524 research outputs found

    Hijacking the Cell: Parasites in the Driver's Seat

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    Concomitant immunity induced by persistent Leishmania major does not preclude secondary re-infection: Implications for genetic exchange, diversity and vaccination

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    BACKGROUND:Many microbes have evolved the ability to co-exist for long periods of time within other species in the absence of overt pathology. Evolutionary biologists have proposed benefits to the microbe from 'asymptomatic persistent infections', most commonly invoking increased likelihood of transmission by longer-lived hosts. Typically asymptomatic persistent infections arise from strong containment by the immune system, accompanied by protective immunity; such 'vaccination' from overt disease in the presence of a non-sterilizing immune response is termed premunition or concomitant immunity. Here we consider another potential benefit of persistence and concomitant immunity to the parasite: the 'exclusion' of competing super-infecting strains, which would favor transmission of the original infecting organism. METHODOLOGY / PRINCIPLE FINDINGS:To investigate this in the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, a superb model for the study of asymptomatic persistence, we used isogenic lines of comparable virulence bearing independent selectable markers. One was then used to infect genetically resistant mice, yielding infections which healed and progressed to asymptomatic persistent infection; these mice were then super-infected with the second marked line. As anticipated, super-infection yielded minimal pathology, showing that protective immunity against disease pathology had been established. The relative abundance of the primary and super-infecting secondary parasites was then assessed by plating on selective media. The data show clearly that super-infecting parasites were able to colonize the immune host effectively, achieving numbers comparable to and sometimes greater than that of the primary parasite. CONCLUSIONS / SIGNIFICANCE:We conclude that induction of protective immunity does not guarantee the Leishmania parasite exclusive occupation of the infected host. This finding has important consequences to the maintenance and generation of parasite diversity in the natural Leishmania infectious cycle alternating between mammalian and sand fly hosts

    Quantitative single-cell analysis of Leishmania major amastigote differentiation demonstrates variably extended expression of the lipophosphoglycan (LPG) virulence factor in different host cell types

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    Immediately following their deposition into the mammalian host by an infected sand fly vector, Leishmania parasites encounter and are engulfed by a variety of cell types. From there, parasites may transit to other cell types, primarily macrophages or dendritic cells, where they replicate and induce pathology. During this time, Leishmania cells undergo a dramatic transformation from the motile non-replicating metacyclic stage to the non-motile replicative amastigote stage, a differentiative process that can be termed amastigogenesis. To follow this at the single cell level, we identified a suite of experimental \u27landmarks\u27 delineating different stages of amastigogenesis qualitatively or quantitatively, including new uses of amastigote-specific markers that showed interesting cellular localizations at the anterior or posterior ends. We compared amastigogenesis in synchronous infections of peritoneal and bone-marrow derived macrophages (PEM, BMM) or dendritic cells (BMDC). Overall, the marker suite expression showed an orderly transition post-infection with similar kinetics between host cell types, with the emergence of several amastigote traits within 12 hours, followed by parasite replication after 24 hours, with parasites in BMM or BMDC initiating DNA replication more slowly. Lipophosphoglycan (LPG) is a Leishmania virulence factor that facilitates metacyclic establishment in host cells but declines in amastigotes. Whereas LPG expression was lost by parasites within PEM by 48 hours, \u3e40% of the parasites infecting BMM or BMDC retained metacyclic-level LPG expression at 72 hr. Thus L. major may prolong LPG expression in different intracellular environments, thereby extending its efficacy in promoting infectivity in situ and during cell-to-cell transfer of parasites expressing this key virulence factor

    Innate Immune Activation and Subversion of Mammalian Functions by Leishmania Lipophosphoglycan

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    Leishmania promastigotes express several prominent glycoconjugates, either secreted or anchored to the parasite surface. Of these lipophosphoglycan (LPG) is the most abundant, and along with other phosphoglycan-bearing molecules, plays important roles in parasite infectivity and pathogenesis in both the sand fly and the mammalian host. Besides its contribution for parasite survival in the sand fly vector, LPG is important for modulation the host immune responses to favor the establishment of mammalian infection. This review will summarize the current knowledge regarding the role of LPG in Leishmania infectivity, focusing on the interaction of LPG and innate immune cells and in the subversion of mammalian functions by this molecule

    A Novel Role for Stat1 in Phagosome Acidification and Natural Host Resistance to Intracellular Infection by Leishmania major

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    Intracellular parasites of the genus Leishmania generate severe diseases in humans, which are associated with a failure of the infected host to induce a protective interferon γ (IFNγ)-mediated immune response. We tested the role of the JAK/STAT1 signaling pathway in Leishmania pathogenesis by utilizing knockout mice lacking the signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (Stat1) and derived macrophages. Unexpectedly, infection of Stat1-deficient macrophages in vitro with promastigotes from Leishmania major and attenuated LPG1 knockout mutants (lpg−) specifically lacking lipophosphoglycan (LPG) resulted in a twofold increased intracellular growth, which was independent of IFNγ and associated with a substantial increase in phagosomal pH. Phagosomes in Stat1−/− macrophages showed normal maturation as judged by the accumulation of the lysosomal marker protein rab7, and provided normal vATPase activity, but were defective in the anion conductive pathway required for full vesicular acidification. Our results suggest a role of acidic pH in the control of intracellular Leishmania growth early during infection and identify for the first time an unexpected role of Stat1 in natural anti-microbial resistance independent from its function as IFNγ-induced signal transducer. This novel Stat1 function may have important implications to studies of other pathogens, as the acidic phagolysosomal pH plays an important role in antigen processing and the uncoating process of many viruses

