48 research outputs found

    Polarized Radio Sources: A Study of Luminosity, Redshift and Infrared Colors

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    The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Deep Field polarization study has been matched with the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey of the European Large Area Infrared Space Observatory Survey North 1 field. We have used VLA observations with a total intensity rms of 87 microJy beam^-1 to match SWIRE counterparts to the radio sources. Infrared color analysis of our radio sample shows that the majority of polarized sources are elliptical galaxies with an embedded active galactic nucleus. Using available redshift catalogs, we found 429 radio sources of which 69 are polarized with redshifts in the range of 0.04 < z <3.2. We find no correlation between redshift and percentage polarization for our sample. However, for polarized radio sources, we find a weak correlation between increasing percentage polarization and decreasing luminosity.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Three-Dimensional Simulations of Magnetized Superbubbles: New Insights into the Importance of MHD Effects on Observed Quantities

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    We present three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of superbubbles, to study the importance of MHD effects in the interpretation of images from recent surveys of the Galactic plane. These simulations focus mainly on atmospheres defined by an exponential density distribution and the Dickey & Lockman (1990) density distribution. In each case, the magnetic field is parallel to the Galactic plane and we investigate cases with either infinite scale height (constant magnetic field) or a constant ratio of gas pressure to magnetic pressure. The three-dimensional structure of superbubbles in these simulations is discussed with emphasis on the axial ratio of the cavity as a function of magnetic field strength and the age of the bubble. We investigate systematic errors in the age of the bubble and scale height of the surrounding medium that may be introduced by modeling the data with purely hydrodynamic models. Age estimates derived with symmetric hydrodynamic models fitted to an asymmetric magnetized superbubble can differ by up to a factor of four, depending on the direction of the line of sight. The scale height of the surrounding medium based on the Kompaneets model may be up to 50% lower than the actual scale height. We also present the first ever predictions of Faraday rotation by a magnetized superbubble based on three-dimensional MHD simulations. We emphasize the importance of MHD effects in the interpretation of observations of superbubbles.Comment: 21 journal pages. 17 figures. 5 tables (added extensive discussion on the effect of cooling on the bubbles); Accepted for publications in the Astrophysical Journal. Related animations can be accessed via http://www.capca.ucalgary.c

    Detection Thresholds and Bias Correction in Polarized Intensity

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    Detection thresholds in polarized intensity and polarization bias correction are investigated for surveys where the polarization information is obtained from RM synthesis. Considering unresolved sources with a single rotation measure, a detection threshold of 8σQU8 \sigma_{QU} applied to the Faraday spectrum will retrieve the RM with a false detection rate less than 10−410^{-4}, but polarized intensity is more strongly biased than Ricean statistics suggest. For a detection threshold of 5σQU5 \sigma_{QU}, the false detection rate increases to ~4%, depending also on λ2\lambda^2 coverage and the extent of the Faraday spectrum. Non-Gaussian noise in Stokes Q and U due to imperfect imaging and calibration can be represented by a distribution that is the sum of a Gaussian and an exponential. The non-Gaussian wings of the noise distribution increase the false detection rate in polarized intensity by orders of magnitude. Monte-Carlo simulations assuming non-Gaussian noise in Q and U, give false detection rates at 8σQU8 \sigma_{QU} similar to Ricean false detection rates at 4.9σQU4.9 \sigma_{QU}.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australi

    CHANG-ES XXVII: A Radio/X-ray Catalogue of Compact Sources in and around Edge-on Galaxies

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    We present catalogues of discrete, compact radio sources in and around the discs of 35 edge-on galaxies in the Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies -- an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES). The sources were extracted using the PyBDSF program at both 1.6 GHz (L-band) and 6.0 GHz (C-band) from matching resolution (≈\approx 3 arcsec) data. We also present catalogues of X-ray sources from Chandra data sets for 27 of the galaxies. The sources at the two radio frequency bands were positionally cross-correlated with each other, and the result cross-correlated with the X-ray sources. All catalogues are included for download with this paper. We detect a total of 2507 sources at L-band and 1413 sources at C-band. Seventy-five sources have been successfully cross-correlated in both radio bands plus X-ray. Three new nuclear sources are candidates for Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei in NGC~3877, NGC~4192, and NGC~5792; the one in NGC~3877 also appears to be variable. We also find new nuclear sources in two companion galaxies: NGC~4435 (companion to NGC~4438) and NGC~4298 (companion to NGC~4302). We have also discovered what appears to be a foreground double-star; each star has X-ray emission and there is radio emission at both L-band and C-band in between them. This could be a colliding wind binary system. Suggestions for follow-up studies are offered.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS, 57 pages of which pages 30 to 57 are figures. 5 ancillary files containing tabular information, as explained in the appendice