92 research outputs found

    Strukturne razsežnosti slovenske kratke ekspresionistične proze

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    V pričujočem prispevku sem poskuŔala predstaviti pojav slovenske kratke ekspresionistične proze med letoma 1914 in 1935 skozi osnovne strukturne razsežnosti pomembnih kratkih proznih vrst, kot so novela, kratka zgodba, črtica in pesem v prozi. Temeljna razmerja in poetične kontroverze nemŔkega ekspresionističnega gibanja do ŔirŔih pojmov modernizma ter avantgarde potrjujejo medialni položaj tega gibanja tudi v kontekstu slovenske avantgarde. Te ugotovitve seveda terjajo znanstveno razlago in verifikacijo na najŔirŔe zasnovani tekstualni bazi slovenske ekspresionistične proze in njenih precej Ŕtevilnih predstavnikov različnih poetično-slogovnih orientacij


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    Hepatic encephalopathy is a complication of liver cirrhosis and is defined as a neuropsychiatric disease, with a reversibile character. Besides classical ways of therapy, an increasing importance is attached to nutritional therapy that is an effective prevention of the onset and leads to an ease of symptoms in hepathic encephalopathy that already exists. After the patient's nutritional status evaluation, the prescription of diet that includes adequate protein, calories and vitamins is assessed. The greatest importance is attached to the zinc intake as well as branched chain amino acids (BCAA therapy) supplementation. It is believed that further development of science in terms of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics will give detailed guidance on further developments since the possibility of clinical investigation in these patients is limited

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components

    Bibliografija časopisa ZaŔtita bilja 2001-2010

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    The journal 'Plant Protection', established in 1950, is owned and founded by the Institute of Plant Protection and Environment. So far, number 274 has been printed. It discusses the publication of scientific papers on the diseases and pests in agriculture and forestry, the results of pesticides testing and their modes of action. Papers are published in Serbian or English. The magazine is distributed by subscription or exchange in 43 countries. The journal 'Plant Protection' has been published for more than 60 years, with 2394 bibliographic units being published during this period. Given the large number of these units there was a need to unite together with one author registers and keywords to help users search. The units are arranged in chronological order. Stacking units is done in accordance to bibliographic rules, meaning that the works of three authors are linked to the first author, and where there are more than three authors, the unit takes on the title. On this occasion, given the bibliography of papers published in the period 2001-2010. year, the number of 235-274, with 112 bibliographical.Časopis 'ZaÅ”tita bilja', čiji je vlasnik i osnivač Institut za zaÅ”titu bilja i životnu sredinu, osnovan je 1950. godine. Do sada su odÅ”tampana 274 broja. Časopis se bavi objavljivanjem naučnih radova o bolestima i Å”tetočinama u poljoprivredi i Å”umarstvu, rezultatima ispitivanja pesticida i njihovim načinima delovanja. Radovi se Å”tampaju na srpskom ili engleskom jeziku. Časopis se distribuira pretplatom ili razmenom u 43 zemlje sveta. Časopis 'ZaÅ”tita bilja' izlazi preko 60 godina tokom kojih je objavljeno 2394 bibliografske jedinice. S obzirom na veliki broj tih jedinica nastala je potreba da se one objedine zajedno sa registrima autora i ključnim rečima, kako bi se korisnicima olakÅ”ala pretraga. Jedinice su poređane po hronoloÅ”kom redu. Slaganje jedinica je po bibliografskim pravilima, Å”to znači da se radovi sa do tri autora vode na prvog autora, a tamo gde ima viÅ”e od tri autora, jedinica se vodi na naslov. Ovom prilikom data je bibliografija radova objavljenih u periodu 2001-2010. godine, od broja 235 - 274, sa 112 bibliografskih jedinica

    Aquatic invertebrates of the Ribnica and Lepenica Rivers: Composition of the community and water quality

