30,636 research outputs found

    Electroweak Baryogenesis in a Two-Higgs Doublet Model

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    Electroweak baryogenesis fails in the SM because of too small CP violation and the lack of a strong first-order phase transition. It has been shown that supersymmetric models allow for successful baryogenesis, where the Higgsinos play an important role in the transport processes that generate the asymmetry. I will demonstrate that also non-supersymmetric models can provide the observed baryon asymmetry. The top quark takes the role of the Higgsinos. Focusing on the two-Higgs doublet model, I will discuss details of the phase transition and consequences for Higgs physics and EDM searches.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of Moriond 2006, Electroweak Session. 11-18 March, La Thuile (Italy


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    Problems of instability and disequilibrium in U.S. agriculture are synthesized within a single conceptual framework. Agricultural and non-agricultural sector offer curves are used to illustrate why it may not be feasible to achieve and maintain equilibrium and price stability in U.S. agriculture. Empirical evidence on resource disequilibrium and instability in the ratio of prices paid and received by farmers is presented.Instability, Disequilibrium, Offer curves, U.S. agriculture, Policy, Demand and Price Analysis,


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    Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Almost-Commutative Geometries Beyond the Standard Model III: Vector Doublets

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    We will present a new extension of the standard model of particle physics in its almostcommutative formulation. This extension has as its basis the algebra of the standard model with four summands [11], and enlarges only the particle content by an arbitrary number of generations of left-right symmetric doublets which couple vectorially to the U(1)_YxSU(2)_w subgroup of the standard model. As in the model presented in [8], which introduced particles with a new colour, grand unification is no longer required by the spectral action. The new model may also possess a candidate for dark matter in the hundred TeV mass range with neutrino-like cross section

    The bubble wall velocity in the minimal supersymmetric light stop scenario

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    We build on existing calculations of the wall velocity of the expanding bubbles of the broken symmetry phase in a first-order electroweak phase transition within the light stop scenario (LSS) of the MSSM. We carry out the analysis using the 2-loop thermal potential for values of the Higgs mass consistent with present experimental bounds. Our approach relies on describing the interaction between the bubble and the hot plasma by a single friction parameter, which we fix by matching to an existing 1-loop computation and extrapolate it to our regime of interest. For a sufficiently strong phase transition (in which washout of the newly-created baryon asymmetry is prevented) we obtain values of the wall velocity, v_w~0.05, far below the speed of sound in the medium, and not very much deviating from the previous 1-loop calculation. We also find that the phase transition is about 10% stronger than suggested by simply evaluating the thermal potential at the critical temperature.Comment: 17pages, 3 figure

    Muller's ratchet with overlapping generations

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    Muller's ratchet is a paradigmatic model for the accumulation of deleterious mutations in a population of finite size. A click of the ratchet occurs when all individuals with the least number of deleterious mutations are lost irreversibly due to a stochastic fluctuation. In spite of the simplicity of the model, a quantitative understanding of the process remains an open challenge. In contrast to previous works, we here study a Moran model of the ratchet with overlapping generations. Employing an approximation which describes the fittest individuals as one class and the rest as a second class, we obtain closed analytical expressions of the ratchet rate in the rare clicking regime. As a click in this regime is caused by a rare large fluctuation from a metastable state, we do not resort to a diffusion approximation but apply an approximation scheme which is especially well suited to describe extinction events from metastable states. This method also allows for a derivation of expressions for the quasi-stationary distribution of the fittest class. Additionally, we confirm numerically that the formulation with overlapping generations leads to the same results as the diffusion approximation and the corresponding Wright-Fisher model with non-overlapping generations

    Baryogenesis at the Electroweak Phase Transition for a SUSY Model with a Gauge Singlet

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    SUSY models with a gauge singlet easily allow for a strongly first order electroweak phase transition (EWPT). We discuss the wall profile, in particular transitional CP violation during the EWPT. We calculate CP violating source terms for the charginos in the WKB approximation and solve the relevant transport equations to obtain the generated baryon asymmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of Strong and Electroweak Matter 2000 (SEWM2000), Marseilles; a reference adde
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