63 research outputs found

    Asymmetric projections of the arcuate fasciculus to the temporal cortex underlie lateralized language function in the human brain

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    The arcuate fasciculus (AF) in the human brain has asymmetric structural properties. However, the topographic organization of the asymmetric AF projections to the cortex and its relevance to cortical function remain unclear. Here we mapped the posterior projections of the human AF in the inferior parietal and lateral temporal cortices using surface-based structural connectivity analysis based on diffusion MRI and investigated their hemispheric differences. We then performed the cross-modal comparison with functional connectivity based on resting-state functional MRI (fMRI) and task-related cortical activation based on fMRI using a semantic classification task of single words. Structural connectivity analysis showed that the left AF connecting to Broca's area predominantly projected in the lateral temporal cortex extending from the posterior superior temporal gyrus to the mid part of the superior temporal sulcus and the middle temporal gyrus, whereas the right AF connecting to the right homolog of Broca's area predominantly projected to the inferior parietal cortex extending from the mid part of the supramarginal gyrus to the anterior part of the angular gyrus. The left-lateralized projection regions of the AF in the left temporal cortex had asymmetric functional connectivity with Broca's area, indicating structure-function concordance through the AF. During the language task, left-lateralized cortical activation was observed. Among them, the brain responses in the temporal cortex and Broca's area that were connected through the left-lateralized AF pathway were specifically correlated across subjects. These results suggest that the human left AF, which structurally and functionally connects the mid temporal cortex and Broca's area in asymmetrical fashion, coordinates the cortical activity in these remote cortices during a semantic decision task. The unique feature of the left AF is discussed in the context of the human capacity for language.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01NS069696)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P41EB015896)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant S10ODRR031599)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant S10RR021110)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant NFS-DMS-1042134)Uehara Memorial Foundation (Fellowship)Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Wagner-Torizuka Fellowship)United States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-SC0008430

    Detecting Epileptic Regions Based on Global Brain Connectivity Patterns

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    We present a method to detect epileptic regions based on functional connectivity differences between individual epilepsy patients and a healthy population. Our model assumes that the global functional characteristics of these differences are shared across patients, but it allows for the epileptic regions to vary between individuals. We evaluate the detection performance against intracranial EEG observations and compare our approach with two baseline methods that use standard statistics. The baseline techniques are sensitive to the choice of thresholds, whereas our algorithm automatically estimates the appropriate model parameters and compares favorably with the best baseline results. This suggests the promise of our approach for pre-surgical planning in epilepsy.MIT/Lincoln Laboratory CollaborationNational Alliance for Medical Image Computing (U.S.) (grant (NIH NIBIB NAMIC U54-EB005149))Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.) (NIH NCRR NAC P41-RR13218)Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.) (NIH NIBIB NAC P41-EB-015902)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF CAREER Grant 0642971

    Maturation trajectories of cortical resting-state networks depend on the mediating frequency band

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    The functional significance of resting state networks and their abnormal manifestations in psychiatric disorders are firmly established, as is the importance of the cortical rhythms in mediating these networks. Resting state networks are known to undergo substantial reorganization from childhood to adulthood, but whether distinct cortical rhythms, which are generated by separable neural mechanisms and are often manifested abnormally in psychiatric conditions, mediate maturation differentially, remains unknown. Using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to map frequency band specific maturation of resting state networks from age 7 to 29 in 162 participants (31 independent), we found significant changes with age in networks mediated by the beta (13–30 Hz) and gamma (31–80 Hz) bands. More specifically, gamma band mediated networks followed an expected asymptotic trajectory, but beta band mediated networks followed a linear trajectory. Network integration increased with age in gamma band mediated networks, while local segregation increased with age in beta band mediated networks. Spatially, the hubs that changed in importance with age in the beta band mediated networks had relatively little overlap with those that showed the greatest changes in the gamma band mediated networks. These findings are relevant for our understanding of the neural mechanisms of cortical maturation, in both typical and atypical development.This work was supported by grants from the Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation (TK, SK, MGK), Autism Speaks (TK), The Simons Foundation (SFARI 239395, TK), The National Institute of Child Health and Development (R01HD073254, TK), National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (P41EB015896, 5R01EB009048, MSH), and the Cognitive Rhythms Collaborative: A Discovery Network (NFS 1042134, MSH). (Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation; Autism Speaks; SFARI 239395 - Simons Foundation; R01HD073254 - National Institute of Child Health and Development; P41EB015896 - National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering; 5R01EB009048 - National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering; NFS 1042134 - Cognitive Rhythms Collaborative: A Discovery Network

    Maturation trajectories of cortical resting-state networks depend on the mediating frequency band.

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    The functional significance of resting state networks and their abnormal manifestations in psychiatric disorders are firmly established, as is the importance of the cortical rhythms in mediating these networks. Resting state networks are known to undergo substantial reorganization from childhood to adulthood, but whether distinct cortical rhythms, which are generated by separable neural mechanisms and are often manifested abnormally in psychiatric conditions, mediate maturation differentially, remains unknown. Using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to map frequency band specific maturation of resting state networks from age 7 to 29 in 162 participants (31 independent), we found significant changes with age in networks mediated by the beta (13-30 Hz) and gamma (31-80 Hz) bands. More specifically, gamma band mediated networks followed an expected asymptotic trajectory, but beta band mediated networks followed a linear trajectory. Network integration increased with age in gamma band mediated networks, while local segregation increased with age in beta band mediated networks. Spatially, the hubs that changed in importance with age in the beta band mediated networks had relatively little overlap with those that showed the greatest changes in the gamma band mediated networks. These findings are relevant for our understanding of the neural mechanisms of cortical maturation, in both typical and atypical development

    Dysmature superficial white matter microstructure in developmental focal epilepsy

