126 research outputs found


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    Since the horrific 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the abnormal phenomenon known as “nuclear allergy” began to initially manifest in Japan, simultaneously reflecting ambivalent strategies and international relations with both nuclear-weapon states (NWS) and non-nuclear-weapon states (NNWS). Moreover, the global spread of “nuclear allergy” has had the consequence of significant groups of countries to become interested in “nuclear-weapon-free-zones” (NWFZ), which is hypothesized as an attempt from the majority of the international community to block the “nuclear allergy” symptoms. Hence, this review paper provides a brief historical overview of the behavioral psychology of multilateral nuclear and security affairs after World War II in relation to the potential interconnectedness between the global spread of the “nuclear allergy” phenomenon and the increased interest in NWFZ


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    The adoption of synonyms, homonyms, and antonyms is inevitable when studying English as a foreign language. Acquiring, mastering and practicing of these types of words and the essence of the mutual relationships that they pose amongst them are of essential importance to any existing or potential speaker of the English language. Given the morphological productivity, as well as the changing nature as a characteristic of any language, their referential and poetic function also develops. Learning vocabulary is a key element in the study of any language and its wealth is seen precisely in the number of synonyms, homonyms and antonyms represented in it. On the other hand, the recognition and proper usage and practice of these types of words are considered as one of the most proficient characteristics and level of knowledge of foreign speaking skills language. This paper starts from a theoretical consideration of the semantic aspect of the adoption of synonyms, homonyms and antonyms in English teaching as foreign language. In order to determine the problems that might arise in their adoption in teaching in English as a foreign language, the factors that affect the general adoption of the language are given first and comparisons are made between the adoption of mother tongue and any other foreign language. The results of the research show that certain problems in the adoption these types of words can cause not only the differences between Macedonian as mother tongue and English as foreign, but also the very way of their adoption. The problems in teaching when adopting synonyms, homonyms and antonyms stand as a subject of this research.  Article visualizations

    Normal state bottleneck and nematic fluctuations from femtosecond quasi-particle relaxation dynamics in Sm(Fe,Co)AsO

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    We investigate temperature and fluence dependent dynamics of the photoexcited quasi-particle relaxation and low-energy electronic structure in electron-doped 1111-structure Sm(Fe_{0.93}Co_{0.07})AsO single crystal. We find that the behavior is qualitatively identical to the 122-structure Ba(Fe,Co)_{2}As_{2} including the presence of a normal state pseudogap and a marked 2-fold symmetry breaking in the tetragonal phase that we relate to the electronic nematicity. The 2-fold symmetry breaking appears to be a general feature of the electron doped iron pnictides

    The Impact of Governmental Policy on R&D Projects in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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    Most of the countries worldwide have strong regulations on drug markets, in order to cope with the rising costs of health care. On the other hand, the regulations violate the incentives for investment in pharmaceutical R&amp;D projects. Thus, in order to stimulate R&amp;D activity, and at the same time to regulate pharmaceutical market, every government is obligated to create balanced reforms for pharmaceutical market. This paper presents the policies for fostering innovations and regulations in the pharmaceutical market in R. Bulgaria and R. Macedonia. The comparison with the regulations and stimulations for pharmaceutical market in USA and other EU countries will help in creating the most corresponding programme, both for the customers and pharmaceutical companies. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Фактори кои влијаат на природното движење на населението во Република Северна Македонија

