7 research outputs found
Strukturne razsežnosti slovenske kratke ekspresionistiÄne proze
V priÄujoÄem prispevku sem poskuÅ”ala predstaviti pojav slovenske kratke ekspresionistiÄne proze med letoma 1914 in 1935 skozi osnovne strukturne razsežnosti pomembnih kratkih proznih vrst, kot so novela, kratka zgodba, Ärtica in pesem v prozi. Temeljna razmerja in poetiÄne kontroverze nemÅ”kega ekspresionistiÄnega gibanja do Å”irÅ”ih pojmov modernizma ter avantgarde potrjujejo medialni položaj tega gibanja tudi v kontekstu slovenske avantgarde. Te ugotovitve seveda terjajo znanstveno razlago in verifikacijo na najÅ”irÅ”e zasnovani tekstualni bazi slovenske ekspresionistiÄne proze in njenih precej Å”tevilnih predstavnikov razliÄnih poetiÄno-slogovnih orientacij
Književnost i revolucije: zbornik radova
The collection of essays "Literature and Revolutions" gathers the contributions of the final conference of the Croatian Science Foundation project (Literary Revolutions IP-01-2018-7020), which took place from 29. XI. to 1. XII. 2022. This book focuses primarily on exploring the legacy of the avant-garde in the literary and social sphere, starting from a contemporary, critical approach to the historical avant-garde in the broader Central European and South Slavic context. Considering the ways in which radical political and poetic changes in the artistic sphere are brought about through literary practices, this collection of articles traces analogous processes and relationships in the historical revolutionary years. In accordance with the aims of the project, the following research questions were posed: What is the relationship between literary revolutions and paradigm shifts: in literary theory and literary history, in models, types, concepts of language and literariness, authorial practices and poetics? Is it possible to redefine and reinterpret the avant-garde as a historical, transhistorical and supranational concept?
In addition to developing a theoretical-methodological paradigm for understanding and analyzing concepts of literary revolutions based on the esthetic autonomy of literature, the aim of this book is to grasp the emancipatory potential of literature and the radical changes in poetic expression, especially in relation to the concepts of utopia and optimal projection, according to which the individual literary heresies also develop. The authors of this book pursue these questions about the processuality and continuity of the post-avant-garde literary revolution. By combining their theoretical and methodological interest in avant-garde controversies, revolutions, schools and influences with their interest in the literary text, they offer new readings and interpretations in this book. Their revaluation impulse is reflected in the interpretations of the authors' interventions (Krleža, UjeviÄ, Kamov, Cesarec, RistiÄ, MarinkoviÄ, Å inko), the laws of genre (drama, novel, poetry), collective and individual aspirations in the context of the performing arts and ecology, post-Yugoslav literature, postcolonialism and capitalism, feminism and queer theory.Zbornik radova "Književnost i revolucije" okuplja radove proizaÅ”le iz zavrÅ”ne konferencije projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (Književne revolucije IP-01-2018-7020) koja je održana u Zagrebu od 29. XI. do 1. XII. 2022. Radovi su posveÄeni istraživanju nasljeÄa avangarde u književnom i druÅ”tvenom polju, polazeÄi od suvremenog, kritiÄkog razmatranja historijske avangarde u Å”irem srednjoeuropskom i južnoslavenskom kontekstu. UzimajuÄi u obzir naÄine na koje se unutar umjetniÄkog polja, prije svega kroz književne prakse, generiraju radikalne politiÄke i poetiÄke promjene, u zborniku su predstavljeni analogni procesi i odnosi u povijesnim revolucionarnim godinama. U skladu s ciljevima projekta postavljena su istraživaÄka pitanja: u kojem su odnosu književne revolucije i smjene paradigmi kad je rijeÄ o teoriji i povijest književnosti, modelima, tipovima, konceptima jezika i literarnosti, autorskim praksama i poetikama? Je li moguÄe ponuditi redefinicije i nova Äitanja avangarde kao historijskog, transhistorijskog i nadnacionalnog pojma?
