33 research outputs found
Termomineralni izvori i potencijal geotermalne energije teritorijalne celine “sever ap Kosovo i Metohija”
Podsticanje održivog razvoja i zamena fosilnih goriva, može se postići transformacijom energetskih sistema, odnosno proizvodnjom i korišćenjem energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Evropska unija je u svojoj energetskoj politici, Direktivom 2010/31, u cilju smanjenje emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte predvidela povećanje udela obnovljive energije na 20% do 2020. godine. Politički, ekonomski i ekološki razlozi, kao i rast potrebe za sve intenzivnijim korišćenjem postojećih energetskih resursa nalažu da Srbija razvija nove izvore energije. Poseban značaj imaju geotermalni izvori, za koje mnogi autori ukazuju da su najrealniji i najkonkurentniji resurs među obnovljivim izvorima energije. Oni se mogu koristiti za proizvodnju električne eneregije i na taj način doprineti energetskoj nezavisnosti i imati veliki značaj za razvoj određene teritorije. Iako korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije postaje sve važnije i promovisano je nacionalnim strategijama i planskim dokumentima, malo je geografskih istraživanja fokusirano na obnovljive izvore energije. Prisustvo brojnih termomineralnih izvora, usled odgovarajućih geoloških, hidrogeoloških i geotermalnih karakteristika na teritorijalnoj celini “sever AP Kosovа i Metohije”, koju čine opštine: Kosovska Mitrovica (sever), Leposavić, Zvečan i Zubin Potok, a za koju je 2011. previđena izrada Regionalnog prostornog plana, ukazuje da je to perspektivna zona generisanja energije iz obnovljivih izvora. Po svom potencijalu izdvajaju se termomineralni izvori Banjska i Vuča (sa temperaturom oko 51°C odnosno 41°C) koji svoju upotrebu mogu naći u raznim društvenim sferama (za grejanje naselja, u poljoprivredi, za balneoterapiju, sport i rekreaciju). Ne treba zanemariti ni ostale nevalorizovane rezerve geotermalne energije. U radu su prikazani rezultati istaživanja karakteristika termomineralnih izvora pomenute teritorijalne celine, u smislu geneze, energetskog kapaciteta i potencijala i lekovitosti. Takođe su predstavljene mogućnosti njihovog direktnog korišćenja i zamene fosilnih goriva. Cilj istraživanja je izrada studije čiji rezultati mogu biti osnova daljim istraživanjima i imati primenu u planiranju odnovljivih izvora energije
Termomineralni izvori i potencijal geotermalne energije teritorijalne celine “sever ap Kosovo i Metohija”
Podsticanje održivog razvoja i zamena fosilnih goriva, može se postići transformacijom energetskih sistema, odnosno proizvodnjom i korišćenjem energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Evropska unija je u svojoj energetskoj politici, Direktivom 2010/31, u cilju smanjenje emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte predvidela povećanje udela obnovljive energije na 20% do 2020. godine. Politički, ekonomski i ekološki razlozi, kao i rast potrebe za sve intenzivnijim korišćenjem postojećih energetskih resursa nalažu da Srbija razvija nove izvore energije. Poseban značaj imaju geotermalni izvori, za koje mnogi autori ukazuju da su najrealniji i najkonkurentniji resurs među obnovljivim izvorima energije. Oni se mogu koristiti za proizvodnju električne eneregije i na taj način doprineti energetskoj nezavisnosti i imati veliki značaj za razvoj određene teritorije. Iako korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije postaje sve važnije i promovisano je nacionalnim strategijama i planskim dokumentima, malo je geografskih istraživanja fokusirano na obnovljive izvore energije. Prisustvo brojnih termomineralnih izvora, usled odgovarajućih geoloških, hidrogeoloških i geotermalnih karakteristika na teritorijalnoj celini “sever AP Kosovа i Metohije”, koju čine opštine: Kosovska Mitrovica (sever), Leposavić, Zvečan i Zubin Potok, a za koju je 2011. previđena izrada Regionalnog prostornog plana, ukazuje da je to perspektivna zona generisanja energije iz obnovljivih izvora. Po svom potencijalu izdvajaju se termomineralni izvori Banjska i Vuča (sa temperaturom oko 51°C odnosno 41°C) koji svoju upotrebu mogu naći u raznim društvenim sferama (za grejanje naselja, u poljoprivredi, za balneoterapiju, sport i rekreaciju). Ne treba zanemariti ni ostale nevalorizovane rezerve geotermalne energije. U radu su prikazani rezultati istaživanja karakteristika termomineralnih izvora pomenute teritorijalne celine, u smislu geneze, energetskog kapaciteta i potencijala i lekovitosti. Takođe su predstavljene mogućnosti njihovog direktnog korišćenja i zamene fosilnih goriva. Cilj istraživanja je izrada studije čiji rezultati mogu biti osnova daljim istraživanjima i imati primenu u planiranju odnovljivih izvora energije
Gastroschisis: Prenatal Diagnosis and Outcome
The purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to investigate and identify prenatal predictors of perinatal outcomes of gastroschisis. Antenatal data included extra-abdominal bowel dilatation (EABD) and intra-abdominal bowel dilatation (IABD). Perinatal data included gestational age, sex, and birth weight. Surgical data included presence of intestinal atresia, necrosis, perforation, strictures, and method of closure. Outcome data included duration of mechanical ventilation and total parenteral nutrition, pseudoobstruction, sepsis, reoperations, length of hospital stay, and mortality rates. Results were analyzed in 65 patients. EABD was documented in 55 patients with no significant difference between simple and complex gastroschisis group. In 27 patients (in 32% of simple and 73% of complex cases), IABD persisted until the last ultrasound scan. Simple gastroschisis group had a shorter hospital stay, shorter ventilation support duration, less bowel pseudoobstruction, less need for reoperation, and received less parenteral nutrition. The most frequent extraintestinal complication was sepsis. The only factor that has been shown to predict poorer outcomes of gastroschisis is the presence of complex gastroschisis. Current available evidence suggests that antenatal bowel dilatation is not associated with increased risk of adverse perinatal outcome in infants with gastroschisis. Also, the absence of bowel dilatation cannot fully exclude complex patients
Essential oil and volatile glucosinolate breakdown products of Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl (Brassicaceae)
Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl 1891 (syn. Sisymbrium sophia L. 1753; Discurea
sophia (L.) Schur 1866), commonly called flixweed or strižica in Serbian, is an annual weed plant
commonly found in whole Europe, in Asia to India and the Himalayas, in Siberia, China, Japan,
North Africa, in North and South America and New Zealand. Flixweed has been widely used in folk
medicine for reducing jaundice and in the case of stomach disorders.
The scarce literature data on the volatile chemistry of this plant species has prompted us to
investigate the volatile profile of this taxon originating from Serbia. Furthermore, as this species
belongs to the Cruciferae, a plant family characterized by the presence of glucosinolates, another goal
was set to detect and identify the volatile autolysis products of these secondary metabolites.
Volatile constituents obtained by autolysis of the aerial and underground parts of D. sophia and
the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of whole plant samples were analyzed in detail by GC
and GC-MS. In total, 71 constituents were identified, accounting for more than 90% of the detected
total peak areas. Both aerial and underground autolysates contained considerable amounts of lignan
arctigenin and cuticular wax compounds. The essential oil was dominated by the glucosinolate
breakdown product 4-pentenenitrile. Glucosinolate degradation products identified in the essential oil
and autolysates, 3-butenyl isothiocyanate, 4-pentenenitrile and allyl isothiocyanate, suggested the
presence of gluconapin and sinigrin in this species as the most likely “mustard oil” precursors. The
relatively high contribution of arctigenin in D. sophia aerial parts autolysate, a lignan with an
important biological activity such as antioxidative, anti-HIV-1 and anti-inflammatory, as well as
selective cytotoxicity, imply that this species could serve as good source of this compound
Volatile glucosinolate breakdown products and the essential oil of Descurainia sophia (L.) webb ex Prantl (Brassicaceae)
Volatile constituents obtained by autolysis of aerial and underground parts of D. sophia and the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of whole plant samples were analyzed in detail by GC and GC-MS. In total, 71 constituents were identified, accounting for more than 90% of the total peak areas in the chromatograms. Both aerial and underground autolysates contained considerable amounts of lignan arctigenin and cuticular wax compounds. The essential oil was dominated by glucosinolate breakdown product 4-pentenenitrile. Glucosinolate degradation products identified in the essential oil and autolysates, 3-butenyl isothiocyanate, 4-pentenenitrile and allyl isothiocyanate, suggested the presence of gluconapin and sinigrin in this species as the most likely “mustard oil” precursors
Photothermal microscopy: a step from thermal wave visualization to spatially localized thermal analysis
The calculation of photothermal response detected by a photothermal microscope is presented. By using a technique based on Greens functions and integral transforms, a model for laser-induced temperature distribution functions has been derived. The mathematical method for solution of inverse problem is proposed. It suggests that photothermal microscopy, besides imaging subsurface of solids, has the potential for quantitative thermal analysis of varioussamples
Meaningful life is possible with locked - In syndrome the personal account of a survivor
Locked-in syndrome (LIS) is a rare condition characterised by quadriplegia and anarthria and is usually caused by a bilateral ventral ischemic pontine lesion. Patients are normally fully conscious, but their only mode of communication is with vertical eye movements and/or blinking. Although the mortality rate is high, it has been shown that patients can survive for a significant period of time. Once an LIS patient becomes medically stable, given appropriate medical care, his or her life expectancy may be several decades. LIS patients may suffer appreciably if they are treated by hospital staff as nonresponsive. Medical professionals and lay people often assume that the quality of life of an LIS patient is so poor that it is not worth living. However, the reported overall quality of life of LIS patients is not significantly different from that of healthy subjects. In this case report, we describe a 60-year-old retired man living in a locked-in state due to a brainstem infarct. His personal account vividly reveals his inner thoughts, a great deal of suffering, and his ability to cope with his condition throughout seven years of illness. LIS patients' early referral to specialist rehabilitation services and strong social support from family greatly improves LIS patients'their quality of life. Even limited physical recovery can improve quality of life and enable LIS patients to become active members of society and return to living with family
