99 research outputs found

    Expression and extracellular release of a functional anti-trypanosome Nanobody® in Sodalis glossinidius, a bacterial symbiont of the tsetse fly

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Sodalis glossinidius</it>, a gram-negative bacterial endosymbiont of the tsetse fly, has been proposed as a potential <it>in vivo </it>drug delivery vehicle to control trypanosome parasite development in the fly, an approach known as paratransgenesis. Despite this interest of <it>S. glossinidius </it>as a paratransgenic platform organism in tsetse flies, few potential effector molecules have been identified so far and to date none of these molecules have been successfully expressed in this bacterium.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, <it>S. glossinidius </it>was transformed to express a single domain antibody, (Nanobody<sup>®</sup>) Nb_An33, that efficiently targets conserved cryptic epitopes of the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of the parasite <it>Trypanosoma brucei</it>. Next, we analyzed the capability of two predicted secretion signals to direct the extracellular delivery of significant levels of active Nb_An33. We show that the pelB leader peptide was successful in directing the export of fully functional Nb_An33 to the periplasm of <it>S. glossinidius </it>resulting in significant levels of extracellular release. Finally, <it>S. glossinidius </it>expressing pelBNb_An33 exhibited no significant reduction in terms of fitness, determined by <it>in vitro </it>growth kinetics, compared to the wild-type strain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data are the first demonstration of the expression and extracellular release of functional trypanosome-interfering Nanobodies<sup>® </sup>in <it>S. glossinidius</it>. Furthermore, <it>Sodalis </it>strains that efficiently released the effector protein were not affected in their growth, suggesting that they may be competitive with endogenous microbiota in the midgut environment of the tsetse fly. Collectively, these data reinforce the notion for the potential of <it>S. glossinidius </it>to be developed into a paratransgenic platform organism.</p

    Efficient targeting of conserved cryptic epitopes of infectious agents by single domain antibodies : African trypanosomes as paradign

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    Antigen variation is a successful defense system adopted by several infectious agents to evade the host immune response. The principle of this defense strategy in the African trypanosome paradigm involves a dense packing of variant surface glycoproteins (VSG) exposing only highly variable and immuno-dominant epitopes to the immune system, whereas conserved epitopes become inaccessible for large molecules. Reducing the size of binders that target the conserved, less-immunogenic, cryptic VSG epitopes forms an obvious solution to combat these parasites. This goal was achieved by introducing dromedary Heavy-chain antibodies. We found that only these unique antibodies recognize epitopes common to multiple VSG classes. After phage display of their antigen-binding repertoire, we isolated a single domain antibody fragment with high specificity for the conserved Asn-linked carbohydrate of VSG. In sharp contrast to labeled concanavalin-A that stains only the flagellar pocket where carbohydrates are accessible because of less dense VSG packing, the single domain binder stains the entire surface of viable parasites, irrespective of the VSG type expressed. This corroborates the idea that small antibody fragments, but not larger lectins or conventional antibody fragments, are able to penetrate the dense VSG coat to target their epitope. The diagnostic potential of this fluorescently labeled binder was proven by the direct, selective, and sensitive detection of parasites in blood smears. The employment of this binder as a molecular recognition unit in immunotoxins designed for trypanosomosis therapy becomes feasible as well. This was illustrated by the specific trypanolysis induced by an antibody:: beta-lactamase fusion activating a prodrug

    MIF-mediated hemodilution promotes pathogenic anemia in experimental African trypanosomosis

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    Animal African trypanosomosis is a major threat to the economic development and human health in sub-Saharan Africa. Trypanosoma congolense infections represent the major constraint in livestock production, with anemia as the major pathogenic lethal feature. The mechanisms underlying anemia development are ill defined, which hampers the development of an effective therapy. Here, the contribution of the erythropoietic and erythrophagocytic potential as well as of hemodilution to the development of T. congolense-induced anemia were addressed in a mouse model of low virulence relevant for bovine trypanosomosis. We show that in infected mice, splenic extramedullary erythropoiesis could compensate for the chronic low-grade type I inflammation-induced phagocytosis of senescent red blood cells ( RBCs) in spleen and liver myeloid cells, as well as for the impaired maturation of RBCs occurring in the bone marrow and spleen. Rather, anemia resulted from hemodilution. Our data also suggest that the heme catabolism subsequent to sustained erythrophagocytosis resulted in iron accumulation in tissue and hyperbilirubinemia. Moreover, hypoalbuminemia, potentially resulting from hemodilution and liver injury in infected mice, impaired the elimination of toxic circulating molecules like bilirubin. Hemodilutional thrombocytopenia also coincided with impaired coagulation. Combined, these effects could elicit multiple organ failure and uncontrolled bleeding thus reduce the survival of infected mice. MIF ( macrophage migrating inhibitory factor), a potential pathogenic molecule in African trypanosomosis, was found herein to promote erythrophagocytosis, to block extramedullary erythropoiesis and RBC maturation, and to trigger hemodilution. Hence, these data prompt considering MIF as a potential target for treatment of natural bovine trypanosomosis