Osim razvoja teorijsko-metodoloÅ”ke paradigme za razumijevanje i analizu koncepata književnih revolucija utemeljenih u estetskoj autonomiji književnosti cilj zbornika je evidentirati emancipacijski potencijal književnosti i radikalne promjene u poetskom izrazu, posebno u odnosu prema konceptima utopije i optimalne projekcije prema kojima se razvijaju i pojedinaÄne autorske hereze.
NudeÄi odgovore na naznaÄena pitanja autori radova u zborniku pred sobom imaju procesualnost i kontinuitet književne revolucije nakon avangarde. U svojim tekstovima objedinjuju teorijski i metodoloÅ”ki interes prema avangardnim prijeporima, revolucijama, Å”kolama i utjecajima s interesom prema književnom tekstu, a kroz razliÄite teme i predloÅ”ke, nudeÄi nova Äitanja i interpretacije. Revalorizacijski impuls zbornika vidljiv je u interpretacijama autorskih zahvata (Krleža, UjeviÄ, Kamov, Cesarec, RistiÄ, MarinkoviÄ, Å inko), zakona žanra (drama, roman, poezija), skupnih i pojedinaÄnih poduhvata u okviru izvedbenih umjetnosti i ekologije, post/jugoslavenske književnosti, postkolonijalizma i kapitalizma, feminizma i queer teorije
Diahrono prouÄevanje slovenske pesmi v prozi
V prispevku raziskujem osnovna teoretiÄna in metodoloÅ”ka staliÅ”Äa spremne besede Andreja Brvarja v antologiji slovenske pesmi v prozi Brez verzov, brez rim (2011) v luÄi spreminjanja nekaterih slogovnih obdobij in smeri ter njihovega kulturnega konteksta. V kritiÄnem in recepcijskem spremljanju je ta zvrst ostala na robu slovenskega literarnega sistema in zato je priÄujoÄa antologija pomemben poskus njenega vrednotenja. Za slovenske pesnike in prozaiste predstavlja naÄin modernizacije verza oz. proznega stavka.In this paper, I examine the basic theoretical and methodological views of Andrej Brvar\u27s foreword in the anthology of Slovene poetry in prose Brez verzov, brez rim (Without Verses, Without Rhymes, 2011) in the light of changing stylistic periods and directions, as well as their cultural context. With regard to critical reception this genre has remained on the margin of the Slovene literary system and therefore the present anthology is an important attempt to evaluate it. For Slovene poets and prose writers, it is one of the ways to modernise both verse and the prose sentence
Vzorci pesmi v prozi v slovenski književnosti
V prispevku so obravnavana teoretiÄna, literarnozgodovinska in primerjalna izhodiÅ”Äa žanra pesmi v prozi, ki jo opredeljujemo kot dvojno vrstno figuro glede na njena razmerja do poezije oz. proze. Za njeno konstituiranje kot posebne zvrsti v spremenjenih pogojih novega, modernistiÄnega žanrskega sistema je zlasti pomembna programatiÄna in ustvarjalna praksa francoskih simbolistov, posebno Baudelaira, MallarmĆ©ja, Rimbauda, Huysmansa ter nadrealista Maxa Jacoba. Ko gre za vzorce pesmi v prozi v slovenski literaturi, ki jih zasledimo od devetdesetih let 19. stoletja pri Kersniku in A. Funtku, sta opazna dva modela. Prvi, starejÅ”i, je utemeljen na anekdotskodeskriptivnem ali narativnem in tudi liriÄno-izpovednem vzorcu (Pregelj, Jarc, M. Kmet, J. LovrenÄiÄ), drugi pa se uresniÄuje kot formalno-eksperimentalni tip besedila, ki ima poudarjeno antimimetiÄno naravo (Kosovel, Grum, PodbevÅ”ek, Kocbek). Tu lahko govorimo o dezintegraciji konvencij znotraj samega žanra, kar uÄinkuje z drugaÄnimi estetskimi sredstvi na bralca in na njegovo recepcijo teksta.The author deals with a number of theoretical, historical and comparative issues of the prose poem which can be determined as a dual generic type, as it relates to poetry and narrative prose. For its self-constitution as an autonomous genre in the transformed space of the new, modernist generic system the programmatic and creative practice of French symbolistic authors is of particular importance, especially Baudelaire, MallarmĆ©, Rimbaud, Hyusmans and the surrealistic poet Max Jacob. In the models of the prose poem in the Slovene literature from the 1890s onwards, in the works by Kersnik and Funtek, there are two main types of the genre. The first, older one, is established through the devices of description and anecdotal narration or the lyrical-confessional pattern (Pregelj, Jarc, Kmet, LovrenÄiÄ). The second employs a formal and experimental type of writing which is marked by its non-mimetical nature (Kosovel, Grum, PodbevÅ”ek, Kocbek). Thus it is possible to talk about the disintegration of the conventions within the genre itself, that affects the reader and the reception of the text with a varity of aesthetical resources
