253 research outputs found

    The Hamburg sea-ice model - Revision 1

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    The specialized thoracic skeletomuscular system of the myrmecophile Claviger testaceus (Pselaphinae, Staphylinidae, Coleoptera)

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    External and internal structures of the thorax of the myrmecophile beetle Claviger testaceus (Clavigeritae, Pselaphinae) were examined and documented with state-of-the-art visualization techniques. Following a general trend in the omaliine lineage (Staphylinidae), the skeletal elements of the pro- and pterothorax in Claviger reach a maximum degree of compactness, with largely reduced inter- and intrasegmental sutures and skeletal elements linked with the flight apparatus. The musculature, especially metathoracic direct and indirect flight muscles, also shows a high degree of reduction. Two forms of wings were found among individuals of C. testaceus, both non-functional and representing an advanced stage of reduction. However, that wing vestiges are still present and the metanotum, only slightly reduced, suggests that loss of flight in this species is likely the result of a young evolutionary process. Several structures are linked with myrmecophilous habits: small body size facilitates transportation of beetles by ant workers and makes it easier to move inside nest tunnels; the remarkably compact body and mechanically robust appendages make the beetles less vulnerable to attacks by ant mandibles; the improved elytral interlocking mechanism and unusually expanded epipleura enhance the protection of vulnerable dorsal parts of the pterothorax and anterior abdomen; and glands associated with trichomes on the posterolateral elytral angle produce secretions attractive for ants. Various modifications of the thorax and anterior abdomen lead to an optimization of intimate associations with ants. The morphological syndrome enabling these beetles to cope with life in ant colonies evolved in several steps. This is suggested by an increasing solidification of the thoracic skeleton in related non-myrmecophilous groups and also by less modified related clavigerites;for instance, ant-associated tropical species are still able to fly.Introduction Materials and methods - Studied species - Light microscopy - Micro-computed tomography (μCT) - Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) - Terminology Results - Prothorax - Pterothorax - Anterior abdominal segments Discussion - Phylogenetic background - Musculature - Elytral locking system and flightlessness - Myrmecophilous habits Conclusion

    Comparative micromechanics of bushcricket ears with and without a specialized auditory fovea region in the crista acustica

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    In some insects and vertebrate species, the specific enlargement of sensory cell epithelium facilitates the perception of particular behaviourally relevant signals. The insect auditory fovea in the ear of the bushcricket Ancylecha fenestrata (Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) is an example of such an expansion of sensory epithelium. Bushcricket ears developed in convergent evolution anatomical and functional similarities to mammal ears, such as travelling waves and auditory foveae, to process information by sound. As in vertebrate ears, sound induces a motion of this insect hearing organ (crista acustica), which can be characterized by its amplitude and phase response. However, detailed micromechanics in this bushcricket ear with an auditory fovea are yet unknown. Here, we fill this gap in knowledge for bushcricket, by analysing and comparing the ear micromechanics in Ancylecha fenestrata and a bushcricket species without auditory fovea (Mecopoda elongata, Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae) using laser-Doppler vibrometry. We found that the increased size of the crista acustica, expanded by a foveal region in A. fenestrata, leads to higher mechanical amplitudes and longer phase delays in A. fenestrata male ears. Furthermore, area under curve analyses of the organ oscillations reveal that more sensory units are activated by the same stimuli in the males of the auditory fovea-possessing species A. fenestrata. The measured increase of phase delay in the region of the auditory fovea supports the conclusion that tilting of the transduction site is important for the effective opening of the involved transduction channels. Our detailed analysis of sound-induced micromechanics in this bushcricket ear demonstrates that an increase of sensory epithelium with foveal characteristics can enhance signal detection and may also improve the neuronal encoding.Introduction. - Material and methods (animals and preparation, micro-computed tomography, laser-doppler vibrometry and sound stimulation, data analysis and statistics). - Results. - Discussio

    Assessing morphology and function of the semicircular duct system: Introducing new in-situ visualization and software toolbox

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    International audienceThe semicircular duct system is part of the sensory organ of balance and essential for navigation and spatial awareness in vertebrates. Its function in detecting head rotations has been modelled with increasing sophistication, but the biomechanics of actual semicircular duct systems has rarely been analyzed, foremost because the fragile membranous structures in the inner ear are hard to visualize undistorted and in full. Here we present a new, easy-to-apply and non-invasive method for three-dimensional in-situ visualization and quantification of the semicircular duct system, using X-ray micro tomography and tissue staining with phosphotungstic acid. Moreover, we introduce Ariadne, a software toolbox which provides comprehensive and improved morphological and functional analysis of any visualized duct system. We demonstrate the potential of these methods by presenting results for the duct system of humans, the squirrel monkey and the rhesus macaque, making comparisons with past results from neurophysiological, oculometric and biomechanical studies

