22 research outputs found

    The Potential of iPS Cells in Synucleinopathy Research

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    α-synuclein is a protein involved in the pathogenesis of several so-called synucleinopathies including Parkinson's disease. A variety of models have been so far assessed. Human induced pluripotent stem cells provide a patient- and disease-specific model for in vitro studies, pharmacotoxicological screens, and hope for future cell-based therapies. Initial experimental procedures include the harvest of patients' material for the reprogramming process, the investigation of the patients genetic background in the cultured cells, and the evaluation of disease-relevant factors/proteins under various cell culture conditions

    An Inducible Expression System of the Calcium-Activated Potassium Channel 4 to Study the Differential Impact on Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Rationale. The family of calcium-activated potassium channels consists of four members with varying biological functions and conductances. Besides membrane potential modulation, SK channels have been found to be involved in cardiac pacemaker cell development from ES cells and morphological shaping of neural stem cells. Objective. Distinct SK channel subtype expression in ES cells might elucidate their precise impact during cardiac development. We chose SK channel subtype 4 as a potential candidate influencing embryonic stem cell differentiation. Methods. We generated a doxycycline inducible mouse ES cell line via targeted homologous recombination of a cassette expressing a bicistronic construct encoding SK4 and a fluorophore from the murine HPRT locus. Conclusion. We characterized the mouse ES cell line iSK4-AcGFP. The cassette is readily expressed under the control of doxycycline, and the overexpression of SK4 led to an increase in cardiac and pacemaker cell differentiation thereby serving as a unique tool to characterize the cell biological variances due to specific SK channel overexpression

    Microarray-Based Comparisons of Ion Channel Expression Patterns: Human Keratinocytes to Reprogrammed hiPSCs to Differentiated Neuronal and Cardiac Progeny

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    Ion channels are involved in a large variety of cellular processes including stem cell differentiation. Numerous families of ion channels are present in the organism which can be distinguished by means of, for example, ion selectivity, gating mechanism, composition, or cell biological function. To characterize the distinct expression of this group of ion channels we have compared the mRNA expression levels of ion channel genes between human keratinocyte-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and their somatic cell source, keratinocytes from plucked human hair. This comparison revealed that 26% of the analyzed probes showed an upregulation of ion channels in hiPSCs while just 6% were downregulated. Additionally, iPSCs express a much higher number of ion channels compared to keratinocytes. Further, to narrow down specificity of ion channel expression in iPS cells we compared their expression patterns with differentiated progeny, namely, neurons and cardiomyocytes derived from iPS cells. To conclude, hiPSCs exhibit a very considerable and diverse ion channel expression pattern. Their detailed analysis could give an insight into their contribution to many cellular processes and even disease mechanisms

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived acinar/ductal organoids generate human pancreas upon orthotopic transplantation and allow disease modelling

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    Objective The generation of acinar and ductal cells from human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) is a poorly studied process, although various diseases arise from this compartment. Design We designed a straightforward approach to direct human PSCs towards pancreatic organoids resembling acinar and ductal progeny. Results Extensive phenotyping of the organoids not only shows the appropriate marker profile but also ultrastructural, global gene expression and functional hallmarks of the human pancreas in the dish. Upon orthotopic transplantation into immunodeficient mice, these organoids form normal pancreatic ducts and acinar tissue resembling fetal human pancreas without evidence of tumour formation or transformation. Finally, we implemented this unique phenotyping tool as a model to study the pancreatic facets of cystic fibrosis (CF). For the first time, we provide evidence that in vitro, but also in our xenograft transplantation assay, pancreatic commitment occurs generally unhindered in CF. Importantly, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) activation in mutated pancreatic organoids not only mirrors the CF phenotype in functional assays but also at a global expression level. We also conducted a scalable proof-of-concept screen in CF pancreatic organoids using a set of CFTR correctors and activators, and established an mRNA-mediated gene therapy approach in CF organoids. Conclusions Taken together, our platform provides novel opportunities to model pancreatic disease and development, screen for disease-rescuing agents and to test therapeutic procedures.This study was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, K.L. 2544/1-1 and 1-2), the Forschungskern SyStaR to AK, BIU (Böhringer Ingelheim Ulm to AK), the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation (Az., the German Cancer Aid (111879) and the Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (2011_A200). AK is indebted to the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung for the financial support of this research project by the Eliteprogramme for Postdocs. AK is also an Else-Kröner-Fresenius Memorial Fellow. LP is supported by a research fellowship of the Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung. MH was supported by the International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine and the Bausteinprogramme (L.SBN. 110), Ulm University. MM is supported by a grant of Ulm University (Baustein for Senior Clinician Scientists). IGC is funded by the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF Aachen) and Start Program, RWTH Aachen University Medical School, Aachen, German

    A call for action: Improve reporting of research studies to increase the scientific basis for regulatory decision-making

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)This is a call for action to scientific journals to introduce reporting requirements for toxicity and ecotoxicity studies. Such reporting requirements will support the use of peer‐reviewed research studies in regulatory decision‐making. Moreover, this could improve the reliability and reproducibility of published studies in general and make better use of the resources spent in research.Nordic Council of Minister

    Developmental and functional nature of human iPSC derived motoneurons

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) derived motoneurons represent a crucial cellular tool to investigate developmental as well as neuropathological mechanisms. Moreover, they can serve as a new platform for drug-screening and -development. We established an effective protocol to generate motoneurons from hiPS cells obtained from hair keratinocytes. Human motoneurons differentiate about 10 times slower compared to rodent motoneurons, the sequential steps of maturation are, however, essentially identical. The polar differentiation of neurites into dendrites and axons occurred after 2 weeks, electrophysiological properties of motoneurons including spontaneous action potentials were detectable 3 weeks later. Synaptic contacts characterized by pre- and postsynaptic marker proteins were observed after 6-7 weeks in culture. Co-culturing of human motoneurons with myotubes for three weeks induced synchronized contractions of differentiated striated muscle cells and the establishment of functional neuromuscular junctions. Our study introduces a model system to study the neuromuscular interplay in vitro and provides the basis to study the physiology and pathophysiology of the human motor system particularly with respect to motoneuron diseases

    "Pope for Planet"?:Laudato Si' als "dringliche Einladung zum Dialog" (LS 14) und das weltweite Echo auf die Enzyklika

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    Marianne Heimbach-Steins und Nils Stockmann widmen sich der Reichweite und weltweiten Rezeption der Enzyklika Laudato Si'(2015). Die Autor*innen zeichnen Trends und Schwerpunkte der Kommentierung der Enzyklika nach und zeigen, dass sie überwiegend konstruktiv aufgenommen, zugleich aber auch kontrovers diskutiert wurde. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die Redeweise und die Art der Vermittlung, die Papst Franziskus wählt, analysiert und in ihrer ethischen und spirituellen Dimension erörtert. Abschließend skizzieren die Autor*innen Perspektiven für die weitere Beschäftigung mit der Enzyklika