91 research outputs found
The goal of this research was to investigate the differences in moral reasoning among students of social, biomedical and technical sciences. The sample included 300 students of both genders (154 male and 146 female students). In order to investigate studentsā moral reasoning, we used a modified version of the DIT developed by Rest. Kohlbergās theory of moral development, which claims that there are six stages of moral development which are grouped into three levels of morality, was used as the theoretical foundation for the test. The results of the study show that there is a statistically significant difference at the postconventional level of moral judgment depending on the group of sciences: the level of postconventional moral reasoning is higher among the students of social and biomedical sciences than among the students of technical sciences. When it comes to the conventional level of moral reasoning, which is the modal level for the adult population, differences have not been observed. With regards to the individual stages of moral development, the results show that there are statistically significant differences in moral reasoning at stage 3, stage 4, stage 5A, stage 5B and stage 6. Stage 3 is more prominent among students of social and technical sciences than in students of biomedical sciences. Stage 4 and Stage 5A are higher in students of biomedical and social sciences than in technical science students. Stage 5B and stage 6 are more prevalent in biomedical sciences students than in students of the other two groups of sciences. Findings are discussed from the point of view of cognitive approach to morality and the contribution of educational and social factors to the moral development process of a person.
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment.Centralni nervni sistem ima ograniÄen kapacitet za oporavak nakon povrede. MeÄutim, neonatalni mozak pokazuje veÄu sposobnost oporavka u odnosu na odrasle. Ove razlike zavise od lokalnih sredinskih faktora i stepena zrelosti aksona tokom izrastanja. U grupu molekula koji mogu da stimuliÅ”u ili inhibiraju rast aksona spada i heterogena klasa molekula oznaÄena kao hondroitin sulfatni proteoglikani (CSPG). U ovom radu ispitivanje profil ekspresije hondroitin-4 i hondroitin-6 sulfatnih proteoglikana nakonlezije leve senzomotorne kore neonatalnog i adultnog mozga pacova. Imunohistohemijska analiza pokazuje da u odnosu na normalni,nepovreÄeni korteks, lezija dovodi do poveÄanja ekspresije CSPG koji ima razliÄiti obrazac promena u neonatalnom u odnosu na adultni mozak. Nakonlezije kod mladih, predominiraju taÄkasta i membranski-vezana forma, dok kod odraslih lezija dovodi do nagomilavanja CSPG u ekstra Äelijskom matriksu. Prohodnija sredina u mozgu neonatalnih pacova koja je siromaÅ”nija CSPG, preduslov je boljeg procesa oporavka u odnosu na adulte, kod kojih se nakon povrede CSPG nagomilavaju oko mesta lezije.Projekat ministarstva br. 143005
Combined treatment with ribavirin and tiazofurin attenuates response of glial cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), a human inflammatory and demyelinating disease. Microglia and astrocytes are glial cells of the central nervous system (CNS) that play a dual role in MS and EAE pathology. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of combined treatment with two nucleoside analogues, ribavirin and tiazofurin, on microglia and astrocytes in actively induced EAE. Therapeutic treatment with a combination of these two nucleoside analogues reduced disease severity, mononuclear cell infiltration and demyelination. The obtained histological results indicate that ribavirin and tiazofurin changed activated microglia into an inactive type and attenuated astrocyte reactivity at the end of the treatment period. Since reduction of reactive microgliosis and astrogliosis correlated with EAE suppression, the present study also suggests that the obtained beneficial effect of ribavirin and tiazofurin could be a consequence of their action inside as well as outside the CNS. [Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science, Project No: III41014.
