85 research outputs found

    JSJ decompositions of Coxeter groups over FA subgroups

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    A group G has property FA if G fixes a point of every tree on which G acts without inversions. We prove that every Coxeter system of finite rank has a visual JSJ decomposition over subgroups with property FA. As an application, we reduce the twist conjecture to Coxeter systems that are indecomposable with respect to amalgamated products over visual subgroups with property FA.Comment: 17 page

    Chordal Coxeter Groups

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    A solution of the isomorphism problem is presented for the class of Coxeter groups W that have a finite set of Coxeter generators S such that the underlying graph of the presentation diagram of the system (W,S) has the property that every cycle of length at least four has a cord. As an application, we construct counterexamples to two main conjectures concerning the isomorphism problem for Coxeter groups

    All hyperbolic Coxeter nn-cubes

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    Beside simplices, nn-cubes form an important class of simple polyhedra. Unlike hyperbolic Coxeter simplices, hyperbolic Coxeter nn-cubes are not classified. We show that there is no hyperbolic Coxeter nn-cube for n≥ 6n\geq~6, and provide a full classification for n≤5n\leq 5. Our methods, which are essentially of combinatorial and algebraic nature, can be (and have been successfully) implemented in a symbolic computation software such as Mathematica®^\circledR

    Visual Decompositions of Coxeter Groups

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    A Coxeter system is an ordered pair (W,S) where S is the generating set in a particular type of presentation for the Coxeter group W. A subgroup of W is called special if it is generated by a subset of S. Amalgamated product decompositions of a Coxeter group having special factors and special amalgamated subgroup are easily recognized from the presentation of the Coxeter group. If a Coxeter group is a subgroup of the fundamental group of a given graph of groups, then the Coxeter group is also the fundamental group of a graph of special subgroups, where each vertex and edge group is a subgroup of a conjugate of a vertex or edge group of the given graph of groups. A vertex group of an arbitrary graph of groups decomposition of a Coxeter group is shown to split into parts conjugate to special groups and parts that are subgroups of edge groups of the given decomposition. Several applications of the main theorem are produced, including the classification of maximal FA-subgroups of a finitely generated Coxeter group as all conjugates of certain special subgroups.Comment: 31 page

    On volumes of hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes and quadratic forms

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    In this paper, we compute the covolume of the group of units of the quadratic form f_d^n(x) = x_1^2 + x_2^2 + . . . + x_n^2 - d x_{n+1}^2 with d an odd, positive, square-free integer. Mcleod has determined the hyperbolic Coxeter fundamental domain of the reflection subgroup of the group of units of the quadratic form f_3^n. We apply our covolume formula to compute the volumes of these hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes.Comment: 17 pages, 1 Table, and 1 Figure. In version 2 we corrected some typos and clarified that the matrix S has integral entrie

    Integral Congruence Two Hyperbolic 5-Manifolds

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    In this paper, we classify all the orientable hyperbolic 5-manifolds that arise as a hyperbolic space form H5/ΓH^5/\Gamma where Γ\Gamma is a torsion-free subgroup of minimal index of the congruence two subgroup Γ25\Gamma^5_2 of the group Γ5\Gamma^5 of positive units of the Lorentzian quadratic form x12+...+x52−x62x_1^2+...+x_5^2-x_6^2. We also show that Γ25\Gamma^5_2 is a reflection group with respect to a 5-dimensional right-angled convex polytope in H5H^5. As an application, we construct a hyperbolic 5-manifold of smallest known volume 7ζ(3)/47\zeta(3)/4.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, LaTe

    A Bieberbach theorem for crystallographic group extensions

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    In this paper we prove that for each dimension nn there are only finitely many isomorphism classes of pairs of groups (Γ,N)(\Gamma,\mathrm{N}) such that Γ\Gamma is an nn-dimensional crystallographic group and N\mathrm{N} is a normal subgroup of Γ\Gamma such that Γ/N\Gamma/\mathrm{N} is a crystallographic group.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1112.398

    Some examples of aspherical 4-manifolds that are homology 4-spheres

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    In this paper, Problem 4.17 on R. Kirby's problem list is solved by constructing infinitely many aspherical 4-manifolds that are homology 4-spheresComment: 6 pages, LaTe

    Quotient isomorphism invariants of a finitely generated Coxeter group

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    In this paper we describe a family of isomorphism invariants of a finitely generated Coxeter group W. Each of these invariants is the isomorphism type of a quotient group W/N of W by a characteristic subgroup N. The virtue of these invariants is that W/N is also a Coxeter group. For some of these invariants, the isomorphism problem of W/N is solved and so we obtain isomorphism invariants that can be effectively used to distinguish isomorphism types of finitely generated Coxeter groups

    Semistability of amalgamated products, HNN-extensions, and all one-relator groups

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    The authors announce the following theorem. Theorem 1. If G=A∗HBG=A*_H B is an amalgamated product where AA and BB are finitely presented and semistable at infinity, and HH is finitely generated, then GG is semistable at infinity. If G=A∗HG=A*_H is an HNN-extension where AA is finitely presented and semistable at infinity, and HH is finitely generated, then GG is semistable at infinity.Comment: 6 pages. Abstract added in migration
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