25 research outputs found

    Single-pixel imaging using caustic patterns

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    Single-pixel imaging uses a time-varying transmission mask placed in the illumination to achieve imaging without the use of detector arrays. While most research in this field uses sophisticated masks implemented using spatial light modulators, such methods are not available at all lengthscales and wavelengths of illumination. Here we show that alternatively a sequence of projected caustic intensity patterns can be used as the basis for the single-pixel imaging of objects. Caustics can be formed using slowly varying random phase masks, such as for example the surface of a swimming pool, which potentially makes using caustics an option at a range of lengthscales and wavelengths

    Efficient Silicon Metasurfaces for Visible Light

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    Dielectric metasurfaces require high refractive index contrast materials for optimum performance. This requirement imposes a severe restraint; either devices have been demonstrated at wavelengths of 700 nm and above using high-index semiconductors such as silicon, or they use lower index dielectric materials such as TiO2 or Si3N4 and operate in the visible wavelength regime. Here, we show that the high refractive index of silicon can be exploited at wavelengths as short as 532 nm by demonstrating a crystalline silicon metasurface with a transmission efficiency of 71% at this wavelength and a diffraction efficiency of 95% into the desired diffraction order. The metasurfaces consist of a graded array of silicon posts arranged in a square lattice on a quartz substrate. We show full 2Ï€ phase control, and we experimentally demonstrate polarization-independent beam deflection at 532 nm wavelength. Our results open a new way for realizing efficient metasurfaces based on silicon for the technologically all-important display applications

    An Organic Vortex Laser

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    Optical vortex beams are at the heart of a number of novel research directions, both as carriers of information and for the investigation of optical activity and chiral molecules. Optical vortex beams are beams of light with a helical wavefront and associated orbital angular momentum. They are typically generated using bulk optics methods or by a passive element such as a forked grating or a metasurface to imprint the required phase distribution onto an incident beam. Since many applications benefit from further miniaturization, a more integrated yet scalable method is highly desirable. Here, we demonstrate the generation of an azimuthally polarized vortex beam directly by an organic semiconductor laser that meets these requirements. The organic vortex laser uses a spiral grating as a feedback element that gives control over phase, handedness, and degree of helicity of the emitted beam. We demonstrate vortex beams up to an azimuthal index <i>l</i> = 3 that can be readily multiplexed into an array configuration

    Challenging point scanning across electron microscopy and optical imaging using computational imaging

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    Solving challenges of enhanced imaging (resolution or speed) is a continuously changing frontier of research. Within this sphere, ghost imaging (and the closely related single-pixel imaging) has evolved as an alternative to focal plane detector arrays owing to advances in detectors and/or modulation devices. The interest in these techniques is due to their robustness to varied sets of patterns and applicability to a broad range of wavelengths and compatibility with compressive sensing. To achieve a better control of illumination strategies, modulators of many kinds have long been available in the optical regime. However, analogous technology to control of phase and amplitude of electron beams does not exist. We approach this electron microscopy challenge from an optics perspective, with a novel approach to imaging with non-orthogonal pattern sets using ghost imaging. Assessed first in the optical regime and subsequently in electron microscopy, we present a methodology that is applicable at different spectral regions and robust to non-orthogonality. The distributed illumination pattern sets also result in a reduced peak intensity, thereby potentially reducing damage of samples during imaging. This imaging approach is potentially translatable beyond both regimes explored here, as a single-element detector system

    Ultra-thin transmissive crystalline silicon high-contrast grating metasurfaces

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    Dielectric metasurfaces made from crystalline silicon, titanium dioxide, gallium nitride and silicon nitride have developed rapidly for applications in the visible wavelength regime. High performance metasurfaces typically require the realisation of subwavelength, high aspect ratio nanostructures, the fabrication of which can be challenging. Here, we propose and demonstrate the operation of high performance metasurfaces in ultra-thin (100 nm) crystalline silicon at the wavelength of 532 nm. Using optical beam analysis, we discuss fabrication complexity and show that our approach is more fabrication-tolerant than the nanofin approach, which has so far produced the highest performance metasurfaces, but may be difficult to manufacture, especially when using nanoimprint lithography

    Manuscript for paper or report on theory advances/test on diagonalization of operator through coordinate transformation

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    The present deliverable D3.1, “Manuscript for Paper or Report on Theory Advances/Test on Diagonalization of Operator through Coordinate Transformation “ has the aim of establishing an appropriate theoretical basis for the definition of a generalized sorter that would allow for the recognition of the protein without making a full image it