1,500 research outputs found

    Consumer tipping : a study of the car guarding industry

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    The act of guarding a car at a public parking space is a common service offered by "car guards" in Southern Africa. The car guard normally relies solely on tips in return for the service given. The objective of this research study is to better understand the predictors of consumer tipping decisions. More specifically this study examines, from a consumer decision making perspective, the role that service quality, personal norms and social norms play in determining a consumers' decision to tip car guards. The results showed that service quality and personal norms were significant predictors of tip size, while social norms are not significant predictors of tip size. The study discusses the theoretical and practical implications of these findings

    Patterns of satellite tagged hen harrier disappearances suggest widespread illegal killing on British grouse moors

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    Natural England commenced a Hen Harrier Recovery Project in 2002. This tracking study was funded exclusively by Natural England and is part of their on-going work on hen harrier conservation. We thank Hamish Smith and staff at the Hawk and Owl Trust for contributing data from four hen harriers they have tracked. We are grateful for the time of many volunteers in the field who monitored and searched for harriers: Pat Martin, Gavin Craggs, Pete Davies, Derek Hayward, Martin Davison, Mick Carroll, Paul Howarth, Ian Thomson, and Elsie Ashworth. We thank Judith Smith and Phil Skinner for sponsoring tags. Also we would like to thank the Wildlife Crime Officers in Lancashire, Yorkshire, Co Durham and Northumberland for their assistance. Thanks also to Jeremy Wilson and Pat Thompson for useful comments on this manuscript. We are grateful to staff at Microwave Telemetry Inc. and CLS France for data archiving. The complete data sets analysed in this study are not publicly available due to the sensitivity of the locational data but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request and with permission of Natural England. The source data for Figs. 1 and 2 have been provided as a Source Data file.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Spaceborne radar observations: A guide for Magellan radar-image analysis

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    Geologic analyses of spaceborne radar images of Earth are reviewed and summarized with respect to detecting, mapping, and interpreting impact craters, volcanic landforms, eolian and subsurface features, and tectonic landforms. Interpretations are illustrated mostly with Seasat synthetic aperture radar and shuttle-imaging-radar images. Analogies are drawn for the potential interpretation of radar images of Venus, with emphasis on the effects of variation in Magellan look angle with Venusian latitude. In each landform category, differences in feature perception and interpretive capability are related to variations in imaging geometry, spatial resolution, and wavelength of the imaging radar systems. Impact craters and other radially symmetrical features may show apparent bilateral symmetry parallel to the illumination vector at low look angles. The styles of eruption and the emplacement of major and minor volcanic constructs can be interpreted from morphological features observed in images. Radar responses that are governed by small-scale surface roughness may serve to distinguish flow types, but do not provide unambiguous information. Imaging of sand dunes is rigorously constrained by specific angular relations between the illumination vector and the orientation and angle of repose of the dune faces, but is independent of radar wavelength. With a single look angle, conditions that enable shallow subsurface imaging to occur do not provide the information necessary to determine whether the radar has recorded surface or subsurface features. The topographic linearity of many tectonic landforms is enhanced on images at regional and local scales, but the detection of structural detail is a strong function of illumination direction. Nontopographic tectonic lineaments may appear in response to contrasts in small-surface roughness or dielectric constant. The breakpoint for rough surfaces will vary by about 25 percent through the Magellan viewing geometries from low to high Venusian latitudes. Examples of anomalies and system artifacts that can affect image interpretation are described

    The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey: The Survey of the 14-hour field

