1,740 research outputs found

    Validity of the scattering length approximation in strongly interacting Fermi systems

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    We investigate the energy spectrum of systems of two, three and four spin-1/2 fermions with short range attractive interactions both exactly, and within the scattering length approximation. The formation of molecular bound states and the ferromagnetic transition of the excited scattering state are examined systematically as a function of the 2-body scattering length. Identification of the upper branch (scattering states) is discussed and a general approach valid for systems with many particles is given. We show that an adiabatic ferromagnetic transition occurs, but at a critical transition point kF a much higher than predicted from previous calculations, almost all of which use the scattering length approximation. In the 4-particle system the discrepancy is a factor of 2. The exact critical interaction strength calculated in the 4-particle system is consistent with that reported by experiment. To make comparisons with the adiabatic transition, we study the quench dynamics of the pairing instability using the eigenstate wavefunctions.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Developing A Theoretical Model Of Human Movement

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    The literature in kinematic and kinetic analysis of human motion has grown in volume and level of sophistication during the past 25 ysars. New technology has facilitated faster quantification of movement parameters and greatly increased the data base from which conclusions are drawn. Sample sizes of 5-6 have been replaced by 20 or more and acceptable trials for analysis is more often 10 than 2 or 3. This data is not easily shared with the athlete or the ooach because numerical or graphic presentation of information such as velocity, force, or acceleration is not readily translated into strategies for training, practice or competition. The laws of mechanics have often been applied to human movement in order to draw generalities about performance; however, these are sometimes flawed because of lack of information about the individual perfonner or the ooach's ability to make a clear application. Although some biomechanists have suggested the need for developing biomechanical principles, few efforts have been made toward this goal. This paper proposes a movement theory which accepts the common constraints of bone, muscle, and ligaments and proposes a universal process which can be utilized in performing sport and daily life activities. Labeled by the authors the "figure eight", this theory has been tested using the mathematics of topology an found to be a consistent description of continuous movement with considerable ability to adapt to differing movement situations. The authors introduced this concept at an earlier ISBS meeting (1988) and presented it's scientific underpinnings at the International Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress in Korea (I990). To explain the theory and it's underpinnings, the authors feel that it is necessary to first present the theory of "figure eight" and in a second presentation provide the practical application of the theory in selected sport and daily life applications. This presentation will discuss the rationale for developing the "figure eight" and the basic concepts of the theory. Most study of human motion focuses on the result or product of a movement. This theory addresses the process by which movement occurs without requiring quantification of kinematic or kinetic variables. Learning the process has proved to be successful in teaching a variety of sport skills and generally extends to the skilled athlete a broader repertoire of options or strategies for performing movement


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    INTRODUCTION There is a critical need for qualified Biomechanists in the areas of civil and criminal litigation. Currently few "true Biomechanists" work in this area. This has resulted in a vacuum of qualified personnel being filled by people who speak to biomechanical issues with little or no education, training, and experience in anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, research methods, statistics and other areas that constitute the discipline of Biomechanics. The result is that legal decisions are made based upon incorrect or inadequate information. We suggest that as professional Biomechanists we may have a responsibility to enter this area or in our absence abdicate our role to less qualified individuals. If we as a discipline do engage this role we will upgrade the quality and truthfulness of at least a portion of the litigation process

    Tricritical behavior in itinerant quantum ferromagnets

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    It is shown that the peculiar features observed in the low-temperature phase diagrams of ZrZn_2, UGe_2, and MnSi can be understood in terms of a simple mean-field theory. The nature of the ferromagnetic transition changes from second order to first order at a tricritical point, and in a small external magnetic field surfaces of first-order transitions emerge which terminate in quantum critical points. This field dependence of the phase diagram follows directly from the existence of the tricritical point. The quantum critical behavior in a nonzero field is calculated exactly.Comment: 4pp., 4 eps figure

    Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg effect in a model of interacting tunneling systems

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    The Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg (LZS) effect in a model system of interacting tunneling particles is studied numerically and analytically. Each of N tunneling particles interacts with each of the others with the same coupling J. This problem maps onto that of the LZS effect for a large spin S=N/2. The mean-field limit N=>\infty corresponds to the classical limit S=>\infty for the effective spin. It is shown that the ferromagnetic coupling J>0 tends to suppress the LZS transitions. For N=>\infty there is a critical value of J above which the staying probability P does not go to zero in the slow sweep limit, unlike the standard LZS effect. In the same limit for J>0 LZS transitions are boosted and P=0 for a set of finite values of the sweep rate. Various limiting cases such as strong and weak interaction, slow and fast sweep are considered analytically. It is shown that the mean-field approach works well for arbitrary N if the interaction J is weak.Comment: 13 PR pages, 15 Fig

    Bound on Lorentz- and CPT-Violating Boost Effects for the Neutron

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    A search for an annual variation of a daily sidereal modulation of the frequency difference between co-located 129{}^{129}Xe and 3{}^{3}He Zeeman masers sets a stringent limit on boost-dependent Lorentz and CPT violation involving the neutron, consistent with no effect at the level of 150 nHz. In the framework of the general Standard-Model Extension, the present result provides the first clean test for the fermion sector of the symmetry of spacetime under boost transformations at a level of 10−2710^{-27} GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Agricultural scene understanding, volume 1

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    Discrete transverse superconducting modes in nano-cylinders

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    Spatial variation in the superconducting order parameter becomes significant when the system is confined at dimensions well below the typical superconducting coherence length. Motivated by recent experimental success in growing single-crystal metallic nanorods, we study quantum confinement effects on superconductivity in a cylindrical nanowire in the clean limit. For large diameters, where the transverse level spacing is smaller than superconducting order parameter, the usual approximations of Ginzburg-Landau theory are recovered. However, under external magnetic field the order parameter develops a spatial variation much stronger than that predicted by Ginzburg-Landau theory, and gapless superconductivity is obtained above a certain field strength. At small diameters, the discrete nature of the transverse modes produces significant spatial variations in the order parameter with increased average magnitude and multiple shoulders in the magnetic response.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Giant Planar Hall Effect in Epitaxial (Ga,Mn)As Devices

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    Large Hall resistance jumps are observed in microdevices patterned from epitaxial (Ga,Mn)As layers when subjected to a swept, in-plane magnetic field. This giant planar Hall effect is four orders of magnitude greater than previously observed in metallic ferromagnets. This enables extremely sensitive measurements of the angle-dependent magnetic properties of (Ga,Mn)As. The magnetic anisotropy fields deduced from these measurements are compared with theoretical predictions.Comment: 3 figure
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