10 research outputs found

    Black Holes from Branes: Various string theoretical constructions

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    In this dissertation we have studied black holes from various perspectives in string theory. One common theme of all the black holes that we have studied, is that they are constructed from branes. In part I we considered supersymmetry breaking Scherk-Schwarz duality twists and their effect on black holes in string theory. Our setup was type IIB string theory compactified on a four-torus and then further compactified on a circle with a duality twist along the circle. In these reductions we have studied several different brane configurations, the D1-D5-P system and dual configurations, that give rise to five-dimensional black holes in the standard untwisted reduction. Scherk-Schwarz reductions can be lifted to string theory so long as the monodromy is an element of the discrete U-duality group. We have worked out the quantization conditions that this requirement imposes on the twist parameters. Moreover, when the duality twist is a T-duality, the theory at the minimum of the potential can be described as an asymmetric orbifold. We have explicitly constructed this orbifold, and we have argued what conditions the survival of certain D-brane configurations puts on the orbifold. In part II we studied M2-branes and D2-branes wrapping Riemann surfaces with non-constant curvature: spindles and topological discs. These give rise to 4d black hole solutions in N=2 STU supergravity, whose near-horizon is a warped product of AdS2 with the Riemann surface. We have shown that the disc and spindle solutions can be obtained from different global completions of the same local solution, and we have analyzed their properties in detail. We have uplifted various truncations of this family of near-horizon solutions to M-theory and to massive type IIA. We found that some of these uplifts yield smooth solutions, while others yield solutions that have singularities associated to smeared branes or monopoles. In part III we have classified the necessary and sufficient conditions for near-horizon geometries of extremal supersymmetric rotating black holes in 11d supergravity, which are associated to rotating M2-branes. These near-horizon geometries contain an AdS2 factor which is fibered by the internal geometry. We have allowed for the most general fibration and flux configuration supporting rotating M2-branes. Due to the generality of our ansatz the black holes covered by our classification can include both electric and magnetic charges as well as angular momentum in 4d. By use of dualities, we have also presented necessary and sufficient conditions for the near-horizon geometry of a class of rotating black string solutions in type IIB. Finally, we have embedded several known 4d black hole solutions from the literature into our classification

    Black holes in string theory with duality twists

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    We consider 5D supersymmetric black holes in string theory compactifications that partially break supersymmetry. We compactify type IIB on T4T^4 and then further compactify on a circle with a duality twist to give Minkowski vacua preserving partial supersymmetry (N=6,4,2,0\mathcal{N}=6,4,2,0) in five dimensions. The effective supergravity theory is given by a Scherk-Schwarz reduction with a Scherk-Schwarz supergravity potential on the moduli space, and the lift of this to string theory imposes a quantization condition on the mass parameters. In this theory, we study black holes with three charges that descend from various ten-dimensional brane configurations. For each black hole we choose the duality twist to be a transformation that preserves the solution, so that it remains a supersymmetric solution of the twisted theory with partially broken supersymmetry. We discuss the quantum corrections arising from the twist to the pure gauge and mixed gauge-gravitational Chern-Simons terms in the action and the resulting corrections to the black hole entropy.Comment: Main text 48 pages. v2: minor revision

    Freely acting orbifolds of type IIB string theory on T5T^5

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    We study freely acting orbifolds of type IIB string theory on T5T^5 that spontaneously break supersymmetry from N=8\mathcal{N}=8 to N=6,4,2\mathcal{N}=6,4,2 or 0 in five dimensions. We focus on orbifolds that are a Zp\mathbb{Z}_p quotient by a T-duality acting on T4T^4 and a shift on the remaining S1S^1. Modular invariant partition functions are constructed and detailed examples of both symmetric and asymmetric orbifolds are presented, including new examples of five-dimensional non-supersymmetric string theories with no tachyons. The orbifolds we consider arise at special points in the moduli space of string theory compactifications with a duality twist. The supergravity limit of these are Scherk-Schwarz reductions which generate gauged supergravities with positive definite potentials on the moduli space in five dimensions. Both symmetric and asymmetric freely acting orbifolds give a landscape of Minkowski vacua. For gauged supergravities to belong to this landscape, we find a number of constraints and conditions. Firstly, the scalar potential should lead to a massive spectrum with masses that obey quantization conditions arising from a string theory orbifold, which we discuss in detail. Secondly, we find constraints on the massless sector, e.g. in the examples of orbifolds preserving sixteen supercharges in five dimensions that we consider, only an odd number of vector multiplets arise. Lastly, we present new examples of candidate asymmetric orbifolds with modular invariant partition functions, but with non-integral coefficients in the qqˉq\bar{q}-expansion in the twisted sector.Comment: 66 pages, added refs and minor correction

