2,572 research outputs found

    Assessment of free-living nitrogen fixing microorganisms for commercial nitrogen fixation

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    Ammonia production by Klebsiella pneumoniae is not economical with present strains and improving nitrogen fixation to its theoretical limits in this organism is not sufficient to achieve economic viability. Because the value of both the hydrogen produced by this organism and the methane value of the carbon source required greatly exceed the value of the ammonia formed, ammonia (fixed nitrogen) should be considered the by-product. The production of hydrogen by KLEBSIELLA or other anaerobic nitrogen fixers should receive additional study, because the activity of nitrogenase offers a significant improvement in hydrogen production. The production of fixed nitrogen in the form of cell mass by Azotobacter is also uneconomical and the methane value of the carbon substrate exceeds the value of the nitrogen fixed. Parametric studies indicate that as efficiencies approach the theoretical limits the economics may become competitive. The use of nif-derepressed microorganisms, particularly blue-green algae, may have significant potential for in situ fertilization in the environment

    The development of an unconventional food regeneration process: Quantifying the nutritional components of a model methylotrophic yeast

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    A hybrid chemical/biological approach to unconventional food regeneration is discussed. Carbon dioxide and water, the major wastes of human metabolism would be converted to methanol by one of several physiochemical processes available (thermal, photocatalytic, etc.). Methanol is then used to supply carbon and energy for the culture of microorganisms which in turn produce biological useful basic food stuffs for human nutrition. Our work has focused on increasing the carbohydrate levels of a candidate methylotrophic yeast to more nearly coincide with human nutritional requirements. Yeasts were chosen due to their high carbohydrate levels compared to bacteria and their present familiarity in the human diet. The initial candidate yeast studied was a thermotolerant strain of Hansenula polymor pha, DL-1. The quantitative results that permit an evaluation of the overall efficiency in hybrid chemical/biological food production schemes are discussed. A preliminary evaluation of the overall efficiency of such schemes is also discussed

    DNA species surveillance: Monitoring bushmeat poaching and trading in Kenya using partial cytochrome b gene

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    DNA species identification has applications in such areas as forensic science, systematics, conservation genetics and agriculture. One key anthropogenic activity threatening large wildlife fauna is illegal exploitation. In Kenya, species identification of raw and processed meat products remains a constraint to effective enforcement of illegal trade in game meat (bushmeat) and products. We tested the reliability of a 321 bp mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) region as a species identification tool for application in wildlife forensics. Query sequences were generated from known specimens of 14 Eastern African wildlife species, 13 representing commonly poached ungulates, and three domesticated species. These were compared, using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) algorithm, with NCBI GenBank reference sequences for species identity. These query sequences were subsequently deposited on Genbank. They represent a contribution to a diagnostic internal East African Wildlife reference cyt b database. The test species comprised: Cape buffalo, bushbuck, Guenther’s dik-dik, common duiker, common eland, Grant’s gazelle, hartebeest, impala, lesser kudu, plains zebra, Thomson’s gazelle, common warthog, wildebeest, Maasai ostrich, cattle, goat and sheep. Additionally, cooked beef and pork samples were analyzed. The results show that, when conspecific sequences were available in the database, species discrimination was 100%. Phylogeny clustering of the species by maximum likelihood supported the species determination by BLAST. The second part of the study carried out a preliminary survey of the prevalence of illegal game meat sold in the dispersal area of Tsavo National Park, Kenya. Sixty two raw meat samples were randomly collected from small roadside retail outlets along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway (A109), a major transnational highway that transverses Tsavo National Park. The results indicate a 9.7% (n = 6) illegal game meat sale, comprising five Guenther’s dik-diks and a Beisa oryx. A 2 km radius hotspot, with 83% (n = 5) of the bushmeat sales was identified just south of Tsavo East National Park.Key words: East Africa, Kenya, bushmeat, poaching, wildlife conservation, species identification, mitochondrial cytochrome b gene

    Strain-induced kinetics of intergrain defects as the mechanism of slow dynamics in the nonlinear resonant response of humid sandstone bars

