37 research outputs found


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    Modeling and assessment of self-healing and thixotropy properties for SBS modified binders

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    The fatigue endurance limit of binders is the results of more phenomena (e.g. viscoelasticity, damage, healing, thixotropy, steric hardening) that interact simultaneously making the mechanisms behind the fatigue behavior not properly understood. Currently, there is no consolidated analytical approach inclusive of such phenomena to characterize fatigue performance. This research proposes a criterion to determine the fatigue resistance of binders subjected to monotonous cyclic loading with multiple rest periods. The main rheological properties are measured during each stage using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer and the modeling of their evolution is proposed. The experimental program includes different binders in order to investigate the effects of SBS modification levels and aged binder contents on self-healing potential and fatigue behavior. The proposed criterion enables to identify fundamental contributions leading to a comprehensive fatigue endurance limit. This approach allows different binders to be distinguished taking into account their self-healing capacity and can help to establish a better correlation with in-service performance of mixtures. Moreover, a comparison with a previous analytical approach based on the same kind of test (time sweep) with only one rest period is proposed in order to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed criterion. Results show that multiple rest periods are needed in order to fully understand the self-healing and fatigue behavior of bituminous binders and to quantify the contributions given by thixotropy. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    In plant production of hot recycled mixtures with high reclaimed asphalt pavement content: A performance evaluation

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    Nevertheless hot recycling process is nowadays a widespread technique, many doubts related to the in plant recycling process effects on the performance of recycled mixtures still exist and limit the maximum allowable amount of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). Therefore, the feasibility of an efficient production of plant hot recycled mixtures characterized by high RAP content and suitable performance should be properly addressed. To this aim, the overall performance of hot recycled asphalt mixtures produced in asphalt plant and containing high RAP content were assessed in this study. The mixtures were prepared with two different bitumens (high and low content of SBS polymer modifier) and 40 % of RAP only deriving from asphalt layers containing polymer modified bitumens. The aggregate grading curve was previously optimized through a specific laboratory study by applying the Bailey Method and using selected RAP. A third mixture, currently used for binder layers in motorway pavements, was also studied for comparative purposes. Compactability, stiffness, cracking and rutting resistance and fatigue behavior were investigated. Results of the mechanical tests suggest that mixtures containing 40 % RAP are suitable for the production of new asphalt pavements, especially when low modified bitumens are used. In fact, the performance of such mixtures were comparable or even higher than those of the reference mixture. In particular, the specific and accurate mix design allowed the potential drawbacks due to higher RAP content to be balanced. © RILEM 2016

    Performance Evaluation of Cold Recycled Mixture Containing High Percentage of Reclaimed Asphalt

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    Cold recycling of asphalt pavements proved to be an effective maintenance and rehabilitation technology for both environmental and economic reasons. Nevertheless, the use of cold-recycled (CR) asphalt mixtures requires a careful assessment of their mechanical properties, especially when they are designed to replace traditional hot-mix asphalt concrete (AC) mixtures. In this study, the potential use of a CR asphalt mixture as base course of an Italian motorway was evaluated. The studied mixture was produced in a central plant employing high-reclaimed asphalt (RA) content and used to construct two experimental sections along an in-service Italian motorway. In particular, a special mixing procedure, involving the use of water vapour and bituminous emulsion, was tested. A third experimental section was constructed with the same layer thickness using the AC mixture currently used in rehabilitation projects, incorporating 30% of RA. Volumetric properties, stiffness, resistance to permanent deformation and fatigue behaviour of mixtures were investigated by performing tests on samples cored from the three test sections and on laboratory-compacted samples. Results of the mechanical tests showed that CR mixtures provide lower stiffness modulus and lower resistance to repeated loading, but better resistance to permanent deformation when compared with AC. This behaviour can be explained due to the presence of cementitious bonds that reduce thermal sensitivity and viscous response

    Holding consultations with Quadruple Helix actors

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    SER explores different ways in which “researchers meaningfully interact with various stakeholders over any or all stages of a research process, from issue formulation, the production or co-creation of new knowledge, to knowledge evaluation and dissemination”6 . It engages higher education institutions, local communities, governments, SMEs, and organizations into the creation of mutually beneficial relationships. Most importantly, it “is advanced with community partners rather than for or about them”7 . The European Commission has identified SER as a key priority, emphasising that “the engagement of citizens, local communities and civil society will be at the core of the new ERA to achieve greater societal impact and increased trust in science”8

    Original Approach to Predict Fatigue Endurance Limit of Asphalt Binders Considering Healing Capacity

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    More phenomena interact (e.g. viscoelasticity, damage, healing) contributing to the overall behavior of binders in terms of fatigue endurance limit. However, currently there is no consolidated analytical approach inclusive of strength recovery during rest periods to characterize fatigue performance. This research proposes a criterion to determine the resistance of binders subjected to monotonous cyclic loading with multiple rest times by using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer. Main rheological properties are measured and the modeling of their evolution during each stage is proposed. The experimental program includes different binders in order to investigate the effects of SBS modification levels and aged binder contents on healing potential. Beyond the classical component related to damage analysis, the proposed criterion enables to identify other fundamental contributions, leading to a comprehensive fatigue endurance limit. This approach allows distinguishing binders taking into account their healing capacity and should provide a better correlation with in-service performance of mixtures

    Better Life TOOLKITS

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    Using the information collected during the mapping process, PP developed toolkits that “generate benefits, changes and/or effects for all participants as they develop and share knowledge, expertise and skills.” That specifically involve the creation of a toolbox that synthesizes, reuses, revises, remixes, and redistributes the resources and tools developed by previous European projects in civic, community, and societal engaged research, and the design of the required new tools. Based on the research findings, this stage of the project will also involve the development of indicators that will be used to measure the level of engaged research in the consortium prior to the application of the BETTER Life Centre framework