    On the momentum forcing of a large-scale sea-ice model

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    A large-scale sea-ice - oceanic mixed-layer model for the Southern Ocean is forced with daily atmospheric fields from operational numerical weather prediction analyses. The strength of the atmospheric forcing is modified considering atmospheric surface-layer physics, which is itself directly dependent on the instantaneous sea-ice condition provided by the sea-ice model. In earlier applications, the atmospheric drag on sea ice was computed from the local momentum transfer over ice. In the present study, this is replaced by a large-scale momentum flux, which is characterized by a large-scale stability function and a large-scale roughness length. The large-scale roughness length depends on the local skin drags and on the form drag, where the latter is given as a function of the ice-plus-snow free-board and the ice concentration, both provided by the sea-ice model. The thermodynamic part of the calculation is given by the local fluxes, which depend on the local stability of the atmospheric surface layer. This, physically more reasonable, description of the large-scale dynamic forcing generally leads to an increase of the momentum transfer via an increase of the roughness length and a decrease of the stability in the atmospheric surface layer. Finally, this yields improved model results, especially in terms of a more dynamic pattern of the ice-thickness distribution

    Morphology and function of Neandertal and modern human ear ossicles.

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    The diminutive middle ear ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) housed in the tympanic cavity of the temporal bone play an important role in audition. The few known ossicles of Neandertals are distinctly different from those of anatomically modern humans (AMHs), despite the close relationship between both human species. Although not mutually exclusive, these differences may affect hearing capacity or could reflect covariation with the surrounding temporal bone. Until now, detailed comparisons were hampered by the small sample of Neandertal ossicles and the unavailability of methods combining analyses of ossicles with surrounding structures. Here, we present an analysis of the largest sample of Neandertal ossicles to date, including many previously unknown specimens, covering a wide geographic and temporal range. Microcomputed tomography scans and 3D geometric morphometrics were used to quantify shape and functional properties of the ossicles and the tympanic cavity and make comparisons with recent and extinct AMHs as well as African apes. We find striking morphological differences between ossicles of AMHs and Neandertals. Ossicles of both Neandertals and AMHs appear derived compared with the inferred ancestral morphology, albeit in different ways. Brain size increase evolved separately in AMHs and Neandertals, leading to differences in the tympanic cavity and, consequently, the shape and spatial configuration of the ossicles. Despite these different evolutionary trajectories, functional properties of the middle ear of AMHs and Neandertals are largely similar. The relevance of these functionally equivalent solutions is likely to conserve a similar auditory sensitivity level inherited from their last common ancestor

    Higher fundamental frequency in bonobos is explained by larynx morphology

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    Acoustic signals, shaped by natural and sexual selection, reveal ecological and social selection pressures [1]. Examining acoustic signals together with morphology can be particularly revealing. But this approach has rarely been applied to primates, where clues to the evolutionary trajectory of human communication may be found. Across vertebrate species, there is a close relationship between body size and acoustic parameters, such as formant dispersion and fundamental frequency (f0). Deviations from this acoustic allometry usually produce calls with a lower f0 than expected for a given body size, often due to morphological adaptations in the larynx or vocal tract [2]. An unusual example of an obvious mismatch between fundamental frequency and body size is found in the two closest living relatives of humans, bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Although these two ape species overlap in body size [3], bonobo calls have a strikingly higher f0 than corresponding calls from chimpanzees [4]. Here, we compare acoustic structures of calls from bonobos and chimpanzees in relation to their larynx morphology. We found that shorter vocal fold length in bonobos compared to chimpanzees accounted for species differences in f0, showing a rare case of positive selection for signal diminution in both bonobo sexes

    Spawning of Threatened Barred Galaxias, Galaxias fuscus (Teleostei: Galaxiidae)

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    Barred galaxias Galaxias fuscus is an endangered freshwater fish endemic to south-eastern Australia. Little is known of the species’ ecology. We investigated spawning biology of G. fuscus in three headwater streams and found spawning to occur mid-August to late September when photoperiod was 10 h 39 min – 12 h 25 min. Spawning sites were in fresh (range 35.3 – 56.6 EC, mean 44.7 EC), slightly acidic (range 5.7 – 7.1 pH, mean 5.9 pH), moderate to fast flowing (range 0.4 – 2.0 m/s, mean 1.0 m/s), shallow (range 70 – 310 mm, mean 174 mm), well oxygenated (range 10.8 – 12.4 mg/l, mean 11.3mg/l), clear (range 1.2 – 6.3 NTU, mean 3.8 NTU), cool waters (range 8.4 – 10 °C, mean 9.1°C) immediately upstream of pools. Multi-layered clusters of up to 218 eggs were generally adhered close to the stream bed on the downstream side of cobbles greater than 180 mm diameter

    Self generated randomness, defect wandering and viscous flow in stripe glasses

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    We show that the competition between interactions on different length scales, as relevant for the formation of stripes in doped Mott insulators, can cause a glass transition in a system with no explicitly quenched disorder. We analytically determine a universal criterion for the emergence of an exponentially large number of metastable configurations that leads to a finite configurational entropy and a landscape dominated viscous flow. We demonstrate that glassines is unambiguously tied to a new length scale which characterizes the typical length over which defects and imperfections in the stripe pattern are allowed to wander over long times.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure