268 research outputs found
Health and Growth
Inarguably the most important question is about the unequal distribution of income among countries. Development economists have recently turned to health for an answer. This dissertation investigates the e®ect of health on cross-country income. The first essay sheds new light on the impact of AIDS on cross-country income levels. We control for a variety of factors that are potentially related to income as suggested by our empirical model and existing related literature. Using the extended (for human capital) Solow model as our baseline empirical specification, we consider cross-sectional and panel estimation. For the full sample it is shown that AIDS has a negative and significant efect on the level of income in both the cross-sectional, and panel estimations. When we arbitrarily split our full sample into OECD and non-OECD countries, we find that the AIDS coeficient continues to be negative and significant for the non-OECD subsample. The second essay constructs gender-specific human capital inequality measures using the Gini coeffcient. It also considers a new channel through which infant mortality affects economic growth-female human capital inequality. It is inequality in education among women that affects infant mortality and the latter affects economic growth and development. We consider cross-sectional and panel data analysis and use common instruments to correct for endogeneity of infant mortality. Our analysis suggests diverting general education subsidy money directly into the education of the least educated women, especially in less-developed countries
El malestar en música en la obra de Wolfgang Rihm
Los trabajos del compositor Wolfgang Rihm ponen de manifiesto de manera siempre distinta y con una fuerza extraordinaria, el malestar que subyace tras la sensibilidad humana y que es una fuente de sufrimiento y de riqueza tan inquietante como temible. La dramaturgia narrativa musical y escénica de su ópera de cámara Jakob Lenz lleva a escena la subjetividad del protagonista, un genio del romanticismo atormentado por su malestar interior. Por su parte, la dramaturgia y la coreografía del «poema danzado» Tutuguri revelan la explosión del sujeto psicológico y la conversión del espectáculo músico-teatral en un rito apto para apoderarse de todos los sujetos. En estas obras Rihm plantea cómo es en la plenitud de la experiencia con la obra de arte en donde podemos revivir y re-conciliarnos, quizás, con la inquietante alteridad que constituye nuestra personalidad.Composer Wolfgang Rihm’s works highlight always in a different way and with such a remarkable force the unease underlying human sensibility, which is a source of suffering and richness as disturbing as fearsome. The musical and scenic narrative dramaturgy of his chamber opera Jakob Lenz stage the subjectivity of its main character, a romanticist genius tormented due to his internal unease. Whereas the dramaturgy and the choreography of the “danced-poem” Tutuguri reveal the explosion of the psychological subject and the conversion of the musical and theatrical spectacle into a ritual suitable for taking control of all the subjects. In these works, Rihms puts forth that, in the fullness of the experience with the artistic piece, we will be capable of reviving and possibly to reconcile with the disturbing otherness that constitutes our personality
133 Transmission of Different Nucleopolyhedroviruses by Two Ectoparasitoids – Bracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Euplectrus plathypenae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
The transmission of nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) of Autographa gamma (AgNPV),
Mamestra brassicae (MbNPV), Lacanobia oleraceae (LoNPV), Helicoverpa armigera (HaNPV)
and Xantia c-nigrum (XnNPV) to their relevant larvae by the ectoparasitoid Bracon hebetor
and the transmission of the multiple-enveloped NPVs of Spodoptera exigua (SeMNPV) and
Spodoptera frugiperda (SfMNPV) by the ectoparasitoid Euplectrus plathypenae was examined.
Two methods of contamination of the both parasitoids (exposure to infected hosts
and total body surface) and two subsequent transmissions of the viruses by Bracon hebetor
to healthy hosts were tested. The results showed that both parasitoids were capable to
be mechanical vectors of the tested NPVs. Every Bracon hebetor female was able to transmit
subsequently twice the virus in 27% to 52.2% of the five Noctuidae species by preliminary
exposing to infected larvae. The second method of contamination (applying virus suspension
to the total body surface of the parasitoid) was also efficient causing virus infection in
between 29.4% and 54.15% of the larvae.
The parasitoid E. plathypenae transmited the virus from infected to noninfected larvae
in 20% and 25.57% of the S. frugiperda and S. exigua larvae, and 6.43% and 11.10%, respectively
of them died from the virus infection. The same observation was established by the
second method of contamination – respectively 33.33% and 40% infection and between
13.23% and 16.67% mortality.
