249 research outputs found

    PI(4,5)P2-dependent and -independent roles of PI4P in the control of hormone secretion by pituitary cells

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    Plasma membrane and organelle membranes are home to seven phosphoinositides, an important class of low-abundance anionic signaling lipids that contribute to cellular functions by recruiting cytoplasmic proteins or interacting with the cytoplasmic domains of membrane proteins. Here, we briefly review the functions of three phosphoinositides, PI4P, PI(4,5)P2, and PI(3,4,5)P3, in cellular signaling and exocytosis, focusing on hormone-producing pituitary cells. PI(4,5)P2, acting as a substrate for phospholipase C, plays a key role in the control of pituitary cell functions, including hormone synthesis and secretion. PI(4,5)P2 also acts as a substrate for class I PI3-kinases, leading to the generation of two intracellular messengers, PI(3,4,5)P3 and PI(3,4)P2, which act through their intracellular effectors, including Akt. PI(4,5)P2 can also influence the release of pituitary hormones acting as an intact lipid to regulate ion channel gating and concomitant calcium signaling, as well as the exocytic pathway. Recent findings also show that PI4P is not only a precursor of PI(4,5)P2, but also a key signaling molecule in many cell types, including pituitary cells, where it controls hormone secretion in a PI(4,5)P2-independent manner

    Release and extracellular metabolism of ATP by ecto-nucleotidase eNTPDase 1–2 in hypothalamic and pituitary cells

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    Hypothalamic and pituitary cells express G protein-coupled adenosine and P2Y receptors and cation-conducting P2X receptor-channels, suggesting that extracellular ATP and other nucleotides may function as autocrine and/or paracrine signaling factors in these cells. Consistent with this hypothesis, we show that cultured normal and immortalized pituitary and hypothalamic cells release ATP under resting conditions. RT-PCR analysis also revealed the presence of transcripts for ecto-nucleotidase eNTPDase 1–2 in these cells. These enzymes were functional as documented by degradation of endogenously released and exogenously added ATP. Blocking the activity of eNTPDases by ARL67156 led to an increase in ATP release in perifused pituitary cells and inhibition of degradation of extracellularly added ATP. Furthermore, the addition of apyrase, a soluble ecto-nucleotidase, and the expression of recombinant mouse eNTPDase-2, enhanced degradation of both endogenously released and exogenously added ATP. The released ATP by resting hypothalamic cells was sufficient to activate and desensitize high-affinity recombinant P2X receptors, whereas facilitation of ATP metabolism by the addition of apyrase protected their desensitization. These results indicate that colocalization of ATP release sites and ecto-nucleotidase activity at the plasma membrane of hypothalamic and pituitary cells provides an effective mechanism for the operation of nucleotides as extracellular signaling molecules

    Evaluation of Allelic Expression of Imprinted Genes in Adult Human Blood

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    Background: Imprinted genes are expressed from only one allele in a parent-of-origin dependent manner. Loss of imprinted expression can result in a variety of human disorders and is frequently reported in cancer. Biallelic expression of imprinted genes in adult blood has been suggested as a useful biomarker and is currently being investigated in colorectal cancer. In general, the expression profiles of imprinted genes are well characterised during human and mouse fetal development, but not in human adults. Methodology/Principal Findings: We investigated quantitative expression of 36 imprinted genes in adult human peripheral blood leukocytes obtained from healthy individuals. Allelic expression was also investigated in B and T lymphocytes and myeloid cells. We found that 21 genes were essentially undetectable in adult blood. Only six genes were demonstrably monoallelic, and most importantly, we found that nine genes were either biallelic or showed variable expression in different individuals. Separated leukocyte populations showed the same expression patterns as whole blood. Differential methylation at each of the imprinting control loci analysed was maintained, including regions that contained biallelically expressed genes. This suggests in some cases methylation has become uncoupled from its role in regulating gene expression. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that only a limited set of imprinted genes, including IGF2 and SNRPN, may be useful for LOI cancer biomarker studies. In addition, blood is not a good tissue to use for the discovery of new imprinted genes. Finally, lymphocyte DNA methylation status in the adult may not always be a reliable indicator of monoallelic gene expression

    Secretoneurin stimulates the production and release of luteinizing hormone in mouse L beta T2 gonadotropin cells

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    Secretoneurin (SN) is a functional secretogranin II (SgII)-derived peptide that stimulates luteinizing hormone (LH) production and its release in the goldfish. However, the effects of SN on the pituitary of mammalian species and the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. To study SN in mammals, we adopted the mouse LβT2 gonadotropin cell line that has characteristics consistent with normal pituitary gonadotrophs. Using radioimmunoassay and real-time RT-PCR, we demonstrated that static treatment with SN induced a significant increment of LH release and production in LβT2 cells in vitro. We found that GnRH increased cellular SgII mRNA level and total SN-immunoreactive protein release into the culture medium. We also report that SN activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) in either 10-min acute stimulation or 3-h chronic treatment. The SN-induced ERK activation was significantly blocked by pharmacological inhibition of MAPK kinase (MEK) with PD-98059 and protein kinase C (PKC) with bisindolylmaleimide. SN also increased the total cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels similarly to GnRH. However, SN did not activate the GnRH receptor. These data indicate that SN activates the protein kinase A (PKA) and cAMP-induced ERK signaling pathways in the LH-secreting mouse LβT2 pituitary cell line

    cAMP-Mediated stabilization of fusion pores in cultured rat pituitary lactotrophs

