139 research outputs found

    Wie kann frühe Gewaltprävention gelingen? Konzept und Evaluation des Mehrebenen-Programms "Prävention in KiTa und Schule" (PiKS)

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    PiKS (Prävention in KiTa und Schule) ist ein primärpräventives Mehrebenen-Programm zur Reduktion von Aggression und Gewalt unter Kindern. Besonderheiten von PiKS sind die theoriegestützte Konzeption und die individuelle Anpassung an die teilnehmenden Einrichtungen. Eine externe Programm-Managerin sichert eine umfassende und koordinierte Umsetzung. Die vorliegende Arbeit erläutert das Konzept des Programms und beschreibt die längsschnittliche Evaluation seiner Wirksamkeit in einem Vorher-Nachher-Kontrollgruppen-Design. Über zwei Jahre hinweg wurden Kinder, Eltern und Pädagoginnen an 10 KiTas und Grundschulen die am Programm teilnahmen (IG) mit entsprechenden Akteuren an 7 KiTas und Grundschulen ohne Programmteilnahme (KG) verglichen. Die Datenauswertung erfolgte unter Berücksichtigung der hierarchischen Datenstruktur anhand von Latent Change Modellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen in der IG im Vergleich zu der KG deutliche Hinweise auf die Reduktion von Aggression im Laufe der Projektlaufzeit. Auch die Zwischenziele des Programms (Schaffen von Problembewusstsein, aktive Beteiligung von Eltern und Pädagoginnen, klare und einheitlich umgesetzte Regeln für den sozialen Umgang sowie die Förderung sozial-emotionaler Kompetenzen der Kinder) konnten größtenteils erreicht werden. Da PiKS als theoretisch fundiert und empirisch wirksam beurteilt werden kann, kann eine Ausweitung des Programms auf weitere Einrichtungen empfohlen werden. So kann ein Beitrag zu der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Prävention von Aggression und Gewalt geleistet werden

    Partial Measurement Invariance: Extending and Evaluating the Cluster Approach for Identifying Anchor Items

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    When measurement invariance does not hold, researchers aim for partial measurement invariance by identifying anchor items that are assumed to be measurement invariant. In this paper, we build on Bechger and Maris’s approach for identification of anchor items. Instead of identifying differential item functioning (DIF)-free items, they propose to identify different sets of items that are invariant in item parameters within the same item set. We extend their approach by an additional step in order to allow for identification of homogeneously functioning item sets. We evaluate the performance of the extended cluster approach under various conditions and compare its performance to that of previous approaches, that are the equal-mean difficulty (EMD) approach and the iterative forward approach. We show that the EMD and the iterative forward approaches perform well in conditions with balanced DIF or when DIF is small. In conditions with large and unbalanced DIF, they fail to recover the true group mean differences. With appropriate threshold settings, the cluster approach identified a cluster that resulted in unbiased mean difference estimates in all conditions. Compared to previous approaches, the cluster approach allows for a variety of different assumptions as well as for depicting the uncertainty in the results that stem from the choice of the assumption. Using a real data set, we illustrate how the assumptions of the previous approaches may be incorporated in the cluster approach and how the chosen assumption impacts the results

    Using Sequence Mining Techniques for Understanding Incorrect Behavioral Patterns on Interactive Tasks

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    Interactive tasks designed to elicit real-life problem-solving behavior are rapidly becoming more widely used in educational assessment. Incorrect responses to such tasks can occur for a variety of different reasons such as low proficiency levels, low metacognitive strategies, or motivational issues. We demonstrate how behavioral patterns associated with incorrect responses can, in part, be understood, supporting insights into the different sources of failure on a task. To this end, we make use of sequence mining techniques that leverage the information contained in time-stamped action sequences commonly logged in assessments with interactive tasks for (a) investigating what distinguishes incorrect behavioral patterns from correct ones and (b) identifying subgroups of examinees with similar incorrect behavioral patterns. Analyzing a task from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies 2012 assessment, we find incorrect behavioral patterns to be more heterogeneous than correct ones. We identify multiple subgroups of incorrect behavioral patterns, which point toward different levels of effort and lack of different subskills needed for solving the task. Albeit focusing on a single task, meaningful patterns of major differences in how examinees approach a given task that generalize across multiple tasks are uncovered. Implications for the construction and analysis of interactive tasks as well as the design of interventions for complex problem-solving skills are derived