The mortality of all tested larvae exposed to virus contaminated parasitoids was higher
when the parasitoid entire body surface had been artificially contaminated with the virus
than when the parasitoid itself was previously allowed to oviposit the larvae.Ispitivano je prenošenje virusa nuklearne poliedroze (NPV) poreklom iz Autographa gamma
(AgNPV), Mamestra brassicae (MbNPV), Lacanobia oleraceae (LoNPV), Helicoverpa armigera
(HaNPV) i Xantia c-nigrum (XnNPV) na njihove nezaražene larve pomoću ektoparazitoida
Bracon hebetor. Takođe je ispitivano prenošenja virusa nuklearne poliedroze sa višestrukom
membranom poreklom iz Spodoptera exigua (SeMNPV) i Spodoptera frugiperda
(SfMNPV) pomoću ekotoparazitoida Euplectrus plathypenae. Testirane su dve metode kontaminacije
oba parazitoida (izlaganje inficiranim domaćinima i ukupne površine tela). Takođe
su ispitivana dva uzastopna prenošenja virusa pomoću Bracon hebetor na zdrave domaćine.
Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su oba parazitoida mehanički prenosioci
testiranih NPV. Svaka ženka Bracon hebetor je, ukoliko je prethodno bila izlagana inficiranim
larvama, bila u stanju da uzastopno dva puta prenese virus testiranih vrsta Noctuidae u iznosu
od 27% do 52,2%. Druga metoda kontaminacije (primena suspenzije virusa na celokupnu
površinu tela parazitoida) je takođe prouzrokovala virusnu infekciju larvi od 29,4 do 54,15%.
Parazitoid E. plathypenae je preneo 20% virusa sa inficiranih na larve S. frugiperda koje
nisu bile inficirane i 25,57% virusa na neinficirane larve i S. exigua.
Pored toga, ustanovljeno je da je 6,43% larvi S. frugiperda i 11,10% larvi S. exigua uginulo
kao posledica infekcije virusom. Ista pojava je zabeležena primenom druge metode
kontaminacije prilikom koje je ostvareno 33,33% i 40% infekcije, odnosno između 13,23% i
16,67% smrtnosti.
Smrtnost svih testiranih larvi izloženih virusom kontaminiranim parazitoidima bila je viša
kada je celokupna površina tela parazitoida bila veštački zaražena virusom u odnosu na
parazitoide kojima je prethodno dozvoljeno da polažu jaja u zaražene larve
This work considers a problem of raising a marinade quality for producing snack gherkin tinned food. There is offered a new way for raising a marinade food value. The aim of the work is to raise a tinned food quality at the expanse of recipe peculiarities of ingredients. There is offered to produce snack tinned food with adding mustard. The tinned food contains gherkin, sugar refined sunflower oil, kitchen vinegar 9 %, salt, dry mustard, grinded red pepper and chopped garlic. An optimal recipe for diminishing mass consumption of the raw materials is developed in the study. The tinned food recipe was modeled by the simplex method that allowed to get an optimal variant with a maximal complex quality parameter. According to the recipe, a bank of І-82-500 needs: gherkin – 375 g, sugar – 37.5 g, refined sunflower oil – 37.5 g., kitchen vinegar 9 % – 37.75 g, salt – 3.75 g, garlic – 3.75 g, mustard (powder) – 3.75 g, grinded red pepper – 1 g.
It is established, that the new snack tinned food is characterized by high organoleptic properties.
The technological scheme at producing the snack tinned food “Pickled gherkins with mustard” includes the following processes: preparation of the raw materials (cleaning, sorting), soaking in cold water for 5–8 hours; inspection; pouring with marinade; mixing and infusion; packing; closing; sterilization, formation of ready products. Gherkins are processed by the standard technology for pickled vegetables. Physical-chemical parameters in the raw materials and ready products were studied during the work: the content of soluble dry substances – by the refractometric method; the total content of organic acids – by titration; рН-medium – by the potentiometric method; the content of nitrates – by the ionometric method. Mustard was added for raising a food value and quality of the snack tinned food. It is healthy, because it improves the appetite, disintegrates fats and facilitates digestion of protein meals, at that activating metabolism. Main healthy properties of mustard are antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Added spices and garlic give a pleasant taste and add the composition of mineral substances.