    The near-horizon geometry of supersymmetric rotating AdS4 black holes in M-theory

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    We classify the necessary and sufficient conditions to obtain the near-horizon geometry of extremal supersymmetric rotating black holes embedded in 11d supergravity which are associated to rotating M2-branes. Such rotating black holes admit an AdS2 near-horizon geometry which is fibered by the transverse spacetime directions. In this paper we allow for the most general fibration over AdS2 with a flux configuration permitting rotating M2-branes. Using G-structure techniques we rewrite the conditions for supersymmetry in terms of differential equations on an eight-dimensional balanced space. The 9d compact internal space is a U(1)-fibration over this 8d base. The geometry is constrained by a master equation reminiscent of the one found in the non-rotating case. We give a Lagrangian from which the equations of motion may be derived, and show how the asymptotically AdS4 electrically charged Kerr-Newman black hole in 4d N\mathcal{N} = 2 supergravity is embedded in the classification. In addition, we present the conditions for the near-horizon geometry of rotating black strings in Type IIB by using dualities with the 11d setup

    Freely acting orbifolds of type IIB string theory on T 5

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    We study freely acting orbifolds of type IIB string theory on T 5 that spontaneously break supersymmetry from N = 8 to N = 6, 4, 2 or 0 in five dimensions. We focus on orbifolds that are a ℤ p quotient by a T-duality acting on T 4 and a shift on the remaining S 1. Modular invariant partition functions are constructed and detailed examples of both symmetric and asymmetric orbifolds are presented, including new examples of five-dimensional non-supersymmetric string theories with no tachyons. The orbifolds we consider arise at special points in the moduli space of string theory compactifications with a duality twist. The supergravity limit of these are Scherk-Schwarz reductions which generate gauged supergravities with positive definite classical potentials on the moduli space in five dimensions. Both symmetric and asymmetric freely acting orbifolds give a landscape of Minkowski vacua. For gauged supergravities to belong to this landscape, we find a number of constraints and conditions. Firstly, the scalar potential should lead to a massive spectrum with masses that obey quantization conditions arising from a string theory orbifold, which we discuss in detail. Secondly, we find constraints on the massless sector, e.g. in the examples of orbifolds preserving sixteen supersymmetries in five dimensions that we consider, only an odd number of vector multiplets arises. Lastly, we present new examples of candidate asymmetric orbifolds with modular invariant partition functions, but with non-integral coefficients in the qq¯ -expansion in the twisted sectors

    Freely acting orbifolds of type IIB string theory on T 5

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    Abstract We study freely acting orbifolds of type IIB string theory on T 5 that spontaneously break supersymmetry from N N \mathcal{N} = 8 to N N \mathcal{N} = 6, 4, 2 or 0 in five dimensions. We focus on orbifolds that are a ℤ p quotient by a T-duality acting on T 4 and a shift on the remaining S 1. Modular invariant partition functions are constructed and detailed examples of both symmetric and asymmetric orbifolds are presented, including new examples of five-dimensional non-supersymmetric string theories with no tachyons. The orbifolds we consider arise at special points in the moduli space of string theory compactifications with a duality twist. The supergravity limit of these are Scherk-Schwarz reductions which generate gauged supergravities with positive definite classical potentials on the moduli space in five dimensions. Both symmetric and asymmetric freely acting orbifolds give a landscape of Minkowski vacua. For gauged supergravities to belong to this landscape, we find a number of constraints and conditions. Firstly, the scalar potential should lead to a massive spectrum with masses that obey quantization conditions arising from a string theory orbifold, which we discuss in detail. Secondly, we find constraints on the massless sector, e.g. in the examples of orbifolds preserving sixteen supersymmetries in five dimensions that we consider, only an odd number of vector multiplets arises. Lastly, we present new examples of candidate asymmetric orbifolds with modular invariant partition functions, but with non-integral coefficients in the q q ¯ qq‾ q\overline{q} -expansion in the twisted sectors

