3,846 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Efficiency PETSc and PETIGA Libraries in Solving the Problem of Crystal Growth

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    We present an analysis of high performance computational method for solving the problem of crystal grows. The method uses PETSc and PETIGA C-language based libraries and supports parallel computing. The evolution of calculation process was studied in series of special computations are obtained on innovative mobile cluster platform, which provides exclusive system tuning abilities. The results of research confirm the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm on multi-core computer systems and allow us to recommend the use of PETSc and PETIGA for solving high order differential equations

    Numerical scheme for solution of an approximation of Saint-Venant equation

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    In the work [4] the Saint-Venant's one-dimensional differential model and kinematic approximation describing the free movement of water in an open channel is under consideration. This model is widely used for the calculation of the flow of rivers in the various fields of engineering. Quality of engineering projects depends on the accuracy and speed of the mathematical calculations. This paper presents a promising method for the numerical solution of one approximation of the Saint-Venant's model. © 2014 Ilya Starodumov

    Modeling and simulation of heat/mass transport, nucleation and growth kinetics in phase transformations

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    The present theme issue is devoted to recent trends and research directions in the phase transformation phenomena occurring in metastable and heterogeneous materials. All papers are concerned with modern theories, experiments, and computer simulations in the wide area of phase transformations. Particular attention is paid to traditional research domains representing the theoretical background for recent simulations and experiments that are as well specifically highlighted herein. Such rapidly developing research directions as phase-field modeling, laser treatment of surfaces, nanostructures, and influence of external fields on the microstructure formation are specially covered in this issue. © 2020, EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Simulation of electromagnetic parameters in a laboratory installation

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    The paper devoted to the numerical simulation of electromagnetic and heat transfer processes in laboratory installation with two concentric cylindrical electrodes and liquid metal. The electromagnetic and temperature fields of laboratory installation are presented. The results obtained for the laboratory installation can be used in the metallurgical industry for the simulation and optimization of electrometallurgical furnaces. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The authors acknowledge the support of the Russian Science Foundation under the project no. 19-79-00118

    Simulation of the electromagnetic processes in a metallurgical furnace with two bottom electrodes

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    The paper presented electromagnetic processes occurring in an ore reduction furnace with two bottom electrodes. The physical and mathematical formulations of the problem are given, as well as the methodology and algorithm for the numerical simulation of the problem. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The authors acknowledge the support of the Russian Science Foundation under the project no. 19-79-00118

    Distillation optimization: Parameterized relationship between feed flow rate of a steady-state distillation column and heat duties of reboiler and condenser

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    The paper considers the problem of maximum efficiency for the system of distillation columns. Columns in such systems are connected in parallel or sequential way. The mixture being separated is assumed to be close to ideal one. Authors parameterize the relationship between feed flow rate and heat duties of a steady-state binary distillation column using two parameters: the reversible efficiency and the irreversibility coefficient. This relationship is later being used to solve the problems of optimal distribution of heat and feed flows within the system. The results obtained allow one to estimate minimum heat energy demand for distillation of the given feed flow, maximum performance, and efficiency of the system. © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, RSCF: 20-61-46013This work is supported by RSCF Grant 20-61-46013

    Influence of joule heat and heat of electric arc on the vortex flow in DC arc furnace

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    The paper devoted to the numerical simulation of processes in DC electric arc furnaces with the bottom electrode. These furnaces have shown higher efficiency, low heat loss, lower components wear and higher quality of steel production. The biggest disadvantage of such furnaces is a high rate of fettle wear near the bottom electrode that connected with electrovortex flow. Electrovortex flows appearing under electromagnetic forces as a result of non-homogeneous distribution of the current density through the liquid conductor. This effect can be observed in many technological processes: Electro slag remelting process (including DC and AC metallurgical furnaces, electrolysis cells and submerged-resistor induction furnaces), arc welding, processes of semiconductor crystals growing, electro vortex engines etc. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-79-00118The research was supported by Russian Science Foundation (project No. 19-79-00118)

    Stochastic Model of Virus–Endosome Fusion and Endosomal Escape of pH-Responsive Nanoparticles

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    In this paper, we set up a stochastic model for the dynamics of active Rab5 and Rab7 proteins on the surface of endosomes and the acidification process that govern the virus–endosome fusion and endosomal escape of pH-responsive nanoparticles. We employ a well-known cut-off switch model for Rab5 to Rab7 conversion dynamics and consider two random terms: white Gaussian and Poisson noises with zero mean. We derive the governing equations for the joint probability density function for the endosomal pH, Rab5 and Rab7 proteins. We obtain numerically the marginal density describing random fluctuations of endosomal pH. We calculate the probability of having a pH level inside the endosome below a critical threshold and therefore the percentage of viruses and pH-responsive nanoparticles escaping endosomes. Our results are in good qualitative agreement with experimental data on viral escape. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: S.F. and N.K. were funded by EPSRC Grant No. EP/V008641/1. D.A. and I.S. were funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project No. 075-15-2021-1002)

    Obtaining Vortex Formation in Blood Flow by Particle Tracking: Echo-PV Methods and Computer Simulation

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    Micrometer-sized particles are widely introduced as fluid flow markers in experimental studies of convective flows. The tracks of such particles demonstrate a high contrast in the optical range and well illustrate the direction of fluid flow at local vortices. This study addresses the theoretical justification on the use of large particles for obtaining vortex phenomena and its characterization in stenotic arteries by the Echo Particle Velocimetry method. Calcite particles with an average diameter of 0.15 mm were chosen as a marker of streamlines using a medical ultrasound device. The Euler–Euler model of particle motion was applied to simulate the mechanical behavior of calcite particles and 20 µm aluminum particles. The accuracy of flow measurement at vortex regions was evaluated by computational fluid dynamics methods. The simulation results of vortex zone formation obtained by Azuma and Fukushima (1976) for aluminum particles with the use of the optical velocimetry method and calcite particles were compared. An error in determining the size of the vortex zone behind of stenosis does not exceed 5%. We concluded that the application of large-size particles for the needs of in vitro studies of local hemodynamics is possible. © 2023 by the authors.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 22-71-10071This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-71-10071)