986 research outputs found

    Field theoretical approach to non-local interactions: 1d electrons and fermionic impurities

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    We apply a recently proposed path-integral approach to non-local bosonization to a Thirring-like system modeling non-relativistic massless particles interacting with localized fermionic impurities. We consider forward scattering processes described by symmetric potentials including interactions between charge, current, spin and spin-current densities. In the general (spin-flipping) problem we obtain an effective action for the collective modes of the model at T = 0, containing WZW-type terms. When spin-flipping processes are disregarded the structure of the action is considerably simplified, allowing us to derive exact expressions for the dispersion relations of collective modes and two point fermionic correlation functions as functionals of the potentials. Finally, as an example, we compute the momentum distribution for the case in which electrons and impurities are coupled through spin and spin-current densities only. The formulae we get suggest that our formalism could be useful in order to seek for a mechanism able to restore Fermi liquid behavior.Comment: 27 pages, Latex file, no figure

    Evolution of the eastward shift in the quasi-stationary minimum of the Antarctic total ozone column

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    The quasi-stationary pattern of the Antarctic total ozone has changed during the last 4 decades, showing an eastward shift in the zonal ozone minimum. In this work, the association between the longitudinal shift of the zonal ozone minimum and changes in meteorological fields in austral spring (September–November) for 1979–2014 is analyzed using ERA-Interim and NCEP–NCAR reanalyses. Regressive, correlative and anomaly composite analyses are applied to reanalysis data. Patterns of the Southern Annular Mode and quasi-stationary zonal waves 1 and 3 in the meteorological fields show relationships with interannual variability in the longitude of the zonal ozone minimum. On decadal timescales, consistent longitudinal shifts of the zonal ozone minimum and zonal wave 3 pattern in the middle-troposphere temperature at the southern midlatitudes are shown. Attribution runs of the chemistry–climate version of the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS-CCM) model suggest that long-term shifts of the zonal ozone minimum are separately contributed by changes in ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases. As is known, Antarctic ozone depletion in spring is strongly projected on the Southern Annular Mode in summer and impacts summertime surface climate across the Southern Hemisphere. The results of this study suggest that changes in zonal ozone asymmetry accompanying ozone depletion could be associated with regional climate changes in the Southern Hemisphere in spring

    Quantum Hall Bilayers and the Chiral Sine-Gordon Equation

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    The edge state theory of a class of symmetric double-layer quantum Hall systems with interlayer electron tunneling reduces to the sum of a free field theory and a field theory of a chiral Bose field with a self-interaction of the sine-Gordon form. We argue that the perturbative renormalization group flow of this chiral sine-Gordon theory is distinct from the standard (non-chiral) sine-Gordon theory, contrary to a previous assertion by Renn, and that the theory is manifestly sensible only at a discrete set of values of the inverse period of the cosine interaction (beta). We obtain exact solutions for the spectra and correlation functions of the chiral sine-Gordon theory at the two values of beta at which the electron tunneling in bilayers is not irrelevant. Of these, the marginal case (beta^2=4) is of greatest interest: the spectrum of the interacting theory is that of two Majorana fermions with different, dynamically generated, velocities. For the experimentally observed bilayer 331 state at filling factor 1/2, this implies the trifurcation of electrons added to the edge. We also present a method for fermionizing the theory at the discrete points (integer beta^2) by the introduction of auxiliary degrees of freedom that could prove useful in other problems involving quantum Hall multilayers.Comment: revtex, epsf; 39 p., 4 figs; corrections to three equations; two-up postscript at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~leonid/csg-2up.p

    Transport in an inhomogeneous interacting one--dimensional system

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    Transport through a one--dimensional wire of interacting electrons connected to semi--infinite leads is investigated using a bosonization approach. An incident electron is transmitted as a sequence of partial charges. The dc conductance is found to be entirely determined by the properties of the leads. The dynamic nonlocal conductivity is rigorously expressed in terms of the transmission. For abrupt variations of the interaction parameters at the junctions the central wire acts as a Fabry--Perot resonator. When one of the connected wires has a tendency towards superconducting order, partial Andreev reflection of an incident electron occurs.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 1 postscript figure, everything in a uuencoded fil