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    Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes is a common childhood epilepsy syndrome that predominantly affects boys, characterized by self-limited focal seizures arising from the perirolandic cortex and fine motor abnormalities. Concurrent with the age-specific presentation of this syndrome, the brain undergoes a developmentally choreographed sequence of white matter microstructural changes, including maturation of association u-fibres abutting the cortex. These short fibres mediate local cortico-cortical communication and provide an age-sensitive structural substrate that could support a focal disease process. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the microstructural properties of superficial white matter in regions corresponding to u-fibres underlying the perirolandic seizure onset zone in children with this epilepsy syndrome compared with healthy controls. To verify the spatial specificity of these features, we characterized global superficial and deep white matter properties. We further evaluated the characteristics of the perirolandic white matter in relation to performance on a fine motor task, gender and abnormalities observed on EEG. Children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (n = 20) and healthy controls (n = 14) underwent multimodal testing with high-resolution MRI including diffusion tensor imaging sequences, sleep EEG recordings and fine motor assessment. We compared white matter microstructural characteristics (axial, radial and mean diffusivity, and fractional anisotropy) between groups in each region. We found distinct abnormalities corresponding to the perirolandic u-fibre region, with increased axial, radial and mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy values in children with epilepsy (P = 0.039, P = 0.035, P = 0.042 and P = 0.017, respectively). Increased fractional anisotropy in this region, consistent with decreased integrity of crossing sensorimotor u-fibres, correlated with inferior fine motor performance (P = 0.029). There were gender-specific differences in white matter microstructure in the perirolandic region; males and females with epilepsy and healthy males had higher diffusion and fractional anisotropy values than healthy females (P ≤ 0.035 for all measures), suggesting that typical patterns of white matter development disproportionately predispose boys to this developmental epilepsy syndrome. Perirolandic white matter microstructure showed no relationship to epilepsy duration, duration seizure free, or epileptiform burden. There were no group differences in diffusivity or fractional anisotropy in superficial white matter outside of the perirolandic region. Children with epilepsy had increased radial diffusivity (P = 0.022) and decreased fractional anisotropy (P = 0.027) in deep white matter, consistent with a global delay in white matter maturation. These data provide evidence that atypical maturation of white matter microstructure is a basic feature in benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes and may contribute to the epilepsy, male predisposition and clinical comorbidities observed in this disorder.K23 NS092923 - NINDS NIH HHSPublished versio

    Using network dynamic fMRI for detection of epileptogenic foci

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological disorders. It remains medically intractable for about one-third of patients with focal epilepsy, for whom precise localization of the epileptogenic zone responsible for seizure initiation may be critical for successful surgery. Existing fMRI literature points to widespread network disturbances in functional connectivity. Per previous scalp and intracranial EEG studies and consistent with excessive local synchronization during interictal discharges, we hypothesized that, relative to same regions in healthy controls, epileptogenic foci would exhibit less chaotic dynamics, identifiable via entropic analyses of resting state fMRI time series.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud In order to first validate this hypothesis on a cohort of patients with known ground truth, here we test individuals with well-defined epileptogenic foci (left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy). We analyzed voxel-wise resting-state fMRI time-series using the autocorrelation function (ACF), an entropic measure of regulation and feedback, and performed follow-up seed-to-voxel functional connectivity analysis. Disruptions in connectivity of the region exhibiting abnormal dynamics were examined in relation to duration of epilepsy and patients’ cognitive performance using a delayed verbal memory recall task.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud ACF analysis revealed constrained (less chaotic) functional dynamics in left temporal lobe epilepsy patients, primarily localized to ipsilateral temporal pole, proximal to presumed focal points. Autocorrelation decay rates differentiated, with 100 % accuracy, between patients and healthy controls on a subject-by-subject basis within a leave-one-subject out classification framework. Regions identified via ACF analysis formed a less efficient network in patients, as compared to controls. Constrained dynamics were linked with locally increased and long-range decreased connectivity that, in turn, correlated significantly with impaired memory (local left temporal connectivity) and epilepsy duration (left temporal – posterior cingulate cortex connectivity).\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Our current results suggest that data driven functional MRI methods that target network dynamics hold promise in providing clinically valuable tools for identification of epileptic regions.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (CBET\ud 1264440; LRMP) and the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (Young\ud Investigators Awards FAPESP 11/08573-4; JSI)

    Signal Transmission in the Auditory System

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    Contains table of contents for Section 3, an introduction and reports on six research projects.Health Sciences FundNational Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00194National Institutes of Health Grant 8 P01 DC00119National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00473National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00238National Institutes of Health Grant 5 T32 DC00006National Institutes of Health Grant 5 P01 DC00361National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00235Peoples Republic of China FellowshipUnisys Corporation Doctoral FellowshipWhitaker Health Sciences Fellowshi

    The Connectome Visualization Utility: Software for Visualization of Human Brain Networks

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    In analysis of the human connectome, the connectivity of the human brain is collected from multiple imaging modalities and analyzed using graph theoretical techniques. The dimensionality of human connectivity data is high, and making sense of the complex networks in connectomics requires sophisticated visualization and analysis software. The current availability of software packages to analyze the human connectome is limited. The Connectome Visualization Utility (CVU) is a new software package designed for the visualization and network analysis of human brain networks. CVU complements existing software packages by offering expanded interactive analysis and advanced visualization features, including the automated visualization of networks in three different complementary styles and features the special visualization of scalar graph theoretical properties and modular structure. By decoupling the process of network creation from network visualization and analysis, we ensure that CVU can visualize networks from any imaging modality. CVU offers a graphical user interface, interactive scripting, and represents data uses transparent neuroimaging and matrix-based file types rather than opaque application-specific file formats
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