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    We have used SCUBA to survey an area of 50 square arcmin, detecting 19 sources down to a 3sigma sensitivity limit of 3.5 mJy at 850 microns. We have used Monte-Carlo simulations to assess the effect of source confusion and noise on the SCUBA fluxes and positions, finding that the fluxes of sources in the SCUBA surveys are significantly biased upwards and that the fraction of the 850 micron background that has been resolved by SCUBA has been overestimated. The radio/submillmetre flux ratios imply that the dust in these galaxies is being heated by young stars rather than AGN. We have used simple evolution models based on our parallel SCUBA survey of the local universe to address the major questions about the SCUBA sources: (1) what fraction of the star formation at high redshift is hidden by dust? (2) Does the submillimetre luminosity density reach a maximum at some redshift? (3) If the SCUBA sources are proto-ellipticals, when exactly did ellipticals form? However, we show that the observations are not yet good enough for definitive answers to these questions. There are, for example, acceptable models in which 10 times as much high-redshift star formation is hidden by dust as is seen at optical wavelengths, but also acceptable ones in which the amount of hidden star formation is less than that seen optically. There are acceptable models in which very little star formation occurred before a redshift of three (as might be expected in models of hierarchical galaxy formation), but also ones in which 30% of the stars have formed by this redshift. The key to answering these questions are measurements of the dust temperatures and redshifts of the SCUBA sources.Comment: 41 pages (latex), 17 postscript figures, to appear in the November issue of the Astronomical Journa

    De novoframeshift mutation in ASXL3 in a patient with global developmental delay, microcephaly, and craniofacial anomalies

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, diagnosis of affected individuals with rare genetic disorders can be lengthy and costly, resulting in a diagnostic odyssey and in many patients a definitive molecular diagnosis is never achieved despite extensive clinical investigation. The recent advent and use of genomic medicine has resulted in a paradigm shift in the clinical molecular genetics of rare diseases and has provided insight into the causes of numerous rare genetic conditions. In particular, whole exome and genome sequencing of families has been particularly useful in discovering de novo germline mutations as the cause of both rare diseases and complex disorders. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a six year old, nonverbal African American female with microcephaly, autism, global developmental delay, and metopic craniosynostosis. Exome sequencing of the patient and her two parents revealed a heterozygous two base pair de novo deletion, c.1897_1898delCA, p.Gln633ValfsX13 in ASXL3, predicted to result in a frameshift at codon 633 with substitution of a valine for a glutamine and introduction of a premature stop codon. CONCLUSIONS: We provide additional evidence that, truncating and frameshifting mutations in the ASXL3 gene are the cause of a newly recognized disorder characterized by severe global developmental delay, short stature, microcephaly, and craniofacial anomalies. Furthermore, we expand the knowledge about disease causing mutations and the genotype-phenotype relationships in ASXL3 and provide evidence that rare, nonsynonymous, damaging mutations are not associated with developmental delay or microcephaly


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    In 2014, four of Emeritus Prof. Peter (fondly known as PB) Beighton’s past PhD students decided that they would like to honour him for his leadership and the influence that he had on their professional lives, and collaborated on a project to compile a Festschrift in his honour. They are Prof. Michael Hayden, now living in Canada, the first PhD graduate that PB supervised in 1979, together with Profs Jacquie Greenberg from the University of Cape Town (UCT), Alan Bryer from UCT and Groote Schuur Hospital (GSH), and Lawrence Stephen from the University of the Western Cape (UWC). Prof. Lawrence Stephen was the last PhD graduate that Prof. Beighton supervised before he officially retired in 1999.Many colleagues who have worked over the past 5 decades and who continue to work with him were invited to contribute to this supplement to the SAMJ. The Festschrift includes the history behind Peter Beighton, who was born, grew up and trained in the UK and came to UCT in 1972. His legacy includes the impact that he made on those who trained under him in SA, as well as throughout the world. The Festschrift includes the history of genetics and current genetic practice in South Africa, as well as the influence that he has had on medical genetics in general, dental genetics and now genomics going into the new millennium. Tributes have been received from people all over the world, attesting to his outstanding leadership and mentorship, and highlight how he influenced the climate, growth and development of genetics at UCT, and scientific and technological fields in genetics and genomics over the past few decades.This Foreword includes a message from Emeritus Prof. Stuart Saunders – former Head of Department (HoD) of Medicine at GSH in the 1970s when PB arrived at UCT – followed by some words from Emeritus Prof. J P van Niekerk, former Dean of the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences in the 1980s. Profs Greenberg, Bryer and Stephen conclude the Foreword, while Prof. Hayden introduces the legacy that Prof. Beighton has passed on
