10 research outputs found

    Prikaz znanstvenih istraživanja o Drugome svjetskom ratu u NR Kini

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    Rad pruža uvid u tijek, razvitak i povijesnu pozadinu istraživanja o Drugom svjetskom ratu u Narodnoj Republici Kini. Uz prikaz djela kineskih i stranih autora važnih za pristup povijesnoj problematici Drugog svjetskog rata, također se ukazuje i na djela napisana na kineskom i engleskom jeziku s pomoću kojih se može pristupiti proučavanju i drugih značajnih događaja iz kineske povijesti dvadesetog stoljeća. Uz autore i njihova djela, prikazane su relevantne kineske institucije i znanstveni časopisi koji proučavaju Drugi svjetski rat, čiji se popis može pronaći u prilogu

    Pisani odnosi s NR Kinom: što su, kako i kada Kinezi pisali o Jugoslaviji i Hrvatskoj

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    Rad predstavlja najznačajnija djela i radove koji su o Jugoslaviji i Hrvatskoj do sada napisani u Narodnoj Republici Kini, kao istaknutija djela koja su u Jugoslaviji, a potom u Hrvatskoj napisana o Kini. Cilj rada je povijesnoj struci u Hrvatskoj približiti Kinu, pomoći u prevladavanju zloglasne jezične barijere te potaknuti istraživače da aktivnije razvijaju znanstveni dijalog sa zemljama ne više tako Dalekog istoka

    Četiri etape kineske kritike Jugoslavije

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    U radu se analizira tijek kineskih kritika usmjerenih prema Jugoslaviji u razdoblju od 1948. do 1968. Smješta ih se u širi povijesni kontekst te se ukazuje na njihov značaj za razumijevanje razvitka dinamike odnosa komunističkog svijeta i utjecaj razvitka povijesti Hladnog rata uopće. Cilj rada je ukazati na važnost problematike vezane uz odnose Narodne Republike Kine i Jugoslavije te odrediti strukturu kontinuiteta kineskih kritika, s pomoću koje se pristup ovoj temi može olakšati i na temelju koje se potencijalno može razviti sadržajnije istraživanje

    The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After

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    The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series. The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series.&nbsp

    Analiza strateškog ekosustava upotrebe električnih automobila u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    U svijetu raste potražnja za električnim automobila, a sukladno tome raste i usvajanje električnih automobila u flote raznih poduzeća. S državnim regulativama koje kontinuirano vrše pritisak na smanjenje emisija štetnih plinova, te s kontinuiranim pritiskom na smanjenje troškova flota, a s napretkom tehnologije električnih vozila, može se očekivati porast trenda usvajanja električnih automobila u flotama diljem svijeta. Pomnim planiranjem i provedbom planova, postoji potencijal značajnih financijskih ušteda uporabom električnih automobila u pojedinim dijelovima flote poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Obzirom na sve strožu državnu regulativu i zahtjeve tržišta, usvajanje električnih automobila u flote poduzeća u Hrvatskoj u skoroj budućnosti mogao bi postati jedan od strateških imperativa poduzeća koje žele opstati na ovom volatilnom tržištu.Demand for the electric cars is growing worldwide, and the adoption of electric cars in the fleets of various companies is growing accordingly. Fleet adoption of electric vehicles is on the rise. With government targets to cut carbon emissions, the continued push to reduce fleet costs, and the increasing choice and affordability of electric vehicles, this trend will only continue. By careful planning and implementation there is the potential for significant financial savings through using electric cars in certain parts of the companies' fleets in Croatia. Given the increasingly stringent state regulations and market requirements, the adoption of electric cars in the fleets of the companies could become on of the strategic imperatives of companies that want to survive in this volatile market in the near future

