13 research outputs found

    Systematics and evolution of the Australian Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    This thesis investigates the drivers of fruit fly speciation in Australia. Utilising genetic and fossil data, a dated phylogeny was produced and used to investigate trait evolution across the tribe. Morphological data was evaluated for its utility in phylogenetic reconstructions and found to have limited signal. Biogeographic analysis showed flies entered Australia from PNG, and into the Western Pacific from both PNG and Australia. Additionally, the study documented new fruit fly species, new distributions, and new lure records. The results help refine the taxonomy and systematics of the tribe and support future work in pest management

    New records and a description of a new species of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) from eastern Australia

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    The tropical fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae) fauna of Australia has been reasonably well studied using the male lures methyl eugenol and cue-lure. However, there has been little sampling of biodiverse Gondwanan rainforests of eastern Australia. Additionally, recently identified male lures have trapped new, or previously non-responsive species in northern Australia, south-east Asia and the Pacific. We wanted to determine if previously unknown species exist in these biodiverse and poorly sampled areas. Therefore, we conducted fruit fly trapping surveys using the male lures methyl eugenol, cue-lure, isoeugenol, methyl isoeugenol, dihydroeugenol, zingerone and protein baits. Trapping targeted previously known locations of rare species, and remnant Gondwanan forests of eastern Australia between 2017 and 2019. We recorded new distributions for “Bactrocera aurea” (May) and occurrences of rare species “Bactrocera mutabilis” (May) and “Bactrocera brunnea” (Perkins and May). This represented the first record of “Bactrocera brunnea” in over 25 years. Additionally, new lure responses were recorded for previously non-responsive “Bactrocera mutabilis”, and a single “Bactrocera phaleriae” (May); both trapped with isoeugenol. Bactrocera (Bactrocera) clarkei sp. n., is described from Couchy Creek Nature Reserve and the Border Ranges National Park, New South Wales

    Evaluation of identification methods for cryptic Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) specimens: combining morphological and molecular techniques

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    All COI and EIF3L sequences produced in this study were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers OR208262–OR208544, OQ547452–OG547739, OR554265, and OR197650–OR197700.International audienceThe potential for population genomics to elucidate invasion pathways of a species is limited by taxonomic identification issues. The Oriental fruit fly pest, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) belongs to a complex in which several sympatric species are attracted to the same lure used in trapping and are morphologically cryptic and/or reported to hybridize. In this study, we evaluated the taxonomic ambiguity between B. dorsalis and 2 major cryptic species, based on morphological expertise and 289 target specimens sampled across the whole distribution range. Specimens were then subjected to DNA sequence analyses of the COI mitochondrial barcode and the EIF3L nuclear marker to evaluate the potential for molecular identification, in particular for specimens for which morphological identification was inconclusive. To this aim, we produced reference datasets with DNA sequences from target specimens whose morphological identification was unambiguous, which we complemented with 56 new DNA sequences from closest relatives and 76 published and curated DNA sequences of different species in the complex. After the necessary morphological observation, about 3.5% of the target dataset and 47.6% of the specimens from Southeast Asian islands displayed ambiguous character states shared with B. carambolae and/or B. occipitalis. Critical interpretation of DNA sequence data solved morphological ambiguities only when combining both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. COI discriminated B. dorsalis from 5 species; EIF3L and ITS from another species. We recommend this procedure to ensure correct identification of B. dorsalis specimens in population genetics studies and surveillance programs

    Evaluation of identification methods for cryptic Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) specimens: combining morphological and molecular techniques

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    The potential for population genomics to elucidate invasion pathways of a species is limited by taxonomic identification issues. The Oriental fruit fly pest, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) belongs to a complex in which several sympatric species are attracted to the same lure used in trapping and are morphologically cryptic and/or reported to hybridize. In this study, we evaluated the taxonomic ambiguity between B. dorsalis and 2 major cryptic species, based on morphological expertise and 289 target specimens sampled across the whole distribution range. Specimens were then subjected to DNA sequence analyses of the COI mitochondrial barcode and the EIF3L nuclear marker to evaluate the potential for molecular identification, in particular for specimens for which morphological identification was inconclusive. To this aim, we produced reference datasets with DNA sequences from target specimens whose morphological identification was unambiguous, which we complemented with 56 new DNA sequences from closest relatives and 76 published and curated DNA sequences of different species in the complex. After the necessary morphological observation, about 3.5% of the target dataset and 47.6% of the specimens from Southeast Asian islands displayed ambiguous character states shared with B. carambolae and/or B. occipitalis. Critical interpretation of DNA sequence data solved morphological ambiguities only when combining both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. COI discriminated B. dorsalis from 5 species; EIF3L and ITS from another species. We recommend this procedure to ensure correct identification of B. dorsalis specimens in population genetics studies and surveillance programs