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    A closed-form description is proposed to explain nonlinear and slow dynamics effects exhibited by sandstone bars in longitudinal resonance experiments. Along with the fast subsystem of longitudinal nonlinear displacements we examine the strain-dependent slow subsystem of broken intergrain and interlamina cohesive bonds. We show that even the simplest but phenomenologically correct modelling of their mutual feedback elucidates the main experimental findings typical for forced longitudinal oscillations of sandstone bars, namely, (i) hysteretic behavior of a resonance curve on both its up- and down-slopes, (ii) linear softening of resonant frequency with increase of driving level, and (iii) gradual recovery (increase) of resonant frequency at low dynamical strains after the sample was conditioned by high strains. In order to reproduce the highly nonlinear elastic features of sandstone grained structure a realistic non-perturbative form of strain potential energy was adopted. In our theory slow dynamics associated with the experimentally observed memory of peak strain history is attributed to strain-induced kinetic changes in concentration of ruptured inter-grain and inter-lamina cohesive bonds causing a net hysteretic effect on the elastic Young's modulus. Finally, we explain how enhancement of hysteretic phenomena originates from an increase in equilibrium concentration of ruptured cohesive bonds that are due to water saturation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Building a Spiking Neural Network Model of the Basal Ganglia on SpiNNaker

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    We present a biologically-inspired and scalable model of the Basal Ganglia (BG) simulated on the SpiNNaker machine, a biologically-inspired low-power hardware platform allowing parallel, asynchronous computing. Our BG model consists of six cell populations, where the neuro-computational unit is a conductance-based Izhikevich spiking neuron; the number of neurons in each population is proportional to that reported in anatomical literature. This model is treated as a single-channel of action-selection in the BG, and is scaled-up to three channels with lateral cross-channel connections. When tested with two competing inputs, this three-channel model demonstrates action-selection behaviour. The SpiNNaker-based model is mapped exactly on to SpineML running on a conventional computer; both model responses show functional and qualitative similarity, thus validating the usability of SpiNNaker for simulating biologically-plausible networks. Furthermore, the SpiNNaker-based model simulates in real time for time-steps 1 ms; power dissipated during model execution is & #x2248;1.8 W

    Stokes' Drift of linear Defects

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    A linear defect, viz. an elastic string, diffusing on a planar substrate traversed by a travelling wave experiences a drag known as Stokes' drift. In the limit of an infinitely long string, such a mechanism is shown to be characterized by a sharp threshold that depends on the wave parameters, the string damping constant and the substrate temperature. Moreover, the onset of the Stokes' drift is signaled by an excess diffusion of the string center of mass, while the dispersion of the drifting string around its center of mass may grow anomalous.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Applied sport science and medicine of women’s rugby codes: a systematic-scoping review and consensus on future research priorities protocol

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    Women’s rugby (rugby league, rugby union and rugby sevens) has recently grown in participation and professionalisation. There is under-representation of women-only cohorts within applied sport science and medicine research and within the women’s rugby evidence base. The aims of this article are: Part 1: to undertake a systematic-scoping review of the applied sport science and medicine of women’s rugby, and Part 2: to develop a consensus statement on future research priorities. This article will be designed in two parts: Part 1: a systematic-scoping review, and Part 2: a three-round Delphi consensus method. For Part 1, systematic searches of three electronic databases (PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus, SPORTDiscus (EBSCOhost)) will be performed from the earliest record. These databases will be searched to identify any sport science and medicine themed studies within women’s rugby. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses extension for Scoping Reviews will be adhered to. Part 2 involves a three-round Delphi consensus method to identify future research priorities. Identified experts in women’s rugby will be provided with overall findings from Part 1 to inform decision-making. Participants will then be asked to provide a list of research priority areas. Over the three rounds, priority areas achieving consensus (≥70% agreement) will be identified. This study has received institutional ethical approval. When complete, the manuscript will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The findings of this article will have relevance for a wide range of stakeholders in women’s rugby, including policymakers and governing bodies

    Electromigration-Induced Propagation of Nonlinear Surface Waves

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    Due to the effects of surface electromigration, waves can propagate over the free surface of a current-carrying metallic or semiconducting film of thickness h_0. In this paper, waves of finite amplitude, and slow modulations of these waves, are studied. Periodic wave trains of finite amplitude are found, as well as their dispersion relation. If the film material is isotropic, a wave train with wavelength lambda is unstable if lambda/h_0 < 3.9027..., and is otherwise marginally stable. The equation of motion for slow modulations of a finite amplitude, periodic wave train is shown to be the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. As a result, envelope solitons can travel over the film's surface.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Brief Of Law Professors Bruce P. Frohnen, Robert P. George, Alan J. Meese, Michael P. Moreland, Nathan B. Oman, Michael Stokes Paulsen, Rodney K. Smith, Steven D. Smith, And O. Carter Snead As Amici Curiae In Support Of Petitioners

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    Suppose a federal law required government officials to enter a Catholic church and use church property to distribute contraceptives and abortifacients over church’s objection. Such a law would surely burden the church’s religion, even if the government paid for the objectionable medications and compensated the church for the use of its resources. By commandeering church property, such a law would force the church to be complicit in activity to which it has serious religious objection
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