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    Results of investigating the community of aquatic invertebrates in the Ribnica and Lepenica Rivers (Kolubara River drainage area) are given in the present work. Forty-three taxa are recorded. In relation to other studied streams in Serbia, the investigated rivers are characterized by high diversity of macroinvertebrates. Cluster analysis indicates that the locality on the Lepenica stands apart from those on the Ribnica, which is a consequence of the difference of habitats found at them. Results of saprobiological analysis of the macrozoobenthos in the given rivers indicate that their waters belong to quality classes I and II.U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja vodenih beskičmenjaka reka Ribnice i Lepenice (sliv reke Kolubare). Zabeleženo je ukupno 43 taksona. Istraživane reke odlikuju se visokim biodiverzitetom u poređenju sa drugim ispitivanim tekućicama Srbije. Prema rezultatima cluster analize, lokalitet na Lepenici izdvaja se u odnosu na lokalitete na Ribnici, Å”to je posledica razlike u analiziranim staniÅ”tima. Konstatovana zajednica makrozoobentosa ukazuje na dobar kvalitet vode koji je na granici I i II klase boniteta.nul

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components.Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja vodenih makroinvertebrata u sektoru uzvodno od Đerdapa (1083-1071 km). Istraživano područje interesantno je za hidrobioloŔka istraživanja, pre svega, zbog promena u strukturi faune u odnosu na gornji deo toka, Ŕto je i očekivano ako se uzmu u obzir promene opŔtih karakteristika reke u sektoru. Zabeleženo je raznovrsno naselje makroinvertebrata (84 taksona). Raznovrsnost faune posledica je, pre svega, diverziteta staniŔta u okviru istraživanog područja. Grupe Oligochaeta i Mollusca bile su najznačajnije komponente proučavane zajednice makro invertebrata.Part of the material originated from the Joint Danube Survey, a national progra

    Trophic relations between macroinvertebrates in the Vlasina river (Serbia)

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    The aim of the study presented was to define trophic relationships within the benthic community according to functional feeding groups (FFG) in the Vlasina River (Southeast Serbia), with an attempt to use those results to describe the watercourse. In an investigation performed during 1996, a total of 125 macrozoobenthic taxa were identified, 95 of which were included in FFG analyses. Although the investigated part of the river, in its physical and chemical characteristics, as well as characteristics of the benthofauna, generally corresponds to what could be expected, certain variations of faunal composition were observed along the river. Two groups of sites were separated by FFG analysis - sites on the upper section of the river and on a tributary (the Gradska River) comprised one group, while the remaining sites made up the other.Cilj nam je da ovim radom prikažemo trofičke odnose u zajednici makroinvertebrata prema funkcionalnim grupama u ishrani (FGI) u reci Vlasini (jugo-istočna Srbija) i te rezultate upotrebimo za opisivanje vodotoka. U okviru istraživanja obavljenih tokom 1996. godine, od ukupno 125 identifikovanih taksona makrozoobentosa, 95 taksona koriŔćeno je u FGI analizi. Iako istraživani deo reke, sa njegovim fizičkim i hemijskim karaktristikama, kao i karakteristikama bentofaune uopÅ”te, odgovara srednjem toku reka, istraživane su fine promene u distribuciji bentofaune duž toka. Izdvojile su se dve grupe lokaliteta prema FFG analizi - grupisali su se lokaliteti gornjeg sektora reke kao i pritoka Gradska reka, dok su ostali lokaliteti formirali drugu grupu.nul

    Metagonimus yokogawai: A new parasitic trematoda species in ichtyoparasitofauna of the Serbia

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    During the study of fish parasites in the Serbian section of the Danube River in 2003, a new Trematoda species for ichthyofauna of Serbia has been detected. It is, at the same time, the first finding of larvae of Metagonimus yokogawai in Serbia, as adult forms have been observed from mallard Anas platyrhynchus (L.), previously. Metacercariae of M. yokogawai have been identified on the scales of chub Leuciscus cephalus (L.), barbel Barbus barbus (L.), bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.), pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.) and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) in the Serbian part of Danube River. The particular risk, beside the possible negative influence of spreading on fish and other host populations (some aquatic snails, fish-eating birds and some mammals), is the potential spreading of the parasitic disease in humans - Metagonimosis.Tokom istraživanja parazita riba srpskog dela Dunava (2003) nađena je nova vrsta Trematoda za ihtioparazitofaunu Srbije. Ovaj nalaz je istovremeno i prvi nalaz larvi (metacerkarija) metilja Metagonimus yokogawai (Katsurada, 1912) s obzirom da su odrasle jedinke ovog parazita nađene prethodno kod divljih pataka Anas platyrhynchus (L). Metacerkarije M. yokogawai pronađene su na krljuÅ”tima klena Leuciscus cephalus (L.), mrene Barbus barbus (L.) uklije Alburnus alburnus (L.), smuđa Sander lucioperca (L.) i crvenoperke Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L). Posebna opasnost, pored Å”irenja infekcije metiljem M. yokogawai i negativnog uticaja na populaciju riba i ostalih prelaznih domaćina (neki vodeni puževi, ribojedne vrste ptica i neki sisari), jeste i pojava metagonimioze kod ribojednih sisara, među kojima je i čovek.nul

