18,771 research outputs found

    Ultra-high molecular sink vacuum chamber

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    Double-wall vacuum chamber can be separated from the remainder of the system and pumped by ultra-clean techniques. Ultrahigh vacuum is maintained by the cryogenic effect of a cold wall and titanium chemisorption

    Political corporate social responsibility: reviewing theories and setting new agendas

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    There has been rising interest in political corporate social responsibility (political CSR), defined as activities where CSR has an intended or unintended political impact, or where intended or unintended political impacts on CSR exist. Based on a survey and content analysis of 146 peer-reviewed academic articles from 18 journals over the 14-year period 2000–2013, this paper systematically reviews the existing applications of general theories (such as legitimacy theory, the resource-based view and Habermasian political theory) within the political CSR literature.The survey indicates that the political CSR field is dominated by institutional theory and stakeholder theory, but future theory development needs to go beyond these theories in order to address a number of critical gaps. This review specifically points to several avenues for future political CSR research with regard to the individual level of analysis, domain integration and political CSR in multinational enterprises. The paper ends with a call for a new theory-informed and pluralist research agenda on political CSR to integrate different perspectives and re-examine the role of the state

    Towards dense object tracking in a 2D honeybee hive

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    From human crowds to cells in tissue, the detection and efficient tracking of multiple objects in dense configurations is an important and unsolved problem. In the past, limitations of image analysis have restricted studies of dense groups to tracking a single or subset of marked individuals, or to coarse-grained group-level dynamics, all of which yield incomplete information. Here, we combine convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with the model environment of a honeybee hive to automatically recognize all individuals in a dense group from raw image data. We create new, adapted individual labeling and use the segmentation architecture U-Net with a loss function dependent on both object identity and orientation. We additionally exploit temporal regularities of the video recording in a recurrent manner and achieve near human-level performance while reducing the network size by 94% compared to the original U-Net architecture. Given our novel application of CNNs, we generate extensive problem-specific image data in which labeled examples are produced through a custom interface with Amazon Mechanical Turk. This dataset contains over 375,000 labeled bee instances across 720 video frames at 2 FPS, representing an extensive resource for the development and testing of tracking methods. We correctly detect 96% of individuals with a location error of ~7% of a typical body dimension, and orientation error of 12 degrees, approximating the variability of human raters. Our results provide an important step towards efficient image-based dense object tracking by allowing for the accurate determination of object location and orientation across time-series image data efficiently within one network architecture.Comment: 15 pages, including supplementary figures. 1 supplemental movie available as an ancillary fil

    From modes to movement in the behavior of C. elegans

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    Organisms move through the world by changing their shape, and here we explore the mapping from shape space to movements in the nematode C. elegans as it crawls on a planar agar surface. We characterize the statistics of the trajectories through the correlation functions of the orientation angular velocity, orientation angle and the mean-squared displacement, and we find that the loss of orientational memory has significant contributions from both abrupt, large amplitude turning events and the continuous dynamics between these events. Further, we demonstrate long-time persistence of orientational memory in the intervals between abrupt turns. Building on recent work demonstrating that C. elegans movements are restricted to a low-dimensional shape space, we construct a map from the dynamics in this shape space to the trajectory of the worm along the agar. We use this connection to illustrate that changes in the continuous dynamics reveal subtle differences in movement strategy that occur among mutants defective in two classes of dopamine receptors

    On the nature of the progenitors of three type II-P supernovae: 2004et, 2006my and 2006ov

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    The pre-explosion observations of the type II-P supernovae 2006my, 2006ov and 2004et, are re-analysed. In the cases of supernovae 2006my and 2006ov we argue that the published candidate progenitors are not coincident with their respective supernova sites in pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope observations. We therefore derive upper luminosity and mass limits for the unseen progenitors of both these supernovae, assuming they are red supergiants: 2006my (log L/Lsun = 4.51; mass < 13Msun) and 2006ov (log L/Lsun = 4.29; mass < 10Msun). In the case of supernova 2004et we show that the yellow-supergiant progenitor candidate, originally identified in Canada France Hawaii Telescope images, is still visible ~3 years post-explosion in observations from the William Herschel Telescope. High-resolution Hubble Space Telescope and Gemini (North) adaptive optics late-time imagery reveal that this source is not a single yellow supergiant star, but rather is resolved into at least three distinct sources. We report the discovery of the unresolved progenitor as an excess of flux in pre-explosion Isaac Newton Telescope i'-band imaging. Accounting for the late-time contribution of the supernova using published optical spectra, we calculate the progenitor photometry as the difference between the pre- and post-explosion, ground-based observations. We find the progenitor was most likely a late K to late M-type supergiant of 8 +5/-1 Msun. In all cases we conclude that future, high-resolution observations of the supernova sites will be required to confirm these results.Comment: 43 pages (pre-print format), 12 figures, 10 tables. Significant revision following referee's comments. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Ride quality meter

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    A ride quality meter is disclosed that automatically transforms vibration and noise measurements into a single number index of passenger discomfort. The noise measurements are converted into a noise discomfort value. The vibrations are converted into single axis discomfort values which are then converted into a combined axis discomfort value. The combined axis discomfort value is corrected for time duration and then summed with the noise discomfort value to obtain a total discomfort value

    Vibration characteristics of 1/8-scale dynamic models of the space-shuttle solid-rocket boosters

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    Vibration tests and analyses of six 1/8 scale models of the space shuttle solid rocket boosters are reported. Natural vibration frequencies and mode shapes were obtained for these aluminum shell models having internal solid fuel configurations corresponding to launch, midburn (maximum dynamic pressure), and near endburn (burnout) flight conditions. Test results for longitudinal, torsional, bending, and shell vibration frequencies are compared with analytical predictions derived from thin shell theory and from finite element plate and beam theory. The lowest analytical longitudinal, torsional, bending, and shell vibration frequencies were within + or - 10 percent of experimental values. The effects of damping and asymmetric end skirts on natural vibration frequency were also considered. The analytical frequencies of an idealized full scale space shuttle solid rocket boosted structure are computed with and without internal pressure and are compared with the 1/8 scale model results
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