4 research outputs found

    The multifocal pattern electroretinogram in chloroquine retinopathy

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    Purpose: Optimal screening for ocular toxicity caused by chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine is still controversial. With the multifocal pattern electroretinogram (mfPERG), a new electrophysiological technique has recently become available to detect early changes of ganglion cells. In this study this new technique is applied to a series of 10 patients seen consecutively receiving long-term chloroquine medication. Methods: In 10 patients receiving chloroquine medication, clinical examination, Amsler visual field testing and computerized color vision testing were performed. If toxicity was suspected, automated perimetry was carried out. In addition, in all patients conventional pattern electroretinogram (PERG) and mfPERG testing were performed. Results: On clinical examination 8 patients showed no chloroquine-associated maculopathy, while 2 patients did. Of these 2, only 1 reported abnormalities when viewing the Amsler chart, while automated perimetry showed typical, ring-like paracentral scotomas in both affected patients and color vision was significantly abnormal. In the normal patients, 4 of 8 had a mild color vision disturbance, which correlated to age-related macular changes. The amplitudes of the PERG and the central (approximately 10degrees) responses of the mfPERG were markedly reduced in chloroquine maculopathy, while the latencies were unchanged. The peripheral rings of mfPERG (ranging to 48degrees) were not affected by chloroquine toxicity. Both PERG and mfPERG were less affected by age-related macular changes. Conclusions: The reduction of PERG and central mfPERG responses in chloroquine maculopathy may help with the early detection of toxicity. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    The multifocal pattern electroretinogram in glaucoma

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    AbstractBackground: The pattern ERG can be used to detect early glaucomatous change, because the response of cells in the inner retina from (typically) 20°–40° of area is reduced before perimetric abnormality is certain. The multifocal pattern electroretinogram (mfPERG) allows analysis of many local regions within this area. The aim of this study was to investigate whether in patients with presumed glaucoma the mfPERG permits diagnosis and discrimination from normals.Methods: Measurements on 25 age-related normal eyes were compared to those on 23 eyes with different stages of glaucoma. A RETIScan system was used to generate a stimulus pattern of 19 hexagons, each consisting of six triangles. The triangles pattern-reversed black to white at 75 Hz. Those 19 hexagons were grouped into three stimulus regions: a central field, a middle, and a peripheral ring. The complete array subtended 48° at the eye. The hexagons alternated between black and white, in a temporal pattern that followed a corrected binary m-sequence (length 512, 10 cycles with 39 s each). The amplitudes and latencies of positive responses at approximately 50 ms (P-50) and negative responses at approximately 95 ms (N-95) were analyzed.Results: In patients with glaucoma the P-50 and N-95 components of the mfPERG were significantly reduced for the central area and both outer rings compared to normal volunteers (p<0.001, Mann–Whitney-U). The most distinct reduction was observed for N-95 and the central ring. Changes in latencies were not conclusive. The reduction of the components increased with the stage of glaucoma. A predictive model for detecting early glaucomatous changes was designed based on P-50–N-95 with 88% sensitivity and 76% specificity.Conclusion: In glaucoma a marked reduction of components, especially centrally is observed in the mfPERG. This hints to an early involvement of central ganglion cells and may be useful for future functional tests

    Clinical electrophysiology of the optic nerve and retinal ganglion cells

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