753 research outputs found

    Effects of in-chain and off-chain substitutions on spin fluctuations in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3

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    The effect of in-chain and off-chain substitutions on 1D spin fluctuations in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3 has been studied using Raman scattering in order to understand the interplay between defect induced states, enhanced spin-spin correlations and the ground state of low dimensional systems. In-chain and off-chain substitutions quench the spin-Peierls state and induce 3D antiferromagnetic order at T\leq 5 K. Consequently a suppression of a 1D gap-induced mode as well as a constant intensity of a spinon continuum are observed at low temperatures. A 3D two-magnon density of states now gradually extends to higher temperatures T\leq 60K compared with pure CuGeO_3. This effect is more pronounced in the case of off-chain substitutions (Si) for which a N\'eel state occurs over a larger substitution range, starting at very low concentrations. Besides, additional low energy excitations are induced. These effects, i.e. the shift of a dimensional crossover to higher temperatures are due to an enhancement of the spin-spin correlations induced by a small amount of substitutions. The results are compared with recent Monte Carlo studies on substituted spin ladders, pointing to a similar instability of coupled, dimerized spin chains and spin ladders upon substitution.Comment: 14 pages, 6 eps figures, to be published in PR

    Charge-Doping driven Evolution of Magnetism and non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in the Filled Skutterudite CePt4Ge12-xSbx

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    The filled-skutterudite compound CePt4Ge12 is situated close to the border between intermediate-valence of Ce and heavy-fermion behavior. Substitution of Ge by Sb drives the system into a strongly correlated and ultimately upon further increasing the Sb concentration into an antiferromagnetically ordered state. Our experiments evidence a delicate interplay of emerging Kondo physics and the formation of a local 4f moment. An extended non-Fermi-liquid region, which can be understood in the framework of a Kondo-disorder model, is observed. Band-structure calculations support the conclusion that the physical properties are governed by the interplay of electron supply via Sb substitution and the concomitant volume effects.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figur

    Investigation of the Spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO_3 by Raman scattering

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    Raman experiments on the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3_3 and the substituted (Cu1x_{1- x},Znx_x)GeO3_3 and Cu(Ge1x_{1-x},Gax_x)O3_3 compounds were performed in order to investigate the response of specific magnetic excitations of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 chain to spin anisotropies and substitution-induced disorder. In pure CuGeO3_3, in addition to normal phonon scattering which is not affected at all by the spin-Peierls transition, four types of magnetic scattering features were observed. Below TSP_{SP}=14 K a singlet-triplet excitation at 30 cm1^{-1}, two-magnon scattering from 30 to 227 cm1^{-1} and folded phonon modes at 369 and 819 cm1^{-1} were identified. They were assigned by their temperature dependence and lineshape. For temperatures between the spin-Peierls transition TSP_{SP} and approximately 100 K a broad intensity maximum centered at 300 cm1^{-1} is observed.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex2e, including 3 figures (eps) to be published in Physica B (1996

    Substitution effects on spin fluctuations in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3

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    Using Raman scattering we studied the effect of substitutions on 1D spin fluctuations in CuGeO_3 observed as a spinon continuum in frustration induced exchange scattering. For temperatures below the spin-Peierls transition (T_{SP}=14K) the intensity of this continuum at 120-500 cm^{-1} is exponentially suppressed and transferred into a 3D two-magnon density of states. Besides a spin-Peierls gap-induced mode at 30 cm^{-1} and additional modes at 105 and 370 cm^{-1} are observed. Substitution of Zn on the Cu-site and Si on the Ge-site of CuGeO_3 quenches easily the spin-Peierls state. Consequently a suppression of the spin-Peierls gap observable below T_{SP}=14K as well as a change of the temperature dependence of the spinon continuum are observed. These effects are discussed in the context of a dimensional crossover of this compound below T_{SP} and strong spin-lattice interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 2 eps figures include

    Kondo effect in Ce(x)La(1-x)Cu(2.05)Si(2) intermetallics

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    The magnetic susceptibility and susceptibility anisotropy of the quasi-binary alloy system Ce(x)La(1-x)Cu(2.05)Si(2) have been studied for low concentration of Ce ions. The single-ion desc ription is found to be valid for x < 0.1. The experimental results are discussed in terms of t he degenerate Coqblin-Schrieffer model with a crystalline electric field splitting Delta = 330 K. The properties of the model, obtained by combining the lowest-order scaling and the pertur bation theory, provide a satisfactory description of the experimental data down to 30 K. The e xperimental results between 20 K and 2 K are explained by the exact solution of the Kondo mode l for an effective doublet.Comment: 11 pages, 13 Postscript figures, 1 tabl

    Electron and hole transmission through superconductor - normal metal interfaces

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    We have investigated the transmission of electrons and holes through interfaces between superconducting aluminum (Tc = 1.2 K) and various normal non-magnetic metals (copper, gold, palladium, platinum, and silver) using Andreev-reflection spectroscopy at T = 0.1 K. We analyzed the point contacts with the modified BTK theory that includes Dynes' lifetime as a fitting parameter G in addition to superconducting energy gap 2D and normal reflection described by Z. For contact areas from 1 nm^2 to 10000 nm^2 the BTK Z parameter was 0.5, corresponding to transmission coefficients of about 80 %, independent of the normal metal. The very small variation of Z indicates that the interfaces have a negligible dielectric tunneling barrier. Fermi surface mismatch does not account for the observed transmission coefficient.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Magnetism ICM2012 (Busan 2012

    Crystallographic disorder and electron scattering on structural two-level systems in ZrAs1.4Se0.5

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    Single crystals of ZrAs1.4Se0.5 (PbFCl type structure) were grown by chemical vapour transport. While their thermodynamic and transport properties are typical for ordinary metals, the electrical resistivity exhibits a shallow minimum at low temperatures. Application of strong magnetic fields does not influence this anomaly. The minimum of the resistivity in ZrAs1.4Se0.5 apparently originates from interaction between the conduction electrons and structural two-level systems. Significant disorder in the As-Se substructure is inferred from X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe studies

    Magnetism and unconventional superconductivity in Cen_nMm_mIn3n+2m_{3n+2m} heavy-fermion crystals

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    We review magnetic, superconducting and non-Fermi-liquid properties of the structurally layered heavy-fermion compounds Cen_nMm_mIn3n+2m_{3n+2m} (M=Co, Rh, Ir). These properties suggest d-wave superconductivity and proximity to an antiferromagetic quantum-critical point.Comment: submitted 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT-23), Aug. 200

    Phase Diagram of the Two-Channel Kondo Lattice

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    The phase diagram of the two-channel Kondo lattice model is examined with a Quantum Monte Carlo simulation in the limit of infinite dimensions. Commensurate (and incommensurate) antiferromagnetic and superconducting states are found. The antiferromagnetic transition is very weak and continuous; whereas the superconducting transition is discontinuous to an odd-frequency channel-singlet and spin-singlet pairing state.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX and 4 PS figures (see also cond-mat/9609146 and cond-mat/9605109