    Black holes in string theory with duality twists

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    We consider 5D supersymmetric black holes in string theory compactifications that partially break supersymmetry. We compactify type IIB on T4 and then further compactify on a circle with a duality twist to give Minkowski vacua preserving partial supersymmetry (N = 6, 4, 2, 0) in five dimensions. The effective supergravity theory is given by a Scherk-Schwarz reduction with a Scherk-Schwarz supergravity potential on the moduli space, and the lift of this to string theory imposes a quantization condition on the mass parameters. In this theory, we study black holes with three charges that descend from various ten-dimensional brane configurations. For each black hole we choose the duality twist to be a transformation that preserves the solution, so that it remains a supersymmetric solution of the twisted theory with partially broken supersymmetry. We discuss the quantum corrections arising from the twist to the pure gauge and mixed gauge-gravitational Chern-Simons terms in the action and the resulting corrections to the black hole entropy

    M2-branes on Discs and Multi-Charged Spindles

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    We study supersymmetric AdS2×Y9_2\times Y_9 solutions of 11d supergravity where Y9Y_9 is an S7^7 fibration over a Riemann surface equipped with a metric of non-constant curvature. We consider two classes of Riemann surface: the first is a spindle and the second is a topological disc. These solutions are interpreted as the near-horizon limit of M2 branes wrapped on the Riemann surface and describe the near-horizon of a 4d black hole. In the case of the topological disc there are additional flavour M2 branes smeared on a five-sphere embedded in the transverse S7^7. We perform a full global analysis of both classes of solutions, both from a 4d and an 11d viewpoint. Finally we compute the two-dimensional Newton's constant from which we obtain a prediction for the entropy of the black hole.Comment: Main text: 23 page

    Black Holes from Branes: Various string theoretical constructions

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    In this dissertation we have studied black holes from various perspectives in string theory. One common theme of all the black holes that we have studied, is that they are constructed from branes. In part I we considered supersymmetry breaking Scherk-Schwarz duality twists and their effect on black holes in string theory. Our setup was type IIB string theory compactified on a four-torus and then further compactified on a circle with a duality twist along the circle. In these reductions we have studied several different brane configurations, the D1-D5-P system and dual configurations, that give rise to five-dimensional black holes in the standard untwisted reduction. Scherk-Schwarz reductions can be lifted to string theory so long as the monodromy is an element of the discrete U-duality group. We have worked out the quantization conditions that this requirement imposes on the twist parameters. Moreover, when the duality twist is a T-duality, the theory at the minimum of the potential can be described as an asymmetric orbifold. We have explicitly constructed this orbifold, and we have argued what conditions the survival of certain D-brane configurations puts on the orbifold. In part II we studied M2-branes and D2-branes wrapping Riemann surfaces with non-constant curvature: spindles and topological discs. These give rise to 4d black hole solutions in N=2 STU supergravity, whose near-horizon is a warped product of AdS2 with the Riemann surface. We have shown that the disc and spindle solutions can be obtained from different global completions of the same local solution, and we have analyzed their properties in detail. We have uplifted various truncations of this family of near-horizon solutions to M-theory and to massive type IIA. We found that some of these uplifts yield smooth solutions, while others yield solutions that have singularities associated to smeared branes or monopoles. In part III we have classified the necessary and sufficient conditions for near-horizon geometries of extremal supersymmetric rotating black holes in 11d supergravity, which are associated to rotating M2-branes. These near-horizon geometries contain an AdS2 factor which is fibered by the internal geometry. We have allowed for the most general fibration and flux configuration supporting rotating M2-branes. Due to the generality of our ansatz the black holes covered by our classification can include both electric and magnetic charges as well as angular momentum in 4d. By use of dualities, we have also presented necessary and sufficient conditions for the near-horizon geometry of a class of rotating black string solutions in type IIB. Finally, we have embedded several known 4d black hole solutions from the literature into our classification

    Black holes in string theory with duality twists

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    We consider 5D supersymmetric black holes in string theory compactifications that partially break supersymmetry. We compactify type IIB on T4 and then further compactify on a circle with a duality twist to give Minkowski vacua preserving partial supersymmetry (N = 6, 4, 2, 0) in five dimensions. The effective supergravity theory is given by a Scherk-Schwarz reduction with a Scherk-Schwarz supergravity potential on the moduli space, and the lift of this to string theory imposes a quantization condition on the mass parameters. In this theory, we study black holes with three charges that descend from various ten-dimensional brane configurations. For each black hole we choose the duality twist to be a transformation that preserves the solution, so that it remains a supersymmetric solution of the twisted theory with partially broken supersymmetry. We discuss the quantum corrections arising from the twist to the pure gauge and mixed gauge-gravitational Chern-Simons terms in the action and the resulting corrections to the black hole entropy