    Evaluation of Item Response Theory Models for Nonignorable Omissions

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    When competence tests are administered, subjects frequently omit items. These missing responses pose a threat to correctly estimating the proficiency level. Newer model-based approaches aim to take nonignorable missing data processes into account by incorporating a latent missing propensity into the measurement model. Two assumptions are typically made when using these models: (1) The missing propensity is unidimensional and (2) the missing propensity and the ability are bivariate normally distributed. These assumptions may, however, be violated in real data sets and could, thus, pose a threat to the validity of this approach. The present study focuses on modeling competencies in various domains, using data from a school sample (N = 15,396) and an adult sample (N = 7,256) from the National Educational Panel Study. Our interest was to investigate whether violations of unidimensionality and the normal distribution assumption severely affect the performance of the model-based approach in terms of differences in ability estimates. We propose a model with a competence dimension, a unidimensional missing propensity and a distributional assumption more flexible than a multivariate normal. Using this model for ability estimation results in different ability estimates compared with a model ignoring missing responses. Implications for ability estimation in large-scale assessments are discussed

    When Nonresponse Mechanisms Change: Effects on Trends and Group Comparisons in International Large-Scale Assessments

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    Mechanisms causing item nonresponses in large-scale assessments are often said to be nonignorable. Parameter estimates can be biased if nonignorable missing data mechanisms are not adequately modeled. In trend analyses, it is plausible for the missing data mechanism and the percentage of missing values to change over time. In this article, we investigated (a) the extent to which the missing data mechanism and the percentage of missing values changed over time in real large-scale assessment data, (b) how different approaches for dealing with missing data performed under such conditions, and (c) the practical implications for trend estimates. These issues are highly relevant because the conclusions hold for all kinds of group mean differences in large-scale assessments. In a reanalysis of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) data from 35 OECD countries, we found that missing data mechanisms and numbers of missing values varied considerably across time points, countries, and domains. In a simulation study, we generated data in which we allowed the missing data mechanism and the amount of missing data to change over time. We showed that the trend estimates were biased if differences in the missing-data mechanisms were not taken into account, in our case, when omissions were scored as wrong, when omissions were ignored, or when model-based approaches assuming a constant missing data mechanism over time were used. The results suggest that the most accurate estimates can be obtained from the application of multiple group models for nonignorable missing values when the amounts of missing data and the missing data mechanisms changed over time. In an empirical example, we furthermore showed that the large decline in PISA reading literacy in Ireland in 2009 was reduced when we estimated trends using missing data treatments that accounted for changes in missing data mechanisms.Peer Reviewe

    Psychometric modelling of longitudinal genetically informative twin data

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    The often-used A(C)E model that decomposes phenotypic variance into parts due to additive genetic and environmental influences can be extended to a longitudinal model when the trait has been assessed at multiple occasions. This enables inference about the nature (e.g., genetic or environmental) of the covariance among the different measurement points. In the case that the measurement of the phenotype relies on self-report data (e.g., questionnaire data), often, aggregated scores (e.g., sum–scores) are used as a proxy for the phenotype. However, earlier research based on the univariate ACE model that concerns a single measurement occasion has shown that this can lead to an underestimation of heritability and that instead, one should prefer to model the raw item data by integrating an explicit measurement model into the analysis. This has, however, not been translated to the more complex longitudinal case. In this paper, we first present a latent state twin A(C)E model that combines the genetic twin model with an item response theory (IRT) model as well as its specification in a Bayesian framework. Two simulation studies were conducted to investigate 1) how large the bias is when sum–scores are used in the longitudinal A(C)E model and 2) if using the latent twin model can overcome the potential bias. Results of the first simulation study (e.g., AE model) demonstrated that using a sum–score approach leads to underestimated heritability estimates and biased covariance estimates. Surprisingly, the IRT approach also lead to bias, but to a much lesser degree. The amount of bias increased in the second simulation study (e.g., ACE model) under both frameworks, with the IRT approach still being the less biased approach. Since the bias was less severe under the IRT approach than under the sum–score approach and due to other advantages of latent variable modelling, we still advise researcher to adopt the IRT approach. We further illustrate differences between the traditional sum–score approach and the latent state twin A(C)E model by analyzing data of a two-wave twin study, consisting of the answers of 8,016 twins on a scale developed to measure social attitudes related to conservatism