    Comparative Analysis of Antibody Responses against HSP60, Invariant Surface Glycoprotein 70, and Variant Surface Glycoprotein Reveals a Complex Antigen-Specific Pattern of Immunoglobulin Isotype Switching during Infection by Trypanosoma brucei

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    During Trypanosoma brucei infections, the response against the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of the parasite represents a major interaction between the mammalian host immune system and the parasite surface. Since immune recognition of other parasite derived factors also occurs, we examined the humoral host response against trypanosome heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), a conserved antigen with an autoimmune character. During experimental T. brucei infection in BALB/c mice, the anti-HSP60 response was induced when parasites differentiated into stumpy forms. This response was characterized by a stage-specific immunoglobulin isotype switching as well as by the induction of an autoimmune response. Specific recognition of trypanosome HSP60 was found to occur during the entire course of infection. Immunoglobulin G2a (IgG2a) and IgG2b antibodies, induced mainly in a T-cell-independent manner, were observed during the first peak of parasitemia, whereas IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies were found at the end of the infection, due to a specific T-cell-mediated response. Comparative analysis of the kinetics of anti-HSP60, anti-invariant surface glycoprotein 70 (ISG70), and anti-VSG antibody responses indicated that the three trypanosome antigens give rise to specific and independent patterns of immunoglobulin isotype switching

    Comparative analysis of antibody responses against HSP60, invariant surface glycoprotein 70, and variant surface glycoprotein reveals a complex antigen-specific pattern of immunoglobulin isotype switching during infection by Trypanosoma brucei.

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    During Trypanosoma brucei infections, the response against the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of the parasite represents a major interaction between the mammalian host immune system and the parasite surface. Since immune recognition of other parasite derived factors also occurs, we examined the humoral host response against trypanosome heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), a conserved antigen with an autoimmune character. During experimental T. brucei infection in BALB/c mice, the anti-HSP60 response was induced when parasites differentiated into stumpy forms. This response was characterized by a stage-specific immunoglobulin isotype switching as well as by the induction of an autoimmune response. Specific recognition of trypanosome HSP60 was found to occur during the entire course of infection. Immunoglobulin G2a (IgG2a) and IgG2b antibodies, induced mainly in a T-cell-independent manner, were observed during the first peak of parasitemia, whereas IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies were found at the end of the infection, due to a specific T-cell-mediated response. Comparative analysis of the kinetics of anti-HSP60, anti-invariant surface glycoprotein 70 (ISG70), and anti-VSG antibody responses indicated that the three trypanosome antigens give rise to specific and independent patterns of immunoglobulin isotype switching.Comparative StudyJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    African trypanosomosis : from immune escape and immunopathology to immune intervention

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    African trypanosomes can cause prolonged chronic infections through a mechanism of antigen variation whereby they manipulate the humoral immune system of their hosts. However, besides antigenic variation these extracellular parasites exert other immunoregulatory activities mainly mediated by innate cells in particular macrophage-like (M) cells. In this review, the modulation of M cells through parasite factors and host cytokines as well as their role in parasite control and immunopathology will be examined. The concept of M cell polarization into distinct activation states (M1, M2) that may contribute to trypanosusceptibility or resistance will be discussed. Finally, the possibility to interfere with such activation states hereby providing new therapeutical modalities in the treatment of this infectious disease will be illustrated

    The glycosyl-inositol-phosphate and dimyristoylglycerol moieties of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor of the trypanosome variant-specific surface glycoprotein are distinct macrophage-activating factors.

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    The TNF-alpha-inducing capacity of different trypanosome components was analyzed in vitro, using as indicator cells a macrophage cell line (2C11/12) or peritoneal exudate cells from LPS-resistant C3H/HeJ mice and LPS-sensitive C3H/HeN mice. The variant-specific surface glycoprotein (VSG) was identified as the major TNF-alpha-inducing component present in trypanosome-soluble extracts. Both soluble (sVSG) and membrane-bound VSG (mfVSG) were shown to manifest similar TNF-alpha-inducing capacities, indicating that the dimyristoylglycerol (DMG) compound of the mfVSG anchor was not required for TNF-alpha triggering. Detailed analysis indicated that the glycosyl-inositol-phosphate (GIP) moiety was responsible for the TNF-alpha-inducing activity of VSG and that the presence of the GIP-associated galactose side chain was essential for optimal TNF-alpha production. Furthermore, the results showed that the responsiveness of macrophages toward the TNF-alpha-inducing activity of VSG was strictly dependent on the activation state of the macrophages, since resident macrophages required IFN-gamma preactivation to become responsive. Comparative analysis of the ability of both forms of VSG to activate macrophages revealed that mfVSG but not sVSG stimulates macrophages toward IL-1alpha secretion and acquisition of LPS responsiveness. The priming activity of mfVSG toward LPS responsiveness was also demonstrated in vivo and may be relevant during trypanosome infections, since Trypanosoma brucei-infected mice became gradually LPS-hypersensitive during the course of infection. Collectively, the VSG of trypanosomes encompasses two distinct macrophage-activating components: while the GIP moiety of sVSG mediates TNF-alpha induction, the DMG compound of the mfVSG anchor contributes to IL-1 alpha induction and LPS sensitization.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe