1,431 research outputs found

    Expanding the Known DNA-binding Specificity of Homeodomains for Utility in Customizable Sequence-specific Nucleases: A Dissertation

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    Homeodomains (HDs) are a large family of DNA-binding domains contained in transcription factors that are most notable for regulating body development and patterning in metazoans. HDs consist of three alpha helices preceded by an N- terminal arm, where the third helix (the recognition helix) and the N-terminal arm are responsible for defining DNA-binding specificity. Here we attempted to engineer the HDs by fully randomizing positions in the recognition helix to specify each of the 64 possible 3’ triplet sites (i.e. TAANNN). We recovered HD variants that preferentially recognize or are compatible with 44 of the possible sites, a dramatic increase from the previously observed range of specificities. Many of these HD variants contain combinations of novel specificity determinants that are uncommon or absent in extant HDs, where these determinants can be grafted into alternate HD backbones with an accompanying alteration in their specificity. The identified determinates expand our understanding of HD recognition, allowing for the creation of more explicit recognition models for this family. Additionally, we demonstrate that HDs can recognize a broader range of DNA sequences than anticipated, thus raising questions about the fitness barrier that restricts the evolution HD-DNA recognition in nature. Finally, these new HD variants have utility as DNA-binding domains to direct targeting of customizable sequence-specific nuclease as demonstrated by site-specific lesions created in zebrafish. Thus HDs can guide sequence-specific enzymatic function precisely and predictably within a complex genome when used in engineered artificial enzymes

    Exploring the DNA-recognition potential of homeodomains

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    The recognition potential of most families of DNA-binding domains (DBDs) remains relatively unexplored. Homeodomains (HDs), like many other families of DBDs, display limited diversity in their preferred recognition sequences. To explore the recognition potential of HDs, we utilized a bacterial selection system to isolate HD variants, from a randomized library, that are compatible with each of the 64 possible 3â€Č triplet sites (i.e., TAANNN). The majority of these selections yielded sets of HDs with overrepresented residues at specific recognition positions, implying the selection of specific binders. The DNA-binding specificity of 151 representative HD variants was subsequently characterized, identifying HDs that preferentially recognize 44 of these target sites. Many of these variants contain novel combinations of specificity determinants that are uncommon or absent in extant HDs. These novel determinants, when grafted into different HD backbones, produce a corresponding alteration in specificity. This information was used to create more explicit HD recognition models, which can inform the prediction of transcriptional regulatory networks for extant HDs or the engineering of HDs with novel DNA-recognition potential. The diversity of recovered HD recognition sequences raises important questions about the fitness barrier that restricts the evolution of alternate recognition modalities in natural systems

    Menthol stereoisomers exhibit different effects on α4ÎČ2 nAChR upregulation and dopamine neuron spontaneous firing

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    Menthol contributes to poor cessation rates among smokers, in part because menthol enhances nicotine reward and reinforcement. Mentholated tobacco products contain (−)-menthol and (+)-menthol, in varying proportions. We examined these two menthol stereoisomers for their ability to upregulate α4ÎČ2 nAChRs and to alter dopamine neuron firing frequency using long-term, low-dose (≀ 500 nM) exposure that is pharmacologically relevant to smoking. We found that (−)-menthol upregulates α4ÎČ2 nAChRs while (+)-menthol does not. We also found that (−)-menthol decreases dopamine neuron baseline firing and dopamine neuron excitability, while (+)-menthol exhibits no effect. We then examined both stereoisomers for their ability to inhibit α4ÎČ2 nAChR function at higher concentrations (>10 ”M) using the Xenopus oocyte expression system. To probe for the potential binding site of menthol, we conducted flooding simulations and site-directed mutagenesis. We found that menthol likely binds to the 9’ position on the TM2 helix. We found that menthol inhibition is dependent on the end-to-end distance of the side chain at the 9’ residue. Additionally, we have found that (−)-menthol is only modestly (∌25%) more potent than (+)-menthol at inhibiting wildtype α4ÎČ2 nAChRs and a series of L9’ mutant nAChRs. These data reveal that menthol exhibits a stereoselective effect on nAChRs and that the stereochemical effect is much greater for long-term, sub ”M exposure in mice than for acute, higher level exposure. We hypothesize that of the two menthol stereoisomers, only (−)-menthol plays a role in enhancing nicotine reward through nAChRs on dopamine neurons

    A Century of Drought in Hawaiʻi: Geospatial Analysis and Synthesis across Hydrological, Ecological, and Socioeconomic Scales