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    Regulated exocytosis mediates the release of hormones and transmitters. The last step of this process is represented by the merger between the vesicle and the plasma membranes, and the formation of a fusion pore. Once formed, the initially stable and narrow fusion pore may reversibly widen (transient exocytosis) or fully open (full-fusion exocytosis). Exocytosis is typically triggered by an elevation in cytosolic calcium activity. However, other second messengers, such as cAMP, have been reported to modulate secretion. The way in which cAMP influences the transitions between different fusion pore states remains unclear. Here, hormone release studies show that prolactin release from isolated rat lactotrophs stimulated by forskolin, an activator of adenylyl cyclases, and by membrane-permeable cAMP analog (dbcAMP), exhibit a biphasic concentration dependency. Although at lower concentrations (2-10 μm forskolin and 2.5-5 mm dbcAMP) these agents stimulate prolactin release, an inhibition is measured at higher concentrations (50 μm forskolin and 10-15 mm dbcAMP). By using high-resolution capacitance (Cm) measurements, we recorded discrete increases in Cm, which represent elementary exocytic events. An elevation of cAMP leaves the frequency of full-fusion events unchanged while increasing the frequency of transient events. These exhibited a wider fusion pore as measured by increased fusion pore conductance and a prolonged fusion pore dwell time. The probability of observing rhythmic reopening of transient fusion pores was elevated by dbcAMP. In conclusion, cAMP-mediated stabilization of wide fusion pores prevents vesicles from proceeding to the full-fusion stage of exocytosis, which hinders vesicle content discharge at high cAMP concentrations

    Update of P2X receptor properties and their pharmacology: IUPHAR Review 30

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    The known seven mammalian receptor subunits (P2X1–7) form cationic channels gated by ATP. Three subunits compose a receptor channel. Each subunit is a polypeptide consisting of two transmembrane regions (TM1 and TM2), intracellular N- and C-termini, and a bulky extracellular loop. Crystallization allowed the identification of the 3D structure and gating cycle of P2X receptors. The agonist-binding pocket is located at the intersection of two neighbouring subunits. In addition to the mammalian P2X receptors, their primitive ligand-gated counterparts with little structural similarity have also been cloned. Selective agonists for P2X receptor subtypes are not available, but medicinal chemistry supplied a range of subtype-selective antagonists, as well as positive and negative allosteric modulators. Knockout mice and selective antagonists helped to identify pathological functions due to defective P2X receptors, such as male infertility (P2X1), hearing loss (P2X2), pain/cough (P2X3), neuropathic pain (P2X4), inflammatory bone loss (P2X5), and faulty immune reactions (P2X7)

    Distinct Expression Patterns of Osteopontin and Dentin Matrix Protein 1 Genes in Pituitary Gonadotrophs

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    Cell-matrix interactions play important roles in pituitary development, physiology, and pathogenesis. In other tissues, a family of non-collagenous proteins, termed SIBLINGs, are known to contribute to cell-matrix interactions. Anterior pituitary gland expresses two SIBLING genes, Dmp1 (dentin matrix protein-1) and Spp1 (secreted phosphoprotein-1) encoding DMP1 and osteopontin proteins, respectively, but their expression pattern and roles in pituitary functions have not been clarified. Here we provide novel evidence supporting the conclusion that Spp1/osteopontin, like Dmp1/DMP1, are expressed in gonadotrophs in a sex- and age-specific manner. Other anterior pituitary cell types do not express these genes. In contrast to Dmp1, Spp1 expression is higher in males; in females, the expression reaches the peak during the diestrus phase of estrous cycle. In further contrast to Dmp1 and marker genes for gonadotrophs, the expression of Spp1 is not regulated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone in vivo and in vitro. However, Spp1 expression increases progressively after pituitary cell dispersion in both female and male cultures. We may speculate that gonadotrophs signal to other pituitary cell types about changes in the structure of pituitary cell-matrix network by osteopontin, a function consistent with the role of this secretory protein in postnatal tissue remodeling, extracellular matrix reorganization after injury, and tumorigenesis

    A novel procedure for genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms in trisomy with genomic DNA and the invader assay

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    Individuals with trisomy 21 display complex phenotypes with differing degrees of severity. Numerous reliable methods have been established to diagnose the initial trisomy in these patients, but the identification and characterization of the genetic basis of the phenotypic variation in individuals with trisomy remains challenging. To date, methods that can accurately determine genotypes in trisomic DNA samples are expensive, require specialized equipment and complicated analyses. Here we report proof-of-concept results for an Invader® assay-based genotyping procedure that can determine SNP genotypes in trisomic genomic DNA samples in a simple and cost-effective manner. The procedure requires only two experimental steps: a real-time measurement of the fluorescent Invader® signal and analysis with a specifically designed clustering algorithm. The approach was tested using genomic DNA samples from 23 individuals with trisomy 21, and results were compared to genotypes previously determined with pyrosequencing. Additional assays for 15 SNPs were tested in a set of 21 DNA samples to assess assay performance. Our method successfully identified the correct SNP genotypes for the trisomic genomic DNA samples tested, and thus provides an alternative to determine SNP genotypes in trisomic DNA samples for subsequent association studies in patients with Down syndrome and other trisomies