899 research outputs found

    The Morphology of Synovial Lining of Various Structures in Several Species as Observed with Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    Data concerning surface morphology of synovial lining of tendons, tendon sheaths, cruciate ligaments, infra-patellar fat pads and peripatellar synovial ridges in various species (rat, rabbit, dwarf goat, sheep, pig, dog, human) are reported on. Supportive studies with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and light microscopy were performed. Three principal morphological appearances of the synovium are evident. On structures with a dense fibrous architecture like tendons, tendon sheaths and cruciate ligaments the intimal cells and processes are mostly slender and may tend to orientation in the length-axis of the structure. On the peri- and infrapatellar adipose tissues two principal \u27extremes\u27 are seen: one in which the contours of the fat cells are clearly visible with fungoid shaped structures in between them, and one in which the fat cell contours are not recognizable and the intima consists of cauliflower-like cells. Transitional forms exist. Several features observed on tendons and tendon sheaths which have not been reported on before are presented in this paper. A consistent classification of synovium is presented

    Recent Heavy Ion Results with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

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    Results are presented from the ATLAS collaboration from the 2010 LHC heavy ion run, during which nearly 10 inverse microbarns of luminosity were delivered. Soft physics results include charged particle multiplicities and collective flow. The charged particle multiplicity, which tracks initial state entropy production, increases by a factor of two relative to the top RHIC energy, with a centrality dependence very similar to that already measured at RHIC. Measurements of elliptic flow out to large transverse momentum also show similar results to what was measured at RHIC, but no significant pseudorapidity dependence. Extensions of these measurements to higher harmonics have also been made, and can be used to explain structures in the two-particle correlation functions that had long been attributed to jet-medium interactions. New hard probe measurements include single muons, jets and high pTp_T hadrons. Single muons at high momentum are used to extract the yield of W±W^{\pm} bosons and are found to be consistent within statistical uncertainties with binary collision scaling. Conversely, jets are found to be suppressed in central events by a factor of two relative to peripheral events, with no significant dependence on the jet energy. Fragmentation functions are also found to be the same in central and peripheral events. Finally, charged hadrons have been measured out to 30 GeV, and their centrality dependence relative to peripheral events is similar to that found for jets.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, proceedings for Quark Matter 2011, Annecy, France, May 23-28, 201

    Retromer- and WASH-dependent sorting of nutrient transporters requires a multivalent interaction network with ANKRD50

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    Retromer and the associated actin-polymerizing WASH complex are essential for the endocytic recycling of a wide range of integral membrane proteins. A hereditary Parkinson's-disease-causing point mutation (D620N) in the retromer subunit VPS35 perturbs retromer's association with the WASH complex and also with the uncharacterized protein ankyrin-repeat-domain-containing protein 50 (ANKRD50). Here, we firmly establish ANKRD50 as a new and essential component of the SNX27– retromer–WASH super complex. Depletion of ANKRD50 in HeLa or U2OS cells phenocopied the loss of endosome-to-cell-surface recycling of multiple transmembrane proteins seen upon suppression of SNX27, retromer or WASH- complex components. Mass-spectrometry-based quantification of the cell surface proteome of ANKRD50-depleted cells identified amino acid transporters of the SLC1A family, among them SLC1A4, as additional cargo molecules that depend on ANKRD50 and retromer for their endocytic recycling. Mechanistically, we show that ANKRD50 simultaneously engages multiple parts of the SNX27–retromer–WASH complex machinery in a direct and co-operative interaction network that is needed to efficiently recycle the nutrient transporters GLUT1 (also known as SLC2A1) and SLC1A4, and potentially many other surface proteins

    Uszkodzenie nadnerczy w następstwie tępych urazów: wskaźnik ciężkości doznanych obrażeń