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    The planning of public health programmes is directly related with the demographic characteristics and&nbsp; the population change has longterm impact on the health, health care and community interventions. The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors influencing the trend of population change &nbsp;in the Republic of North Macedonia. Material and methods: Data from the National Statistical Office and World Health Organization have been used. Literature review was conducted applying public health approach and descriptive method. Results: The natural population change in North Macedonia has negative trend in the last 10 years, the birth rate has declined, while the mortality is increasing. The biological factors and fertility rate have significantly influenced the birth rate, while the burden of chronic noncommunicable diseases, road injures, violence and COVID-19 are lead causes of mortality.&nbsp; Numerous factors indirectly affect the negative trend of population change such as the high rate of unemployment, poverty, socioeconomic and political context, migration and availability and quality of health care. Conclusion: А detailed analysis of the factors affecting the natural population change and an appropriate national response with the aim of reducing the negative trends is needed.Планирањето на јавноздравствените програми е директно поврзано со демографските карактеристикии природното движење на населението и има долгорочно влијание врз здравјето,здравствената заштита и интервенциите во заедницата. Целта на овој труд е да се анализираат факторите кои влијаат на трендот на природното движење на населението во Република Северна Македонија.&nbsp; Материјал и методи: Користени се податоци од датабазата на Државниот завод за статистика иСветската здравствена организација, кои се статистичкиобработени и прикажани табеларно и графички. Извршен е преглед на литература, а применет е јавноздравствен пристап и метод на дескриптивна анализа. Резултати: Природното движење на населението во Македонија покажува негативен тренд во последните десет години, односно се намалува наталитетот додека морталитетот е во позитивна насока, со зголемен&nbsp; број на починати лица. Биолошките фактори и стапката на фертилитет значајно влијаат на намалување на наталитетот, а од друга страна оптовареноста со хроничните незаразни болести, сообраќајните несреќи, насилството и Ковид-19 се главните причини за зголемената смртност. Бројни индиректни фактори влијаат на негативниот тренд на природното движење на населението, како што се високата стапка на сиромаштија и невработеност, социоекономскиот и политички контекст, миграциите и пристапот и квалитетот на здравствена заштита. Заклучок: Потребна е детална анализа на факторите кои влијаат на природното движење на населенето и соодветен национален одговор со цел намалување на негативниот тренд

    Ultrafast switching to a stable hidden topologically protected quantum state in an electronic crystal

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    Hidden states of matter with novel and unusual properties may be created if a system out of equilibrium can be induced to follow a trajectory to a state which is inaccessible or does not even exist under normal equilibrium conditions. Here we report on the discovery of a hidden (H) topologically protected electronic state in a layered dichalcogenide 1T-TaS2 crystal reached as a result of a quench caused by a single 35 fs laser pulse. The properties of the H state are markedly different from any other state of the system: it exhibits a large drop of electrical resistance, strongly modified single particle and collective mode spectra and a marked change of optical reflectivity. Particularly important and unusual, the H state is stable for an arbitrarily long time until a laser pulse, electrical current or thermal erase procedure is applied, causing it to revert to the thermodynamic ground state. Major observed events can be reproduced by a kinetic model describing the conversion of photo excited electrons and holes into an electronically ordered crystal, thus converting a Mott insulator to a conducting H state. Its long-time stability follows from the topological protection of the number of periods in the electronic crystal.Comment: 21 pages and 5 figures, separate supplementary materia

    A Legal Perspective on Career Limitations upon Female Astronauts Due to Cosmic Radiation Exposure

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    Triggered by the contemporary assumption that female astronauts are facing a manifestation of gender-based discrimination regarding career options due to NASA’s strict cosmic radiation exposure limit restrictions, the main purpose of this paper is to analyze the legal perspective of this issue through labor principles of opportunity and health. By recognizing galactic cosmic rays as a special type of radiation exposure naturally occurring within the astronaut’s working environment, it is questioned whether such a severe health threat deserves to be used as a justification for labor discrimination. While examining the legal status of astronauts in labor relations may contribute in realizing the importance of an astronaut’s profession as an individual as well as for the benefit of mankind, the capacities that space agencies, as employers, have in order to fulfill their obligation of eliminating health risks originating from cosmic radiation and solar storms, can be further examined in order to find out if this spaceflight opportunity limitation is just another well hidden demonstration of gender-based discrimination, mainly through the following determinants: 1) Duration of the space mission, and 2) Position of the space object. Also, given the fact that the notion of “outer space labor law” is still nonexistent, this paper additionally emphasizes the need for the establishment of international standards concerning protection against cosmic radiation, in order for astronauts, irrelevant of their nationality, to receive equal health protection measures, as subjects to labor relations

    Geopolitics of near-space: increasing antional power through spaceplane eployment

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    With the delimitation of airspace and outer space being a continuous issue, various arguments intend to analyze the viewpoint of the geopolitics of near-space being considered neither as part of Astropolitik, nor the geopolitics of airspace. Consequently, a comparative methodology in regards to the multidimensional objectives of geopolitics is followed: (1) evolving a theoretical military basis of spaceplane deployment; (2) examining the natural background of the geopolitics of near-space; (3) constructing the "history-future" relation of the geopolitics of near-space; and (4) analyzing the increasing of America's national power through spaceplane deployment. Principle results obtained from the theoretical comparative methodology consequently determine the fundamental establishment of the geopolitics of near-space