30 research outputs found

    Biquaternion (complexified quaternion) roots of -1

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    The roots of -1 in the set of biquaternions (quaternions with complex components, or complex numbers with quaternion real and imaginary parts) are studied and it is shown that there is an infinite number of non-trivial complexified quaternion roots (and two degenerate solutions which are the complex imaginary operator and the set of unit pure real quaternions). The non-trivial roots are shown to consist of complex numbers with perpendicular pure quaternion real and imaginary parts. The moduli of the two perpendicular pure quaternions are expressible by a single parameter via a hyperbolic trigonometric identity

    The Orthogonal 2D Planes Split of Quaternions and Steerable Quaternion Fourier Transformations

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    The two-sided quaternionic Fourier transformation (QFT) was introduced in \cite{Ell:1993} for the analysis of 2D linear time-invariant partial-differential systems. In further theoretical investigations \cite{10.1007/s00006-007-0037-8, EH:DirUP_QFT} a special split of quaternions was introduced, then called ±\pmsplit. In the current \change{chapter} we analyze this split further, interpret it geometrically as \change{an} \emph{orthogonal 2D planes split} (OPS), and generalize it to a freely steerable split of \H into two orthogonal 2D analysis planes. The new general form of the OPS split allows us to find new geometric interpretations for the action of the QFT on the signal. The second major result of this work is a variety of \emph{new steerable forms} of the QFT, their geometric interpretation, and for each form\change{,} OPS split theorems, which allow fast and efficient numerical implementation with standard FFT software.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Determination of the biquaternion divisors of zero, including the idempotents and nilpotents

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    The biquaternion (complexified quaternion) algebra contains idempotents (elements whose square remains unchanged) and nilpotents (elements whose square vanishes). It also contains divisors of zero (elements with vanishing norm). The idempotents and nilpotents are subsets of the divisors of zero. These facts have been reported in the literature, but remain obscure through not being gathered together using modern notation and terminology. Explicit formulae for finding all the idempotents, nilpotents and divisors of zero appear not to be available in the literature, and we rectify this with the present paper. Using several different representations for biquaternions, we present simple formulae for the idempotents, nilpotents and divisors of zero, and we show that the complex components of a biquaternion divisor of zero must have a sum of squares that vanishes, and that this condition is equivalent to two conditions on the inner product of the real and imaginary parts of the biquaternion, and the equality of the norms of the real and imaginary parts. We give numerical examples of nilpotents, idempotents and other divisors of zero. Finally, we conclude with a statement about the composition of the set of biquaternion divisors of zero, and its subsets, the idempotents and the nilpotents.Comment: 7 page

    Complex and Hypercomplex Discrete Fourier Transforms Based on Matrix Exponential Form of Euler's Formula

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    We show that the discrete complex, and numerous hypercomplex, Fourier transforms defined and used so far by a number of researchers can be unified into a single framework based on a matrix exponential version of Euler's formula ejθ=cosθ+jsinθe^{j\theta}=\cos\theta+j\sin\theta, and a matrix root of -1 isomorphic to the imaginary root jj. The transforms thus defined can be computed using standard matrix multiplications and additions with no hypercomplex code, the complex or hypercomplex algebra being represented by the form of the matrix root of -1, so that the matrix multiplications are equivalent to multiplications in the appropriate algebra. We present examples from the complex, quaternion and biquaternion algebras, and from Clifford algebras Cl1,1 and Cl2,0. The significance of this result is both in the theoretical unification, and also in the scope it affords for insight into the structure of the various transforms, since the formulation is such a simple generalization of the classic complex case. It also shows that hypercomplex discrete Fourier transforms may be computed using standard matrix arithmetic packages without the need for a hypercomplex library, which is of importance in providing a reference implementation for verifying implementations based on hypercomplex code.Comment: The paper has been revised since the second version to make some of the reasons for the paper clearer, to include reviews of prior hypercomplex transforms, and to clarify some points in the conclusion

