26 research outputs found

    (I) A Declarative Framework for ERP Systems(II) Reactors: A Data-Driven Programming Model for Distributed Applications

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    To those who can be swayed by argument and those who know they do not have all the answers This dissertation is a collection of six adapted research papers pertaining to two areas of research. (I) A Declarative Framework for ERP Systems: • POETS: Process-Oriented Event-driven Transaction Systems. The paper describes an ontological analysis of a small segment of the enterprise domain, namely the general ledger and accounts receivable. The result is an event-based approach to designing ERP systems and an abstract-level sketch of the architecture. • Compositional Specification of Commercial Contracts. The paper de-scribes the design, multiple semantics, and use of a domain-specific lan-guage (DSL) for modeling commercial contracts. • SMAWL: A SMAll Workflow Language Based on CCS. The paper show

    SMAWL: A SMAll Workflow Language based on CCS

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    prolonged debate in the workflow community about the relative suitability of Petri nets versus π-calculus as a formal foundation for workflow languages. Here we demonstrate how to build a workflow language based on CCS (a predecessor of π-calculus). To facilitate comparison with other approaches SMAWL is designed to be able to express the same 20 patterns that originally led to the design of the Petri net-based workflow language YAWL by van der Aalst and ter Hofstede. After an initial example of a SMAWL program, some design considerata are discussed, and the constructs of the language are presented along with excerpts of the compositional source-level translation to CCS.

    Reactors: A data-oriented synchronous/asynchronous programming model for distributed applications

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    AbstractOur aim is to define the kernel of a simple and uniform programming model–the reactor model–which can serve as a foundation for building and evolving internet-scale programs. Such programs are characterized by collections of loosely-coupled distributed components that are assembled on the fly to produce a composite application. A reactor consists of two principal components: mutable state, in the form of a fixed collection of relations, and code, in the form of a fixed collection of rules in the style of Datalog. A reactor’s code is executed in response to an external stimulus, which takes the form of an attempted update to the reactor’s state. As in classical process calculi, the reactor model accommodates collections of distributed, concurrently executing processes. However, unlike classical process calculi, our observable behaviors are sequences of states, rather than sequences of messages. Similarly, the interface to a reactor is simply its state, rather than a collection of message channels, ports, or methods. One novel feature of our model is the ability to compose behaviors both synchronously and asynchronously. Also, our use of Datalog-style rules allows aspect-like composition of separately-specified functional concerns in a natural way

    What are “good outcomes” in Public mental health settings? A qualitative exploration of clients’ and therapists’ experiences

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    Background The mental health field sees a surge of interest in Routine Outcome Monitoring, mandated by a wish to help better those not-on-track to recovery. What constitutes positive outcomes for these patients is not fully understood. Aims To contribute knowledge into what constitutes meaningful outcome concepts in the experiences of patients with long and complex mental health suffering and treatment, and the clinicians who work to help them. Methods A qualitative in-depth study of 50 participants’ experiences. Data are collected through focus groups and individual interviews, and analyzed using a team based structured thematic analytic approach. Results We found an overarching theme of outcome as an ongoing process of recovery, with the four constituent themes: (1) strengthening approach patterns for new coping; (2) embodying change reflected by others; (3) using new understandings developed in dialogue; and (4) integrating collaborative acceptance. Conclusions We discuss our findings in light of existing empirical studies and different recovery concepts, and suggest that if outcomes monitoring is to become an integral part of routine practice, it might be beneficial to integrate an understanding of outcomes as ongoing processes of recovery within mental health suffering into these systems