    The Haldane-Rezayi Quantum Hall State and Conformal Field Theory

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    We propose field theories for the bulk and edge of a quantum Hall state in the universality class of the Haldane-Rezayi wavefunction. The bulk theory is associated with the c=2c=-2 conformal field theory. The topological properties of the state, such as the quasiparticle braiding statistics and ground state degeneracy on a torus, may be deduced from this conformal field theory. The 10-fold degeneracy on a torus is explained by the existence of a logarithmic operator in the c=2c=-2 theory; this operator corresponds to a novel bulk excitation in the quantum Hall state. We argue that the edge theory is the c=1c=1 chiral Dirac fermion, which is related in a simple way to the c=2c=-2 theory of the bulk. This theory is reformulated as a truncated version of a doublet of Dirac fermions in which the SU(2)SU(2) symmetry -- which corresponds to the spin-rotational symmetry of the quantum Hall system -- is manifest and non-local. We make predictions for the current-voltage characteristics for transport through point contacts.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX. Some references added, minor changes at the end of section

    Modular Invariants in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    We investigate the modular properties of the characters which appear in the partition functions of nonabelian fractional quantum Hall states. We first give the annulus partition function for nonabelian FQH states formed by spinon and holon (spinon-holon state). The degrees of freedom of spin are described by the affine SU(2) Kac-Moody algebra at level kk. The partition function and the Hilbert space of the edge excitations decomposed differently according to whether kk is even or odd. We then investigate the full modular properties of the extended characters for nonabelian fractional quantum Hall states. We explicitly verify the modular invariance of the annulus grand partition functions for spinon-holon states, the Pfaffian state and the 331 states. This enables one to extend the relation between the modular behavior and the topological order to nonabelian cases. For the Haldane-Rezayi state, we find that the extended characters do not form a representation of the modular group, thus the modular invariance is broken.Comment: Latex,21 pages.version to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Quasi-particles in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Edge Theories

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    We propose a quasi-particle formulation of effective edge theories for the fractional quantum Hall effect. For the edge of a Laughlin state with filling fraction \nu=1/m, our fundamental quasi-particles are edge electrons of charge -e and edge quasi-holes of charge +e/m. These quasi-particles satisfy exclusion statistics in the sense of Haldane. We exploit algebraic properties of edge electrons to derive a kinetic equation for charge transport between a \nu=1/m fractional quantum Hall edge and a normal metal. We also analyze alternative `Boltzmann' equations that are directly based on the exclusion statistics properties of edge quasi-particles. Generalizations to more general filling fractions (Jain series) are briefly discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 2 eps figures, revtex, references updated, Phys. Rev. B in pres

    Inter edge Tunneling in Quantum Hall Line Junctions

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    We propose a scenario to understand the puzzling features of the recent experiment by Kang and coworkers on tunneling between laterally coupled quantum Hall liquids by modeling the system as a pair of coupled chiral Luttinger liquid with a point contact tunneling center. We show that for filling factors ν1\nu\sim1 the effects of the Coulomb interactions move the system deep into strong tunneling regime, by reducing the magnitude of the Luttinger parameter KK, leading to the appearance of a zero-bias differential conductance peak of magnitude Gt=Ke2/hG_t=Ke^2/h at zero temperature. The abrupt appearance of the zero bias peak as the filling factor is increased past a value ν1 \nu^* \gtrsim 1, and its gradual disappearance thereafter can be understood as a crossover controlled by the main energy scales of this system: the bias voltage VV, the crossover scale TKT_K, and the temperature TT. The low height of the zero bias peak 0.1e2/h\sim 0.1e^2/h observed in the experiment, and its broad finite width, can be understood naturally within this picture. Also, the abrupt reappearance of the zero-bias peak for ν2\nu \gtrsim 2 can be explained as an effect caused by spin reversed electrons, \textit{i. e.} if the 2DEG is assumed to have a small polarization near ν2\nu\sim2. We also predict that as the temperature is lowered ν\nu^* should decrease, and the width of zero-bias peak should become wider. This picture also predicts the existence of similar zero bias peak in the spin tunneling conductance near for ν2\nu \gtrsim 2.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    On the Inequivalence of Weak-Localization and Coherent Backscattering

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    We define a current-conserving approximation for the local conductivity tensor of a disordered system which includes the effects of weak localization. Using this approximation we show that the weak localization effect in conductance is not obtained simply from the diagram corresponding to the coherent back-scattering peak observed in optical experiments. Other diagrams contribute to the effect at the same order and decrease its value. These diagrams appear to have no semiclassical analogues, a fact which may have implications for the semiclassical theory of chaotic systems. The effects of discrete symmetries on weak localization in disordered conductors is evaluated and and compared to results from chaotic scatterers.Comment: 24 pages revtex + 12 figures on request; hub.94.