27 research outputs found

    The effect of music on body sway when standing in a moving virtual environment

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    Movement of the visual environment presented through virtual reality (VR) has been shown to invoke postural adjustments measured by increased body sway. The effect of auditory information on body sway seems to be dependent on context with sounds such as white noise, tones, and music being used to amplify or suppress sway. This study aims to show that music manipulated to match VR motion further increases body sway. Twenty-eight subjects stood on a force plate and experienced combinations of 3 visual conditions (VR translation in the AP direction at 0.1 Hz, no translation, and eyes closed) and 4 music conditions (Mozart's Jupiter Symphony modified to scale volume at 0.1 Hz and 0.25 Hz, unmodified music, and no music) Body sway was assessed by measuring center of pressure (COP) velocities and RMS. Cross-coherence between the body sway and the 0.1 Hz and 0.25 Hz stimuli was also determined. VR translations at 0.1 Hz matched with 0.1Hz shifts in music volume did not lead to more body sway than observed in the no music and unmodified music conditions. Researchers and clinicians may consider manipulating sound to enhance VR induced body sway, but findings from this study would not suggest using volume to do so

    Exercise therapy in Type 2 diabetes

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    Structured exercise is considered an important cornerstone to achieve good glycemic control and improve cardiovascular risk profile in Type 2 diabetes. Current clinical guidelines acknowledge the therapeutic strength of exercise intervention. This paper reviews the wide pathophysiological problems associated with Type 2 diabetes and discusses the benefits of exercise therapy on phenotype characteristics, glycemic control and cardiovascular risk profile in Type 2 diabetes patients. Based on the currently available literature, it is concluded that Type 2 diabetes patients should be stimulated to participate in specifically designed exercise intervention programs. More attention should be paid to cardiovascular and musculoskeletal deconditioning as well as motivational factors to improve long-term treatment adherence and clinical efficacy. More clinical research is warranted to establish the efficacy of exercise intervention in a more differentiated approach for Type 2 diabetes subpopulations within different stages of the disease and various levels of co-morbidity

    2012 ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease

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    The recommendations listed in this document are, whenever possible, evidence based. An extensive evidence review was conducted as the document was compiled through December 2008. Repeated literature searches were performed by the guideline development staff and writing committee members as new issues were considered. New clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals and articles through December 2011 were also reviewed and incorporated when relevant. Furthermore, because of the extended development time period for this guideline, peer review comments indicated that the sections focused on imaging technologies required additional updating, which occurred during 2011. Therefore, the evidence review for the imaging sections includes published literature through December 2011

    New distribution records for amphibians and reptiles in eastern Chihuahua, Mexico

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    Distributions of amphibian and reptile species in northern Mexico are poorly understood when compared to adjacent areas of the southwestern United States. To address this gap in knowledge, we conducted a series of surveys in east-central Chihuahua, Mexico in 2014–2016. We documented 40 new municipality records for amphibian and reptile species by means of high quality digital photos. Photographic surveys offer a low-cost, highly accessible technique for accumulating distributional information

    Scaphiopus couchii Baird 1854

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    Scaphiopus couchii Baird, 1854, Couch’s Spadefoot New records. First record for Manuel Benavides Municipality: along E–W road across northern edge of Llano Amapolas (29.01691° N, 104.1563° W; WGS84), 16 May 2016, Sean P. Graham, Mark W. Herr, and Tomas Hernandez (SRSU-D 36). First record for Ojinaga Municipality: Arroyo El Almagre, near Rancho de la Montana ranch house (29.05643° N, 104.19524° W; WGS84), 16 May 2016, Mark W. Herr and Sean P. Graham (SRSU-D 39).Published as part of Hernandez, Tomas, Herr, Mark W., Stevens, Skyler, Cork, Karlee, Medina-Nava, Carolina, Vialpando, C. J., Warfel, Timothy, Fields, Noah, Brodie, Ciara & Graham, Sean P., 2019, New distribution records for amphibians and reptiles in eastern Chihuahua, Mexico, pp. 79-86 in Check List (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 15 (1) on page 82, DOI: 10.15560/15.1.7

    Spea bombifrons

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    Spea bombifrons (Cope, 1863), Great Plains Spadefoot New record. First record for Ojinaga Municipality: found calling in cattle tank along E–W road across northern edge of Llano Amapolas (29.02702° N, 104.16879° W; WGS84), 16 May 2016, Sean P. Graham, Mark W. Herr, and Tomas Hernandez (SRSU-D 37). Remarks. A chorus of about 5–7 calling males heard; 1 was recorded calling and photographed. There are only a handful of records for this explosively-breeding frog from Chihuahua; this record extends the species’ range in the state some 200 km from the nearest populations to the west (Municipality of Chihuahua) and southwest (Municipality of Camargo). There are also closer records to the north from Presidio and Brewster County, Texas (Dixon 2013, Graham and Kelehear 2014).Published as part of Hernandez, Tomas, Herr, Mark W., Stevens, Skyler, Cork, Karlee, Medina-Nava, Carolina, Vialpando, C. J., Warfel, Timothy, Fields, Noah, Brodie, Ciara & Graham, Sean P., 2019, New distribution records for amphibians and reptiles in eastern Chihuahua, Mexico, pp. 79-86 in Check List (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 15 (1) on page 82, DOI: 10.15560/15.1.7

    Crotalus ornatus Hallowell 1854

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    Crotalus ornatus Hallowell, 1854, Eastern Black-tailed Rattlesnake. New record. First record for Manuel Benavides Municipality: found in ambush position on hillside (29.154051° N, 103.917034° W; WGS84), 25 May 2014, Tim Warfel, C.J. Vialpando, and Skyler Stevens (SRSU-D 86).Published as part of Hernandez, Tomas, Herr, Mark W., Stevens, Skyler, Cork, Karlee, Medina-Nava, Carolina, Vialpando, C. J., Warfel, Timothy, Fields, Noah, Brodie, Ciara & Graham, Sean P., 2019, New distribution records for amphibians and reptiles in eastern Chihuahua, Mexico, pp. 79-86 in Check List (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 15 (1) on page 84, DOI: 10.15560/15.1.7