110 research outputs found

    Osteochondral lesions in distal tarsal joints of Icelandic horses reveal strong associations between hyaline and calcified cartilage abnormalities

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    Osteochondral lesions in the joints of the distal tarsal region of young Icelandic horses provide a natural model for the early stages of osteoarthritis (OA) in low-motion joints. We describe and characterise mineralised and non-mineralised osteochondral lesions in left distal tarsal region joint specimens from twenty-two 30 ±1 month-old Icelandic horses. Combinations of confocal scanning light microscopy, backscattered electron scanning electron microscopy (including, importantly, iodine staining) and three-dimensional microcomputed tomography were used on specimens obtained with guidance from clinical imaging. Lesion-types were described and classified into groups according to morphological features. Their locations in the hyaline articular cartilage (HAC), articular calcified cartilage (ACC), subchondral bone (SCB) and the joint margin tissues were identified and their frequency in the joints recorded. Associations and correlations between lesion-types were investigated for centrodistal joints only. In centrodistal joints the lesion-types HAC chondrocyte loss, HAC fibrillation, HAC central chondrocyte clusters, ACC arrest and ACC advance had significant associations and strong correlations. These lesion-types had moderate to high frequency in centrodistal joints but low frequencies in tarsometatarsal and talocalcaneal-centroquartal joints. Joint margin lesion-types had no significant associations with other lesion-types in the centrodistal joints but high frequency in both the centrodistal and tarsometatarsal joints. The frequency of SCB lesion-types in all joints was low. Hypermineralised infill phase lesion-types were detected. Our results emphasise close associations between HAC and ACC lesions in equine centrodistal joints and the importance of ACC lesions in the development of OA in low-motion compression-loaded equine joints

    Livet som vuxen när man växt upp med föräldrar som har alkoholproblem

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    Our intention with this essay was to examine how children were affected due to their parent’s substance abuse. Studies show that these children were particularly vulnerable and harmed throughout their upbringing because of their parents drinking problem. Our aim with our study was to gather further knowledge regarding people who grow up under these conditions and to better understand how it has affected their every day life. There is a lack of research in this area and there are no pervious long-term studies. This study consists of both theoretical and empirical studies based on a qualitative method. Our interviews were semi structured and we summoned our material by interviewing nine women. Five of these women were in touch with a support group that aimed to support people who had grown up with parents whom had problems with alcohol. The other four women had all been in some kind of therapy. To analyse the information we gathered we used different theories like systemic theory and the attachment theory. The result of our study showed that despite a difficult childhood that these people seemed to have a pretty functional life today. But we could also outline that some of them had problems regarding relationships, both with their partner and with their friends. The respondents showed emotional problems with conflicts, self confidence and control needs. Those who had an adult support in their childhood seemed to have more confidence to others and easier to connect in relations, as an adult. Our study has showed how important it was to have a person to feel connected to as a child

    Governance for sustainable urban development: the double function of SDG indicators

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    At the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the imperative of monitoring progress and holding policy-makers accountable. For this purpose, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 230 global indicators were established with the double function of being a report card and a management tool. In the light of a pilot study about the experiences of local planning officials in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden, in relation to the suggested indicators for SDG 11, ‘Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’, and a comparison with findings in four other cities, the paper argues for a need to reprioritize indicator criteria to serve better governance for sustainable development in diverse urban contexts worldwide

    Nerve growth factor in the equine joint

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    Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neurotrophin with many functions. In humans, it is involved in inflammation, nerve growth, apoptosis and pain signalling. Increased concentrations of NGF in synovial fluid has been shown in humans and dogs with osteoarthritis. Despite osteoarthritis being a common problem in horses, no studies have previously been published on NGF in the equine joint. The aim of this study was to quantify NGF in equine synovial fluid from healthy joints, acutely inflamed septic joints and joints with structural changes associated with osteoarthritis. A secondary aim was to identify the localisation of NGF and its two receptors, TrkA and p75(NTR) in healthy and osteoarthritic articular cartilage. NGF concentrations in synovial fluid from osteoarthritic joints (n = 27), septic joints (n = 9) and healthy joints (n = 16) were determined by ELISA. In addition, articular cartilage from osteoarthritic and healthy joints was examined for NGF, TrkA and P75(NTR) using immunohistochemistry staining. NGF was present in equine synovial fluid and articular cartilage. Compared to synovial fluid from healthy joints, NGF concentration was higher in synovial fluid from joints with structural osteoarthritic changes (P = 0.032) or acute septic inflammation (P = 0.006). In articular cartilage with severe osteoarthritic changes, there was more abundant positive immunohistochemistry staining for NGF and its receptors than in normal articular cartilage. Further studies should focus on identifying precursor forms of NGF, and on receptor expression and downstream signalling of TrkA and P75(NTR) in health and disease. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Osteochondrosis in the central and third tarsal bones of young horses

