trials in the Rio Grande do Sul State, a pathy analysis was carried out, with LSD% as the main variable and as explaining variables some other variables measured in the trials. The results showed that variables such as grain yield, plant height, heigth of the ear and the final number of plants in corn, with more homogeneous values inside each trial, lead to a smaller mean square error, which reproved the experimental precision.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Maize genetic variability and modifications on the experimental plan

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    Resultados experimentais seguros exigem um plano experimental apropriado, obtido através da utilização de adequado tamanho e forma de parcelas, número de repetições e de amostras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes bases genéticas de milho, híbrido simples (DAS 9560), duplo (AG 6018), triplo (AG 303) e variedade cultivada (Pampa), sobre a estimativa do tamanho de parcela experimental e do número de repetições. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e amostragem nas parcelas. As parcelas experimentais foram constituídas por oito fileiras com 12 metros de comprimento, formando 96 unidades básicas. O tamanho de parcela e o número de repetições foram estimados por meio dos métodos de Lessman & Atkins e de Hatheway. O tamanho ótimo de parcela variou entre 4,5 m2 (híbrido simples) e 7,2 m2 (híbrido duplo). A heterogeneidade do solo e a variabilidade genética influenciam no tamanho ótimo de parcela e número de repetições necessárias.An adequate experimental plan is necessary to get high quality data. Experimental plan ensures correct plot size and shape as well as adequate number of replications and samples. The objective of this work was to verify if maize genetic variability could interfere in the size of experimental plots and number of replications. Single (DAS 9560), double (AG 6018) and triple (AG 303) crosses and the open pollinated variety (Pampa) were evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Plot samples comprised experimental plots with eight rows of 12 m with 96 basic units. Lessman & Atkins and Hatheway methods were used to estimate optimum plot size and replication number. The best plot size varied from 4.5 m2 (simple hybrid) to 7.2 m2 (double hybrid). Soil heterogeneity and genetic variability change plot size and number of replications requested
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