    Croatia and the Chinese “17+1” Cooperation Framework

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    Since the Pelješac bridge construction project was awarded to the Chinese company China Road and Bridge Cooperation (CRBC) in January 2018, the Sino-Croatian relations reached a new high point. Since then, and contrary to Croatia’s past activity and interest, Croatia not only opted to more actively participate in the “17+1” cooperation framework, but even stepped forward by hosting the latest “17+1” summit, held in April 2019. The rekindled relations have since been, on the surface, bursting with possibilities regarding investment, exchanges of personnel, and cooperation on various levels. However, years of neglect, especially on the Croatian side, had created a situation in which Croatia is critically falling behind in experts, Chinese-speaking talents, and various aspects of knowledge needed to support this level of cooperation. Furthermore, judging by the press releases and the lack of clarifications from the Croatian government regarding the short-term decisions and the long-term direction the renewed Sino-Croatian friendship is taking, general understanding of how concepts such as the “17+1” or the Belt and Road Initiative actually reflect on Croatia with regards to their influence on the wider regional and global circumstances is also lacking. This paper analyses the width of the uneven approach China and Croatia are taking in the development of their relations and will attempt to address the issues and challenges that could arise from this unevenness

    Analiza strateškog ekosustava upotrebe električnih automobila u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    U svijetu raste potražnja za električnim automobila, a sukladno tome raste i usvajanje električnih automobila u flote raznih poduzeća. S državnim regulativama koje kontinuirano vrše pritisak na smanjenje emisija štetnih plinova, te s kontinuiranim pritiskom na smanjenje troškova flota, a s napretkom tehnologije električnih vozila, može se očekivati porast trenda usvajanja električnih automobila u flotama diljem svijeta. Pomnim planiranjem i provedbom planova, postoji potencijal značajnih financijskih ušteda uporabom električnih automobila u pojedinim dijelovima flote poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Obzirom na sve strožu državnu regulativu i zahtjeve tržišta, usvajanje električnih automobila u flote poduzeća u Hrvatskoj u skoroj budućnosti mogao bi postati jedan od strateških imperativa poduzeća koje žele opstati na ovom volatilnom tržištu.Demand for the electric cars is growing worldwide, and the adoption of electric cars in the fleets of various companies is growing accordingly. Fleet adoption of electric vehicles is on the rise. With government targets to cut carbon emissions, the continued push to reduce fleet costs, and the increasing choice and affordability of electric vehicles, this trend will only continue. By careful planning and implementation there is the potential for significant financial savings through using electric cars in certain parts of the companies' fleets in Croatia. Given the increasingly stringent state regulations and market requirements, the adoption of electric cars in the fleets of the companies could become on of the strategic imperatives of companies that want to survive in this volatile market in the near future

    Analiza strateškog ekosustava upotrebe električnih automobila u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    U svijetu raste potražnja za električnim automobila, a sukladno tome raste i usvajanje električnih automobila u flote raznih poduzeća. S državnim regulativama koje kontinuirano vrše pritisak na smanjenje emisija štetnih plinova, te s kontinuiranim pritiskom na smanjenje troškova flota, a s napretkom tehnologije električnih vozila, može se očekivati porast trenda usvajanja električnih automobila u flotama diljem svijeta. Pomnim planiranjem i provedbom planova, postoji potencijal značajnih financijskih ušteda uporabom električnih automobila u pojedinim dijelovima flote poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Obzirom na sve strožu državnu regulativu i zahtjeve tržišta, usvajanje električnih automobila u flote poduzeća u Hrvatskoj u skoroj budućnosti mogao bi postati jedan od strateških imperativa poduzeća koje žele opstati na ovom volatilnom tržištu.Demand for the electric cars is growing worldwide, and the adoption of electric cars in the fleets of various companies is growing accordingly. Fleet adoption of electric vehicles is on the rise. With government targets to cut carbon emissions, the continued push to reduce fleet costs, and the increasing choice and affordability of electric vehicles, this trend will only continue. By careful planning and implementation there is the potential for significant financial savings through using electric cars in certain parts of the companies' fleets in Croatia. Given the increasingly stringent state regulations and market requirements, the adoption of electric cars in the fleets of the companies could become on of the strategic imperatives of companies that want to survive in this volatile market in the near future

    The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After

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    The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series. The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series.&nbsp