920 research outputs found

    Assessing peripheral arteries in South African black women with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Objectives. To determine the value of ankle and toe blood pressure indices and pedal pulse palpation in the assessment of peripheral arterial disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).Design. Cross-sectional study.Subjects. A convenience sample of 85 female subjects with type 2 DM underwent a series of peripheral vascular assessments at the diabetes clinic of a community hospital.Outcome measures. Palpation of the pedal pulses, Doppler derived ankle brachial systolic blood pressure indices, photo plethysmographic-derived toe brachial systolic blood pressure indices and antero-posterior radiographs of both feet.Results. Mean values were 1.15 (standard deviation (SD): 0.17) and 0.76 (SD: 0.17) for ankle brachial index (ABI) and toe brachial index (T'Bl) respectively. The differences between the two indices increased from 0.36 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.32 - 0.41) to 0.58 (95% CI: 0.46- 0.70) depending on whether ABI was less or greater than 1.3. The correlation coefficient for left versus right foot was 0.62 and 0.71 for ABI and TBI respectively. The relationship between ABI and TBI is non-linear with a cut point close to 1.3. Both ABI and TBI were significantly lower in subjects who had both pedal pulses absent on palpation.Conclusions. The relationship between ABI and TBI is linear, below an ABI of 1.3. but with a wide 95% prediction interval. If both pedal pulses are absent the ABI is significantly diminished compared with when both pulses are present, even though not necessarily below 0.9. 

    Motives of contributing personal data for health research:(non-)participation in a Dutch biobank

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    BACKGROUND: Large-scale, centralized data repositories are playing a critical and unprecedented role in fostering innovative health research, leading to new opportunities as well as dilemmas for the medical sciences. Uncovering the reasons as to why citizens do or do not contribute to such repositories, for example, to population-based biobanks, is therefore crucial. We investigated and compared the views of existing participants and non-participants on contributing to large-scale, centralized health research data repositories with those of ex-participants regarding the decision to end their participation. This comparison could yield new insights into motives of participation and non-participation, in particular the behavioural change of withdrawal. METHODS: We conducted 36 in-depth interviews with ex-participants, participants, and non-participants of a three-generation, population-based biobank in the Netherlands. The interviews focused on the respondents' decision-making processes relating to their participation in a large-scale, centralized repository for health research data. RESULTS: The decision of participants and non-participants to contribute to the biobank was motivated by a desire to help others. Whereas participants perceived only benefits relating to their participation and were unconcerned about potential risks, non-participants and ex-participants raised concerns about the threat of large-scale, centralized public data repositories and public institutes, such as social exclusion or commercialization. Our analysis of ex-participants' perceptions suggests that intrapersonal characteristics, such as levels of trust in society, participation conceived as a social norm, and basic societal values account for differences between participants and non-participants. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate the fluidity of motives centring on helping others in decisions to participate in large-scale, centralized health research data repositories. Efforts to improve participation should focus on enhancing the trustworthiness of such data repositories and developing layered strategies for communication with participants and with the public. Accordingly, personalized approaches for recruiting participants and transmitting information along with appropriate regulatory frameworks are required, which have important implications for current data management and informed consent procedures

    Medication Adherence Affects Treatment Modifications in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    Background: Low rates of treatment modification in patients with insufficiently controlled risk factors are common in type 2 diabetes. Although adherence problems are often mentioned in surveys as a reason for not intensifying treatment, observational studies have shown inconclusive results. Objective: To assess how medication adherence affects treatment modifications for hypertension and hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: This was a cohort study of 11,268 primary care patients with type 2 diabetes in the Netherlands. Inclusion criteria were diagnosis before 2007, >= 1 prescription to antihypertensive or glucose-regulating medication in the preceding 6 months, and a systolic blood pressure level >= 140 mm Hg or glycosylated hemoglobin >= 7% in 2007. Patients on maximal treatment were excluded. Treatment modifications as observed from prescriptions were classified as none, dose increase, dose decrease, class switch, class addition, or class discontinuation. Refill adherence was assessed as medication possession ratio or length of last gap between refills. We performed multilevel multinomial regression analysis to test for associations. Results: We included 4980 diabetic patients with elevated blood pressure and 2945 diabetic patients with elevated glycosylated hemoglobin levels. Patients with lower adherence for antihypertensive drugs were more likely to have those medications discontinued (odds ratio [OR] for every 10% lower medication possession ratio =1.22; 95% CI, 1.11-1.33) or the dose decreased (OR = 1.14; CI 1.01-1.28). For glucose-regulating medication, dose increases (OR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.85-0.98) and medication additions (OR = 0.90; 95% CI, 0.82-0.99) were less likely in patients with lower adherence levels. Conclusions: Low adherence inhibits the intensification of glucose-regulating but not antihypertensive medication in type 2 diabetic patients with insufficiently controlled risk factors in the Netherlands. Adherence problems may lead to diminished or even discontinued antihypertensive treatment. (Clin Ther. 2011;33:121-134) (c) 2011 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc

    Population ageing research: a family of disciplines

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    To study life course trajectories and ageing, scientific expertise is needed beyond epidemiology. More specifically, appropriate models of life course require a theoretical micro-foundation, need to incorporate multi-level context conditions and the interplay between them. It also requires the application of additional social scientific research methods that go beyond the application of statistical methods based on the multi-stage life table. These research theories and methods are available in disciplines like sociology, cultural anthropology, psychology, demography and economics. To effectively study healthy ageing of populations the individual approach of epidemiology has to be extended with the macro-population and socio-cultural approach of (social) demography and the institutional and network approaches of sociology

    The Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2020: Report of a Conference Organized by the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

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    The Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS) of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has developed a view on the future of pharmaceutical sciences in 2020. This followed an international conference with invited participants from various fields (academicians, scientists, regulators, industrialists, venture capitalists) who shared their views on the forces that might determine how the pharmaceutical sciences will look in 2020. The commentary here provides a summary of major research activities that will drive drug discovery and development, enabling technologies for pharmaceutical sciences, paradigm shifts in drug discovery, development and regulations, and changes in education to meet the demands of academia, industry and regulatory institutions for pharmaceutical sciences in 2020

    Balancing equity and efficiency in the Dutch basic benefits package using the principle of proportional shortfall

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    Economic evaluations are increasingly used to inform decisions regarding the allocation of scarce health care resources. To systematically incorporate societal preferences into these evaluations, quality-adjusted life year gains could be weighted according to some equity principle, the most suitable of which is a matter of frequent debate. While many countries still struggle with equity concerns for priority setting in health care, the Netherlands has reached a broad consensus to use the concept of proportional shortfall. Our study evaluates the concept and its support in the Dutch health care context. We discuss arguments in the Netherlands for using proportional shortfall and difficulties in transitioning from principle to practice. In doing so, we address universal issues leading to a systematic consideration of equity concerns for priority setting in health care. The article thus has relevance to all countries struggling with the formalization of equity concerns for priority setting