29 research outputs found

    Placing humans and non-humans in a trinitarian and geographical dynamic: Colin Gunton and Bruno Latour on nature, society, and modernity

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    This thesis is centrally concerned to provide a detailed theological and interdisciplinary account of how the dynamic relationality between humans and nonhumans may be registered and accounted for in a Trinitarian and geographical framework. The method of this study is to establish a mutually critical and enlightening conversation between the fields of Trinitarian theology, science studies, and human geography. The thesis then takes as its primary interlocutors Trinitarian theologian Colin E. Gunton, and science studies theoretician Bruno Latour. A detailed discussion of each author's respective diagnoses of the Enlightenment's cultural, philosophical and theological fallout is offered. The study lends particular focus to the way in which each interlocutor has detailed the modern movement to fragment or distance the realms of God, humans, and nonhumans. Further in this vein, the study then moves to consider a critical comparison of each author's respective positive programs - 'Trinitarianism' and 'nonmodernism' respectively - for navigating our way out ofthe many pitfalls of modern thought.The study concludes with an attempt to bring the insights of Gunton's Trinitarian thought and Latour's 'nonmodern' project into conversation with the human geographical concept of place/placing. Here it is argued that a theological adoption of the geographical concept of place/placing would allow for a more detailed account of nonhuman participation in sociality, nonhuman agency/actancy, and nonhuman participation in human personhood. The culmination ofthese efforts is to be found in the construction of a specifically Trinitarian theo-geographical concept of place/placing that would allow for a theology capable of more fully registering the dynamic relationality that exists between persons and things, humans and nonhumans, culture and nature. By engaging Trinitarian theology in a mutually critical conversation with the fields of science studies and human geography, it is argued that we are better able to construct a distinctly theological means of registering the deep relationality that exists between humans and the multiplicity of nonhumans with whom we share a common world

    Parity Violation in Neutron Resonances of Palladium

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    Parity violation in p-wave neutron resonances of the palladium isotopes 104, 105, 106, and 108 has been measured by transmission of a longitudinally polarized neutron beam through a natural palladium target. The measurements were performed at the pulsed spallation neutron source of Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The rms weak interaction matrix elements and the corresponding spreading widths were determined for 104 Pd, 105 Pd, and 106 P

    Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy of 103Rh from 30 eV to 2 keV

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    Neutron resonances in 103Rh have been measured for neutron energies from 30 to 2000 eV using the time-of-flight method and the (n,γ) reaction. The rhodium resonance spectroscopy is essential for the analysis of parity violation measurements recently performed on neutron resonances in 103Rh. Neutron scattering and radiative widths were determined, and orbital angular momentum assignments made with a Bayesian analysis. The s-wave and p-wave strength functions and average level spacings were determined

    Parity Violation in Neutron Resonances of 103Rh

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    Parity nonconservation (PNC) was studied in p-wave neutron resonances of 103Rh in the neutron energy range 30 to 490 eV. The helicity dependence of the neutron total cross section of rhodium was determined by capture measurements with the time-of-flight method at the Manuel Lujan Neutron Scattering Center at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. A total of 32 p-wave resonances were studied and statistically significant longitudinal asymmetries were observed for resonances at En=44.5, 110.8, 321.6, and 432.9 eV. A statistical analysis treating the PNC matrix elements as random variables yields a weak spreading widthΓw=(1.42-0.59+1.21)×10-7eV

    Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy of 104Pd, 105Pd, and 110Pd

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    We have measured neutron resonances in the palladium isotopes 104, 105, and 110 for neutron energies from 1 to 2100 eV. Many new p-wave resonances have been observed. Their neutron widths and, in several cases, the radiative widths were measured. The average level spacings and the s-wave and p-wave neutron strength functions were determined. The time-of-flight method was used for both neutron total cross section measurements and total (n,γ) reaction yield measurements at the pulsed spallation neutron source of Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. Well established resonance spectroscopy for these isotopes is essential for the analysis of parity violation data that were recently measured in palladium

    Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy of 106Pd, and 108Pd from 20–2000 eV

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    Parity nonconserving asymmetries have been measured in p-wave resonances of 106Pd and 108Pd. The data analysis requires knowledge of the neutron resonance parameters. Transmission and capture γ-ray yields were measured for En=20–2000 eV with the time-of-flight method at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE). A total of 28 resonances in 106Pd and 32 resonances in 108Pd were studied. The resonance parameters for 106Pd are new for all except one resonance. In 108Pd six new resonances were observed and the precision improved for many of the resonance parameters. A Bayesian analysis was used to assign orbital angular momentum for the resonances studied

    Parity Nonconservation in 106Pd and 108Pd Neutron Resonances

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    Parity nonconservation (PNC) has been studied in the neutron p-wave resonances of 106Pd and 108Pd in the energy range of 20 to 2000 eV. Longitudinal asymmetries in p-wave capture cross sections are measured using longitudinally polarized neutrons incident on ∼20-g metal-powder targets at LANSCE. A CsI γ-ray detector array measures capture cross section asymmetries as a function of neutron energy which is determined by the neutron time-of-flight method. A total of 21 p-wave resonances in 106Pd and 21 p-wave resonances in 108Pd were studied. One statistically significant PNC effect was observed in106Pd, and no effects were observed in 108Pd. For 106Pd a weak spreading width of Γw=34-28+47×10-7 eV was obtained. For 108Pd an upper limit on the weak spreading width of Γw\u3c12×10-7 eV was determined at the 68% confidence level

    Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy of 117Sn from1 eV to 1.5 keV

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    Parity violation has been studied recently for neutron resonances in 117Sn. The neutron resonance spectroscopy is essential for the analysis of the parity violation data. We have measured neutron resonances in 117Sn for neutron energies from 1 to 1500 eV using the time-of-flight method and the (n,γ) reaction. The sample was enriched to 87.6% 117Sn. Neutron scattering and radiative widths were determined, and orbital angular momentum assignments were made with a Bayesian analysis. The s-wave and p-wave strength functions and average level spacings were determined

    Parity Violation in Neutron Resonances of 117 Sn

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    Parity nonconservation (PNC) has been studied in neutron p-wave resonances of 117Sn. The longitudinal asymmetries were measured for 29 p-wave resonances in the neutron energy range 0.8 eV to 1100 eV. Statistically significant PNC effects were observed for four resonances. A statistical analysis determined the rms weak mixing matrix element and the weak spreading width. A weak spreading width of Γw=(0.28-0.15+0.56)×10-7 eV was obtained for117Sn

    Parity Violation in 232Th Neutron Resonances Above 250 eV

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    The analysis of parity nonconservation (PNC) measurements performed on 232Th by the TRIPLE Collaboration has been extended to include the neutron energy range of 250 to 1900 eV. Below 250 eV all ten statistically significant parity violations have the same sign. However, at higher energies PNC effects of both signs were observed in the transmission of longitudinally polarized neutrons through a thick thorium target. Although the limited experimental energy resolution precluded analysis in terms of the longitudinal asymmetry, parity violations were observed and the cross section differences for positive and negative neutron helicities were obtained. For comparison, a similar analysis was performed on the data below 250 eV, for which longitudinal asymmetries were obtained previously. For energies below 250 eV, the p-wave neutron strength functions for the J=1/2 and J=3/2 states were extracted: S1/21=(1.68±0.61)×10-4 and S3/21=(0.75±0.18)×10-4. The data provide constraints on the properties of local doorway states proposed to explain the PNC sign effect in thorium