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    Introduction: Adrenal gland injuries (AGI) are seen increasingly frequently owing to advances in modern imaging techniques. This study describes a series of patients with blunt AGI, with the emphasis on AGI as a marker of injury severity, CT-radiographic classification of AGI and associated injury patterns. Material and methods: A retrospective review of blunt trauma patients with AGI was performed. Variables examined included demographics, mechanism of injury, length of hospital and ICU stay, clinical status on admission, AGI characteristics, associated injuries, complications, procedures, mortality and discharge disposition. Results: There were 29 AGI patients with a mean injury severity score of 25. The most common injury mechanisms were motor-vehicular collisions (15/29) and falls (5/29). Right-sided AGI (16/29) outnumbered left-sided (12/29) injuries. The most common CT-radiographic types of AGI were adrenal gland contusions and lacerations with limited "blush". While patterns of injuries differed between right and left-sided AGI, the mean number of injuries did not. The most common associated injuries included extremity (21/29), rib (20/29) and spinal fractures (18/29). Common procedures included orthopaedic fixation (10/29), vena cava filter (8/29) and tracheostomy (5/29). A median of two complications per patient was reported, including adrenal insufficiency in two patients. Mortality was 17%. The median hospital and ICU length of stay were 15 and 12 days, respectively. Conclusions: Adrenal gland injury is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. With modern imaging modalities capable of reliably detecting adrenal injury, the presence of AGI should be considered a marker of overall injury severity. The authors provide a CT-radiographic classification of adrenal injuries.Wstęp: W związku z postępem w zakresie nowoczesnych metod obrazowania coraz częściej stwierdza się uszkodzenia nadnerczy (AGI, adrenal gland injuries). W tym badaniu opisano grupę chorych, którzy doznali uszkodzenia nadnerczy w wyniku tępego urazu. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na AGI jako wskaźnik ciężkości odniesionych obrażeń, klasyfikację AGI na podstawie tomografii komputerowej i charakter współistniejących obrażeń. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono retrospektywną analizę danych pacjentów, którzy doznali AGI w wyniku tępego urazu. W badaniu uwzględniono dane demograficzne, mechanizm powstania urazu, czas hospitalizacji oraz pobytu na oddziale intensywnej opieki medycznej, stan kliniczny w chwili przyjęcia do szpitala, cechy AGI, doznane obrażenia, powikłania, zastosowane procedury medyczne, odsetek zgonów i dalsze postępowanie. Wyniki: Do badania włączono 29 osób z AGI, u których średnia ocena ciężkości obrażeń wynosiła 25. Najczęstszymi przyczynami urazu były wypadki motocyklowe (15/29) i upadki (5/29). Liczba prawostronnych AGI (16/29) była wyższa niż liczba uszkodzeń lewostronnych (12/29). Najczęściej stwierdzanym rodzajem uszkodzeń AGI w badaniu tomograficznym było stłuczenie i rozdarcie narządu z niewielkim krwawieniem. Chociaż charakter uszkodzeń różnił się w zależności od prawo- lub lewostronnej lokalizacji AGI, średnia liczba uszkodzeń była taka sama. Najczęstszymi współwystępującymi obrażeniami były złamania kończyn (21/29), żeber (20/29) i kręgów (18/29). Do najczęściej wykonywanych procedur należały: unieruchomienie ortopedyczne (10/29), wszczepienie filtra do żyły głównej (8/29) i tracheostomia (5/29). Mediana liczby powikłań u poszczególnych chorych wynosiła 2 (włączając niewydolność nadnerczy u 2 osób). Odsetek zgonów wynosił 17%. Mediana okresu hospitalizacji i pobytu na oddziale intensywnej opieki medycznej wynosiła odpowiednio 15 i 12 dni. Wnioski: Uszkodzenie nadnerczy wiąże się ze znaczną chorobowością i śmiertelnością. Dostępne obecnie nowoczesne metody obrazowania umożliwiają wykrycie uszkodzeń nadnerczy. Należałoby rozważyć przyjęcie obecności AGI jako markera ciężkości doznanych obrażeń. Autorzy przedstawili klasyfikację uszkodzeń nadnerczy na podstawie badań tomograficznych

    The responses of brown macroalgae to environmental change from local to global scales: direct versus ecologically mediated effects

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    In many temperate regions, brown macroalgae fulfil essential ecosystem services such as the provision of structure, the fixation of nutrients and carbon, and the production of biomass and oxygen. Their populations in many regions around the globe have declined and/or spatially shifted in recent decades. In this review we highlight the potential global and regional drives of these changes, describe the status of regionally particularly important brown macroalgal species, and describe the capacity of interactions among abiotic and biotic factors to amplify or buffer environmental pressure on brown macroalgae. We conclude with a consideration of possible management and restoration measures

    Low T-cell Receptor Diversity, High Somatic Mutation Burden, and High Neoantigen Load as Predictors of Clinical Outcome in Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer

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    AbstractBackgroundThe success of cancer immunotherapies has highlighted the potent ability of local adaptive immune responses to eradicate cancer cells by targeting neoantigens generated by somatic alterations. However, how these factors interact to drive the natural history of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) is not well understood.ObjectiveTo investigate the role of immune regulation in MIBC disease progression, we performed massively parallel T-cell receptor (TCR) sequencing of tumor-infiltrating T cells (TILs), in silico neoantigen prediction from exome sequences, and expression analysis of immune-related genes.Design, setting, and participantsWe analyzed 38 MIBC tissues from patients who underwent definitive surgery with a minimum clinical follow-up of 2 yr.Outcome measurements and statistical analysisRecurrence-free survival (RFS) was determined. TCR diversity was quantified using Simpson's diversity index. The main analyses involved the Mann-Whitney U test, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, and Cox proportional hazards models.Results and limitationsLow TCRβ chain diversity, correlating with oligoclonal TIL expansion, was significantly correlated with longer RFS, even after adjustment for pathologic tumor stage, node status, and receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy (hazard ratio 2.67, 95% confidence interval 1.08–6.60; p=0.03). Patients with both a high number of neoantigens and low TCRβ diversity had longer RFS compared to those with fewer neoantigens and high TCR diversity (median RFS 275 vs 30 wk; p=0.03). Higher expression of immune cytolytic genes was associated with nonrecurrence among patients with low TCR diversity or fewer neoantigens. Limitations include the sample size and the inability to distinguish CD8+ and CD4+ T cells using TCR sequencing.ConclusionsThese findings are the first to show that detailed tumor immune-genome analysis at definitive surgery can identify molecular patterns of antitumor immune response contributing to better clinical outcomes in MIBC.Patient summaryWe discovered that clonal expansion of certain T cells in tumor tissue, possibly targeting cancer-specific antigens, contributes to prevention of bladder cancer recurrence


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    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) relieve irritability within days in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD); however, the effects on other affective symptoms in PMDD remain to be demonstrated
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