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    Drought is a prominent feature of HawaiÊ»i’s climate. However, it has been over 30 years since the last comprehensive meteorological drought analysis, and recent drying trends have emphasized the need to better understand drought dynamics and multi-sector effects in HawaiÊ»i. Here, we provide a comprehensive synthesis of past drought effects in HawaiÊ»i that we integrate with geospatial analysis of drought characteristics using a newly developed 100-year (1920–2019) gridded Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) dataset. The synthesis examines past droughts classified into five categories: Meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, ecological, and socioeconomic drought. Results show that drought duration and magnitude have increased significantly, consistent with trends found in other Pacific Islands. We found that most droughts were associated with El Niño events, and the two worst droughts of the past century were multi-year events occurring in 1998–2002 and 2007–2014. The former event was most severe on the islands of O’ahu and Kaua’i while the latter event was most severe on HawaiÊ»i Island. Within islands, we found different spatial patterns depending on leeward versus windward contrasts. Droughts have resulted in over $80 million in agricultural relief since 1996 and have increased wildfire risk, especially during El Niño years. In addition to providing the historical context needed to better understand future drought projections and to develop effective policies and management strategies to protect natural, cultural, hydrological, and agricultural resources, this work provides a framework for conducting drought analyses in other tropical island systems, especially those with a complex topography and strong climatic gradients

    Proteomics analysis reveals a Th17-prone cell population in presymptomatic graft-versus-host disease

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    Gastrointestinal graft-versus-host-disease (GI-GVHD) is a life-threatening complication occurring after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT), and a blood biomarker that permits stratification of HCT patients according to their risk of developing GI-GVHD would greatly aid treatment planning. Through in-depth, large-scale proteomic profiling of presymptomatic samples, we identified a T cell population expressing both CD146, a cell adhesion molecule, and CCR5, a chemokine receptor that is upregulated as early as 14 days after transplantation in patients who develop GI-GVHD. The CD4+CD146+CCR5+ T cell population is Th17 prone and increased by ICOS stimulation. shRNA knockdown of CD146 in T cells reduced their transmigration through endothelial cells, and maraviroc, a CCR5 inhibitor, reduced chemotaxis of the CD4+CD146+CCR5+ T cell population toward CCL14. Mice that received CD146 shRNA-transduced human T cells did not lose weight, showed better survival, and had fewer CD4+CD146+CCR5+ T cells and less pathogenic Th17 infiltration in the intestine, even compared with mice receiving maraviroc with control shRNA- transduced human T cells. Furthermore, the frequency of CD4+CD146+CCR5+ Tregs was increased in GI-GVHD patients, and these cells showed increased plasticity toward Th17 upon ICOS stimulation. Our findings can be applied to early risk stratification, as well as specific preventative therapeutic strategies following HCT

    Performance of the Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer for the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Investigation on the 2018 Exomars Rover

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    The 2018 ExoMars rover mission includes the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) investigation. MOMA will examine the chemical composition of samples acquired from depths of up to two meters below the martian surface, where organics may be protected from degradation derived from cosmic radiation and/or oxidative chemical reactions. When combined with the complement of instruments in the rover's Pasteur Payload, MOMA has the potential to reveal the presence of a wide range of organics preserved in a variety of mineralogical environments, and to begin to understand the structural character and potential origin of those compounds. The MOMA investigation is led by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) with the mass spectrometer subsystem provided by NASA GSFC. MOMA's linear ion trap mass spectrometer (ITMS) is designed to analyze molecular composition of: (i) gas evolved from pyrolyzed powder samples and separated in a gas chromatograph; and, (ii) ions directly desorbed from crushed solid samples at Mars ambient pressure, as enabled by a pulsed UV laser system, fast-actuating aperture valve and capillary ion inlet. Breadboard ITMS and associated electronics have been advanced to high end-to-end fidelity in preparation for flight hardware delivery to Germany in 2015

    Menthol stereoisomers exhibit different effects on α4ÎČ2 nAChR upregulation and dopamine neuron spontaneous firing

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    Menthol contributes to poor cessation rates among smokers, in part because menthol enhances nicotine reward and reinforcement. Mentholated tobacco products contain (−)-menthol and (+)-menthol, in varying proportions. We examined these two menthol stereoisomers for their ability to upregulate α4ÎČ2 nAChRs and to alter dopamine neuron firing frequency using long-term, low-dose (≀ 500 nM) exposure that is pharmacologically relevant to smoking. We found that (−)-menthol upregulates α4ÎČ2 nAChRs while (+)-menthol does not. We also found that (−)-menthol decreases dopamine neuron baseline firing and dopamine neuron excitability, while (+)-menthol exhibits no effect. We then examined both stereoisomers for their ability to inhibit α4ÎČ2 nAChR function at higher concentrations (>10 ”M) using the Xenopus oocyte expression system. To probe for the potential binding site of menthol, we conducted flooding simulations and site-directed mutagenesis. We found that menthol likely binds to the 9’ position on the TM2 helix. We found that menthol inhibition is dependent on the end-to-end distance of the side chain at the 9’ residue. Additionally, we have found that (−)-menthol is only modestly (∌25%) more potent than (+)-menthol at inhibiting wildtype α4ÎČ2 nAChRs and a series of L9’ mutant nAChRs. These data reveal that menthol exhibits a stereoselective effect on nAChRs and that the stereochemical effect is much greater for long-term, sub ”M exposure in mice than for acute, higher level exposure. We hypothesize that of the two menthol stereoisomers, only (−)-menthol plays a role in enhancing nicotine reward through nAChRs on dopamine neurons