    A comprehensive phylogeny helps clarify the evolutionary history of host breadth and lure response in the Australian Dacini fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The tribe Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae) contains over 930 recognised species and has been widely studied due to the economic importance of some taxa, such as the Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis. Despite the attention this group has received, very few phylogenetic reconstructions have comprehensively sampled taxa from a single biogeographic region, thereby limiting our capacity to address more targeted evolutionary questions. To study the evolution of diet breadth and male lure response, two key traits fundamental to understanding dacine diversity and the biology of pest taxa, we analysed 273 individuals representing 144 described species from Australia (80% continental coverage), the Pacific, and select close relatives from South-east Asia to estimate a dated molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of the Dacini. We utilised seven loci with a combined total of 4,332 nucleotides, to estimate both Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenies of the tribe. Consistent with other molecular phylogenies of the tribe, there was a high level of disagreement between the placement of species in the phylogeny and their current subgeneric and species-complex level taxonomies. The Australian fauna exhibit high levels of endemism, with radiations of both exclusively Australian clades, and clades that originate elsewhere (e.g. the Bactrocera dorsalis species group). Bidirectional movement of species has occurred between Papua New Guinea and Australia, with evidence for multiple incursions over evolutionary time. The Bactrocera aglaiae species group emerged sister to all other Bactrocera species examined. Divergence time estimates were ∌ 30 my younger than previously reported for this group, with the tribe diverging from its most recent common ancestor ∌ 43 mya. Ancestral trait reconstruction and tests for trait phylogenetic signal revealed a strong signal for the evolution of male lure response across the tree, with cue-lure/raspberry ketone lure response the ancestral trait. Methyl eugenol response has arisen on multiple, independent occasions. The evolution of host breadth exhibited a weaker signal; yet, basal groups were more likely to be host specialists. Both the evolution of lure response and host fruit use provide predictive information for the outbreak management of understudied pest fruit flies for which direct inference of these features may be lacking. Our results, which parallel those of earlier research into the closely-related African Dacus spp., demonstrate how geographically focussed taxon coverage allows Dacini phylogenetics to more explicitly test evolutionary hypotheses, thereby progressing our understanding of the evolution of this highly diverse and recently-radiated group of flies

    Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for detection of the New Guinea fruit fly Bactrocera trivialis (Drew) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The cue-lure-responding New Guinea fruit fly, Bactrocera trivialis, poses a biosecurity risk to neighbouring countries, e.g., Australia. In trapping programs, lure caught flies are usually morphologically discriminated from non-target species; however, DNA barcoding can be used to confirm similar species where morphology is inconclusive, e.g., Bactrocera breviaculeus and B. rufofuscula. This can take days—and a laboratory—to resolve. A quicker, simpler, molecular diagnostic assay would facilitate a more rapid detection and potential incursion response. We developed LAMP assays targeting cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 3 Subunit L (EIF3L); both assays detected B. trivialis within 25 min. The BtrivCOI and BtrivEIF3L assay anneal derivatives were 82.7 ± 0.8 °C and 83.3 ± 1.3 °C, respectively, detecting down to 1 × 101 copies/”L and 1 × 103 copies/”L, respectively. Each assay amplified some non-targets from our test panel; however notably, BtrivCOI eliminated all morphologically similar non-targets, and combined, the assays eliminated all non-targets. Double-stranded DNA gBlocks were developed as positive controls; anneal derivatives for the COI and EIF3L gBlocks were 84.1 ± 0.7 °C and 85.8 ± 0.2 °C, respectively. We recommend the BtrivCOI assay for confirmation of suspect cue-lure-trapped B. trivialis, with BtrivEIF3L used for secondary confirmation when required

    A comprehensive phylogeny helps clarify the evolutionary history of host breadth and lure response in the Australian Dacini fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The tribe Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae) contains over 930 recognised species and has been widely studied due to the economic importance of some taxa, such as the Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis. Despite the attention this group has received, very few phylogenetic reconstructions have comprehensively sampled taxa from a single biogeographic region, thereby limiting our capacity to address more targeted evolutionary questions. To study the evolution of diet breadth and male lure response, two key traits fundamental to understanding dacine diversity and the biology of pest taxa, we analysed 273 individuals representing 144 described species from Australia (80% continental coverage), the Pacific, and select close relatives from South-east Asia to estimate a dated molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of the Dacini. We utilised seven loci with a combined total of 4,332 nucleotides, to estimate both Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenies of the tribe. Consistent with other molecular phylogenies of the tribe, there was a high level of disagreement between the placement of species in the phylogeny and their current subgeneric and species-complex level taxonomies. The Australian fauna exhibit high levels of endemism, with radiations of both exclusively Australian clades, and clades that originate elsewhere (e.g. the Bactrocera dorsalis species group). Bidirectional movement of species has occurred between Papua New Guinea and Australia, with evidence for multiple incursions over evolutionary time. The Bactrocera aglaiae species group emerged sister to all other Bactrocera species examined. Divergence time estimates were ∌ 30 my younger than previously reported for this group, with the tribe diverging from its most recent common ancestor ∌ 43 mya. Ancestral trait reconstruction and tests for trait phylogenetic signal revealed a strong signal for the evolution of male lure response across the tree, with cue-lure/raspberry ketone lure response the ancestral trait. Methyl eugenol response has arisen on multiple, independent occasions. The evolution of host breadth exhibited a weaker signal; yet, basal groups were more likely to be host specialists. Both the evolution of lure response and host fruit use provide predictive information for the outbreak management of understudied pest fruit flies for which direct inference of these features may be lacking. Our results, which parallel those of earlier research into the closely-related African Dacus spp., demonstrate how geographically focussed taxon coverage allows Dacini phylogenetics to more explicitly test evolutionary hypotheses, thereby progressing our understanding of the evolution of this highly diverse and recently-radiated group of flies