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    Recently, the central and third tarsal bones of 23 equine fetuses and foals were examined using micro-computed tomography. Radiological changes, including incomplete ossification and focal ossification defects interpreted as osteochondrosis, were detected in 16 of 23 cases. The geometry of the osteochondrosis defects suggested they were the result of vascular failure, but this requires histological confirmation. The study aim was to examine central and third tarsal bones from the 16 cases and to describe the tissues present, cartilage canals, and lesions, including suspected osteochondrosis lesions. Cases included 9 males and 7 females from 0 to 150 days of age, comprising 11 Icelandic horses, 2 standardbred horses, 2 warmblood riding horses, and 1 coldblooded trotting horse. Until 4 days of age, all aspects of the bones were covered by growth cartilage, but from 105 days, the dorsal and plantar aspects were covered by fibrous tissue undergoing intramembranous ossification. Cartilage canal vessels gradually decreased but were present in most cases up to 122 days and were absent in the next available case at 150 days. Radiological osteochondrosis defects were confirmed in histological sections from 3 cases and consisted of necrotic vessels surrounded by ischemic chondronecrosis (articular osteochondrosis) and areas of retained, morphologically viable hypertrophic chondrocytes (physeal osteochondrosis). The central and third tarsal bones formed by both endochondral and intramembranous ossification. The blood supply to the growth cartilage of the central and third tarsal bones regressed between 122 and 150 days of age. Radiological osteochondrosis defects represented vascular failure, with chondrocyte necrosis and retention, or a combination of articular and physeal osteochondrosis

    Alternative marine fuels: Prospects based on multi-criteria decision analysis involving Swedish stakeholders

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    There is a need for alternative marine fuels in order to reduce the environmental and climate impacts of shipping, in the short and long term. This study assesses the prospects for seven alternative fuels for the shipping sector in 2030, including biofuels, by applying a multi-criteria decision analysis approach that is based on the estimated fuel performance and on input from a panel of maritime stakeholders and by considering, explicitly, the influence of stakeholder preferences. Seven alternative marine fuels—liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquefied biogas (LBG), methanol from natural gas, renewable methanol, hydrogen for fuel cells produced from (i) natural gas or (ii) electrolysis based on renewable electricity, and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO)—and heavy fuel oil (HFO) as benchmark are included and ranked by ten performance criteria and their relative importance. The criteria cover economic, environmental, technical, and social aspects. Stakeholder group preferences (i.e., the relative importance groups assign to the criteria) influence the ranking of these options. For ship-owners, fuel producers, and engine manufacturers, economic criteria, in particular the fuel price, are the most important. These groups rank LNG and HFO the highest, followed by fossil methanol, and then various biofuels (LBG, renewable methanol, and HVO). Meanwhile, representatives from Swedish government authorities prioritize environmental criteria, specifically GHG emissions, and social criteria, specifically the potential to meet regulations, ranking renewable hydrogen the highest, followed by renewable methanol, and then HVO. Policy initiatives are needed to promote the introduction of renewable marine fuels

    Low production of reactive oxygen species in granulocytes is associated with organ damage in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Introduction: Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) are main effector cells in the acute immune response. While the specific role of PMN in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and autoimmunity is still unclear, their importance in chronic inflammation is gaining more attention. Here we investigate aspects of function, bone marrow release and activation of PMN in patients with SLE. Methods: The following PMN functions and subsets were evaluated using flow cytometry; (a) production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after ex vivo stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) or Escherichia coli (E. coli); (b) capacity to phagocytose antibody-coated necrotic cell material; (c) PMN recently released from bone marrow, defined as percentage of CD10(-)D16(low) in peripheral blood, and (d) PMN activation markers; CD11b, CD62L and C5aR. Results: SLE patients (n = 92) showed lower ROS production compared with healthy controls (n = 38) after activation ex vivo. The ROS production was not associated with corticosteroid dose or other immunotherapies. PMA induced ROS production was significantly reduced in patients with severe disease. In contrast, neither ROS levels after E. coli activation, nor the capacity to phagocytose were associated with disease severity. This suggests that decreased ROS production after PMA activation is a sign of changed PMN behaviour rather than generally impaired functions. The CD10(-)CD16(low) phenotype constitute 2% of PMN in peripheral blood of SLE patients compared with 6.4% in controls, indicating a decreased release of PMN from the bone marrow in SLE. A decreased expression of C5aR on PMN was observed in SLE patients, pointing towards in vivo activation. Conclusions: Our results indicate that PMN from SLE patients have altered function, are partly activated and are released abnormally from bone marrow. The association between low ROS formation in PMN and disease severity is consistent with findings in other autoimmune diseases and might be considered as a risk factor

    Resource consumption and management associated with monitoring of warfarin treatment in primary health care in Sweden

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    BACKGROUND: Warfarin is used for the prevention and treatment of various thromboembolic complications. It is an efficacious anticoagulant, but it has a narrow therapeutic range, and regular monitoring is required to ensure therapeutic efficacy and at the same time avoid life-threatening adverse events. The objective was to assess management and resource consumption associated with patient monitoring episodes during warfarin treatment in primary health care in Sweden. METHODS: Delphi technique was used to systematically explore attitudes, demands and priorities, and to collect informed judgements related to monitoring of warfarin treatment. Two separate Delphi-panels were performed in three and two rounds, respectively, one concerning tests taken in primary health care centres, involving 34 GPs and 10 registered nurses, and one concerning tests taken in patients' homes, involving 49 district nurses. RESULTS: In the primary health care panel 10 of the 34 GPs regularly collaborated with a registered nurse. Average time for one monitoring episode was estimated to 10.1 minutes for a GP and 21.4 minutes for a nurse, when a nurse assisted a doctor. The average time for monitoring was 17.6 minutes for a GP when not assisted by a nurse. Considering all the monitoring episodes, 11.6% of patient blood samples were taken in the individual patient's home. Average time for such a monitoring episode was estimated to 88.2 minutes. Of all the visits, 8.2% were performed in vain and took on average 44.6 minutes. In both studies, approximately 20 different elements of work concerning management of patients during warfarin treatment were identified. CONCLUSION: Monitoring of patients during treatment with warfarin in primary health care in Sweden involves many elements of work, and demands large resources, especially when tests are taken in the patient's home
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