    Antigen-specific B-cell receptor sensitizes B cells to infection by influenza virus

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    Influenza A virus-specific B lymphocytes and the antibodies they produce protect against infection. However, the outcome of interactions between an influenza haemagglutinin-specific B cell via its receptor (BCR) and virus is unclear. Through somatic cell nuclear transfer we generated mice that harbour B cells with a BCR specific for the haemagglutinin of influenza A/WSN/33 virus (FluBI mice). Their B cells secrete an immunoglobulin gamma 2b that neutralizes infectious virus. Whereas B cells from FluBI and control mice bind equivalent amounts of virus through interaction of haemagglutinin with surface-disposed sialic acids, the A/WSN/33 virus infects only the haemagglutinin-specific B cells. Mere binding of virus is not sufficient for infection of B cells: this requires interactions of the BCR with haemagglutinin, causing both disruption of antibody secretion and FluBI B-cell death within 18 h. In mice infected with A/WSN/33, lung-resident FluBI B cells are infected by the virus, thus delaying the onset of protective antibody release into the lungs, whereas FluBI cells in the draining lymph node are not infected and proliferate. We propose that influenza targets and kills influenza-specific B cells in the lung, thus allowing the virus to gain purchase before the initiation of an effective adaptive response.National Institutes of Health (U.S.

    Measurement of the Lifetime Difference Between B_s Mass Eigenstates

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    We present measurements of the lifetimes and polarization amplitudes for B_s --> J/psi phi and B_d --> J/psi K*0 decays. Lifetimes of the heavy (H) and light (L) mass eigenstates in the B_s system are separately measured for the first time by determining the relative contributions of amplitudes with definite CP as a function of the decay time. Using 203 +/- 15 B_s decays, we obtain tau_L = (1.05 +{0.16}/-{0.13} +/- 0.02) ps and tau_H = (2.07 +{0.58}/-{0.46} +/- 0.03) ps. Expressed in terms of the difference DeltaGamma_s and average Gamma_s, of the decay rates of the two eigenstates, the results are DeltaGamma_s/Gamma_s = (65 +{25}/-{33} +/- 1)%, and DeltaGamma_s = (0.47 +{0.19}/-{0.24} +/- 0.01) inverse ps.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; as published in Physical Review Letters on 16 March 2005; revisions are for length and typesetting only, no changes in results or conclusion

    Endothelial dysfunction of bypass graft: Direct comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo models of ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    BACKGROUND: Although, ischemia/reperfusion induced vascular dysfunction has been widely described, no comparative study of in vivo- and in vitro-models exist. In this study, we provide a direct comparison between models (A) ischemic storage and in-vitro reoxygenation (B) ischemic storage and in vitro reperfusion (C) ischemic storage and in-vivo reperfusion. METHODS AND RESULTS: Aortic arches from rats were stored for 2 hours in saline. Arches were then (A) in vitro reoxygenated (B) in vitro incubated in hypochlorite for 30 minutes (C) in vivo reperfused after heterotransplantation (2, 24 hours and 7 days reperfusion). Endothelium-dependent and independent vasorelaxations were assessed in organ bath. DNA strand breaks were assessed by TUNEL-method, mRNA expressions (caspase-3, bax, bcl-2, eNOS) by quantitative real-time PCR, proteins by Western blot analysis and the expression of CD-31 by immunochemistry. Endothelium-dependent maximal relaxation was drastically reduced in the in-vivo models compared to ischemic storage and in-vitro reperfusion group, and no difference showed between ischemic storage and control group. CD31-staining showed significantly lower endothelium surface ratio in-vivo, which correlated with TUNEL-positive ratio. Increased mRNA and protein levels of pro- and anti-apoptotic gens indicated a significantly higher damage in the in-vivo models. CONCLUSION: Even short-period of ischemia induces severe endothelial damage (in-vivo reperfusion model). In-vitro models of ischemia-reperfusion injury can be limitedly suited for reliable investigations. Time course of endothelial stunning is also described
