135 research outputs found

    Gambaran Kadar Albumin Serum Pada Vegetarian Lacto-ovo

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    : Vegetarian lacto-ovo is one of three large groups of vegetarians, where this type eating vegetable foodstuffs and abstained all kinds of meat, but still consumes milk and eggs. Vegetarian diet which regularly planned well, provide many health benefits. On the other hand, vegetarian potentially at risk of suffering from various diseases macro and micro nutrient deficiencies, for example, is protein. Albumin, which is one of the three major groups of plasma protein, globulin and fibrinogen in addition, contributes up to 80% of the osmotic pressure of plasma. Albumin can be obtained from meat, eggs, soy beans, nuts, and seeds. The levels of serum albumin is an important prognostic indicators because there is a correlation between the levels of serum albumin with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Methods: The purpose of this study is to describe serum albumin levels in lacto-ovo vegetarians. This cross-sectional study was conducted in September 2015- January 2016. Sampling using total sampling method performed at the University of Klabat Airmadidi, with 25 respondents. Results: From the results of laboratory tests, 20 subjects (80%) with normal serum albumin levels, and 5 subjects (20%) with high levels of serum albumin. Conclusion: Based on the results, we can conclude that serum albumin levels in lacto-ovo vegetarian mostly normal

    Perbandingan Kadar Besi Darah Sebelum Dan Sesudah Aktivitas Fisik Intensitas Berat

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    : Human body needs various substances to function properly; one of which is micronutrient. Iron is one of the micronutrients required by the body that is involved in several body processes including hemoglobin formation, energy metabolism, and immune system. Iron can be excreted through feces, urine, and sweat which could increase as a result of doing vigorious physical activity. This study aimed to compare blood iron level before and after vigorous intensity exercise. This was a pre-experimental study with one group pre-test post-test approach. Respondents were chosen by using simple random sampling method. The vigorous intensity exercise was playing futsal for 2 x 20 minutes and a 10-minute rest without any subtitution. The results showed that the mean of blood iron levels before vigorous intensity exercise was 83.86 ug/dL and after the exercise was 84.95 ug/dL. The analysis using paired-samples t-test showed a P value = 0.595. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between blood iron level before and after vigorous physical activity

    Gambaran Kadar Asam Urat Darah Pada Pekerja Kantor

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    : Prolonged hyperuricemia is the cause of gout arthritis, which has become one of burden diseases in the wide society. Several conditions can increase hyperuricemia and one of that conditions is insulin resistance associated with decreased physical activity. People with low physical activity like office workers have a higher risk of hyperuricemia. This study was aimed to describe the level of blood uric acid among office workers. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design using total sampling method to obtain respondents. The results showed that there were 52 respondents in this study. Thirty eight respondents (79,1%) had normal blood uric acid level and 14 respondents (26,9%) had high blood uric acid level. The average of blood uric acid level was 6,09 mg/dL,the median was 6.15 mg/dL, the minimum and maximum values were 3 mg/dL and 9,36 mg/dL respectively, and the standard of deviation was 1,615 mg/dL. Of 14 respondents with high blood uric acid level, one was female (7.1%) and the rest were males (92.9%). Conclusion: The majority of office workers had normal blood uric acid

    Gambaran Kadar Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (Sgpt) Pada Perokok Aktif Usia > 40 Tahun

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    : According to the World Health Organization In 2009, Indonesia was the third rank with the world's highest rate of smokers. Cigarette smoke triggers the onset of free radicals in very high amounts. By the time when the people pass through the age of 40 years, the amount of antioxidants in the body was decreased so that the free radicals are increased and causing the oxygenation and nutrition to the liver was disturbed. SGPT was an enzyme which will come out of the liver cells when the liver cells were damaged and then automatically increasing its amount in the blood serum. This study aimed to determine how many SGPT serum on the active smokers at age > 40 years old. This was a cross - sectional descriptive study. The total sample in this study were 28 samples. The results showed that the samples were 25 males and 3 females. There are 21 samples had normal SGPT with mild - moderate smoker category, and 7 samples had high levels of SGPT with heavy smoker category. Conclusion: Based on the result of the study can be concluded that the description of the SGPT level in active smoker at age > 40 years old in Kolombo village zone IV RT 04 which include mild - moderate smoker category in normal range, while the heavy smoker had high levels of SGPT

    Gambaran Kadar Apolipoprotein B (APO-B) Serum Pada Vegetarian Lacto-ovo

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    : Lacto-ovo vegetarian is the most common type of vegetarians in society. This type of vegetarian does not consume fish and meats, except eggs, milk, and its products. Apolipoprotein is a protein component of lipoprotein. Plasma lipoprotein is a complex macromolecule with a spherical form consists of specific lipid and protein. Apolipoprotein B (APO-B) is a main apolipoprotein in low density lipoprotein (LDL). It is also found in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicron. This study was aimed to obtain the description of serum apolipoprotein B (APO-B) levels in lacto-ovo vegetarians. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. There were 15 respondents from Vihara Mandalatama Matreiya Manado obtained by using total sampling method. The results showed that 8 respondents (53.3%) had normal serum APO-B levels, 4 respondents (26.6%) had low serum APO-B levels, and 3 respondents (20%) had high serum APO-B levels. Conclusion: The majority of lacto-ovo vegetarians had normal levels of serum apolipoprotein B

    Development and validation of an 8-item version of the Real Relationship Inventory–Client form

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    Objective: To develop and validate a very brief version of the 24-item Real Relationship Inventory–Client (RRI-C) form.Method: Two independent samples of individual psychotherapy patients (Nsample1=700, Nsample2=434) completed the RRI-C along with other measures. Psychometric scale shortening involved exploratory factor analysis, item response theory analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and multigroup CFA. Reliability and convergent and discriminant validity of the scale and subscales were also assessed.Results: The 8-item RRI-C (RRI-C-SF) preserves the two-factor structure: Genuineness (k=4, α=.86) and Realism (k=4, α=.87), which were correlated at r=.74. CFA provided the following fit indices for the bifactor model: X2/df=2.16, CFI=.99, TLI=.96, RMSEA=.07, and SRMR=.03. Multigroup CFA showed that the RRI-C-SF was invariant across in-person and remote session formats. The RRI-C-SF demonstrated high reliability (α=.91); high correlation with the full-length scale (r=.96); and excellent convergent and discriminant validity with measures of other elements of the therapeutic relationship, personality characteristics, current mental health state, and demographic-clinical variables. Clinical change benchmarks were calculated to serve as valuable tools for both research and clinical practice.Conclusion: The RRI-C-SF is a reliable measure that can be used for both research and clinical purposes. It enables a nuanced assessment of the genuineness and the realism dimensions of the real relationship
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