118 research outputs found

    Planet formation from the ejecta of common envelopes

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    The close binary system NN Serpentis must have gone through a common envelope phase before the formation of its white dwarf. During this phase, a substantial amount of mass was lost from the envelope. The recently detected orbits of circumbinary planets are likely inconsistent with planet formation before the mass loss.We explore whether new planets may have formed from the ejecta of the common envelope and derive the expected planetary mass as a function of radius.We employed the Kashi & Soker model to estimate the amount of mass that is retained during the ejection event and inferred the properties of the resulting disk from the conservation of mass and angular momentum. The resulting planetary masses were estimated from models with and without radiative feedback. We show that the observed planetary masses can be reproduced for appropriate model parameters. Photoheating can stabilize the disks in the interior, potentially explaining the observed planetary orbits on scales of a few AU. We compare the expected mass scale of planets for 11 additional systems with observational results and find hints of two populations, one consistent with planet formation from the ejecta of common envelopes and the other a separate population that may have formed earlier. The formation of the observed planets from the ejecta of common envelopes seems feasible. The model proposed here can be tested through refined observations of additional post-common envelope systems. While it appears observationally challenging to distinguish between the accretion on pre-existing planets and their growth from new fragments, it may be possible to further constrain the properties of the protoplanetary disk through additional observations of current planetary candidates and post-common envelope binary systems.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted at A&

    The quest for companions to post-common envelope binaries IV: The 2:1 mean-motion resonance of the planets orbiting NN Serpentis

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    We present 69 new mid-eclipse times of the young post-common envelope binary (PCEB) NN Ser, which was previously suggested to possess two circumbinary planets. We have interpreted the observed eclipse-time variations in terms of the light-travel time effect caused by two planets, exhaustively covering the multi-dimensional parameter space by fits in the two binary and ten orbital parameters. We supplemented the fits by stability calculations for all models with an acceptable chi-square. An island of secularly stable 2:1 resonant solutions exists, which coincides with the global chi-square minimum. Our best-fit stable solution yields current orbital periods P_o = 15.47 yr and P_i = 7.65 yr and eccentricities e_o = 0.14 and e_i = 0.22 for the outer (o) and inner (i) planets, respectively. The companions qualify as giant planets, with masses of 7.0 M_Jup and 1.7 M_Jup for the case of orbits coplanar with that of the binary. The two-planet model that starts from the present system parameters has a lifetime greater than 10^8 yr, which significantly exceeds the age of NN Ser of 10^6 yr as a PCEB. The resonance is characterized by libration of the resonant variable Theta_1 and circulation of omega_i-omega_o, the difference between the arguments of periapse of the two planets. No stable non-resonant solutions were found, and the possibility of a 5:2 resonance suggested previously by us is now excluded at the 99.3% confidence level.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Spectroscopic binaries in the Solar Twin Planet Search program: from substellar-mass to M dwarf companions

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    Previous studies on the rotation of Sun-like stars revealed that the rotational rates of young stars converge towards a well-defined evolution that follows a power-law decay. It seems, however, that some binary stars do not obey this relation, often by displaying enhanced rotational rates and activity. In the Solar Twin Planet Search program we observed several solar twin binaries, and found a multiplicity fraction of 42%±6%42\% \pm 6\% in the whole sample; moreover, at least three of these binaries (HIP 19911, HIP 67620 and HIP 103983) clearly exhibit the aforementioned anomalies. We investigated the configuration of the binaries in the program, and discovered new companions for HIP 6407, HIP 54582, HIP 62039 and HIP 30037, of which the latter is orbited by a 0.060.06 M⊙_\odot brown dwarf in a 1-month long orbit. We report the orbital parameters of the systems with well-sampled orbits and, in addition, the lower limits of parameters for the companions that only display a curvature in their radial velocities. For the linear trend binaries, we report an estimate of the masses of their companions when their observed separation is available, and a minimum mass otherwise. We conclude that solar twin binaries with low-mass stellar companions at moderate orbital periods do not display signs of a distinct rotational evolution when compared to single stars. We confirm that the three peculiar stars are double-lined binaries, and that their companions are polluting their spectra, which explains the observed anomalies.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The D/H Ratio in the Interstellar Medium toward the White Dwarf PG0038+199

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    We determine the D/H ratio in the interstellar medium toward the DO white dwarf PG0038+199 using spectra from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), with ground-based support from Keck HIRES. We employ curve of growth, apparent optical depth and profile fitting techniques to measure column densities and limits of many other species (H2, NaI, CI, CII, CIII, NI, NII, OI, SiII, PII, SIII, ArI and FeII) which allow us to determine related ratios such as D/O, D/N and the H2 fraction. Our efforts are concentrated on measuring gas-phase D/H, which is key to understanding Galactic chemical evolution and comparing it to predictions from Big Bang nucleosynthesis. We find column densities log N(HI) = 20.41+-0.08, log N(DI)=15.75+-0.08 and log N(H2) = 19.33+-0.04, yielding a molecular hydrogen fraction of 0.14+-0.02 (2 sigma errors), with an excitation temperature of 143+-5K. The high HI column density implies that PG0038+199 lies outside of the Local Bubble; we estimate its distance to be 297 (+164,-104)pc (1 sigma). D/[HI+2H2] toward PG0038+199 is 1.91(+0.52,-0.42) e-5 (2 sigma). There is no evidence of component structure on the scale of Delta v > 8 km/s based on NaI, but there is marginal evidence for structure on smaller scales. The D/H value is high compared to the majority of recent D/H measurements, but consistent with the values for two other measurements at similar distances. D/O is in agreement with other distant measurements. The scatter in D/H values beyond ~100pc remains a challenge for Galactic chemical evolution.Comment: 59 pages, 7 tables, 18 figures (1 standalone), accepted by ApJ v2 minor typos correcte

    The temporal evolution of neutron-capture elements in the Galactic discs

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    Important insights into the formation and evolution of the Galactic disc(s) are contained in the chemical compositions of stars. We analysed high-resolution and high signal to noise HARPS spectra of 79 solar twin stars in order to obtain precise determinations of their atmospheric parameters, ages (σ\sigma∌\sim0.4 Gyr) and chemical abundances (σ\sigma<<0.01~dex) of 12 neutron-capture elements (Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, and Dy). This valuable dataset allows us to study the [X/Fe]-age relations over a time interval of ∌\sim10 Gyr and among stars belonging to the thin and thick discs. These relations show that i) the ss-process has been the main channel of nucleosynthesis of nn-capture elements during the evolution of the thin disc; ii) the thick disc is rich in rr-process elements which suggests that its formation has been rapid and intensive. %; iii) a chemical continuity between the thin and thick discs is evident in the abundances of Ba. In addition, the heavy (Ba, La, Ce) and light (Sr, Y, Zr) ss-process elements revealed details on the dependence between the yields of AGB stars and the stellar mass or metallicity. Finally, we confirmed that both [Y/Mg] and [Y/Al] ratios can be employed as stellar clocks, allowing ages of solar twin stars to be estimated with an average precision of ∌\sim0.5~Gyr