    Commentary: On the Importance of the Speed-Ability Trade-Off When Dealing With Not Reached Items

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    A Commentary on: On the Importance of the Speed-Ability Trade-Off When Dealing With Not Reached Items by Tijmstra, J., and Bolsinova M. (2018). Front. Psychol. 9:964. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00964 In their 2018 article, (T&B) discuss how to deal with not reached items due to low working speed in ability tests (Tijmstra and Bolsinova, 2018). An important contribution of the paper is focusing on the question of how to define the targeted ability measure. In this note, we aim to add further aspects to this discussion and to propose alternative approaches

    Using Response Times for Joint Modeling of Careless Responding and Attentive Response Styles

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    Questionnaires are by far the most common tool for measuring noncognitive constructs in psychology and educational sciences. Response bias may pose an additional source of variation between respondents that threatens validity of conclusions drawn from questionnaire data. We present a mixture modeling approach that leverages response time data from computer-administered questionnaires for the joint identification and modeling of two commonly encountered response bias that, so far, have only been modeled separately—careless and insufficient effort responding and response styles (RS) in attentive answering. Using empirical data from the Programme for International Student Assessment 2015 background questionnaire and the case of extreme RS as an example, we illustrate how the proposed approach supports gaining a more nuanced understanding of response behavior as well as how neglecting either type of response bias may impact conclusions on respondents’ content trait levels as well as on their displayed response behavior. We further contrast the proposed approach against a more heuristic two-step procedure that first eliminates presumed careless respondents from the data and subsequently applies model-based approaches accommodating RS. To investigate the trustworthiness of results obtained in the empirical application, we conduct a parameter recovery study

    Testing Students with Special Educational Needs in Large-Scale Assessments – Psychometric Properties of Test Scores and Associations with Test Taking Behavior

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    Assessing competencies of students with special educational needs in learning (SEN-L) poses a challenge for large-scale assessments (LSAs). For students with SEN-L, the available competence tests may fail to yield test scores of high psychometric quality, which are—at the same time—measurement invariant to test scores of general education students. We investigated whether we can identify a subgroup of students with SEN-L, for which measurement invariant competence measures of adequate psychometric quality may be obtained with tests available in LSAs. We furthermore investigated whether differences in test-taking behavior may explain dissatisfying psychometric properties and measurement non-invariance of test scores within LSAs. We relied on person fit indices and mixture distribution models to identify students with SEN-L for whom test scores with satisfactory psychometric properties and measurement invariance may be obtained. We also captured differences in test-taking behavior related to guessing and missing responses. As a result we identified a subgroup of students with SEN-L for whom competence scores of adequate psychometric quality that are measurement invariant to those of general education students were obtained. Concerning test taking behavior, there was a small number of students who unsystematically picked response options. Removing these students from the sample slightly improved item fit. Furthermore, two different patterns of missing responses were identified that explain to some extent problems in the assessments of students with SEN-L.Peer Reviewe

    Combining Clickstream Analyses and Graph-Modeled Data Clustering for Identifying Common Response Processes

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    Complex interactive test items are becoming more widely used in assessments. Being computer-administered, assessments using interactive items allow logging time-stamped action sequences. These sequences pose a rich source of information that may facilitate investigating how examinees approach an item and arrive at their given response. There is a rich body of research leveraging action sequence data for investigating examinees’ behavior. However, the associated timing data have been considered mainly on the item-level, if at all. Considering timing data on the action-level in addition to action sequences, however, has vast potential to support a more fine-grained assessment of examinees’ behavior. We provide an approach that jointly considers action sequences and action-level times for identifying common response processes. In doing so, we integrate tools from clickstream analyses and graph-modeled data clustering with psychometrics. In our approach, we (a) provide similarity measures that are based on both actions and the associated action-level timing data and (b) subsequently employ cluster edge deletion for identifying homogeneous, interpretable, well-separated groups of action patterns, each describing a common response process. Guidelines on how to apply the approach are provided. The approach and its utility are illustrated on a complex problem-solving item from PIAAC 2012
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