387 research outputs found

    Changes in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors with Unintentional Versus Intentional Weight Loss: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study

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    It is well known that total and intentional weight loss (IWL) are associated with reductions in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, however, associations with unintentional weight loss (UWL) have not been studied. Methods: We examined annual changes in blood pressure and lipids associated with UWL versus IWL in 576 participants from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study who had lost weight over one of two time intervals (i.e., study years 5-7 or 7-10) and reported whether the weight loss was intentional at the end of the interval. Results: After adjusting for age, sex, race, and field center, an annual weight loss smaller than 6% resulted in small improvements in lipids that were similar regardless of intentionality. When annual weight loss was ≥6%, UWL was associated with less reduction in total cholesterol (-0.2 vs. -10.4 mg/dL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-3.2 vs. -9.4 mg/dL), and triglycerides (-0.5 vs. -19.0 mg/dL) compared with IWL. Intentionality was not associated with the size of changes in blood pressure (systolic blood pressure: -2.7 vs. -2.0 mmHg; diastolic blood pressure: -2.2 vs. -1.3 mmHg) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (3.2 vs. 2.7 mg/dL). Conclusions: Substantial UWL may be accompanied or preceded by other biological changes in this young adult population that alter changes in CVD risk factors that are associated with IWL

    External Validation of Equations that Use Demographic and Anthropometric Measurements to Predict Percent Body Fat

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    Objective: Numerous equation to predict percent body fat using demographics and anthropometrics have been published but external validation of these equations is limited. The objective of this study was to validate published equations that use anthropometrics for prediction of percent body fat using external data. Methods: Data were from the Visceral Fat, Metabolic Rate, and Coronary Heart Disease Risk I (VIM I) Study and the Fels Longitudinal Study (Fels). VIM I was conducted in a subset of subjects from the CARDIA study and included black and white adults 28–40 years (n = 392). Fels consisted of white participants 8–88 years (n = 1,044). Percent body fat assessed by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in these two studies was compared to results calculated using 13 equations from Stevens et al. and nine other published equations. Results: In general, the Stevens equations performed better than equations from other studies. For example, equation “I“ in women in VIM I, Fels adults, and Fels youth, R2 estimates were 0.765, 0.757 and 0.789, respectively. In men the estimates were 0.702 in VIM I, 0.822 in Fels adults and 0.905 in Fels youth. None of the results from the nine published equations showed R2 this high in corresponding groups. Conclusions: Our results indicate that several of the Stevens equations have external validity superior to that of nine other published equations among varying age groups, genders and races

    Dynamical mean-field theory of spiking neuron ensembles: response to a single spike with independent noises

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    Dynamics of an ensemble of NN-unit FitzHugh-Nagumo (FN) neurons subject to white noises has been studied by using a semi-analytical dynamical mean-field (DMF) theory in which the original 2N2 N-dimensional {\it stochastic} differential equations are replaced by 8-dimensional {\it deterministic} differential equations expressed in terms of moments of local and global variables. Our DMF theory, which assumes weak noises and the Gaussian distribution of state variables, goes beyond weak couplings among constituent neurons. By using the expression for the firing probability due to an applied single spike, we have discussed effects of noises, synaptic couplings and the size of the ensemble on the spike timing precision, which is shown to be improved by increasing the size of the neuron ensemble, even when there are no couplings among neurons. When the coupling is introduced, neurons in ensembles respond to an input spike with a partial synchronization. DMF theory is extended to a large cluster which can be divided into multiple sub-clusters according to their functions. A model calculation has shown that when the noise intensity is moderate, the spike propagation with a fairly precise timing is possible among noisy sub-clusters with feed-forward couplings, as in the synfire chain. Results calculated by our DMF theory are nicely compared to those obtained by direct simulations. A comparison of DMF theory with the conventional moment method is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures; augmented the text and added Appendice

    Evaluation of hydrochars from lignin hydrous pyrolysis to produce biocokes after carbonization

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    Hydrochars were obtained after hydrous pyrolysis of a pine Kraft lignin using different reaction conditions (temperature, water content and residence time) and the residues were characterized through a wide range of analytical techniques including high-temperature rheometry, solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The results indicated that an increase in reaction temperature, an increase in residence time or a decrease in water content reduces the amount of fluid material in the residue. The hydrous pyrolysis conditions studied were not able to increase the maturation of lignin, which would result in an increase in the resolidification temperature, but reduced the amount of mineral matter in the hydrochar produced. On the other hand, the hydrochars obtained from pristine lignin, torrefied lignin (300 °C, 1 h) and their 50:50 wt.%/wt.% blend at temperatures of 350 °C after 6 h using 30 ml of water had lower ash contents (45%) is excessively high compared to that of the good coking coal (10%) and the micro-strength of the biocokes (R139%) and high microporous surface areas ( > 400 m2/g) of the biocokes and high alkalinity index of the lignins (>27%) compared to those of the coke (27% and 145 m2/g) and coal (0.6%), respectively. Furthermore, the biocoke derived from the hydrous pyrolysed torrefied lignin did not agglomerate, which could not be explained by changes in the chemical properties of the material and requires further investigation