This paper raises the question of the existence of Expressionist prose as a significant segment of the Slovenian literary movement between the two world wars. It points out at a fundamental ambivalence about its relationship to the typological-aesthetic concepts of modernism and avant-garde. The problem lies in the fact that Slovenian literary historians and critics between 1920-1930, as well as the contemporary ones (with some exceptions), were detained and refused to accept innovative position of this phenomenon. Therefore, expressionismĀ was often understood simply as a radicalization of the poetic elements of Ā Slovenian impressionism (1895-1916), and this view is particularly evident in the assessment of Lado Kralj (Expressionism, 1986).
Due to the uncertain and indeterminate previous definitions of the expressionist prose, whose researchĀ in German literary criticism, especially from the nineties to the present, yielded significant results (W. Sokel, S. Vietta, G. Kemper, B. Scheffer, W. Krull, A. P Dierick, I. Jens, T. Anz, M. Stark, W. FƤhnders), there is a need for a new, more flexible pattern of the expressionist prose text. For the identification of this model the following aspects were taken into account: Poetical and conceptual aspects, Expressionist topoi,Ā Morphologic and narrative aspects, Stylistic Ā and linguistic aspects, following by Semantic Implications.
Textual base of Slovenian short expressionistĀ fiction includes 11 collections, published between the two world wars, and more than 200 prose pieces in the leading Slovenian magazines and Ā newspapers. Works of the individual authorsĀ were recently acclaimed in publishing monographs, mainly posthumously (S. Majcen, M. Jarc, J. Kozak, S. Kosovel, S. Grum, E. Kocbek).
In the interpretation of a characteristic prose samples (PodbevÅ”ek, Kosovel, Grum, Pregelj, Kocbek) one can notice the type of discourse and style-rhetorical moves that shape the Slovenian short fiction (prose poem, sketch, short story and novella). Similar to German expressionism, in the Slovenian literary movement the short proseĀ genres play fundamental role in the process of a structural modernisation
Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of alpha-lipoic acid (LA) supplementation on oxidative stress
markers in patients with schizophrenia.
Subjects and methods: Eighteen (18) medicated patients with schizophrenia and 38 healthy controls received daily supplements
of LA (500 mg/day) for three months. At baseline, 45th and 90th days of supplementation, venous blood collected for analysis of
oxidative stress markers [superoxide anion (O2
ā¢-), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and advanced oxidation protein
products (AOPP)] and antioxidative defense markers [superoxide dismutase (SOD), total sulfhydryl groups (-SH) and total
antioxidant status (TAS)].
Results: Increased plasma TBARS, TAS, SH groups levels and SOD activity were found in schizophrenic patients compared to
control group. LA supplementation significantly reduced TBARS, AOPP and improved TAS levels in healthy subjects, while there
were no significant differences in patients group. SH groups increased after 45 days and decreased to baseline levels after 90 days of
supplementation in the control group. SOD activity decreased significantly in patients group after 45 days and 90 days of
supplementation. After initial rose SOD activity in control group, decreased to baseline levels found after 90 days.
Conclusion: LA supplementation decreased lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage of proteins and improved non-enzymatic
antioxidant capacity in healthy controls. No significant changes were observed on oxidative damage in patients with schizophrenia