Cesium-137 in biotic and abiotic samples from the territory on Novi Pazar
U radu su predstavljeni rezultati merenja 137Cs u uzorcima sa teritorije Novog
Pazara (gradsko jezgro, Novopazarska Banja, Izbice) izvršenih u periodu
2013-2016 – u zemljištu (11 lokacija), 11 jedinki stonoge (Scolopendra cingulata),
u povrću (beli krompir, crni luk), voću (jabuka ajdared), kao i u belom boru i
kiselom drvetu. Procenjeni su koncentracioni/transfer faktori za životinjske i biljne
vrste, kao i odgovarajuće doze zračenja uslovljene 137Cs, te njegov doprinos
ukupnoj dozi.This paper deals with 137Cs activity concentrations in samples from the territory
of Novi Pazar (town core, Novopazarska Banja, Izbice). The measurements have
been performed in 2013-2016 using standard gamma spectrometry (HPGe)
procedures, and included samples of soil (11 locations), 11 individuals of
centipede (Scolopendra cingulata), vegetables (potato, onion), fruit (apple), as
well as “tree of heaven” Ailanthus altissima and pine Pinus sylvestris. The levels
of concentration/transfer factors for animal and plant species were evaluated,
together with corresponding radiation dose rate caused by 137Cs, and its
contribution to the total dose rate. All the samples showed relatively low level of 137Cs. Its contribution to the total external terrestrial gamma absorbed dose rate at
1 m in air at 11 measuring points did not exceed 11%, while the annual effective
dose caused by gamma radiation of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs found to be with
an average of ∼0.08 mSv y-1
, i.e., slightly higher than the global average annual
effective dose from natural radiation sources – external terrestrial radiation,
outdoors. The external irradiation of the considered animal and plant species by
the activity in soil was found to be dominant, and significantly higher than
internal exposure to incorporated 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs. A contribution of
natural radionuclides to the total dose rate is many folds higher than that of 137Cs.
At the same time, upper levels of the total dose rates (external and internal
exposure) of S. cingulata, A. altissima and P. sylvestris to the terrestrial
radionuclides, are significantly below the threshold doses for terrestrial animals
and plants (1 and 10 mGy d-1, respectively).Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230
Innovative approach for wireless electrochemical remediation of cyanotoxins based on bipolar electrochemistry
Bipolar electrochemistry (BPE) is an unconventional method to address conducting and semiconducting
particles in a wireless manner1. Unique features of BPE when compared to conventional electrochemical setup
where electrochemical reactions take place at the surface of two different electrodes both connected to a
potentiostat, allow us to address bipolar electrode electrochemically in a wireless fashion because there is no
direct connection with the power supply (see Figure 1.). Herein, we used the concept of BPE for the
electrochemical remediation of cyanotoxins following the formed products by HPLC-MS/MS. Due to the high
toxicity of cyanotoxins presenting potential global health problem, highly efficient remediation methods have
been under development in recent years, with advanced oxidation processes focused on mineralization as major
target. Electrochemical remediation arose as an interesting alternative with few reported protocols to date
Metal and metalloid bioaccumulation in three centipedes (Chilopoda)
Three centipede species (Clinopodes flavidus, Cryptops anomalans and Eupolybothrus transsylvanicus) were used
as bioindicators of trace metal and metalloid pollution in Belgrade, Serbia. The concentrations of 13 elements (the metals
Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Cd, Tl, Pb and U and metalloids As, Se) in whole animals and soil were measured by inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Differences in the concentrations of some elements in the analyzed species
were observed, both in response to the sites and between species. In most cases, the trace element concentrations were
higher in centipedes from a polluted site (an industrial area near a busy street with heavy traffic) but C. anomalans and E.
transsylvanicus had higher Mn concentrations at an unpolluted site (a deciduous woodland on Mt. Avala). C. flavidus was
a good bioindicator for detecting differences between Zn, Se and Cd. C. flavidus and C. anomalans were more efficient in
accumulating Zn than E. transsylvanicus. It appears that C. anomalans poorly accumulated Cd, unlike C. flavidus and E.
transsylvanicus, which accumulated Cd according to the high bioaccumulation factor (BAF) values. We conclude that the
centipedes C. flavidus, C. anomalans and E. transsylvanicus can be used as suitable bioindicators of trace element exposure.
Their ability to accumulate trace elements was different and depends on their physiology and lifestyle as well as the route
of exposure.Supplementary material: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5673