10 research outputs found
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment.Centralni nervni sistem ima ograničen kapacitet za oporavak nakon povrede. Međutim, neonatalni mozak pokazuje veću sposobnost oporavka u odnosu na odrasle. Ove razlike zavise od lokalnih sredinskih faktora i stepena zrelosti aksona tokom izrastanja. U grupu molekula koji mogu da stimulišu ili inhibiraju rast aksona spada i heterogena klasa molekula označena kao hondroitin sulfatni proteoglikani (CSPG). U ovom radu ispitivanje profil ekspresije hondroitin-4 i hondroitin-6 sulfatnih proteoglikana nakonlezije leve senzomotorne kore neonatalnog i adultnog mozga pacova. Imunohistohemijska analiza pokazuje da u odnosu na normalni,nepovređeni korteks, lezija dovodi do povećanja ekspresije CSPG koji ima različiti obrazac promena u neonatalnom u odnosu na adultni mozak. Nakonlezije kod mladih, predominiraju tačkasta i membranski-vezana forma, dok kod odraslih lezija dovodi do nagomilavanja CSPG u ekstra ćelijskom matriksu. Prohodnija sredina u mozgu neonatalnih pacova koja je siromašnija CSPG, preduslov je boljeg procesa oporavka u odnosu na adulte, kod kojih se nakon povrede CSPG nagomilavaju oko mesta lezije.Projekat ministarstva br. 143005
Rheological Modeling of Yarn Elongation
Na temelju eksperimentalnih podataka dobivenih za istezanje pređe u standardnim uvjetima ispitivanja, kombinacijom poznatih elementarnih reoloških modela, postavljenih reoloških modela istezanja pređe, izvedene su i riješene odgovarajuće diferencijalne jednadžbe za ispitivane pređe. Time je dobivena ovisnost između jedinične sile (naprezanja) i relativnog istezanja. Modeli su postavljeni za tri vrste pređe: vunena pređa finoće 21 tex prosječnog broja uvoja 1646 m-1 uz koeficijent varijacije 6,78%, pamučna pređa finoće 10 tex prosječnog broja uvoja 1020 m-1 uz koeficijent varijacije 16,7 i pređa od mješavine vuna/PES 76/24% finoće 12,5 tex prosječnog broja uvoja 1080 m-1.Based on the experimental data obtained for yarn elongation in standard test conditions, by combination of known elementary rheological models and established rheological models of yarn elongation, differential equations for the tested yarns were derived and solved. Thereby, the dependence between unit force (stress) and relative elongation was obtained. The models were established for three types of yarn: wool yarn with a count of 21 tex of anaverage twist level of 1,646 m-1 with a variation coefficient of 6.78%, cotton yarn with a count of 10 tex of an average twist level of 1,020 m2 with a variation coefficient of 16.7% and wool/PES blend yarn 76/24% with a count of 12.5 tex and an average twist level of 1,080 min-1
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment.Centralni nervni sistem ima ograničen kapacitet za oporavak nakon povrede. Međutim, neonatalni mozak pokazuje veću sposobnost oporavka u odnosu na odrasle. Ove razlike zavise od lokalnih sredinskih faktora i stepena zrelosti aksona tokom izrastanja. U grupu molekula koji mogu da stimulišu ili inhibiraju rast aksona spada i heterogena klasa molekula označena kao hondroitin sulfatni proteoglikani (CSPG). U ovom radu ispitivanje profil ekspresije hondroitin-4 i hondroitin-6 sulfatnih proteoglikana nakonlezije leve senzomotorne kore neonatalnog i adultnog mozga pacova. Imunohistohemijska analiza pokazuje da u odnosu na normalni,nepovređeni korteks, lezija dovodi do povećanja ekspresije CSPG koji ima različiti obrazac promena u neonatalnom u odnosu na adultni mozak. Nakonlezije kod mladih, predominiraju tačkasta i membranski-vezana forma, dok kod odraslih lezija dovodi do nagomilavanja CSPG u ekstra ćelijskom matriksu. Prohodnija sredina u mozgu neonatalnih pacova koja je siromašnija CSPG, preduslov je boljeg procesa oporavka u odnosu na adulte, kod kojih se nakon povrede CSPG nagomilavaju oko mesta lezije.Projekat ministarstva br. 143005
Effect of variable frequency electromagnetic field on deposit formation in installations with geothermal water in Sijarinjska spa (Serbia)
In this paper we have examined the effect of variable frequency electromagnetic field generated with a homemade device on deposit formation in installations with geothermal water from Sijarinjska Spa. The frequency alteration of the electromagnetic field in time was made by means of the sinusoidal and saw-tooth function. In laboratory conditions, with the flow of geothermal water at 0.015 l/s and temperature of 60 °C for 6 hours through a zig-zag glass pipe, a multiple decrease of total deposit has been achieved. By applying the saw-tooth and sinusoidal function, the decrease in contents of calcium and deposit has been achieved by 8 and 6 times, respectively. A device was also used on geothermal water installation in Sijarinjska Spa (Serbia), with the water flow through a 1'' diameter non-magnetic prochrome pipe at 0.15 l/s and temperature of 75 °C in a ten-day period. A significant decrease in total deposit and calcium in the deposit has also been achieved
Correction: A european spectrum of pharmacogenomic biomarkers: Implications for clinical pharmacogenomics (PLoS ONE (2016) 11:9 (e0162866) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162866)
The thirty-Third author's name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Jadranka Sertić
Pilot plant for exploitation of geothermal waters
In Sijarinska spa, there are some 15 mineral and thermomineral springs, that are already being used for therapeutic purposes. For the exploitation of heat energy boring B-4 is very interesting. It is a boring of a closed type, with the water temperature of about 78°C and a flow rate of about 33 l/s. Waters with the flow rate of about 6 l/s are currently used for heating of the Gejzer hotel, and waters of the flow rate of about 0,121 l/s for the pilot drying plant. The paper presents this pilot plant.