    Octonion associators

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    The algebra of octonions is non-associative (as well as non-commutative). This makes it very difficult to derive algebraic results, and to perform computation with octonions. Given a product of more than two octonions, in general, the order of evaluation of the product (placement of parentheses) affects the result. Inspired by the concept of the commutator [x,y]=x1y1xy[x,y]=x^{-1}y^{-1}xy we show that an associator can be defined that multiplies the result from one evaluation order to give the result from a different evaluation order. For example, for the case of three arbitrary octonions xx, yy and zz we have ((xy)z)a=x(yz)((xy)z)a = x(yz), where aa is the associator in this case. For completeness, we include other definitions of the commutator, [x,y]=xyyx[x,y]=xy-yx and associator [x,y,z]=(xy)zx(yz)[x,y,z]=(xy)z-x(yz), which are well known, although not particularly useful as algebraic tools. We conclude the paper by showing how to extend the concept of the multiplicative associator to products of four or more octonions, where the number of evaluation orders is greater than two

    On harmonic analysis of vector-valued signals

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    A vector‐valued signal in N dimensions is a signal whose value at any time instant is an N‐dimensional vector, that is, an element of urn:x-wiley:mma:media:mma3938:mma3938-math-0001. The sum of an arbitrary number of such signals of the same frequency is shown to trace an ellipse in N‐dimensional space, that is, to be confined to a plane. The parameters of the ellipse (major and minor axes, represented by N‐dimensional vectors; and phase) are obtained algebraically in terms of the directions of oscillation of the constituent signals, and their phases. It is shown that the major axis of the ellipse can always be determined algebraically. That is, a vector, whose value can be computed algebraically (without decisions or comparisons of magnitude) from parameters of the constituent signals, always represents the major axis of the ellipse. The ramifications of this result for the processing and Fourier analysis of signals with vector values or samples are discussed, with reference to the definition of Fourier transforms, particularly discrete Fourier transforms, such as have been defined in several hypercomplex algebras, including Clifford algebras. The treatment in the paper, however, is entirely based on signals with values in urn:x-wiley:mma:media:mma3938:mma3938-math-0002. Although the paper is written in terms of vector signals (which are taken to include images and volumetric images), the analysis clearly also applies to a superposition of simple harmonic motions in N dimensions

    On harmonic analysis of vector-valued signals

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    A vector‐valued signal in N dimensions is a signal whose value at any time instant is an N‐dimensional vector, that is, an element of urn:x-wiley:mma:media:mma3938:mma3938-math-0001. The sum of an arbitrary number of such signals of the same frequency is shown to trace an ellipse in N‐dimensional space, that is, to be confined to a plane. The parameters of the ellipse (major and minor axes, represented by N‐dimensional vectors; and phase) are obtained algebraically in terms of the directions of oscillation of the constituent signals, and their phases. It is shown that the major axis of the ellipse can always be determined algebraically. That is, a vector, whose value can be computed algebraically (without decisions or comparisons of magnitude) from parameters of the constituent signals, always represents the major axis of the ellipse. The ramifications of this result for the processing and Fourier analysis of signals with vector values or samples are discussed, with reference to the definition of Fourier transforms, particularly discrete Fourier transforms, such as have been defined in several hypercomplex algebras, including Clifford algebras. The treatment in the paper, however, is entirely based on signals with values in urn:x-wiley:mma:media:mma3938:mma3938-math-0002. Although the paper is written in terms of vector signals (which are taken to include images and volumetric images), the analysis clearly also applies to a superposition of simple harmonic motions in N dimensions

    Fast complexified quaternion Fourier transform

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    A discrete complexified quaternion Fourier transform is introduced. This is a generalization of the discrete quaternion Fourier transform to the case where either or both of the signal/image and the transform kernel are complex quaternion-valued. It is shown how to compute the transform using four standard complex Fourier transforms and the properties of the transform are briefly discussed