13 research outputs found

    Het gras aan gene zijde......

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    The Importance of Active Lifestyles for Memory Performance and Memory Self-Knowledge.

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    The relation between knowledge about memory capacity, delayed recall on a 15-word-list task, and sociological lifestyle variables was examined in a sample of 1,398 adults ranging in age between 25 and 82. Participants were sampled fi-om a registration network of family medical practices representing the general population of the south of The Netherlands. Participants were stratified for age, sex, and level of occupational achievement. We found that lifestyle opportunity structure as indicated by social network characteristics and lifestyle conduct as indicated by activity scores were related positively to the dependent variables of memory knowledge and delayed recall. Study results showed that participants with better delayed recall scores had larger social networks, were younger, were more frequently female, had more years of education, and were less externally oriented. Participants with higher metamemory capacity scores had more frequent contacts in their social network, considered themselves more frequently an active person, were younger, were female, reported fewer health complaints, and had a higher internal locus of control. Delayed recall scores did not predict metamemory capacity scores after we controlled for other variables. The results support the conclusion that cognitive performance is influenced significantly by lifestyle components

    Health life-styles, health concern and social position in Germany and the Netherlands.

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    Based on a telephone survey of 1352 adults in Germany and The Netherlands 3 health life-style dimensions were distinguished and labelled as: i) sobriety (not smoking, healthy food habits and abstinence from alcohol), ii) activity (participation in sports and exercise and low body mass index) and iii) free-living (alcohol consumption, unhealthy food habits and the (un)importance of physical appearance). Gender, age and level of education were much more important predictors of health life-styles than people's concern about their health. In both nations, women compared to men have a more sober, more active and less free-living life-style. In Germany, older persons are more sober, less active and less free-living. In The Netherlands, older persons were less active. A comparison of the results for Germany and The Netherlands suggests that the structural and cultural embeddedness of health life-styles is somewhat different in both nations

    Future doctors' perspectives on health professionals' responsibility regarding nutrition care and why doctors should learn about nutrition: A qualitative study

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    Background: Improved dietary and nutrition behavior may help reduce the occurrence of noncommunicable diseases which have become global public health emergencies in recent times. However, doctors do not readily provide nutrition counseling to their patients. We explored medical students' perspectives on health professionals' nutrition care responsibility, and why doctors should learn about nutrition and provide nutrition care in the general practice setting. Methods: Semistructured interviews were conducted among 23 undergraduate clinical level medical students (referred to as future doctors). All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim with data analysis following a comparative, coding, and thematic process. Results: Future doctors were of the view that all health professionals who come into contact with patients in the general practice setting are responsible for the provision of nutrition care to patients. Next to nutritionists/dieticians, future doctors felt doctors should be more concerned with the nutrition of their patients than any other health-care professionals in the general practice setting. Reasons why doctors should be more concerned about nutrition were as follows: patients having regular contacts with the doctor; doctors being the first point of contact; patients having more trust in the doctors' advice; helping to meet the holistic approach to patient care; and the fact that nutrition plays an important role in health outcomes of the patient. Discussion: Future doctors perceived all health professionals to be responsible for nutrition care and underscored the need for doctors to learn about nutrition and to be concerned about the nutrition of their patients

    Community nursing in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

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    This paper contains a comparative study on community nursing in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, carried out in the region around Maastricht, where the borders of the three countries meet. The well-known problem of comparative studies (the incomparability of concepts and data) has been solved by using the same measuring instruments in the three countries. The comparison between the countries was on three aspects: the level of care dependency of the patients, the type and number of services provided and the nurses' job interpretation and job satisfaction. During 1 week in June or September 1991, 89 community nurses made records of all their home visits and nursing activities. In total the community nurses paid 5165 home visits to provide care to 1796 patients. The results indicate that both the level of care dependency of the patients as well as the type of care provided differs between the three countries. Belgian community nurses have the highest number of patients with a high level of care dependency. Curative services like technical nursing care and domestic care are most frequently provided by the German and Belgian community nurses. Informing, educating and supporting care is most frequently provided by the Dutch community nurses. The German community nurses spend less time on administration activities. With respect to job interpretation and job satisfaction the following results were found. The Dutch community nurses mentioned in their job interpretation many more preventive tasks, whereas the German community nurses more often mentioned domestic tasks. Concerning the hygienic and technical tasks, no significant differences were found between the three countries. Finally, job satisfaction is lowest in the Netherlands. Dutch community nurses are less satisfied with the work organization and the possibilities of autonomy and professionalization than the German and Belgian community nurses. (aut. ref.

    Life styles and cognitive aging

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    Depressive disorders in Thai medical students: an exploratory study of institutional, cultural, and individual factors

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    Objectives: This exploratory qualitative study conducted among Thai medical students aimed to investigate factors related to the development of medical students' depression and how these factors interact in contributing to depressive disorders.Methods: Forty-three undergraduate medical students of the six-year Doctor of Medicine program were identified as having moderate to severe depression on an annual depression screening. From these, eighteen students agreed to participate in individual in-depth interviews. Transcriptions of the interviews were analyzed by independent reviewers using a thematic analysis approach.Results: Among 43 participants screened as having moderate-to-severe depression, major depressive disorder and adjustment disorder were 9.3% and 14.0%, respectively. Reported factors related to medical students' disorders were personal vulnerabilities, medical educational administration, academic achievement, learning environment, intrinsic motivation, self-care and self-management, relationship and community. In particular, lack of social support and relationship problems were mentioned among those with more severe and persistent symptoms. Protective factors were social support, positive relationships, a growth mindset, spiritual and mindfulness practices, and an adequate mentoring program.Conclusions: Medical students' depression and suicidal ideations are significant concerns in Thai medical education. Besides personal vulnerabilities, high expectations, the value placed on academic achievement and relationship problems can precipitate the onset of depressive disorders, if not being properly addressed. The 4P framework of predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective factors are suggested to understand the onset and development of students' depressive disorders and to identify targets for institutional and educational intervention