Abstract — The cen�t��� � n�ervous s��stem has a ��imited capacit� � for se�����epair after d�����e� � Howeve�� � the n�eon��t�� � brain� has a ���eater capacit� � for recove�� � t��n � the adu��t brain�� � These differen��es in � the re��en�erative capabi��it� � depen�d on � ��o���� en��iron��en�t�� � factors �n�d the maturation��� � st���e of ���owin�� � axon�s� � Amon�� � mo��ecu��es which have both ���owth-pro� motin�� � �n�d ���owth-in��ibitin�� � activities is the hetero��en�eous ����ss of chon�droitin � su����te proteo��������n�s (CSPGs�� � In � this pape�� � we in��esti���ted the chon�droitin��4 �n�d chon�droitin�� � su����te proteo��������n � expression � profi��e after ��eft sen�sorimotor cortex �����tion � of the n�eon��t�� � �n�d adu��t rat brain�� � Immun�ohistochemi��� � �n������sis reve���ed that compared to the n�o����� un�in�jured cortex� � ��esion � provoked upre��u���tion � of CSPGs showin�� � a differen�t patte�n � of expression � in � the n�eon��t�� � vs�� the adu��t brain�� � Pun��tuate �n�d me����n�e-boun�d ����e��in�� � was predomin��te after n�eon��t�� � ��esion�� � whereas he��� � deposi� tion � of stain�in�� � in � the extrace����u��� � matrix was observed after adu��t ��esion�� � He��� � deposition � of CSPG immun�oreactivit�� aroun�d the ��esion � site in � adu��t rats� � in � con�trast to a ��ess CSPG-rich en��iron��en�t in � n�eon��t�� � rats� � in�dicated that en���n��e� men�t of the recove�� � process after n�eon��t�� � in�ju�� � is due to a more permissive en��iron��en�t�� Key words: Brain � in�ju���� � chon�droitin � su����te proteo��������n�s� � n�eon��t�� � �n�d adu��t rat brain�� � deve��opmen�t Udc 5����4:�����831:577��21
Molecular genetic study of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Serbia: novel p.Leu129Pro and p.Ser165Pro CYP21A2 gene mutations
Purpose Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by impaired adrenal steroidogenesis and most often caused by CYP21A2 gene mutations. For the first time, we reported complete spectrum and frequency of CYP21A2 gene mutations in 61 unrelated patients with classical and non-classical CAH from Serbia. Methods Direct DNA sequencing of whole CYP21A2 gene and polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers for detection of CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 chimeras were combined. Results We identified 18 different pathogenic alleles-two of them novel. Mutation detection rate was highest in patients with salt-wasting form of CAH (94.7 %). The most prevalent mutation was intron 2 splice site mutation, c.290-13A/C gt G (18.5 %). Other mutation frequencies were: CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 chimeras (13 %), p.P30L (13 %), p.R356W (11.1 %), p.G110fs (7.4 %), p.Q318X (4.6 %), p.V281L (4.6 %), p.I172N (2.8 %), p.L307fs (2.8 %), p.P453S (1.9 %), etc. Mainly, frequencies were similar to those in Slavic populations and bordering countries. However, we found 6.5 % of alleles with multiple mutations, frequently including p.P453S. Effects of novel mutations, c.386T gt C (p.Leu129Pro) and c.493T gt C (p.Ser165Pro), were characterized in silico as deleterious. The effect of well-known mutations on Serbian patients' phenotype was as expected. Conclusions The first comprehensive molecular genetic study of Serbian CAH patients revealed two novel CYP21A2 mutations. This study will enable genetic counseling in our population and contribute to better understanding of molecular landscape of CAH in Europe
Pomegranate Peel Extract Attenuates Isoprenaline-Induced Takotsubo-like Myocardial Injury in Rats
Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is an acute heart failure syndrome characterised by catecholamine-induced oxidative tissue damage. Punica granatum, a fruit-bearing tree, is known to have high polyphenolic content and has been proven to be a potent antioxidant. This study aimed to investigate the effects of pomegranate peel extract (PoPEx) pre-treatment on isoprenaline-induced takotsubo-like myocardial injury in rats. Male Wistar rats were randomised into four groups. Animals in the PoPEx(P) and PoPEx + isoprenaline group (P + I) were pre-treated for 7 days with 100 mg/kg/day of PoPEx. On the sixth and the seventh day, TTS-like syndrome was induced in rats from the isoprenaline(I) and P + I groups by administering 85 mg/kg/day of isoprenaline. PoPEx pre-treatment led to the elevation of superoxide dismutase and catalase (p p p 2O2, O2− (p 2− (p < 0.001), in the P + I group, when compared to the I group. In addition, a significant reduction in the levels of cardiac damage markers, as well as a reduction in the extent of cardiac damage, was found. In conclusion, PoPEx pre-treatment significantly attenuated the isoprenaline-induced myocardial damage, primarily via the preservation of endogenous antioxidant capacity in the rat model of takotsubo-like cardiomyopathy