    Selection of Non-Mycotoxigenic Inulinase Producers in the Group of Black Aspergilli for Use in Food Processing

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    Research background. Inulinases are used for fructooligosaccharide production and they are of interest for both scientific community and industry. Black aspergilli represent a diverse group of species that has use for enzyme production, in particular some species are known as potent inulinase producers. Finding new potential producers from the environment is as important as improving the production with known strains. Safe use of enzymes produced by aspergilli in food industry is placed ahead of their benefit for inulinase production. Experimental approach. Here we show a specific approach to finding/screening of newly isolated fungal inulinase producers that combines a newly developed screening method and an equally important assessment of the toxigenic potential of the fungus. In this study 39 black aspergilli collected from different substrates in Serbia were identified and assessed for inulinase production. Results and conclusions. The most common species were Aspergillus tubingensis (51.2 %), followed by A. niger (23.1 %), A. welwitschiae (23.1 %) and A. uvarum (2.6 %). The isolates for inulinase production were selected using a cheap and easy, fast and non-hazardous alternative inulinase screening test developed in this work. Enzymatic activity of selected inulinase-producing strains was confirmed spectrophotometrically. Since some A. niger and A. welwitschiae strains are able to produce mycotoxins ochratoxin A (OTA) and fumonisins (FB), the toxigenic potential of selected inulinase producers was assessed analytically and genetically. Fungal enzyme producer can be considered safe for use in food industry only after comparing the results of both approaches for investigating toxic potential, the direct presence of mycotoxins in the enzyme preparation (analytically) and the presence of mycotoxin gene clusters (genetically). In some strains the absence of OTA and FB production capability was molecularly confirmed by the absence of complete or critical parts of biosynthetic gene clusters, respectively. The two best inulinase producers and mycotoxin non-producers (without mycotoxin production capability as additional safety) were selected as potential candidates for further development of enzyme production. Novelty and scientific contribution. The presented innovative approach for the selection of potential fungal enzyme producer shows that only non-toxigenic fungi could be considered as useful in food industry. Although this study was done on local isolates, the approach is applicable globally

    Native Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts as a Tool to Produce Distinctive and Diverse Tamjanika Grape Wines

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    The enological potential of two previously characterized indigenous yeast isolates, Hanseniaspora uvarum S-2 and Candida famata WB-1, in pure and sequential inoculation with commercial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae QA23 were analyzed in industrial-scale vinification of the grape variety Tamjanika. Their contribution to the quality and aroma profile was investigated by quantifying volatile compounds and wine sensory evaluation. Both yeast isolates were able to complete alcoholic fermentation, to reduce ethanol concentration up to 1.06% v/v (in monoculture) in comparation to S. cerevisiae QA23, and to enhance aroma and sensory profile. Based on calculated odor activity values (OAV), p-cymene, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl decanoate were the major aroma volatile compounds in all Tamjanika wine samples. Analyzed yeast strains significantly affected relative contribution of volatile compounds and can be considered responsible for the differences and uniqueness of the obtained wine samples. Besides confirmation of good enological and fermentative characteristics, selected isolates can be characterized as high ester-producing strains with potential to enhance the floral and fruity aromas of wine. The present study represents a further step toward the use of indigenous yeast isolates at industrial-scale fermentation in order to ensure the regional signature of Tamjanika wine
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