Combined treatment with ribavirin and tiazofurin attenuates response of glial cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), a human inflammatory and demyelinating disease. Microglia and astrocytes are glial cells of the central nervous system (CNS) that play a dual role in MS and EAE pathology. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of combined treatment with two nucleoside analogues, ribavirin and tiazofurin, on microglia and astrocytes in actively induced EAE. Therapeutic treatment with a combination of these two nucleoside analogues reduced disease severity, mononuclear cell infiltration and demyelination. The obtained histological results indicate that ribavirin and tiazofurin changed activated microglia into an inactive type and attenuated astrocyte reactivity at the end of the treatment period. Since reduction of reactive microgliosis and astrogliosis correlated with EAE suppression, the present study also suggests that the obtained beneficial effect of ribavirin and tiazofurin could be a consequence of their action inside as well as outside the CNS.Projekat ministarstva br. III4101
Real-time PCR and immunocytochemical study of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans after scratch wounding in cultured astrocytes
Background: Various in vivo and in vitro models have been described in order to elucidate the pathobiology underlying the traumatic brain injury (TBI) and test potentially suitable treatments. Since TBI is a complex disease, models differ in regard to the aspect of TBI that is being investigated. One of the used in vitro models is the scratch wound assay, first established as a reproducible, low-cost assay for the analysis of cell migration in vitro. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the relevancy of this model as a counterĀpart of in vivo TBI models. Methods: We have examined the astrocytic response to a mechanical injury in terms of expression of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) - phosphacan, neurocan and brevican, using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. Results: Our results indicate that in vitro scratch wounding alters the expression profile of examined CSPGs. Four hours after the scratch injury of the astrocytic monolayer, real-time PCR analysis revealed upregulation of mRNA levels for phosphacan (3-fold) and neurocan (2-fold), whereas brevican mRNA was downregulated (2-fold). Immunofluorescent signal for phosphacan and neurocan was more intense in astrocytes close to the injury site, while brevican was scarcely present in cultured astrocytes. Conclusions: Obtained results indicate that CSPGs are differentially expressed by astrocytes after scratch wounding, demonstrating that the scratch wound model might be suitable for investigation of astrocyte-derived response to injury.Uvod: Brojni in vivo i in vitro modeli opisani su sa ciljem da se rasvetle patobioloÅ”ki procesi koji su osnova traumatske povrede mozga (TPM) i testiraju potencijalni tretmani. ImajuÄi u vidu da je TPM kompleksno oboljenje, ovi modeli se meÄusobno razlikuju shodno aspektu TPM koji se ispituje. Jedan od in vitro modela je i povreda Äelijskog jednosloja grebanjem (engl. 'scratch wound' assay), isprva ustanovljen kao ponovljiv, jeftin test za analizu celijske migracije in vitro. Cilj ove studije je da se bliže ispita relevantnost ovog modela u odnosu na in vivo modele TPM. Metode: Da bi se istražio odgovor astrocita na mehaniÄku povredu, praÄena je ekspresija odabranih hondroitin-sulfatnih proteoglikana (CSPG) - fosfakana, neurokana i brevikana, koriÅ”Äenjem PCR u realnom vremenu i imunocitohemije. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da in vitro povreda astrocitnog jednosloja menja profile ekspresije ispitivanih CSPG. Äetiri sata nakon povrede, primena PCR u realnom vremenu analize pokazala je poveÄanje nivoa iRNK za fosfakan (trostruko) i neurokan (dvostruko), dok je iRNK za brevikan bila smanjena na polovinu kontrolne vrednosti. Imunofluorescentni signal poreklom od fosfakana i neurokana je bio intenzivniji u astrocitima bližim mestu povrede, dok je signal za brevikan bio slab kako u kontrolnoj, tako i u ozleÄenoj grupi. ZakljuÄak: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da povreda izazvana grebanjem razliÄito utiÄe na ekspresiju ispitivanih CSPG u astrocitima, sto ukazuju da ovaj model može biti pogodan za ispitivanje odgovora astrocita na povredu.Projekat ministarstva br. III 4101