The developed recipe is designed for production technological lines and recommended for implementation at processing enterprises. The conducted work testifies to the expedience of producing new types of snack tinned food, which food value is increased and organoleptic parameters are improved at the expanse of ingredients
First record of Harpellales, Orphellales (Kickxellomycotina) and Amoebidiales (Mesomycetozoea) from Bulgaria, including a new species of Glotzia
This paper presents the results obtained from a short survey performed in Bulgaria, southeast Europe, where the trichomycetes (sensu lato), an ecological group of arthropod gut endosymbionts, were previously completely unknown. The present study initiates the comprehension of these cryptic organisms, members of the Kickxellomycotina (Harpellales, Orphellales) and the Mesomycetozoea (Amoebidiales), in this Balkan country. Eighteen new geographic records for Bulgaria are reported, including 10 species of Harpellales, three species of Orphellales and five species of Amoebidiales. Within the Harpellales, the species Glotzia balkanensis sp. nov. is described. This new species is most related to the rare species G. centroptili Gauthier ex Manier & Lichtw. and G. stenospora White & Lichtw., but is differentiated by spore and thallial characteristics. Photographs are provided and biogeographic implications of these records are discussed
Щодо цивільної процесуальної відповідальності
Стоянова Т. А. Щодо цивільної процесуальної відповідальності / Т. А. Стоянова // Зловживання цивільними процесуальними правами: шляхи протидії : матер. круглого столу (м. Одеса, 27 лист. 2015 р.) / уклад.: І. В. Андронов, Н. В. Волкова, Р. Ф. Гонгало ; НУ ОЮА, Каф. цив. проц. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2015. – С. 40-44
Komplimenterwiderungsstrategien im Bulgarischen und Deutschen
Diese empirische Arbeit beschäftigt sich im Rahmen einer kontrastiven Analyse mit den verbalen Komplimenterwiderungsstrategien im Bulgarischen und Deutschen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Distribution sowie die Häufigkeit der eingesetzten Komplimenterwiderungsstrategien in beiden Sprachgemeinschaften zu beschreiben, um Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Bulgaren und Deutschen bei der Realisierung des Sprechaktes „Komplimenterwiderung“ aufdecken zu können. Ferner wurde der Einfluss des Komplimentthemas, des sozialen Status und der sozialen Distanz zwischen den Interaktionspartnern auf die Komplimenterwiderungsstrategien einerseits im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschlecht und andererseits im Zusammenhang mit der Sprachgemeinschaft durchleuchtet. Und nicht zuletzt gehörte zum Untersuchungsgegenstand der Arbeit das geschlechtsspezifische Komplimenterwiderungsverhalten sowohl innerhalb der jeweiligen Sprachgemeinschaft als auch sprachübergreifend.
Als Erhebungsinstrument für die Datensammlung wurde ein Diskursergänzungstest (Discourse Completion Test, DCT) eingesetzt. Insgesamt haben 160 deutsche und 160 bulgarische Studierende an der Untersuchung teilgenommen. Die Ergebnisse der Datenauswertung haben gezeigt, dass sowohl Bulgaren als auch Deutsche Komplimente am häufigsten annehmen. Der angewandte Chi-Quadrat-Test bezüglich der Unterschiede in der Distribution der drei Hauptstrategien ANNEHMEN, ABLENKEN/AUSWEICHEN (inklusive der Strategie „Ignorieren“) und ABLEHNEN in beiden Sprachgemeinschaften zeigte ein signifikantes Ergebnis. Während sich die bulgarischen Probanden häufiger als die deutschen für die Komplimentannahme entscheiden, lehnen die deutschen Probanden Komplimente häufiger als die bulgarischen ab oder weichen ihnen häufiger aus. „Sichbedanken“ ist die häufigste Komplimenterwiderungsstrategie beider Sprachgemeinschaften. Im Großen und Ganzen weisen beide Sprachgemeinschaften ein ähnliches Komplimenterwiderungsverhalten ohne gravierende Differenzen auf. Hinsichtlich der geschlechtsspezifischen Besonderheiten zeigte sich, dass Frauen häufiger als Männer Komplimente annehmen. Im Vergleich dazu lehnen Männer Komplimente häufiger ab oder weichen ihnen häufiger aus. Als männereigene Strategien können „Scherzen“ und „A(nnehmen)-Erklären“ bezeichnet werden, während bei den Frauen keine Komplimenterwiderungsstrategie als „frauentypisch“ identifiziert werden konnte
La integración europea de España y Bulgaria: ¿caminos similares o diferentes?
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, 200
Nonlinear dynamics in nuclear structure
New collective coordinates that describe the deformation of atomic nuclei in terms of solitary waves (rotons) that are solutions of an underlying nonlinear liquid drop dynamics are introduced. The rotons, which are highly localized surface excitations, are shown to be intelligent states of an underlying angular momentum algebra, and furthermore, to adiabatically decouple from the rotational motion of the nucleus. An expansion of the roton profile in terms of surface multipoles shows that although the quadrupole mode (&lambda= 2) dominates, there are significant contributions from other even multipoles with &lambda= 4, 6, 8, etc. The picture of nuclear deformation that emerges is that of a smooth transition from vibrational motion to rotations, signaled by the increasing amplitude of the surface oscillations. The proposed model incorporates two features: Shell effects, with only particles (holes) above (below) the core participating in the dynamics. Collective modes, governed through nonlinear terms in the interaction governing the system. The theory offers a different interpretation of the Bohr-Mottelson picture of collective motion, one that integrates in a natural way the concept of shell closures
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