    Tomato: a crop species amenable to improvement by cellular and molecular methods

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    Tomato is a crop plant with a relatively small DNA content per haploid genome and a well developed genetics. Plant regeneration from explants and protoplasts is feasable which led to the development of efficient transformation procedures. In view of the current data, the isolation of useful mutants at the cellular level probably will be of limited value in the genetic improvement of tomato. Protoplast fusion may lead to novel combinations of organelle and nuclear DNA (cybrids), whereas this technique also provides a means of introducing genetic information from alien species into tomato. Important developments have come from molecular approaches. Following the construction of an RFLP map, these RFLP markers can be used in tomato to tag quantitative traits bred in from related species. Both RFLP's and transposons are in the process of being used to clone desired genes for which no gene products are known. Cloned genes can be introduced and potentially improve specific properties of tomato especially those controlled by single genes. Recent results suggest that, in principle, phenotypic mutants can be created for cloned and characterized genes and will prove their value in further improving the cultivated tomato.

    Signaling via a CD27-TRAF2-SHP-1 axis during naive T cell activation promotes memory-associated gene regulatory networks.

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    The interaction of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) family member CD27 on naive CD8 <sup>+</sup> T (Tn) cells with homotrimeric CD70 on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) is necessary for T cell memory fate determination. Here, we examined CD27 signaling during Tn cell activation and differentiation. In conjunction with T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation, ligation of CD27 by a synthetic trimeric CD70 ligand triggered CD27 internalization and degradation, suggesting active regulation of this signaling axis. Internalized CD27 recruited the signaling adaptor TRAF2 and the phosphatase SHP-1, thereby modulating TCR and CD28 signals. CD27-mediated modulation of TCR signals promoted transcription factor circuits that induced memory rather than effector associated gene programs, which are induced by CD28 costimulation. CD27-costimulated chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cells exhibited improved tumor control compared with CD28-costimulated CAR-T cells. Thus, CD27 signaling during Tn cell activation promotes memory properties with relevance to T cell immunotherapy

    Taxonomic surrogacy in biodiversity assessments, and the meaning of Linnaean ranks

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    Copyright © 2006 The Natural History MuseumThe majority of biodiversity assessments use species as the base unit. Recently, a series of studies have suggested replacing numbers of species with higher ranked taxa (genera, families, etc.); a method known as taxonomic surrogacy that has an important potential to save time and resources in assesments of biological diversity. We examine the relationships between taxa and ranks, and suggest that species/higher taxon exchanges are founded on misconceptions about the properties of Linnaean classification. Rank allocations in current classifications constitute a heterogeneous mixture of various historical and contemporary views. Even if all taxa were monophyletic, those referred to the same rank would simply denote separate clades without further equivalence. We conclude that they are no more comparable than any other, non-nested taxa, such as, for example, the genus Rattus and the phylum Arthropoda, and that taxonomic surrogacy lacks justification. These problems are also illustrated with data of polychaetous annelid worms from a broad-scale study of benthic biodiversity and species distributions in the Irish Sea. A recent consensus phylogeny for polychaetes is used to provide three different family-level classifications of polychaetes. We use families as a surrogate for species, and present Shannon–Wiener diversity indices for the different sites and the three different classifications, showing how the diversity measures rely on subjective rank allocations.Y. Bertrand, F. Pleijel and G. W. Rous

    Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather

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    The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees, and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at supersonic speeds. This paper reviews our current understanding of these interrelated problems: coronal heating and the acceleration of the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where the community stands in its ability to forecast how variations in the solar wind (i.e., fast and slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few decades have seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still do not have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor do we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures contribute to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known to be connected to the central regions of large coronal holes. Slow streams, however, appear to come from a wide range of sources, including streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal loops, active regions, and coronal hole boundaries. Complicating our understanding even more is the fact that processes such as turbulence, stream-stream interactions, and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to unambiguously map a parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We also review recent progress -- in theoretical modeling, observational data analysis, and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and theory -- that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Special issue connected with a 2016 ISSI workshop on "The Scientific Foundations of Space Weather." 44 pages, 9 figure