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment.Centralni nervni sistem ima ograniÄen kapacitet za oporavak nakon povrede. MeÄutim, neonatalni mozak pokazuje veÄu sposobnost oporavka u odnosu na odrasle. Ove razlike zavise od lokalnih sredinskih faktora i stepena zrelosti aksona tokom izrastanja. U grupu molekula koji mogu da stimuliÅ”u ili inhibiraju rast aksona spada i heterogena klasa molekula oznaÄena kao hondroitin sulfatni proteoglikani (CSPG). U ovom radu ispitivanje profil ekspresije hondroitin-4 i hondroitin-6 sulfatnih proteoglikana nakonlezije leve senzomotorne kore neonatalnog i adultnog mozga pacova. Imunohistohemijska analiza pokazuje da u odnosu na normalni,nepovreÄeni korteks, lezija dovodi do poveÄanja ekspresije CSPG koji ima razliÄiti obrazac promena u neonatalnom u odnosu na adultni mozak. Nakonlezije kod mladih, predominiraju taÄkasta i membranski-vezana forma, dok kod odraslih lezija dovodi do nagomilavanja CSPG u ekstra Äelijskom matriksu. Prohodnija sredina u mozgu neonatalnih pacova koja je siromaÅ”nija CSPG, preduslov je boljeg procesa oporavka u odnosu na adulte, kod kojih se nakon povrede CSPG nagomilavaju oko mesta lezije.Projekat ministarstva br. 143005
The effects of gasotransmitters inhibition on homocysteine acutely induced changes in oxidative stress markers in rat plasma
Background: The importance of homocysteine (Hcy) is increasingly recognized in last few decades as an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and thrombosis, but there is lack of data referring to influence of Hcy on plasma oxidative stress parameters as well as the role of gasotransmitters in these effects. Therefore, this study aim was to assess the role of gasotransmitter inhibitors in Hcy-induced effects on plasma oxidative stress in rats. Material and Methods: Study involved 96 male Wistar albino rats divided into 8 groups: 1) Control group - saline (1ml 0.9 % NaCl i.p.); 2) DL-Hcy (8 mmol/kg i.p. DL homocysteine (DL-Hcy); 3) L-NAME (10 mg/kg i.p. NĻ-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), inhibitor of NO production); 4) ZnPPR IX (30 mol/kg i.p. protoporphyrin IX zinc (ZnPPR IX), inhibitor of CO production); 5) DL-PAG (50 mg//kg i.p. DL-propargylglycine (DL-PAG), inhibitor of H2S production); 6) DL-Hcy+L-NAME (8 mmol/kg i.p. DL-Hcy + 10 mg/kg i.p. L-NAME); 7) DL-Hcy+ZnPPR IX (8 mmol/kg i.p. DL-Hcy + 30 mol/kg i.p. Zn PPR IX), and 8) DL-Hcy+DL-PAG (8 mmol/kg i.p. DL-Hcy + 50 mg//kg i.p. DL-PAG). In all experimental groups, tested substances were administered in a single dose, intraperitoneally, 60 minutes before animals' euthanasia. In the collected blood samples malondialdehyde concentration, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity were measured. Results: Applied substances induced rapid and strong increase of plasma antioxidant enzymatic activity probably as a compensatory response to its pro-oxidant influence. Conclusion: The effects of Hcy on the activity of plasma antioxidant enzymes are in part mediated via interaction with gasotransmitters
The effects of certain gasotransmitters inhibition on homocysteine acutely induced changes on rat cardiac acetylcholinesterase activity
Background/Aim: Hyperhomocysteinaemia is linked to higher level of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in brain, but there is insufficient information on influence of homocysteine (Hcy) and gasotransmitters on cardiac AChE. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of certain gasotransmitter inhibitors in Hcy-induced changes on rat cardiac AChE activity. Methods: Research was performed on 72 male Wistar albino rats distributed into 6 groups: 1) Control group ā saline (1 ml 0.9 % NaCl ip); 2) DL-Hcy (8 mmol/kg ip DL homocysteine (DL-Hcy); 3) L-NAME (10 mg/kg ip NĻ-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), inhibitor of NO production); 4) DL-PAG (50 mg/kg ip DL-propargylglycine (DL-PAG), inhibitor of H2S production); 5) DL-Hcy+L-NAME (8 mmol/ kg ip DL-Hcy + 10 mg/kg ip L-NAME); and 6) DL-Hcy+DL-PAG (8 mmol/kg ip DL-Hcy + 50 mg/kg ip DL-PAG). All tested substances were administered in a single dose, intraperitoneally, 60 minutes before animalsā sacrifice. AChE activity was measured in the ratsā cardiac tissue homogenate. Results: Administration of Hcy and L-NAME induced significant decrease in AChE activity compared with control condition. Administration of DL-PAG, DL-Hcy+LNAME and DL-Hcy+DL-PAG did not change AChE activity compared with the control group. Conclusion: The effects of acute Hcy administration on the cardiac AChE activity are partially mediated via interaction with tested gasotransmitters
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