    REDHORSE-REcombination and Double crossover detection in Haploid Organisms using next-geneRation SEquencing data

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    BACKGROUND: Next-generation sequencing technology provides a means to study genetic exchange at a higher resolution than was possible using earlier technologies. However, this improvement presents challenges as the alignments of next generation sequence data to a reference genome cannot be directly used as input to existing detection algorithms, which instead typically use multiple sequence alignments as input. We therefore designed a software suite called REDHORSE that uses genomic alignments, extracts genetic markers, and generates multiple sequence alignments that can be used as input to existing recombination detection algorithms. In addition, REDHORSE implements a custom recombination detection algorithm that makes use of sequence information and genomic positions to accurately detect crossovers. REDHORSE is a portable and platform independent suite that provides efficient analysis of genetic crosses based on Next-generation sequencing data. RESULTS: We demonstrated the utility of REDHORSE using simulated data and real Next-generation sequencing data. The simulated dataset mimicked recombination between two known haploid parental strains and allowed comparison of detected break points against known true break points to assess performance of recombination detection algorithms. A newly generated NGS dataset from a genetic cross of Toxoplasma gondii allowed us to demonstrate our pipeline. REDHORSE successfully extracted the relevant genetic markers and was able to transform the read alignments from NGS to the genome to generate multiple sequence alignments. Recombination detection algorithm in REDHORSE was able to detect conventional crossovers and double crossovers typically associated with gene conversions whilst filtering out artifacts that might have been introduced during sequencing or alignment. REDHORSE outperformed other commonly used recombination detection algorithms in finding conventional crossovers. In addition, REDHORSE was the only algorithm that was able to detect double crossovers. CONCLUSION: REDHORSE is an efficient analytical pipeline that serves as a bridge between genomic alignments and existing recombination detection algorithms. Moreover, REDHORSE is equipped with a recombination detection algorithm specifically designed for Next-generation sequencing data. REDHORSE is portable, platform independent Java based utility that provides efficient analysis of genetic crosses based on Next-generation sequencing data. REDHORSE is available at http://redhorse.sourceforge.net/. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1309-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Functional Identification Of A Leishmania Gene Related To The Peroxin 2 Gene Reveals Common Ancestry Of Glycosomes And Peroxisomes

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    Glycosomes are membrane-bounded microbody organelles that compartmentalize glycolysis as well as other important metabolic processes in trypanosomatids, The compartmentalization of these enzymatic reactions is hypothesized to play a crucial role in parasite physiology, Although the metabolic role of glycosomes differs substantially from that of the peroxisomes that are found in other eukaryotes, similarities in signals targeting proteins to these organelles suggest that glycosomes and peroxisomes may have evolved from a common ancestor, To examine this hypothesis, as well as gain insights into the function of the glycosome, we used a positive genetic selection procedure to isolate the first Leishmania mutant (gim1-1 [glycosome import] mutant) with a defect in the import of glycosomal proteins, The mutant retains glycosomes but mislocalizes a subset glycosomal proteins to the cytoplasm, Unexpectedly, the gim1-1 mutant lacks lipid bodies, suggesting a heretofore unknown role of the glycosome. We used genetic approaches to identify a gene, GIM1, that is able to restore import and lipid bodies, A nonsense mutation was found in one allele of this gene in the mutant line, The predicted Gim1 protein is related the peroxin 2 family of integral membrane proteins, which are required for peroxisome biogenesis, The similarities in sequence and function provide strong support for the common origin model of glycosomes and peroxisomes. The novel phenotype of gim1-1 and distinctive role of Leishmania glycosomes suggest that future studies of this system will provide a new perspective on microbody biogenesis and function

    Hemoglobin Is a Co-Factor of Human Trypanosome Lytic Factor

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    Trypanosome lytic factor (TLF) is a high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclass providing innate protection to humans against infection by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei brucei. Two primate-specific plasma proteins, haptoglobin-related protein (Hpr) and apolipoprotein L-1 (ApoL-1), have been proposed to kill T. b. brucei both singularly or when co-assembled into the same HDL. To better understand the mechanism of T. b. brucei killing by TLF, the protein composition of TLF was investigated using a gentle immunoaffinity purification technique that avoids the loss of weakly associated proteins. HDL particles recovered by immunoaffinity absorption, with either anti-Hpr or anti-ApoL-1, were identical in protein composition and specific activity for T. b. brucei killing. Here, we show that TLF-bound Hpr strongly binds Hb and that addition of Hb stimulates TLF killing of T. b. brucei by increasing the affinity of TLF for its receptor, and by inducing Fenton chemistry within the trypanosome lysosome. These findings suggest that TLF in uninfected humans may be inactive against T. b. brucei prior to initiation of infection. We propose that infection of humans by T. b. brucei causes hemolysis that triggers the activation of TLF by the formation of Hpr–Hb complexes, leading to enhanced binding, trypanolytic activity, and clearance of parasites